Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 664 The temptation to go home

【Looking for the True Treasure】The imminent threat of this rare treasure forced Zhou Yang to change his original plan and stay in Donghua Immortal City.

It is only now that he knows that he was able to escape safely a hundred years ago because the [Tongxuan Master] who held this treasure happened to be away from the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou, and went on a long journey.

In fact, it was because Ling Chao knew the news at that time that he dared to make up his mind to help him.

Now that [Reverend Tongxuan] has returned from a long journey and returned to the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou, he must no longer have that kind of fluke.

So under Ling Chao's recommendation, he went up to Donghua Fairy Mountain with him, and met Ling Zixu, the lord of Donghua Fairy Palace.

A hundred years ago, when Zhou Yang escaped from the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou, he had seen an incarnation of Ling Zixu.

At that time, the avatar had a mid-Yuanying cultivation base, and with its help, the seal restrictions planted by Lou Feifeng on Jiang Fengxian and Jiang Yufeng were broken.

Now he finally saw the true face of this Nascent Soul Ninth-Layer Great Cultivator.

Ling Zixu's real face was slightly different from the incarnation that Zhou Yang had seen back then. It looked much older than the avatar, but it looked much more majestic and powerful.

Zhou Yang couldn't help but compare with Lu Xuanji, a great cultivator of the same realm that he was most familiar with, and found that Ling Zixu made him feel better than Lu Xuanji.

Of course, this was just his feeling. After all, when Lu Xuanji was still alive, he was only at the Golden Core stage, so this feeling may not be accurate.

"Junior Zhou Yang, I have met Palace Master Ling."

After taking a brief look at Ling Zixu's face in front of him, he decisively closed his eyes, bowed his hands to him as a junior with a respectful expression.

Ling Zixu was more than 2,000 years older than him, and his cultivation level was also much higher than him. He didn't feel ashamed at all when he called "senior".

At the beginning, Yin Hanguang's Yuanying's mid-stage cultivation was still considered "senior" when facing Lu Xuanji, let alone him now.

However, in the face of his respect, Ling Zixu looked at him coldly without giving any face, and said coldly: "You Daoist Zhou dares to come to Donghua Immortal Palace at this time, isn't it afraid that Ling will suppress you? I took your seventh-order fairy weapon, and handed you over to the Yulong family and the [Changsheng Xianmeng]?"

Of course Zhou Yang thought about this possibility, so when Ling Chao said that he would bring him to Donghua Xianshan to meet Ling Zixu, he also hesitated.

After weighing the pros and cons, he still chose to meet Ling Zixu.

So when he heard Ling Zixu's straightforward words at this time, he was only slightly taken aback, and immediately said: "Senior Ling was joking, if you really have such thoughts, when this junior sends a message to Young Palace Master Ling, you It's time to call together the masters of Donghua Immortal Palace to surround the juniors, how could they wait until now."

"Then you guessed wrong. If Ling really did something to you, he would definitely choose to do it on the Donghua Fairy Mountain. In that case, no matter what backhands you have, you won't be able to leave here safely!"

Ling Zixu glanced at him meaningfully, and said pointedly.

Hearing this, Zhou Yang couldn't help but nodded with a wry smile and said: "Of course, there are many masters in Donghua Immortal Palace, and Senior Ling and his wife are even the ninth-level Nascent Soul monks who are powerful in the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou. If you really want to deal with the younger generation, this junior A little trick, of course, won't make any waves."

"As long as you know."

Ling Zixu said something lightly, then looked at him bluntly and asked: "Ling asked you, what is the origin of those two sixth-level demon kings who destroyed the Goddess Palace with you? Are you ready to cultivate secretly in the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou?"

Hearing this, Zhou Yang immediately replied: "Fellow Daoist Lei Yu and Fellow Daoist Lu Caixia are fellow daoists whom the younger generation has established in the world of cultivating immortals overseas. They have already decided to go to the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou with the younger generation. Settle down in the wild jungle and practice."

"If that's the case, it's best."

Ling Zixu's face softened, as if he had let go of some worries, he nodded slightly to reveal the matter.

Then his eyes flashed, and he looked at Zhou Yang with piercing eyes and asked: "Your Daoist Zhou's seventh-level fairy weapon, can you show it to Ling to have a look at it?"

"Since Senior Ling asked to see it, the junior naturally has no problem."

Zhou Yang smiled heartily, opened his mouth and sprayed, and summoned 【Suzaku Fan】.

Holding the scarlet feather fan in both hands, he handed it forward and made a "please" gesture.

Seeing this, Ling Zixu didn't intend to reach out to pick it up, but stared at the vermilion feather fan with blue eyes for a while, then waved his hand and said, "It's ok, fellow daoist, put this thing away."

Zhou Yang kept worrying, because Ling Zixu's words were finally put back in his stomach.

To be honest, despite the boldness he showed just now, he was secretly beating drums in his heart.

After all, this is a complete seventh-order fairy weapon!

