Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 667: Unify the Boundless Sand Sea! 【Subscribe】

Although the family's center of gravity and main personnel went to the Xijiaozhou Oasis after the Zhou family opened up the Immortal Cultivation World of Xijiaozhou, the status of the Chihushan Oasis in the hearts of monks of the Zhou family has not declined in any way.

Because there is not only the Zhou family's second fourth-order Lingshan in addition to Lingxi Peak, but also the [Ningyuan Fruit] tree that is related to the fate of the Zhou family and even many monks in the boundless sand sea, and the family tomb of the Zhou family. .

Many times, the patriarch of the Zhou family conducts office practice in the Chihushan oasis, not in the Xijiaozhou oasis, which is far away from the traditional area of ​​the boundless sand sea and the world of cultivating immortals.

But that was a hundred years ago.

For nearly a hundred years, the Xijiaozhou oasis and the small cultivator world formed around the oasis have been built by the Zhou family for hundreds of years, and they have vigorously attracted casual cultivators to settle there and practice. The bustling and bustling level of the place to go even surpassed that of the small Xiuxian world that has developed for thousands of years, such as the Baisha River Oasis Xiuxianjie.

Naturally, the patriarch of the Zhou family moved his office and practice to Lingxi Peak in Xijiao Continent.

However, the particularity of the Chihushan oasis still allows the Zhou family to keep two Zifu period monks here to practice and guard for a long time.

When Zhou Yang drove the [Misty Cloud Chariot] to the outside of Chihu Mountain, the monk in charge of guarding the formation on the mountain hurriedly notified the two cultivators guarding the Purple Mansion who were cultivating in the cave.

At this time, the two monks guarding Chihu Mountain in Zifu of the Zhou family were Zhou Zelin and Zhou Shenghan. The foundation-building cultivator of the first generation gets a son when he is old, so he appears to be higher in seniority.

And because Zhou Shenghan opened up the Purple Mansion first, his current cultivation base is actually one level higher than Zhou Zelin, who is a little older, and he is on the fourth floor of the Purple Mansion.

These two people are now two or three hundred years old, so they naturally recognize Zhou Yang, the ancestor of the family. Seeing that the ancestor who has been away from the family for a hundred years has returned, the two who were originally watching the situation in the formation on the mountain quickly opened the formation. Fa ordered all the monks on the mountain to kneel in front of the ancestral hall square to greet the ancestors of the family.

"The descendants Zhou Zelin, Zhou Shenghan and all the descendants of the Zhou family welcome the arrival of the ancestors!"

Following the words of the two leading Zifu monks, the rest of the Zhou family monks also shouted in unison: "Welcome to the ancestor Fajia!"

That uniform voice resounded through the entire Chihu Mountain, and the voice was full of excitement.

If it weren't for the fear of offending Zhou Yang by being rude, many Zhou family monks who have never met his family ancestor on the mountain now would open their eyes wide and look at him, the family ancestor. Look at this The ancestors who have left many legends in the family and in the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea are different from the portraits in the ancestral hall.

"You all get up."

On the cloud car, Zhou Yang looked at the dozens of Zhou family juniors who were kneeling on the ground lined up in rows according to their seniority, and his voice did not show any excitement, but was very indifferent.

There is no way, except for the leaders Zhou Zelin and Zhou Shenghan who have some impressions of the Zhou family monks here, he has no impression of the rest of them, including a few foundation-establishment monks, so how excited and close they are.

Since there is no such emotion in his heart, he certainly has no need to force himself or pretend to do so.

Zhou Zelin, Zhou Shenghan and others were not surprised by this, but took it for granted.

As the ancestor of the family and a legendary figure in the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea, if Zhou Yang behaved close to them, it would easily cause them to speculate and panic.

The current indifferent attitude is more in line with the image positioning of this family ancestor in their hearts.

"Thank you, grandpa."

After the group thanked in unison again, they stood up one after another, but their heads were still slightly lowered, and no one dared to look directly at Zhou Yang, the ancestor of the family.

Seeing all this in Zhou Yang's eyes, he nodded slightly at first, and then couldn't help shaking his head.

