Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 665 I'm Unworthy! 【Subscribe】

Because Zhou Yang didn't give any notice in advance, when the blue flying boat stopped outside Chongxuan Mountain, it really made the monks on the mountain feel like they were facing an enemy. Surprised, he walked out of the cave to check the situation.

When it was discovered that the person outside the mountain was Zhou Yang who had been away for hundreds of years, except for Lan Cailian, Xiao Ying and Lu Xuewei flew out of Lingshan in an instant with excitement.

The Taoist couple who reunited after a long absence naturally have a lot to say.

And Zhou Yang also needed a private space to officially introduce Jiang Fengxian's mother and daughter, so he just greeted Lu Xuewei, Wang Yanzhang and other apprentices, and then brought the three daughters into the cave.

"Ying'er, this is the Fengxian I told you about, and this is Yufeng, the daughter of me and Fengxian."

In the cave mansion, Zhou Yang and the three women sat down in the living room, first raised their hands, and directly explained the identities of Jiang Fengxian's mother and daughter to Taoist Xiao Ying.

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the three of them to speak, he said to Jiang Fengxian's mother and daughter: "Fengxian, Feng'er, this is my Taoist companion Xiao Ying, you should all know each other."

The atmosphere suddenly became a little delicate.

After Zhou Yang finished speaking, the three women all stared at each other, but no one answered immediately.

When he saw this situation, his face was slightly embarrassed. He opened his mouth, wanting to say something to break the atmosphere, but he didn't know how to speak.

Although he had made an agreement with Jiang Fengxian's mother and daughter as early as halfway, he also obtained the consent of the mother and daughter to meet this time.

And Xiao Ying here, as early as a hundred years ago, when he left Liuyunzhou's world of cultivating immortals, he also had a showdown to explain the whole story.

It can be said that both parties have sufficient understanding of each other's situation, not all of them are completely ignorant of each other.

But after waiting for this day, the three women all seemed to have forgotten their promise to him, and they did not form a harmonious family as he wished.

It can only be said that although he is smart and wise, he still doesn't understand women after all.

At this time, in order not to make himself too ugly, he could only wink at his Taoist companion Xiao Ying desperately, hoping that his Taoist companion would understand and understand his difficulties, and tolerate himself again.

"Sister Fengxian is really beautiful, beautiful and beautiful, if the concubine is a man, I will definitely be attracted by my sister!"

Xiao Ying looked at Jiang Fengxian's stunning beauty with splendor in her eyes, and she exclaimed with a smile on her face, finally breaking the silent atmosphere.

"Sister Xiao Ying is absurdly praised. Hue is just a foreign object, like the moon in water, or a flower in a mirror. It can only confuse people's eyes. A gentle, charming, beautiful and intelligent woman like my sister is more valued by men. This concubine status Far inferior to my sister!"

Jiang Fengxian smiled faintly, glanced at the man next to him as if pointing something, and there was a hint of self-deprecating in his words.

Zhou Yang could only lower his head slightly in embarrassment, as if he didn't hear it.

Fortunately, Jiang Fengxian was still concerned about his face after all, and he didn't go too far. After clicking to the end, he said to the tense-looking daughter Jiang Yufeng next to him: "Feng'er, don't sit there, first greet your Aunt Xiao." , present the gift we prepared for her."

"The child obeys."

Jiang Yufeng responded, and hurriedly stepped forward to salute Xiao Yingfu: "My little girl, Jiang Yufeng, met Aunt Xiao. This is a gift specially prepared by my little girl and mother for Aunt Xiao. I hope Auntie will like it."

After speaking, he took out two jade boxes from the storage ring and handed them to Xiao Ying.

Inside these two jade boxes, one contains the seventeen [Yimu Lingzhu] that Jiang Fengxian congealed for Xiao Ying on the [Donglai Immortal Island], and the other contains the [Holy Infant Fruit] that she got in the Kunxu Realm. They are all useful treasures for Xiao Ying.

Seeing this, Xiao Ying's eyes flickered, and she couldn't help looking at Zhou Yang. After seeing Zhou Yang's eyes indicating that she would accept it, she took the jade box with a wry smile and said, "Sister Fengxian is too polite, can you come here?" The concubine is already very happy to be a guest at Xuanshan Mountain, what else is there to prepare as a gift? I didn't prepare any presents for my sister!"

