Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 666 Returning Home 【Subscription】

Of course Master Qingyang regretted not being able to bring Jiang Fengxian into the Xuanyang Immortal Sect, but he was very happy that Zhou Yang could keep his promise to serve as the elder of the Xuanyang Immortal Sect.

In today's Xuanyang Xianzong, the number of monks in the Nascent Soul Stage is still a little less. Although these years have strengthened the investment in resources for those Jindan Elders who are expected to conceive babies, but if you want to see results, it is not just a short period of one or two years. You can see it in a hundred years.

In order to maintain the number of top monks in the sect before cultivating a sufficient number of monks in the Nascent Soul stage, recruiting Zhou Yang, an outsider with a deep relationship with the sect, to serve as the elder of Keqing Taishang is undoubtedly a good supplementary means .

It's just that Ke Qing, the Supreme Elder, always wears the word "Ke Qing", so it is impossible to get the treatment of a real Supreme Elder.

If the Xuanyang Immortal Sect Golden Core stage monks succeed in conceiving a baby, not only will they be able to immediately obtain at least one sixth-order magic weapon from the sect, but they can also open a cave on the Xuanyang Peak and use all kinds of treasures in the sect's treasury at will. , Browse the various supernatural powers of the sect that are only open to the elders and the secrets of the world of cultivating immortals.

But now, Zhou Yang has only received a sixth-level cave on the "Huohua Mountain", a sixth-level low-grade spiritual mountain to which Xuanyang Xianzong belongs. He can enter the treasure house of Xuanyang Xianzong and choose three treasures at will, as well as a piece of high-level spiritual treasure every year. The welfare of the stone is enshrined.

Of course, these are only substantive benefits, and there are many hidden benefits that are not included.

For example, Ke Qing Taishang Elder will get a 30% discount on consumption in the sect industry to which Xuanyang Xianzong belongs. You can also use the information system of Xuanyang Xianzong to help you collect relevant information, and give priority to buying some special pills that are not easy to flow out Spiritual objects, as well as various hidden benefits such as recommending outstanding juniors to join the Xuanyang Immortal Sect without taking the test.

Although these benefits are not as good as the real elders, they are still attractive enough.

In fact, there are quite a few Keqing Taishang elder monks who want to become a top sect like Xuanyang Xianzong, but Xuanyang Xianzong does not accept everyone.

The main reason why Zhou Yang could so easily become the elder of the Xuanyang Immortal Sect's Ke Qing was that he had been associated with the Xuanyang Immortal Sect since the foundation period. Request, there is another son who is pregnant with [Xuanyang spirit body] in Xuanyang Xianzong.

After finalizing the fact that Zhou Yang became the elder of Xuanyang Immortal Zong Keqing, Master Qingyang exchanged with him some secret information about the cultivation world of Liuyunzhou that only monks in the Yuanying stage could know, and gave him several jade slips.

The Jade Slips recorded the information collected by the Xuanyang Immortal Sect on well-known Nascent Soul cultivators from all over the world, including the personalities and preferences of those Nascent Soul cultivators and their proficiency in supernatural powers.

This can be regarded as one of the benefits of being the elder of Xuanyang Immortal Zong Keqing. With these materials, when Zhou Yang encounters the Nascent Soul stage monks recorded above, he will not be taboo because he doesn’t know the other party’s preferences. Before you know it, you will take on hatred with others.

Even if he really had an enemy or had to fight for a certain treasure, knowing the opponent's information in advance would undoubtedly help him gain many advantages in the battle.

After staying in Chongxuan Mountain for three days, Master Qingyang left apprentice Zhou Guangcheng to be close to his parents, and returned to Xuanyang Immortal Sect alone.

It's just that Zhou Yang didn't have time to get close to his son whom he hadn't seen for a hundred years, and other monks who heard that he had returned from conceiving a baby also came to congratulate him one after another.

"After the concubine successfully conceived a baby, she was often complacent about it, thinking that she surpassed many ancestors in my sect, and achieved something that more than ten generations of ancestors in my sect failed to do."

"However, after seeing Fellow Daoist Zhou today, I just realized that compared to a real person like You Daoist who is a dragon, phoenix, and heavenly genius, this little achievement I have achieved is not worth mentioning!"

On Chongxuan Mountain, Liu Yunxiang, the elder of Suyunzong who came to visit Zhou Yang after hearing the news, stared blankly at Zhou Yang who had the same cultivation level as himself, and then shook his head with a wry smile. Not light.

She is also a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage, she succeeded in conceiving a baby in her nine hundred years old, while Zhou Yang succeeded in conceiving a baby in her six hundred years old.