He nodded because he could see the big picture from the small, and he could see the whole leopard from a glimpse. From the etiquette that these Zhou family monks greeted him just now and their attitude towards him at this time, it can be seen that the four words "respect and etiquette" have been deeply rooted. Into the hearts of all the monks of the Zhou family, so that they never dare to forget and ignore.

For a family bound by blood ties, this is undoubtedly beneficial. It can make the monks of the family clearly understand their status, and will not be disrespectful and disturb the family just because they have learned spells and mastered power. ethics.

But its disadvantages are also obvious. The Zhou family monks who are affected and imprisoned by these etiquettes are easily restrained by them in terms of temperament, and it is difficult to appear the kind of fearless and persistent people. This is what Zhou Yang shook his head. reason.

There is no perfect good thing in the world. If you gain something, you must lose something. As long as the benefits outweigh the disadvantages, and the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, then this thing is worth doing.

For a cultivating family, the benefits brought by the words "respect and etiquette" are obviously much greater than the disadvantages.

So Zhou Yang didn't have any idea of ​​changing this kind of thing.

He glanced at these people, waved his hand lightly and said: "Okay, I am not an outsider, ancestor, I don't need you people to serve, what you were doing before, what you continue to do now is all right. Go away."

After finishing speaking, he didn't look at the disappointed faces of those monks of the Zhou family. He put away the flying car, released all his wives, children and apprentices inside, and took his wife and children directly to the Houshan cemetery.

Their family went to the Houshan cemetery to worship their ancestors. Of course, this apprentice Lu Xuewei was not easy to follow, so she stayed behind and told Zhou Zelin and Zhou Shenghan: "After the master and the master bring Guangcheng junior brother to pay homage to the master and the master, we have to do it for you." Junior brother Guangcheng is holding a great event to recognize the ancestors and return to the clan, you should immediately notify the patriarch and other important members of the clan to come here, and prepare the things needed for the relevant ceremony!"

At this time, these Zhou family monks didn't know that Zhou Yang had successfully conceived a baby. After hearing Lu Xuewei's words, Zhou Zelin and Zhou Shenghan hurriedly responded respectfully: "Yes, I will follow the orders of the Supreme Elder."

According to the standard set by Zhou Yang at the beginning, if a monk of the Zhou family succeeds in forming an alchemy, he can be promoted to become the supreme elder of the family.

Lu Xuewei was also the one who left her name on the Zhou family tree. When Zhou Yang accepted her as his disciple, he even gave her the family name of "Zhou Guangwei".

In the more than a hundred years since Zhou Yang left, she was promoted by Xiao Ying to replace Zhou Yang as the Supreme Elder of the Zhou family because of her success in alchemy. That's why Zhou Zelin and Zhou Shenghan called her that.

At this time, when she heard the two address her, she frowned, looked at the two with a serious face and said: "Master, the old man has successfully conceived a baby, and the Zhou family's Supreme Elder will only be the old man in the future. Stop calling me Grand Elder, just call me Elder Lu!"

"Yes, Elder Lu."

Zhou Zelin and Zhou Shenghan responded reflexively.

As soon as the words fell, the pupils of the two suddenly dilated, their eyes widened, and they looked at Lu Xuewei with shock on their faces, as if they suspected that they had misheard.

"Lu, Lu, Elder Lu, you just said, you just said that the ancestor succeeded in conceiving a baby? You said that the ancestor became a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage?"

Zhou Shenghan's beautiful eyes widened, and he looked at Lu Xuewei in disbelief. He was so shocked that he stuttered.

Zhou Zelin was worse than her, he couldn't even speak, but looked at Lu Xuewei with trembling mouth, his eyes were full of shock.

"That's right, Master, he succeeded in conceiving a baby. Ten years later, the Nascent Soul Ceremony will be held to announce to the world of cultivators. You should be able to attend the ceremony at that time!"

Lu Xuewei nodded slightly, and confirmed the authenticity of this matter for the two of them again with a hint of pride on her face.

"This is really, this is really, this is really good, this is really good!"

The shock in Zhou Shenghan's eyes quickly turned into ecstasy. She blushed and shouted hello, and suddenly wept with joy and knelt down facing the ancestral hall, kowtowed heavily and shouted: "The ancestors of the Zhou family are here, you see Has it arrived? Our Zhou family has produced a Nascent Soul stage real person. The first Nascent Soul stage monk in the boundless sand sea for thousands of years is from our Zhou family, and our Zhou family has also become a Nascent Soul stage monk. A famous family!"