She said so, but quickly called out her natal artifact [Rejuvenation Immortal Bottle], took out three drops of [Rejuvenation Immortal Dew] from it, put it into a jade bottle, handed it to Jiang Yufeng and said: "Auntie doesn't have any other good things to give you as a gift, Feng'er. The only thing you can get on your body is [Rejuvenation Fairy Dew]. I hope Feng'er, you don't think the things that Auntie gave you are shabby!"

Jiang Yufeng had already seen the miraculous effect of [Rejuvenating Fairy Dew] from Zhou Yang, so she understood the value of Xiao Ying's gift, and hurriedly saluted again and said, "Thank you, Auntie, for the gift."

After exchanging gifts, the atmosphere finally turned to the scene Zhou Yang wanted to see, and he finally dared to speak out and intervene.

After communicating like this for about two hours, Jiang Fengxian offered to take a rest, and then took her daughter Jiang Yufeng to live in another cave on the mountain, so that Zhou Yang and Xiao Ying, the Taoist couple who had been separated for hundreds of years, could have a real relationship. The private space tells each other heartfeltly and is frank.

"Husband, did my concubine embarrass you today?"

On Yuta, the two Taoist couples who have undergone some spiritual and physical cultivation are still close to each other, unwilling to separate.

Zhou Yang heard Taoist couple's words, he couldn't help but look up at her, and seeing her face full of anxiety, he smiled wryly and said: "It's not your fault, it's all because I think it's too good, and I want to share it with you." The blessing of human beings, of course, has to bear the relevant price!"

Hearing this, Xiao Ying couldn't help saying with a hint of resentment: "Actually, the husband should have told the concubine in advance. The husband didn't say anything, and suddenly came back with Sister Fengxian and a daughter, but Sister Fengxian was with her again. Husband has also become a Nascent Soul cultivator, so I really can't keep my mind and body from thinking about it!"

Of course Zhou Yang would not forget this matter, but Jiang Fengxian had told him clearly on the way that he would not let him notify Xiao Ying of her return in advance.

Although she didn't explain the reason, Zhou Yang's wisdom certainly understood that she still didn't fully believe his description of Xiao Ying, and wanted to test Xiao Ying's true inner reaction through this sudden attack.

Now the result of the test can be said to have come out, Xiao Ying's slightly jealous performance today is undoubtedly not as good as Zhou Yang's picture.

But Zhou Yang couldn't blame Xiao Ying for this, after all, as Xiao Ying said just now, if she didn't have any jealousy in the situation at that time, she would really be a saint in the middle school.

"Forget it, don't talk about it, let the past matter go, the result now is not too bad!"

Shaking his head helplessly, Zhou Yang didn't want to talk about this anymore, and was going to let it be revealed.

Seeing this, Xiao Ying's eyes flickered with sadness, but she was sensible and didn't ask any more questions. She followed his words and said, "Okay, then husband, please tell me about your experiences over the years. I'm also very curious. What kind of dangerous things did Sister Xian experience in the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou!"

Of course Zhou Yang would not refuse this, and immediately used concise words to narrate his experiences over the years.

He spoke very calmly, but Xiao Ying was shocked when he heard it, and couldn't help covering her small mouth several times and exclaiming.

After he finished speaking, he couldn't help but hugged him tightly and said, "God bless you, fortunately your husband has returned safely!"


Although Zhou Yang and Xiao Ying tried to persuade them to stay, Jiang Fengxian's mother and daughter stayed in Chongxuan Mountain for less than half a month before leaving.

Before leaving, Jiang Fengxian said that she would wait for Zhou Yang in the cave in the wild jungle for thirty years. After thirty years, she would go deep into the wild jungle and go to the territory of the wild alien race "Tianfeng Clan" to find the person she had never met before. biological father.

For this result, Zhou Yang said in his heart that he had no regrets, that would be a lie.

But he has already done everything he can do. Since Jiang Fengxian still can't let go of the pride in his heart, he can't force it, so he can only do it first.

After bidding farewell to Jiang Fengxian's mother and daughter, Zhou Yang really had time to learn about the situation of the Zhou family and those related to him during the hundred years since he left.

Let me talk about the situation of those who are close to him and have a deep relationship with him.

In the past hundred years, his Taoist companion Xiao Ying has raised his cultivation to the seventh level of the golden core, and his alchemy to the fifth level.