A ten thousand year old monster like Mu Qingyun covets this thing and cannot get it.

Although Ling Zixu is the palace master of Donghua Immortal Palace, the ninth-level monk of Yuanying, who is in charge of the inherited immortal artifacts of Donghua Immortal Palace, he may not be greedy for this thing.

But now it seems that Ling Zixu is worthy of being the master of a powerful force, and in terms of courage and concentration, he is far from being comparable to Mu Qingyun and other monsters.

He took back the magic weapon and said respectfully: "I don't know what else you can order, senior?"

Hearing his words, Ling Zixu's eyes flickered with hesitation, and finally he looked at him curiously and asked: "According to what Ling knows, more than 90% of the remaining seventh-level immortal artifacts in this world are from ten thousand years ago. I don’t know if Zhou Daoyou can reveal which true immortal senior this object came from?”

"If someone else asked about this, Zhou would definitely not tell the truth, but since Senior Ling asked about it, Zhou would not hide it from Senior. ] hand!"

Zhou Yang looked at Ling Zixu, and answered the other party's question calmly and in a low voice.

Now, apart from him, the Thunder Feather Demon King, and Lu Caixia, the only ones who know this news are the East Sea Flood Dragon Clan and the Yulong Clan. It is expected that those two parties will not spread the news to the whole world of cultivators. .

After all, it is one thing to know that Zhou Yang has a seventh-order immortal weapon, but it is another thing to know that he has inherited the Taoist lineage of a true immortal in the Transcending Tribulation Period.

A seventh-order immortal weapon is at best a powerful magic weapon, but the Taoist inheritance of a true immortal in the tribulation period can become the cornerstone of a great power, and it is possible to create a party that will be passed down for thousands of years. top power.

The difference is that even a cultivator understands it.

"It turned out to be [Donglai Immortal]! I didn't expect Zhou Daoyou to be destined to go to [Donglai Immortal Island] to inherit the Taoist inheritance of that senior!"

Ling Zixu looked at Zhou Yang in shock, obviously also shocked by the news revealed in Zhou Yang's words.

Unexpectedly, after Zhou Yang heard his words, he was quite surprised that he knew the existence of [Donglai Immortal Island], and couldn't help saying in surprise: "Oh, Senior Ling also knows about [Donglai Immortal Island]?"

"Of course I know, the patriarch of our Donghua Immortal Palace [Donghua Immortal] had a very good relationship with [Donglai Immortal] at the beginning, and he has been invited by him to [Donglai Immortal Island] to participate in the Fairy Conference many times. It is recorded in the handbook left by the patriarch, and the palace masters of all generations must read it!"

Ling Zixu looked at Zhou Yang with splendor in his eyes, and whispered the whole story.

Zhou Yang couldn't help but change his expression when he heard his words, but he remembered the three immortals' discussion meeting recorded in [Xuanguangying Mirror]. 】.

Thinking of this, he immediately took out the [Xuanguang Mirror], called out the image of [Donghua Immortal] preaching at the Three Immortals Discussion Meeting inside, and then pointed the mirror to Ling Zixu and said : "Senior Ling, please look, the senior in this mirror is the patriarch of your sect?"

"It is indeed the fairy face of Patriarch Donghua. I didn't expect Ling to listen to Patriarch's preaching in this way!"

Ling Zixu looked at the Taoist figure in Tsing Yi in the mirror with complicated eyes, and let out a long sigh with emotion all over his face.

Then he straightened his face, looked at Zhou Yang seriously, and said, "Zhou Daoyou, Ling has something to ask, and I hope Zhou Daoyou must agree."

Zhou Yang's face changed when he heard the words, and he couldn't help asking: "What Senior Ling said, did you mean the re-engraving of the video of the patriarch of your sect preaching?"

"That's right, Ling just wants to record the video of the patriarch's preaching, so that the core disciples of the sect can look up at the patriarch's fairy face and listen to the patriarch's sermon!"

Ling Zixu nodded, frankly admitting the matter.

Zhou Yang immediately stated: "In this case, the junior is willing to fully cooperate with the senior."

"Then thank you, Fellow Daoist Zhou."

As Ling Zixu said, he even took out an orb that also has the function of recording and recording sound, and recorded the scene of [Donghua Zhenren] preaching at the meeting of the three immortals in the [Xuanguangying Mirror].

After this matter was done, Ling Zixu put away the magic weapon, looked at Zhou Yang with satisfaction and said, "Since Zhou Daoyou is the orthodox successor of [Donglai Zhenren], he is a friend of our Donghua Immortal Palace. The matter of Fellow Daoist returning to the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou will be left to Ling."

Hearing what he said, Zhou Yang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He hurriedly bowed his hands and said: "With Senior Ling's words, this junior is really relieved, thank you senior here first!"


Three months later, over the [Dongji Grassland] that separated the immortal world of Donghuazhou and the immortal world of Liuyunzhou, a blue flying boat came from east to west and flew towards the immortal world of Liuyunzhou on the west side of the grassland. .

