Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 671 Beheading the Nascent Soul Again, the Younger Generations Are Frightening!

The reason why Peng Yuanjing came out after confirming that all the monks of the late Nascent Soul of the Great Bright Immortal Palace were within the surveillance range was that apart from the fact that the monks of the late Nascent Soul had the power to kill him directly, the biggest reason was that his escape magic power was only Only the spiritual consciousness of the monks in the late Yuanying period can see the flaws.

After he found out that Zhou Yang had a Nascent Soul stage cultivation, he thought that Zhou Yang had encountered some kind of great adventure, and he might have some powerful magical artifacts or one-time powerful treasures such as magic charms and thunder beads in his hands.

Therefore, he does not want to fight Zhou Yang again when he is caught in the trap.

But he never expected, nor expected, that Zhou Yang, who was only at the first level of Yuanying, had already reached the level of a late Yuanying monk in terms of spiritual consciousness.

When Zhou Yang used his consciousness with all his strength, the powerful power of his consciousness swept across the air, and unexpectedly manifested a burst of white wind, reaching the state of "spiritual consciousness transformed into form".

Generally speaking, only late-stage Nascent Soul cultivators can use the method of "spiritual consciousness transformation" as easily as he does. Some mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivators may be able to do it if they go all out, but it is absolutely difficult to do it like Zhou Yang is so easy now.

And the white wind swept across Zhou Yang in all directions, and soon included many figures transformed by Peng Yuanjing. Naturally, his real body was directly exposed to Zhou Yang's perception .

"Got you!"

A grin flashed on his face, and a purple-gold ruler suddenly appeared in Zhou Yang's hand, and he threw it away. The purple-gold ruler disappeared in front of him out of thin air, and when it reappeared, he was fleeing hundreds of miles away. Peng Yuanjing shook his head.

When Peng Yuanjing fled for his life, he didn't dare to be negligent. Although the purple gold ruler appeared abruptly, it was bigger than he expected, but it didn't really hurt him.

It's just that although he blocked this weird blow, his body inevitably stopped because of this blow.

When he wanted to run for his life again, a golden pagoda and a big bright yellow seal came to suppress him one after another, forcing him to sacrifice magic weapons to resist.

After a while, Zhou Yang caught up and narrowed the distance between the two to less than a hundred miles.

"Boy, you are so aggressive, do you really think that Peng is afraid of you?"

Peng Yuanjing's face became angry, and while sacrificing the purple-red copper mirror magic weapon, it released purple flames against the golden pagoda and the bright yellow big seal. A firebird several feet long swooped towards Zhou Yang.

At the same time, he flicked forward his right hand hidden in his sleeve, and hit a silver talisman in his hand.


After the silver talisman was hit by Peng Yuanjing, it turned into a silver thunderball about the size of Zhang Xu and blasted towards Zhou Yang.

The silver thunderball was coming so fiercely that Zhou Yang exploded beside him before he could use other means of defense.

Fortunately, the [Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes] he was wearing was a defensive treasure. At the critical moment, a powerful defensive aura burst out to help him block most of the attacks. Only a part of the thunder broke through the protection and landed on him, leaving There were scorched black scars emitting green smoke.

And at this moment, the purple firebird had already pounced in front of Zhou Yang, instantly turning into a mass of purple flames and enveloping him in it.

"Hmph, you're still too young! I really thought that if you were lucky enough to get a Nascent Soul, you can ignore other people? When the old man successfully conceived a baby, you didn't know if there was... ..."

Looking at the figure in the distance who was refined by his true fire power, Peng Yuanjing's face flashed a sneer, his eyes showed a smug look while mocking his opponent, while he kept pinching the magic formula with his hands, It is necessary to use some magical power to give Zhou Yang another blow.

But before the supernatural power in his hand could be displayed, he saw a golden flame suddenly rising from the inside of the purple flame, which quickly suppressed the [Haoyang True Fire] that he had condensed for thousands of years, and even refined it in reverse. His [Haoyang True Fire] trend.

"Oops, I forgot that this kid is carrying [Qianyang Precious Body]!"

The expression on his face changed, Peng Yuanjing seemed to have remembered something, he yelled in annoyance, he didn't care about casting spells to attack Zhou Yang, and quickly distracted himself to take back the [Haoyang True Fire] that he had worked so hard to condense.

