Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 670 Hikijaide Cave!

It is said that since Li Hong handed over the power and responsibility of the Zhou family in Cangyuan Immortal City to the new head of the family, he moved directly to live in a manor named "Golden Spring Manor" outside the city.

This "Golden Spring Manor" itself has only the third-rank low-level spiritual pulse, but it is better than the unique and pleasant scenery, which is very suitable for retirement.

Li Hong's remaining lifespan is less than 20 years old, and his cultivation has long been stagnant on the eighth floor of the Purple Mansion. He chose to move to the "Golden Spring Manor" to take care of him. In fact, he had given up on the idea of ​​forming alchemy.

Now that he gave up the idea of ​​forming alchemy, he naturally let go of his practice. Every day he is not fishing and walking birds, or sitting on a high place alone with a pot of spiritual tea to enjoy the beautiful mountains and rivers around the manor.

Occasionally, he would also point out the practice of the Zhou family's children who practiced in the manor, and tell them about the magnificent scenes he experienced in his life.

On this day, as usual, Li Hong came to the Lingquan lake in the manor early, sprinkled the bait, put down the fishing rod, made spirit tea, held a thick book in his hand, and read the book leisurely. Drinking tea while waiting for the fish to bite the hook.

At the end of the day, the fish has not been caught yet, two pots of spirit tea have been drunk, and the book in his hand has been replaced by a book.

And he was obviously a little engrossed in reading, so that a person came behind him, but he didn't notice it.

After the man made a sound, he suddenly realized, and then his hand shook, and the book in his hand fell to the ground with a "click".

"Li Daoyou, have you lived well these years?"

Zhou Yang looked at the silver-haired old man in front of him, and softly broke the peaceful atmosphere by the lake.

His voice has not changed from more than a hundred years ago, just like his face has not changed over time.

But when Li Hong heard this familiar voice, he froze there as if struck by lightning.

With a dazed expression on his face, he quickly got up and turned around, only to see that handsome young man standing behind him, looking at him with a smile.

"Old ancestor! Junior Li Hong, pay respects to our ancestor!"

With an exclamation in his mouth, Li Hong hurriedly knelt down to salute with agility that did not match his face.

It's just that before he knelt down on his knees, a gentle force lifted him up, preventing him from kneeling down again.

"There's no need for these empty salutes. You salute me like this, and it really makes me a little uncomfortable."

Facing Li Hong's somewhat panicked and puzzled expression, Zhou Yang explained the reason with a helpless smile.

Judging from the appearance alone, the old-faced, silver-haired Li Hong looks more like his elders.

Hearing his words, Li Hong couldn't help opening his mouth, and said with a gloomy expression: "Your ancestor, your cultivation is as high as the sky, and your appearance is not old. Naturally, the younger generation can't compare with you."

"So you have given up on the road and are planning to die alone here?"

Zhou Yang raised his eyebrows, and his tone softened.

Li Hong smiled miserably and said, "So what if you don't give up? The remaining life of this junior is less than twenty years old, but your cultivation is still on the eighth floor of the Purple Mansion. What can you do if you don't give up!"

"So what if your lifespan is less than 20 years? At the beginning, when your lifespan was less than 30 years, you still succeeded in opening up the Purple Mansion. Could it be that you, who have lived two hundred years longer, are not as good as yourself two hundred years ago? "

Zhou Yang's voice suddenly rose a lot, and the sound exploded in Li Hong's ears like thunder, which shocked him all over, and bright light suddenly appeared in his dark eyes.

"Also ask the ancestors to teach me!"

He knelt down on the ground with a "thud", kowtowed deeply to Zhou Yang, then raised his head and looked at Zhou Yang with hope.

"You should think clearly!"

Zhou Yang looked at Li Hong with a serious face, and said slowly: "Choose this road, if you fail, you will only die, and there is no possibility of regret!"

Hearing his words, Li Hong immediately responded without thinking: "This junior thinks it over clearly, if he really died in the process of forming an alchemy, this junior will die without regrets!"

"In this case, you should get up first, and I will explain this matter to you in detail later, Patriarch."

With a wave of Zhou Yang's hand, Li Hong got up, and then sat cross-legged on the ground with him, and asked about the situation of the Zhou family branch in the Far West.

Because before he went to the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou last time, he specially came to the world of cultivating immortals in the extreme west and left three copies of [Purple Heart Chalcedony] for the Zhou family branch. Now the Zhou family branch in the extreme west, together with Li Hong Including myself, there are three Zifu period monks.