The Immortal Cultivation Family with Golden Core Stage monks sitting in the town has been passed down for thousands of years, so it can be called the Golden Core Family.

However, the influence of Jindan stage monks is limited after all, and the range of influence can only be within a hundred thousand miles at most, and they can only have influence within the territory of a country.

Nascent Soul stage monks are different, but all Nascent Soul stage monks must be famous all over the world, known to all high-ranking monks in the world of cultivating immortals.

There is a special list in the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou called the "Real Man List". Whenever a new Nascent Soul Stage monk appears, the origin of the Nascent Soul Stage monk's name will be recorded on it.

And this "real person list" in the immortal world of Liuyunzhou, basically as long as the monks with a little wealth will buy a copy to study, so as to know the origin of the names of all the immortals in the immortal world.

Because of the strong influence of the monks in the Nascent Soul Stage, the Cultivation Clan with the Cultivation Cultivators in the Nascent Soul Stage is also called a "famous family" to distinguish it from ordinary Cultivation Clans.

Counting the entire Liuyunzhou Immortal Cultivation World, the number of real "famous families" is no more than one palm, which shows the gold content in them.

Now, the Zhou family, who was born in a remote and barren place like the boundless sand sea, has suddenly become a "famous family" with monks in the Nascent Soul stage. As a member of the Zhou family, how can Zhou Shenghan not be excited and ecstatic.

"I'm going to tell the patriarch this news. Such important news must be known to all the clan members as soon as possible, and let the entire Boundless Sand Sea Immortal Cultivation Realm know!"

Zhou Zelin was trembling with excitement, yelling and dancing, he hurriedly ran to the mountain where the message formation was located, and wanted to share this epoch-making news with the whole world as soon as possible. Clan monks and monks from the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea know.

Seeing the excitement of the two, Lu Xuewei also showed a sincere smile in her eyes.

She has lived in the Zhou family since she was a teenager, and she has long regarded herself as a member of the Zhou family, but she has always been cold-tempered. Being close will make people feel difficult to deal with.

But in her heart, she undoubtedly still cared about the Zhou family, would be happy for the strength of the Zhou family, and worry about the safety of the Zhou family.

What happened outside the ancestral hall, of course, cannot be concealed from Zhou Yang's eyes and ears, but he has no intention to pay attention to these trivial matters now, so it is tantamount to turning a blind eye.

After he took his wife and children into the Zhou family's family tomb, he went straight to the deepest part of the cemetery, where all the important figures of the Zhou family were buried.

Having not been here for many years, Zhou Yang also saw a lot of new graves added to the family tomb, the two biggest ones undoubtedly belonged to Zhou Guangxiang and Zhou Guangxiang's brothers and sisters.

The tombs of the brother and sister are next to each other, and not far away is the joint tomb of Zhou Xuanhao and his wife.

Zhou Yang's eyes stayed on the tombstones of the brothers and sisters for a while, his eyes were slightly erratic, as if he had returned to the time when he first saw the brothers and sisters more than 500 years ago.

At that time, the brothers and sisters were still the spiritual roots that he personally tested, and he still remembered how ecstatic and happy he was when Zhou Guangxiang was pregnant with the first-grade spiritual roots.

Then the screen quickly changed, switching to the time when Zhou Guangxiang failed to attack the alchemy, and bid farewell to him with a frustrated face.


With a long sigh, he gently raised his hand to take a bunch of wild flowers from outside the cemetery, stepped forward and placed it in front of the two tombstones, then patted the two tombstones, shook his head, and walked towards his parents Zhou Xuanhao and The tomb of her mother Lin Yuting.

When he arrived at the tomb of his parents, he looked at the stone statue of his parents carved by himself in front of the tomb, and his eyes finally revealed strong emotions.

I saw him kneel down in front of his parents' tomb with a "plop", knocked his head three times in a row, and shouted in a low voice with a slightly choked tone: "Father, mother, my son is here to see you. The boy brought your grandson to kowtow to you!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Guangcheng, who was behind him, quickly and sensiblely knelt down, bowed three times and kowtowed nine times facing the tomb and paid respects: "Unfilial grandson Zhou Guangcheng, kowtow to grandpa and grandma!"