His son, Zhou Guangcheng, has now become a fifth-level cultivator in the Purple Mansion. Judging by his cultivation speed, he will probably be another Jiang Yufeng in the future.

As for his two apprentices, Lu Xuewei successfully promoted to the Golden Core stage without accident, and is currently at the second level of the Golden Core cultivation level, and has refined the natal magic weapon.

As for Wang Yanzhang, although his aptitude is a bit poor, a hundred years have passed, and his mistress Xiao Ying has given her help from time to time to help her practice elixir, and has also raised her cultivation level to the fourth floor of the Purple Mansion. The three floors of the mansion are repaired.

Besides, in the Zhou family, after a hundred years, Zhou Guangxiang and Zhou Guangxiang's brothers and sisters have passed away one after another. With the death of their brothers and sisters, the "Guang" generation of the Zhou family except Zhou Guangcheng, who has joined the Xuanyang Immortal Sect Besides, there is no one alive anymore.

It is indeed a great loss for the Zhou family that two Zifu period monks who have made great contributions to the Zhou family passed away. Fortunately, the younger generations of the Zhou family have also grown up at this time.

In just a hundred years, relying on the many pieces of [Purple Heart Chalcedony] left by Zhou Yang, and the chances of the Zhou family monks in Liuyunzhou's immortal cultivation world, the Zhou family has five more purple hearts. The monks in the prefecture period are Zhou Zelin, Zhou Ronghua, Zhou Shengyu, Zhou Wanshuang, and Zhou Wancheng.

In addition to the three Zifu period monks, Zhou Tongxuan, Zhou Shengfan, and Zhou Shenghan, the Zhou family now only has eight Zifu period monks.

And this still does not count the data of the Zhou family branch in the world of cultivating immortals in the extreme west.

As for the number of foundation-building monks, the Zhou family now has 73 foundation-building monks from all branches of the Zhou family, and 28 foreign relatives.

These data also do not count the data of the Zhou family branches in the Immortal Cultivation Realm in the Far West, nor those Zhou family members who joined the Xuanyang Immortal Sect and other Cultivation sects.

It can be said that today's Zhou family, even without counting Zhou Yang, a Nascent Soul cultivator, has truly become a big family that can be passed down for thousands of years, and has truly possessed the background and power of a big family.

"By the way, fellow Taoist Liu Yunxiang of the Suyun Sect also successfully conceived a baby more than seventy years ago. At that time, my husband was not there, and my concubine took her husband's place to participate in her Nascent Soul Ceremony. She also said that she was very grateful to her husband for his help back then. , and is willing to give the Zhou family a disciple quota, and is willing to accept a female cultivator from the Zhou family as her disciple."

In the cave, Xiao Ying seemed to have remembered something, and suddenly whispered this matter to Zhou Yang who was reading a list of Zhou family members above the foundation stage in detail, which surprised Zhou Yang slightly.

"Oh, did Fellow Daoist Liu successfully conceive a baby?"

Zhou Yang couldn't help but put down the list in his hand, and looked at the Taoist companion in surprise.

Xiao Ying nodded slightly, and said with emotion on her face: "Yes, Daoist Liu succeeded in conceiving a baby, which caused a lot of disturbance in [Xuanqing Dao League] at that time, and because of her success in conceiving a baby, Suyun Sect leapt into the ranks." You have entered the ranks of the sect, and now fellow Taoist Liu is moving around, hoping to get a top-quality spirit stone from the two major sects of Xuanyang Xianzong and Yuqing Daozong, so as to promote the spiritual vein of Suyunzong Mountain Gate to the sixth rank!"

"Even if the Xuanyang Immortal Sect and the Yuqing Dao Sect have stocks of such treasures as top-grade spirit stones, they probably don't have much in stock. Daoyou Liu has just been conceived for less than a hundred years. If you want to achieve this, I'm afraid there is not much hope!"

Zhou Yang shook his head slightly, not optimistic about what Xiao Ying said.

If he hadn't obtained two top-grade spirit stones from the relics of [Donglai Daoist], if he wanted to obtain treasures of this level, unless he exchanged them with a sixth-order magic weapon, it couldn't be an ordinary sixth-order magic weapon. device.

As for the two top-grade spirit stones, one has been used by him as the driving energy of the sixth-order puppet, and has consumed a lot of spiritual power, and the other is reserved for use when he hits the middle stage of Nascent Soul in the future.