She even felt embarrassed to say something, that is, she thought that after she successfully conceived a baby, she could take care of Zhou Yang's family in order to repay Zhou Yang's kindness to Suyunzong.

But now it seems that it may be difficult for her to repay that kindness so easily.

She had seen Zhou Yang's supernatural powers during his Golden Core Stage. Now that both of them are new Nascent Soul Stage monks who conceived within a hundred years, she thought she would never be Zhou Yang's opponent.

"Liu Daoyou is serious, Zhou has so much virtue and ability, but he dare not be such a praise as a fellow Daoist."

Zhou Yang smiled and waved his hands, not taking Liu Yunxiang's praise seriously.

He also knew his family affairs from his own family, and he was able to successfully conceive a baby, most of the credit should be attributed to those few auxiliary baby conceiving spirits.

And with Suyunzong's background, Liu Yunxiang could prepare a [Conception Pill] when she conceived a baby, which would be the best.

Even so, Liu Yunxiang was able to successfully conceive a baby, and she did something that Suyunzong's more than ten generations of ancestors failed to do, which shows her ability.

After flattering each other and being modest, the two sat down as guests and hosts, and Liu Yunxiang curiously asked Zhou Yang about the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou.

Zhou Yang also knows everything about this, as long as he can answer, he will try his best to answer for the other party and form a good relationship.

After such a question and answer, half a day later, Liu Yunxiang suddenly changed the subject, looked at Zhou Yang with piercing eyes and asked: "Since Daoist Zhou has successfully conceived a baby, this little Chongxuan Mountain is no longer enough for the Taoist temple of the Dongfu." Fellow Daoist's identity is gone, I wonder what fellow Daoist Zhou thinks about the future Dongfu dojo?"

Zhou Yang was stunned when he heard her words, and after a while, he replied hesitantly: " tell the truth, before Fellow Daoist Liu came, Senior Qingyang Master from Xuanyang Immortal Sect had already visited After passing Chongxuan Mountain, Zhou also accepted his invitation and agreed to take the post of Grand Elder of Xuanyang Immortal Sect Guest Qing, and took a sixth-level cave in Xuanyang Immortal Sect as a place for future practice!"

Originally, this matter was to be announced at the Nascent Soul Ceremony that he would hold in the future, so he shouldn't have told others in advance at this time.

But Liu Yunxiang and him have an extraordinary friendship, and they are both members of [Xuanqing Daomeng], so letting the other party know about this matter is not a big deal.

As he expected, after hearing his words, Liu Yunxiang's face obviously showed a look of sadness.

"It's my concubine who is delusional. How can someone as powerful as Zhou Daoyou lack a good place to go?"

She shook her head with a wry smile, and looked at Zhou Yang with envy and said: "Xuanyang Xianzong is a top power with a long history. Fellow Taoists can be invited by them to become the elders of their sect. Envious of how many loose cultivators!"

Hearing her insincere words, Zhou Yang couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "It's because Senior Qingyang respects and trusts that Zhou has this opportunity!"

Then he paused, and still asked with concern: "Zhou heard from Ying'er that Fellow Daoist Liu has been working on the promotion of the sect's spiritual veins for these years. I wonder if there is any progress now?"

When Liu Yunxiang heard the words, she immediately lifted her spirits, looked at him with piercing eyes and said: "Since Fellow Daoist Zhou asked about this matter, I will not hide it from you. I came here this time because I originally wanted to invite you to help me. I'm doing myself a favor, but now that Fellow Daoist already has a good place to go, I don't know if I should talk about it again!"

Seeing this, Zhou Yang smiled boldly and said, "Fellow Daoist Liu, if you have something to say, you can just say it. Even if Zhou can't help you, maybe you can give you some advice."

Liu Yunxiang was waiting for his words.

Hearing the words, he immediately became overjoyed, and quickly said: "To be honest, fellow Taoist, after many years of running around, I have initially gained the trust of Yuqing Taoist Sect, as long as I can provide them with a sixth-level demon pill, they will I am willing to take out a top-quality spirit stone from the sect's treasure house and exchange it for my concubine."

After she finished speaking, she smiled embarrassingly and said, "My concubine came to see Daoist Zhou this time. Firstly, I came to congratulate you on the birth of a baby, and secondly, I wanted to invite you to help me with this matter."