In addition to Li Hong, the other two cultivators of the Zifu period were named Zhou Zehong and Zhou Rongxiang.

Zhou Zehong on the third floor of the Zifu is the current head of the Zhou family branch in the Far West, while Zhou Rongxiang on the second floor of the Zifu is the elder of the family.

In addition to these three Zifu period monks, the Zhou family branch in the extreme west now has 21 foundation-building period monks, 452 monks in the qi training period, and five foreign relatives in the foundation-building period. There are one hundred and twenty-three relatives and monks.

Although this strength is far less than that of the Zhou family's main family in the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea, it is not weak.

As for the Zhou family branch in the Far West, the scale it has today is due to Zhou Yang's strong support and Li Hong in front of him.

After all, the Zhou family branch here has only been established for less than four hundred years. In such a short period of time, Li Hong's ability has been fully proved to develop a small family branch from scratch to the scale it is today.

This is also the biggest reason why Zhou Yang is willing to spend a lot of effort to help him reach the Jindan Stage.

For such a talent, if he is allowed to die like this, it will undoubtedly be a great loss to the Zhou family.

"Your qi and blood have begun to decline. You should keep these ten pieces of [Blood Dragon Rice] first, and take one piece every year to nourish your body and take care of your body."

"There is a fifth-grade top-grade elixir in this jade bottle [Jiazi Shendan], which can prolong the lifespan of a monk in the Jindan period by one Jiazi. If you dissolve it with spiritual water and take it, although it cannot prolong the lifespan of a Jiazi, two or three Ten years of longevity is not a problem."

"You don't have to worry about the rest of the auxiliary alchemy spirits. After returning to the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou, I, the ancestor, will naturally collect them for you."

One priceless spiritual object after another was randomly taken out by Zhou Yang and thrown into Li Hong's hands.

These two spiritual objects are relics that Zhou Yang obtained from Lou Feifeng, the owner of the Goddess Palace. Among them, he got three of the [Jiazi Shendan], and now he gave one to Li Hong, and he plans to see the situation later with the remaining two. Awarded to two apprentices.

After Li Hong got these two spiritual objects, his old face turned red instantly after hearing him talk about the effects of the two spiritual objects, which was excited.

He held on tightly to the two spirit objects, bowed deeply to Zhou Yang with gratitude on his face: "The love of the ancestors, the younger generation is hard to repay, and in this life, I can only use this broken body to do my best for the family and repay the old man." Ancestral love!"

"You deserve it. My ancestor, I am not blind. I have always seen your contribution to the family."

As Zhou Yang said, he suddenly remembered something, and sighed sadly: "It's a pity that Guangxiang and Guangxiang brothers and sisters couldn't wait until this day, otherwise..."

Otherwise, he didn't say anything, but Li Hong understood what he meant in his heart.

In terms of contributions to the Zhou family, Zhou Guangxiang is greater than him, and in terms of the close relationship between the two, Zhou Guangxiang's brothers and sisters are even more unmatched by his relatives.

If Zhou Guangxiang's brother and sister are still there, Zhou Yang must give priority to supporting the brother and sister to form alchemy.

Even so, it did not affect Li Hong's gratitude to Zhou Yang.

After all, he is the one who really gets this benefit now!

"Okay, let's not talk about these sad things, let's talk about my ancestor's reason for coming this time!"

Zhou Yang shook his head, suppressed the sadness on his face, looked at Li Hong with a serious face and said: "My ancestor, I have now formed a Nascent Soul and unified the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea, and I am still in Liuyun Island. Immortal Cultivation Realm has taken up the position of Grand Elder of the Xuanyang Immortal Sect’s Ke Qing, and plans to fully promote the family monks to go to Liuyun Continent for further study in the Immortal Cultivation Realm.”

"That's why my ancestor, I came to the Immortal Cultivation Realm in the Far West this time, to move all of you back to the Boundless Sand Sea Cultivation Realm, and then choose the best ones to take to Liuyunzhou Cultivation Realm for further study!"


Li Hong looked at Zhou Yang in shock, his eyes widened.

He was only a cultivator at the Zifu stage, and Zhou Yang deliberately hid his cultivation, of course he didn't know that Zhou Yang was already a monk at the Nascent Soul stage.

How could one not be shocked when Zhou Yang blew himself up at this time.

And Zhou Yang's reason for coming was also far beyond his expectation, which made him extremely panicked.