As for the almost exhausted top-grade spirit stone that was taken out from the sixth-order puppet, he had buried it on Donglai Xianshan for recharging, and it would not be possible to fully restore its spiritual power within hundreds of years.

"The concubine is not clear."

Xiao Ying shook her head slightly, but she couldn't provide more information for Zhou Yang's reference.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang didn't talk about this topic any more, and continued to look at the various materials in his hand.

He has been away for hundreds of years, and Zhou Tongxuan, the head of the Zhou family, will regularly collect the affairs of the Zhou family into a book and send them to Chongxuan Mountain for Xiao Ying to check, and it is also convenient for him to check when he comes back.

Through these information jade slips, even if he didn't need to call Zhou Tongxuan over, he could still understand the current situation of the Zhou family by 80% or 90%.

After reading all the information in this way, Zhou Yang decided what to do next according to the situation.

He first called Lan Cailian who was still on Chongxuan Mountain to talk in the cave alone.

"Fellow Daoist Lan, for the past hundred years, Chongxuan Mountain has been safe and sound thanks to fellow Daoist Lan's help in guarding it. Zhou now wants to represent the Zhou family and formally invite you to become an elder with a different surname in the Zhou family. I don't know Daoist Lan's friendship. How about next?"

Inside the cave, Zhou Yang looked at Lan Cailian who was restrained in front of him, and with a gentle face, he whispered his intention to call her over.

No matter which world of cultivating immortals they are in, Golden Core cultivators can do well. A casual Golden Core cultivator like Lan Cailian is a target that many powerful forces are willing to win over.

Of course Zhou Yang also wanted to win over such a young and promising Jindan stage monk for the Zhou family.

Lan Cailian, who has practiced in Chongxuan Mountain for a hundred years, is already very familiar with the situation of the Zhou family, and she is also very clear about the benefits she can gain if she joins the Zhou family.

At this time, Zhou Yang, a Nascent Soul cultivator, personally invited her. She hesitated for a moment, and then respectfully responded: "Thanks to Senior Zhou's attention, this junior is very grateful, and I am willing to do my best for the Zhou family."

"Okay, with the words of Fellow Daoist Lan, Zhou can feel relieved."

Zhou Yang shouted happily, and with a wave of his hand, he rewarded Lan Cailian with two water-attribute fifth-order magical artifacts and a bottle of fifth-order elixir with advanced cultivation.

"These artifacts and elixir will be treated as fellow daoist Lan's rewards for joining the Zhou family, and fellow daoists will be treated in full accordance with the treatment of the golden core elders of the Zhou family in the future. You will never treat fellow daoist badly."

Seeing this, Lan Cailian immediately saluted with joy on her face, "Thank you for the treasure, senior."

After recruiting Lan Cailian, Zhou Yang called the two apprentices together to have a conversation and bestow treasures.

Lu Xuewei already has [Taiyin Zanpaku Dao], a fifth-rank top-grade magic weapon, and her natal magic weapon [Ice Soul Profound Orb] is also a treasure for both offense and defense. This time, Zhou Yang gave her a fifth-level top-grade defense method Weapons, two [Golden Thread Blood Apricot], ten [Blood Dragon Rice], and a stack of fifth-order talismans.

Wang Yanzhang is a cultivator of the Purple Mansion, and the magic weapons in his hands are all high-quality goods given by Zhou Yang at the beginning. This time, Zhou Yang gave him a fifth-level low-grade demon pill, a fifth-level magic weapon, and a [golden thread] Blood apricot], three talisman treasures, and a stack of fifth-order talismans.

By the way, Zhou Yang also helped this not-so-talented apprentice use [Qianyang Xianguang] to temper his physique and get rid of the erysipelas in his body.

But that's all he can do. With Wang Yanzhang's aptitude, unless there is some fortuitous encounter, there is little hope for him to form an alchemy.

Not long after, Master Qingyang, who learned that Zhou Yang had returned as a baby, personally brought his apprentice Zhou Guangcheng to Chongxuan Mountain.

"I didn't expect that Zhou Xiaoyou is already a member of my generation after only a hundred years. The speed of my cultivation really makes the old Taoist feel ashamed!"