"Exchanging a sixth-level demon pill for a top-grade spirit stone, Daoist Yuqing is not embarrassing Fellow Daoist Liu, but please forgive Zhou's blunt statement. With Fellow Daoist Liu's strength, it is too eager to attack the demon king of the same rank now! "

Zhou Yang shook his head slightly, and calmly analyzed: "What's more, at the level of the sixth-level demon king, everyone knows how to make other demon kings and think of alliances. If you touch a certain demon king, even if you can get away with it, you need to worry about it afterwards. Other demon kings come to take revenge, and in the end, the gain may outweigh the loss!"

He talked about Liu Yunxiang's strength, but he didn't include himself.

If he used the seventh-level fairy weapon [Suzaku Fan], most of the sixth-level low-level demon kings would not be able to survive his hands without special magical powers to defend themselves.

It's just that the seventh-order fairy weapon is very eye-catching even to a Nascent Soul cultivator like him, and it is easy to cause trouble.

Therefore, unless he had to, he didn't want people to know that he had a treasure of this level in his hands.

But Liu Yunxiang didn't hear this, but after listening to his words, she smiled helplessly: "Why doesn't the concubine know this, but the concubine is not like Zhou Daoyou, who can become a member of the top sect like Xuanyang Xianzong." If you can't get a suitable place to practice as soon as possible, if you can't get a suitable place to practice as soon as possible for the position of Ke Qing's Supreme Elder, I'm afraid I will have to stay at this level forever, and it will be difficult for me to make any progress!"

Zhou Yang couldn't help being silent.

He had just conceived a baby not long ago, and after he successfully conceived a baby, he has been in a place full of aura like [Donglai Xiandao], so he really doesn't have a deep feeling about this.

But Liu Yunxiang has been pregnant for 70 or 80 years, and she probably has already tasted enough of the hardships. Naturally, she is deeply touched by this and is eager to solve this problem.

A good Dongfu Dojo is more important to the long-lived Nascent Soul stage monks than many panaceas that can improve their cultivation.

Because the elixir can only improve one's cultivation level, but a good Dongfu dojo is related to the future path of monks in the Nascent Soul stage.

It's just that although he understands Liu Yunxiang's difficulty, Zhou Yang doesn't intend to expose his hole cards to help the other party solve this difficulty. The friendship between the two parties has not yet reached that stage.

And even from a practical point of view, for him now, whether Liu Yunxiang is on the first level of Nascent Soul or the third level of Nascent Soul, there is actually not much difference.

It was easy to hunt down the demon king for it, but it was not worthwhile to expose the fact that he was carrying a seventh-level fairy weapon, and thus arouse the concern and hatred of the powerful demon kings among the demon clan.

Therefore, after being silent for a while, he couldn't help saying apologetically: "Forgive me, fellow Daoist Liu, Zhou has just returned from home for a hundred years, and there are still many things in the family that Zhou needs to deal with. Go hunt the demon king!"

"I understand what Zhou Daoyou means. If I were myself, I would probably make the same choice as Zhou Daoyou. It's a pity that I have no choice!"

At the end of Liu Yunxiang's speech, she sighed with a look of disappointment on her face.

Before she came, she still had a lot of expectations for this matter. After all, she thought that Zhou Yang, who had successfully conceived a baby, would definitely encounter the same difficulties as her.

The two cooperated to help Suyunzong's mountain gate spiritual veins advance to the sixth level. She could leave a cave for Zhou Yang on the mountain, and she could also let Zhou Yang help guard the mountain gate by the way. Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?

It's a pity that she was one step too late after all!

Afterwards, the two chatted about some things, and Liu Yunxiang returned to the sect with regrets.

And not long after Liu Yunxiang left, Yulong Daoist of Yuqing Taoist Sect also sent Zhou Yang congratulatory words through the [Fairy Spirit Jade Book], and took advantage of the opportunity to mention the matter of Keqing Taishang Elder, and he also fell in love with Zhou Yang potential.

Of course, Zhou Yang could only politely refuse this, and informed the other party of his decision to be the elder of Xuanyang Immortal Zong Keqing.

Immortal Sect of Xuanyang and Daoist Sect of Yuqing have been in friendship for tens of thousands of years. Immortal Yulong immediately congratulated him on the matter after learning about the tens of thousands of years of friendship between Immortal Sect of Xuanyang and Daoist Sect of Yuqing.

Regarding his Nascent Soul Ceremony, Zhou Yang has decided to hold it in ten years, and this ten years is almost enough time for him to finish the work of the Zhou family.

After being busy for a month or two like this, Zhou Yang finally took care of all the monks who came to visit and congratulate him after learning the news that he had returned from having a baby.