"Father, mother, take a good look. This is your grandson Zhou Guangcheng. He is even more talented than a child. He will definitely become the pride of all members of our Zhou family and honor our ancestors for our Zhou family!"

Zhou Yang tightly held his son's hand, put it in the hand of the stone statue in front of the tomb, and introduced his child to his parents proudly.

As far as parents are concerned, there is nothing that makes them prouder than the success of their children.

"Guangcheng is Hai'er's eldest son. Hai'er also has a daughter named Jiang Yufeng. She is your eldest granddaughter. In the future, Hai'er will bring her and her mother to pay homage to father and mother."

"There is one more good thing to tell you, the baby has now formed a Nascent Soul, and has become the first Nascent Soul cultivator in the Boundless Sand Sea Immortal Cultivation World for thousands of years. Soon, the entire Boundless Sand Sea Immortal Cultivation World will surrender to you. The foot of our Zhou family becomes the back garden of our Zhou family."

"You guys have spirits in the sky, watch carefully, my son will definitely let the Zhou family's name spread throughout this world, let the monks in this world know the Zhou family's name, and know that you have raised a famous Zhou Yuanyang for the Zhou family. !"

After Zhou Yang finished speaking, he kowtowed three more times, and then pulled his son and the Taoist companion Xiao Ying who kowtowed with him beside him, and the family slowly exited the cemetery.

Five days later, Zhou Tongxuan, who received the news, rushed to Chihu Mountain with a dozen Zhou family members riding a golden-winged Thunder Eagle.

"Old ancestor, my grandson kowtowed to the old ancestor, wishing the old ancestor good fortune forever, and ascending to the fairyland as soon as possible!"

As soon as he got off the back of the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle and saw Zhou Yang, Zhou Tongxuan knelt down on the ground together with the monks who brought him, prostrating with excitement and joy to congratulate him on his formation of the Nascent Soul.

"Master, you really formed a baby. When Zhou Tongxuan told me about it, I still couldn't believe it. I didn't expect it to be true. You really succeeded in forming a baby so quickly!"

The Golden Winged Thunder Eagle stared at Zhou Yang with a pair of eagle eyes, and the eyes were full of shock.

More than a hundred years later, it is still a fifth-level low-grade monster, but its breath is stronger than before, which is roughly equivalent to the third-level golden core of a human golden core monk.

For a monster, this speed of progress is already very good. Jinpeng's speed of progress is also thanks to the large amount of high-quality [Jing Yuan Dan] that Zhou Yang prepared for it before leaving.

It's just that if its progress speed is compared with Zhou Yang's master, it can only be said that it must be thrown away if it is compared with goods, and it must be killed if it is a demon than a human being!

"Get up first, we'll talk about things later."

Zhou Yang first nodded slightly to Zhou Tongxuan and other juniors, signaling these people to stand up and retreat first.

After these people got up and retreated according to the order, he looked at Golden Winged Thunder Eagle with a smile on his face and said, "Jin Peng, you are also very good. It seems that you have not been lazy all these years, and you have really put your heart into cultivation."

Hearing his words, Golden Winged Thunder Eagle immediately raised his head and said triumphantly: "Of course, master, you trust Jin Peng so much and entrust the entire family to Jin Peng to protect. Of course Jin Peng must be worthy of your master's trust. Strength, help you protect the Zhou family!"

"Not bad, it seems that in the past hundred years, you have not only improved your cultivation, but also your ability to speak, and you have become more and more likable."

Zhou Yang had a slight smile on his face, and he knew exactly what the bird was thinking.

As soon as he lifted his hand, he took out the [Lei Peng True Blood] that was gifted to him by the Thunder Feather Demon King.

"When I asked you Jinpeng to protect the Zhou family, I said that I would reward you a lot when I came back. This jade bottle contains ten drops of [Lei Peng's true blood], which is a person whose body is [Silver Wing] It’s a gift from Lei Peng’s sixth-rank top-rank demon king, after you take it, you should be able to quickly be promoted to a fifth-rank middle-rank monster, and if you’re lucky, you might even be able to awaken Lei Peng’s bloodline.”