"Old Ancestor, is what you said just now true? This junior heard me right, have you really formed a Nascent Soul?"

He looked at Zhou Yang and asked with trembling lips, his face was full of disbelief.

"Of course it's true, patriarch, I wouldn't joke with you about this kind of thing!"

Zhou Yang glanced at him, and reconfirmed the fact in a calm tone.

Li Hong stopped talking now.

He needs time to digest the shocking news.

After staring at Zhou Yang in a daze for a long time, he was shocked and hurriedly saluted and shouted: "The younger generation was rude just now, and I hope the ancestor will forgive me."

"These are just little things."

Zhou Yang waved his hand, not caring about these details, then looked at him and asked: "I ask you, ancestor, in your opinion, the clansmen of the Zhou family branch in the world of cultivating immortals in the far west would be willing to go back to the boundless with my ancestor. Is it the world of cultivating immortals in the sand sea?"

Li Hong really didn't want to answer this question, but he knew he had to answer it.

Under Zhou Yang's gaze, he could only smile bitterly and said: "If you, the ancestor, a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, come forward, as long as you are not a fool, you will definitely be willing to follow you back to the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea!"

This is the charm of Nascent Soul stage monks!

All fools know how beneficial it is to rely on a family ancestor who has been cultivated in the Nascent Soul stage.

What kind of homeland is difficult to leave, what kind of nostalgia is unforgettable, what is it in front of the visible path to longevity?

On one side is the branch of the family whose highest cultivation level is only the monks of the Zifu period, and on the other is the family headquarters in charge of the world of cultivating immortals, with the monks of the Nascent Soul period sitting in the town. Any fool knows how to choose.

But for Li Hong, the result of doing so means that the Zhou family branch that he has devoted his life to will completely become history.

It means that he has worked hard all his life, and all of them are destroyed like this!

How can this make him feel better.

With Zhou Yang's wisdom, through the changes in Li Hong's tone and complexion, of course he can guess what the other party is thinking, but he has already made up his mind on this matter, and it is impossible to change it just because of Li Hong's mood.

Therefore, I can only turn a blind eye and wave my hand: "Since you said so, then I will leave this matter to you. Sell all the fixed assets of the family branch here as soon as possible, and then call all the clan members back to the family." Now, when the time comes, Patriarch, I will take all of you away with you!"

"Yes, this junior would like to obey the old ancestor's figurative order!"

Li Hong responded in a low tone, and got up with complicated emotions to deal with this matter.

This matter is not easy to handle.

First of all, according to Zhou Yang's request, in order to prevent accidents midway, his identity cannot be exposed in advance to let too many people know.

Therefore, Li Hong could only forcefully suppress the dissatisfaction of the monks in the family with the prestige of the three Zifu period monks, Zhou Zehong and Zhou Rongxiang, and forcibly began to sell the family Lingshan, manor, Stores and other fixed assets.

Thanks to the chaos caused by Zhou Yang in Cangyuan Xiancheng two hundred years ago, the Zhou family branch has occupied many high-quality resource points here, and in the past two hundred years, Li Hong has also been engaged in business. Several fairy cities in the country and even the neighboring country of Dayun have bought many shops.

Now according to Zhou Yang's request, these fixed assets need to be sold as quickly as possible, and for this reason, even a 30% or 40% discount is not hesitating.

This is really a big sale at a loss!

Li Hong's heart is bleeding when he does this kind of thing of selling his hard work at a low price.

The Zhou family in Cangyuan Xiancheng suddenly sold off all kinds of fixed assets wantonly. This incident quickly attracted the attention of some forces in Yu State.

They took the opportunity to slash prices to acquire high-quality assets, and at the same time tried every means to find out the reason why the Zhou family did so.

About a month passed like this, and when all the fixed assets of the Zhou family were almost sold, a monk with a foreign relative of the Zhou family who had built a foundation finally couldn't bear the temptation offered by a certain force, and he was full of grief and indignation. revealed the inside story.

And the inside story told by this Zhou family's foreign relative, a monk in the foundation period, shocked all the major forces in the Yu country at once!

It turns out that the Zhou family in Cangyuan Xiancheng, which has been developing and rising under their noses, turned out to be a branch of a certain big family, and the person in power of that big family is Zhou Yang, who was listed as an important wanted criminal by the "Backlight Alliance" !

It is not an exaggeration to describe this matter as a stone that stirs up a thousand waves.