"Okay, now all the people who should come to congratulate have finished their congratulations. If there are still people coming, Yan Zhang, you will be the master to receive them. As a master, I will take your wife and sister back to the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea. Already!"

On Chongxuan Mountain, Zhou Yang, who had been busy receiving various visitors for several months, finally didn't want to waste time and energy on this kind of thing, decided to leave as soon as possible and take his son Zhou Guangcheng back to the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea to recognize his ancestors Return to the clan.

On his trip back this time, he wanted to completely solve the matter of the Zhou family walking out of the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea, and to completely lay the foundation for the Zhou family to become an immortal cultivating family!

During the few months in Chongxuan Mountain, Zhou Yang had already taken the time to refine the spoils obtained from Lou Feifeng, the sixth-order flying magic weapon [Misty Cloud Chariot].

This time when he returned home, he took Taoist couple Xiao Ying, son Zhou Guangcheng, and apprentice Lu Xuewei with him, so he sacrificed this flying magic weapon and carried them on their way.

The speed of the sixth-order flying instrument is of course faster than that of the fifth-level top-grade flying instrument [Qingming Flying Boat], and the interior space of the flying car is spacious, the decoration is luxurious, and the comfort and defense are far superior to the flying boat. Except for Zhou Yang, the rest of the people can even practice meditation in the car with peace of mind.

More than a month later, the flying boat officially entered the Duanyun Mountain Range.

He is now a Nascent Soul cultivator, so of course he doesn't need to be sneaky like before, he just drives a speeding car and flies through the windy "Nine Heavens Absolute Territory" above.

It's just that when flying over the Duanyun Mountain Range, he intentionally avoided the area where Jietian Peak was located.

The jade slips given to him by Master Qingyang contained information about the demon kings in the Duanyun Mountain Range.

Therefore, he now knows that more than half of the sixth-level demon kings in the Duanyun Mountain Range are subconsciously cultivating on Jietian Peak, a sixth-level high-level spirit mountain. Those who practice on Lingshan will not leave these places easily.

Therefore, as long as he avoids the territory where these demon kings are located, if he crosses the Duanyun Mountain Range through the "Nine Heavens Absolute Territory", he can pass relatively smoothly in most cases.

Even if you are unlucky and you happen to meet the demon king blocking the way, with the methods of a Nascent Soul stage monk, as long as your strength is not too far apart, it is not difficult to escape.

Zhou Yang asked himself that his strength wasn't bad, as long as he didn't meet [Tongtian Demon King], [Pierce the Mountain Demon King], [Very Ape King], the three sixth-level top-grade demon kings in Duanyun Mountain Range, he didn't need to worry. Security Question.

And as far as he knows, [Tongtian Demon King] and [Great Ape King] are sitting in the sky all the year round, and they will not leave easily, and the [Mountain Piercing Demon King] likes to hide in the depths of the earth to cultivate, and will not easily Be mindful of the outside world.

In fact, his journey was indeed very smooth. He didn't encounter any waves at all, and he successfully crossed the Duanyun Mountain Range and entered the boundless sand sea at a speed several times faster than usual.

And as Zhou Yang entered the Boundless Sand Sea, he also became the first native Nascent Soul cultivator in the Boundless Sand Sea Immortal Cultivation World for thousands of years!

"Cheng'er, this is the boundless sea of ​​sand. The place where your father and I were born and grew up is also the place where our Zhou family's ancestors lived for generations!"

The exquisite and gorgeous silver-white speeding car was hovering above the vast sea of ​​sand. Zhou Yang opened the car window, looked deeply at the yellow sand outside the window, and told his son beside him in a serious tone: "Although you have already entered Xuanyang Xianzong does not live in the family, but we must remember in our hearts that the roots of our Zhou family will always be in this vast sea of ​​sand!"

Zhou Guangcheng, who was born and raised in the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou, cannot understand his father's feelings for this sea of ​​sand, and cannot understand how many memories of his father's youth are carried in this sea of ​​sand.

But he responded with a very sensible and serious face: "My boy, remember, when he has descendants, he will definitely say these words to him, and let him know where his roots are!"

"Good boy, just remember, now we will go back to Zhou's house, go back to see your grandparents, and let them know that their son brought his grandson to see them, and their son finally realized what he said to them at the beginning. What a boast!"

Zhou Yang said in a slightly excited voice, and with agitated emotions, he drove the speeding car to the Chihushan Oasis at high speed.

There are a lot of things in the company today, and I am really tired after get off work. In the end, I only wrote 5,000 words and couldn't hold on. I will write more on weekends and make up a big chapter!

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