On Chongxuan Mountain, Master Qingyang personally confirmed Zhou Yang's identity as a monk in the Nascent Stage, and then looked at him with a look of emotion in amazement.

Among the monks that Zhou Yang knew now, besides Taoist Xiao Ying, Master Qingyang was the only one who watched him grow up from a small foundation-building monk.

When Master Qingyang successfully conceived a baby, Zhou Yang was only a mid-stage Foundation Establishment monk, weak as an ant in front of him.

Now, more than five hundred years later, Master Qingyang's cultivation has just reached the third level of Nascent Soul, but Zhou Yang is already a monk of the Nascent Soul Stage who is in the same level as him.

It's also because of his extremely high mental state that he didn't lose his composure too much.

If it were a cultivator with a poor state of mind, he would probably be out of balance and scold perverts at this time.

"Everything is just a coincidence. A monk like Senior Qingyang who has stepped up step by step is truly admirable."

Zhou Yang shook his head modestly, he didn't have any arrogance because of his success in conceiving a baby, on the contrary, he didn't hide his admiration for Master Qingyang.

Master Qingyang heard the words, but he waved his hands with a wry smile and said: "Little friend is already a member of my generation, so you might as well call him a fellow Taoist from now on, this old man is ashamed to call you senior!"

Hearing what he said, Zhou Yang immediately said with a straight face: "Senior, you are serious. In the heart of this junior, you have always been a respectable and trustworthy senior in the cultivation world. This junior can discuss friendship with other Nascent Soul stage monks, but In front of seniors, juniors will always be juniors!"

These words, Zhou Yang said righteous words, completely from the heart, without a trace of hypocrisy.

After Master Qingyang heard this, he felt very useful and happy in his heart, so he was no longer humble, and acquiesced with a smile.

Then he naturally had to inquire about Zhou Yang's trip to the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou, especially about Jiang Fengxian. When he learned about Jiang Fengxian's relationship with Zhou Yang, the smile on his face became brighter.

After Zhou Yang finished what he thought he could say, he gently stroked his long beard under his chin, and asked tentatively: "Since my little friend has successfully conceived a baby, this Chongxuan Mountain is not suitable for you to continue. I have practiced, I wonder what my little friend plans in the future?"

Hearing this, Zhou Yang's eyes flickered, and he immediately said with a sad face: "The junior is also worried about this matter. With the junior's cultivation base, only by cultivating on the sixth-order spiritual veins can he maintain a normal cultivation speed, but this The sixth-order spiritual veins in the world of cultivating immortals have already been occupied by the major forces and those rogue cultivators, and the younger generation has just successfully conceived, so even if they want to compete with them, it will be difficult to compete with them!"

"Indeed, although my little friend is very talented, after all, he has just conceived a baby, and he has not yet had time to practice some great supernatural powers, and he has not yet had time to replace his magic weapons. It is indeed very difficult to snatch the sixth-order Lingshan from the hands of monks who have been married for many years!"

Master Qingyang nodded slightly, agreeing with Zhou Yang's words.

Then there was a flash of light in his eyes, and he suddenly smiled and said: "But this is not without a solution. Didn't you make an agreement with the old Taoist at the beginning? If you can successfully conceive a baby in the future, you are willing to be my Xuanyang Immortal Sect's guest minister. Take the post of elder."

"If you become the guest elder of my Xuanyang Immortal Sect, my sect will naturally have the responsibility to prepare a suitable cultivation cave for you to practice."

"Even my friend's confidante, Jiang Fengxian Daoist, can use this method to obtain a sixth-level cave in my Xuanyang Xianzong!"

Zhou Yang fell silent when he heard Master Qingyang's words.

After passing like this for a long time, he said in the eyes of Master Qingyang: "Senior Qingyang and Senior Lu have saved the younger generation, and the younger generation can't be today without the help of the two seniors. Shang Cheng'er has joined the senior's family again, and the junior has no objection to being appointed as the elder of Xuanyang Xianzong's guest minister."

After speaking, without waiting for Master Qingyang to show a smile, he shook his head slightly and said: "It's just that Fengxian's side can't do it. She and the younger generation once discovered a sixth-level cave in the overseas immortal world. Wait for the matter here to be dealt with." After that, I will go there to practice.”

Hahaha, sure enough, codewriters are not worthy of love! The blind date is blown, the woman looks down on me, aha, make money and take care of yourself, save worry and effort!

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