A certain force in Yu State who knew the inside story quickly passed the news to Haoyangzong to let the "real person Yuan Jing" Peng Yuanjing know, and at the same time issued a notice to all the forces in Yu State and even Dayun State that have Jindan stage monks in charge , and joined hands with the masters of these forces to kill the Zhou family.

It's just that although their speed of action was fast, they still didn't completely hide it from the Zhou family.

When their coalition forces reached the outside of Cangyuan Immortal City, a large ship with a grade as high as five ranks carried hundreds of monks from the Zhou family and escaped from Cangyuan Immortal City, all the way east to the boundless sandy sea. past.

Of course, this coalition army didn't want to see the achievements they got fly away, so they hurriedly followed and chased after them all the way.

Besides, Peng Yuanjing, the "real person of Yuanjing" located inside the mountain gate of Haoyangzong, was not overwhelmed by anger after receiving the summons from Yu State. Injured nasty boy.

The first thing he did was to immediately contact the intelligence agency of the "Reverse Light Alliance" to find out the whereabouts of the late Nascent Soul monks of the Great Bright Immortal Palace, especially Yin Hanguang, the owner of the Great Bright Immortal Palace.

Then, while waiting for news from the intelligence agency, he asked several forces in Yu State to report to him the situation of the pursuit and the location of the fugitives from the Zhou family.

After waiting like this for two days, Peng Yuanjing passed through a teleportation array on Haoyang Mountain after confirming that those strong men who could kill him in the Great Bright Immortal Palace were under surveillance. Direct teleportation left the sect, and quickly rushed towards the direction of the boundless sand sea.

The Yuanying stage monks escaped so fast. Although Peng Yuanjing set off two days behind, it only took less than five days to catch up to the fifth-level flying building mentioned in the information above in the vast sand sea. Boat.

"Student Zhou Yang, your time of death has arrived. Today, I want to use the lives of your entire family to pay homage to Senior Brother Guo's spirit in heaven!"

In mid-air, Peng Yuanjing stared angrily at the flying boat that had stopped fleeing because of his appearance, and a murderous voice resounded through the sky.

In the boat of the flying building, after Zhou Yang heard the words full of murderous intent, he laughed and said with a smile on his face: "Hahaha, that's really a coincidence, Zhou also wanted to tell you that today I will use you To repay Zhou for the grievances he suffered in your Haoyang School!"

Before the laughter fell, he had already flown out of the building and appeared in Peng Yuanjing's sight.

"How is it possible! How could you have reached the Nascent Soul stage so quickly!"

Peng Yuanjing stared at Zhou Yang as if he had seen a ghost, and exclaimed in disbelief.

He also met Zhou Yang more than two hundred years ago. At that time, Zhou Yang was only at the fourth level of the Golden Core, and had just entered the middle stage of the Golden Core.

It has only been more than 200 years now, and Zhou Yang has successfully conceived a baby, how can this not make him extremely shocked.

After the shock comes the fear!

That's right, it's fear!

Zhou Yang's monstrous practice speed really scared Peng Yuanjing!

He had never heard of someone like Zhou Yang who could cultivate from the fourth level of the Golden Core to the Nascent Soul stage in more than two hundred years.

Such a terrifying speed of practice can no longer be explained by the word talent, it must have a great adventure!

Then contacting Zhou Yang deliberately pretending to be a monk of the Golden Core Stage, and voluntarily exposing the existence of the Zhou family to lure him out, Peng Yuanjing already had a very bad premonition in his heart.

But he is also an old Jianghu. Although he was already worried to death in his heart, he yelled with a look of incomparable resentment on his face: "Hmph, so what if your cultivation base has reached the Nascent Soul Stage? You are mere Nascent Soul Stage!" Cultivation, I am still afraid of your failure!"

Before he finished drinking, he directly sacrificed a powerful purplish-red copper mirror to shine on Zhou Yang, and a beam of extremely hot purple flame shot out from the copper mirror, blasting at Zhou Yang head-on. past.

At the same time, without looking at how Zhou Yang responded to his attack, he just pinched his hands together, and dozens of phantoms instantly separated from his body, fleeing in all directions.

This supernatural power of escaping from the clone was specially cultivated by him since he escaped his life more than two hundred years ago, in order to ensure that he could escape on the battlefield when he encountered such a critical situation again. life.

"Good thief, where are you going!"

Zhou Yanggang activated the power of the [Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes] to block the bombardment of the purple flame light beam. When he saw this situation, he was shocked and angry at once. With a loud roar, he released his consciousness and searched for Peng Yuanjing's real body.

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