On the cyan flying boat, a man, two women and three people stood at the bow, admiring the grassland scenery below in a relaxed manner.

These three people are Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian's mother and daughter who have safely escaped from the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou.

It turned out that after Ling Zixu agreed to help send Zhou Yang back to the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou, he quickly took out three [Empty Escape Talismans] made from the leaves of the [Empty Mulberry Tree] and handed them to him and Jiang Fengxian and his mother and daughter.

[Empty Mulberry Tree] is a sixth-order spiritual wood, and it is a sixth-order spiritual wood that contains space attributes. In terms of value, it is no worse than the [Red Emperor Fire Mulberry Tree] in the Nine Immortals Palace.

The only [empty mulberry tree] in the "Linghuan Realm" is now planted in Donghua Immortal Palace, which is a well-deserved "treasure of the palace" of his sect.

And after using the [Empty Escape Talisman] refined from the leaves of the [Empty Mulberry Tree], an isolated space can be formed within one foot of the user, completely isolating the monk's breath, and will not be tracked by any tracking techniques.

Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian's mother and daughter, through the teleportation array of Donghua Immortal Palace that spreads over half of the Donghua Continent's world of cultivating immortals, they teleported more than a dozen times in just one hour, and directly teleported to a place in the west of the world of cultivating immortals in Donghua Continent. The secret base of Donghua Immortal Palace, and then used the [Escape Talisman] to isolate the breath, and was led by the [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] all the way westward into the [East Pole Grassland].

This continued for seven days, and by the time the effect of the [Escape Talisman] dissipated, they had penetrated into the [East Pole Grassland] for more than two million miles.

At this time, even if [Tongxuan Master] uses the rare treasure [Xunzhen Treasure Mirror] to determine his position, it will be difficult to catch up with him.

"It is recorded in the classics that [East Pole Grassland] is 3.2 million miles from east to west. We have flown over two-thirds of the grassland area now, and we will be able to fly out of the grassland to Liuyun Island in about ten days at most. It's fairyland!"

On the cyan flying boat, Zhou Yang overlooked the boundless grassland below, thinking that he would be able to return to the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou soon, and seeing his wife and children whom he hadn't seen for a hundred years, he felt indescribably happy.

The [Dongji Grassland] in his mouth, that is, the vast and endless grassland below them, is a forbidden place for immortal cultivators that separates the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou and the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou.

The spiritual energy on this grassland is extremely thin, and there are very few spiritual veins, and there are also low-level spiritual veins of the very low grade. It has never been heard that there are fourth-grade spiritual veins.

Moreover, there is often a blue strange wind blowing on the grassland. Once the immortal cultivator is caught by the blue strange wind, the mana in his body will be blocked, and then he will be drawn into the sky by thousands of feet or even thousands of feet with the wind.

If you're lucky, someone will be able to recover a life by landing on the water when they finally fall.

But most of the unlucky people were thrown to the ground alive.

Fortunately, Nascent Soul stage monks are not within the scope of the ban. Even if they are within the strange wind, they can still use mana, but the mana that can be used is relatively small.

Zhou Yang and the others flew all the way, and also experienced dozens of blue strange wind attacks. Every time, he first took his daughter Jiang Yufeng, who was only at the sixth level of Jindan, into the [Dongxuan Orb], and then practiced with Jiang Fengxian. In order to survive the attack of the blue strange wind.

Because of the threat of the blue strange wind, although there are no powerful monsters or aliens on the [Dongji Grassland], it still successfully separated the communication between the two major immortal worlds of Donghuazhou and Liuyunzhou. Infant monks, or those who are supported by Nascent Soul monks, can cross this grassland and reach the opposite world of cultivating immortals.

But even so, compared with the three forbidden areas occupied by monsters and alien races, such as the Duanyun Mountain Range, the Wild Jungle, and the Boundless Snowfield, this [East Pole Grassland] has become the easiest forbidden area to pass through, Liu Yunxiu The communication between the top beings in the Immortal Realm and Donghuazhou Immortal Cultivation Realm is therefore much more convenient and frequent than Liuyun Continent Cultivation Realm and other Immortal Cultivation Realms.

Thirteen days later, Zhou Yang and his party successfully crossed the entire [Dongji Grassland] and returned to the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou.

After more than 20 days passed like this, the cyan flying boat finally stopped outside Chongxuan Mountain.

"Here we are, let's go down."

On the blue flying boat, Zhou Yang looked excitedly at the spiritual mountain in front of him that he had fought, and turned his head to extend an invitation to Jiang Fengxian, mother and daughter beside him.

Hearing his words, Jiang Fengxian was better, at least she didn't show any strangeness on her face.

But Jiang Yufeng's pretty face was tense, and her fingers were clenched tightly, extremely nervous.

Women only affect my typing speed! Today, my mother arranged a blind date. At night, I was chatting with my sister while coding. The speed is really not fast at all! So this chapter is short!

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