As Zhou Yang said, he tossed the jade bottle in his hand to the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle.

Golden Winged Thunder Eagle's eyes lit up when it heard [Lei Peng's True Blood], and when it heard that this thing was obtained from a sixth-rank high-grade demon queen, it was even more excited and its wings were shaking .

At this time, seeing Zhou Yang throwing the jade bottle over, it quickly caught it and swallowed it into its mouth, then said loudly with joy and gratitude in its eyes: "Thank you for the reward, Master, Jin Peng will definitely live up to the high expectations of the master, and vow to serve the master to the death. "

"Okay, go down and digest these benefits by yourself."

Zhou Yang shook his head, a little dumbfounded at the bird's words of loyalty.

He and Golden Winged Thunder Eagle are bound by [Demon Soul Pact]. Even if Golden Winged Thunder Eagle is promoted to the sixth level in the future, it is impossible to get rid of this bondage. It doesn't matter if you have such a loyal word.

After dismissing the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle, Zhou Yang presided over a ceremony for his son Zhou Guangcheng to recognize the ancestor and return to the clan in the ancestral hall under the witness of the current patriarch Zhou Tongxuan and other members of the Zhou family.

Then he called Zhou Tongxuan and other senior executives of the Zhou family together for a meeting, explaining his intention to come back to the Boundless Sand Sea this time.

"Old Ancestor, when I return to the family this time, apart from bringing Guangcheng back to recognize my ancestors, I also have a few important things to announce to you."

In the main meeting hall in the ancestral hall, Zhou Yanggao sat on the head, glanced majesticly at the few monks from the Zhou family's Zifu who were sitting below, and said slowly: "The first thing, when the ancestors, I The 500-year period agreed with Cao Wenjin of Huang Shamen has passed, and from now on, only one voice can appear in this boundless sand sea and immortal cultivation world, and that is the voice of my Zhou family!"


Below, Zhou Tongxuan and the other cultivators of the Zifu period all changed their complexions. They didn't expect the first thing Zhou Yang said to be so explosive.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that this matter is also a matter of course.

Originally, with the strength of the Zhou family, it should have emulated the original Huang Shamen and ruled the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea.

It was just because of his original agreement with Cao Wenjin that he could not attack Huang Shamen within the agreed time.

Now that the agreed 500 years have passed, and his cultivation has reached the Nascent Soul Stage, there is no need for Huang Shamen to continue to share the Boundless Sand Sea Cultivation Realm equally with the Zhou family.

Thinking about this, several Zifu monks immediately became excited.

This is a great event to witness history!

They can personally participate in this great event and do what countless monks want to do but can't do, just thinking about it makes their blood boil.

As the patriarch, Zhou Tongxuan looked at Zhou Yang with fiery eyes and said, "Sonson dares to ask Patriarch, I don't know how Patriarch plans to deal with Huang Shamen?"

"God has the virtue of good life, and the Huang Shamen was kind to my ancestors back then. Although I have repaid the kindness to my ancestors, it is not good to destroy them myself."

Zhou Yang shook his head slightly, looked at Zhou Tongxuan calmly and said: "You go back and go to the Huangshamen yourself, and bring my ancestor and my words to their head, and say that my Zhou family can allow them to keep that giant oasis and all of them. Disciple, but they need to give up all the rest of the territory, and completely submit to my Zhou family, as my Zhou family's vassal sect!"

Hearing this, Zhou Tongxuan couldn't help but said: "Ma Baoshan, the grand elder of Huangshamen, has successfully formed an alchemy seventeen years ago. If you want to achieve your ancestor's wishes, I'm afraid you have to trouble Elder Lu and his grandson to go there." OK."

"Oh, is there another Golden Core stage monk from Huang Shamen?"

Zhou Yang raised his brows, shook his head and said, "Since there are Golden Core stage monks, then I, the ancestor, will go there in person, lest he make any stupid decisions and make it impossible for both parties to recover!"

Then he paused and continued: "Second thing, my ancestor, I worshiped a powerful master and promised him that the old man would build a temple for him to receive incense. This matter is up to you to help my ancestor. When it is completed, his temple must be built on every Lingshan of the Zhou family, in every village where ordinary people of the Zhou family live together!"

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