He is obviously still very self-aware in his heart, he clearly understands that the supernatural power of [Haoyang True Fire] that he has cultivated the day after tomorrow cannot be compared with the [Qianyang True Fire] mastered by Zhou Yang, and he is afraid that his thousand years of hard work will be destroyed in one day.

"Hahaha, Mr. Peng, who gave you the courage to play with fire in front of Zhou? Guo Jinhong?"

Amidst the purple and golden flames, Zhou Yang, whose face was covered in blood, burst into laughter, bursting out of the flames with a big laugh, and fought back violently at Peng Yuanjing's previous ridicule.

Then without waiting for Peng Yuanjing to respond to his ridicule, he widened his eyes and yelled loudly: "Get off!"

As the sound fell, a cyan-purple dragon-patterned tripod quickly rose from above his head, and the dragon on the tripod let out a long roar, and a strange air-forbidden force spread, quickly sealing off the airspace within a hundred miles.

Suddenly, Peng Yuanjing in the sky felt his body sank, and he couldn't help falling directly towards the vast sandy sea below.

This sudden change made it very difficult for him to adapt. It was not until he was about to hit the ground that he came back to his senses and shouted loudly. He quickly released a burst of mana and turned it into a strong wind to blow him up, and slowly slid to the ground with the help of the wind.

When he finally landed smoothly, the figure of Zhou Yang who had already cast [Canglong Transformation] appeared in the sky above him.

"Old Monster Peng, today I will show you how the young man beat the old master to death!"

A playful drink sounded in Peng Yuanjing's ears, and a series of dragon-shaped punches roared and drowned him.

At this moment, Peng Yuanjing, a dignified monk in the Nascent Soul Stage, actually became a sandbag for Zhou Yang to practice boxing, bearing the pressure that his cultivation base should not have.

Zhou Yang's "Canglong Body Training Art" is still on the fourth floor. Under normal circumstances, even if a monk in the Nascent Soul stage is hit by him a few times, it is like an adult getting a few punches from a teenager. What's the matter.

But the current situation is that after Peng Yuanjing was imprisoned by his flying power, he couldn't get rid of his series of fist attacks at all, and he had to receive one or two punches every time he passed.

This kind of intensive attack is exactly the strength of physical training. Usually, physical training does not practice any fancy supernatural powers and spells, but only practice some secret combat skills such as [Canglong Combat Technique].

Once a pure Dharma cultivator like Peng Yuanjing is approached by a physical cultivator, the overwhelming and intensive attacks are enough to make it too late for him to display any magical powers.

Just like at this moment, whenever he wanted to raise his mana to resist, Zhou Yang's continuous fist attack would disperse his mana, forcing him to use his mana only for protection.

"Be patient for a while, be patient for a while, when he consumes too much mana and can't maintain the air-forbidden magic weapon, it's time for the old man to fight back!"

Peng Yuanjing comforted himself desperately in his heart, telling himself that as long as he endured this for a while, he would be able to turn the crisis into safety.

However, Zhou Yang seemed to know how to read minds. After beating him like a sandbag, he suddenly stopped attacking, then looked at him with a sneer and sneered, "Do you think Zhou is stupid? The current great advantage is not used, but this half-baked body cultivation method is used to deal with you?"

Peng Yuanjing's face changed instantly, and he already felt that something was wrong.

Sure enough, Zhou Yang immediately laughed and said: "Zhou is just purely wanting to use you to try his fists. After all, Zhou has spent a lot of time and resources in cultivating physical and supernatural powers, and now he has not used them for a long time. Zhou's fist is going to rust!"

After laughing, Zhou Yang let out a low drink, and raised the 【Purple Gold Qiankun Ruler】to beat Peng Yuanjing again.

Immediately afterwards, there was a flash of thunder not far from Peng Yuanjing, and a silver puppet holding a sword suddenly appeared.


Sensing the powerful aura of mana rising from the silver puppet holding the sword, Peng Yuanjing's eyes suddenly flashed a look of panic and despair.

The next moment, he, who barely blocked the blow from the purple gold ruler, was cut in half by the sword energy from the silver puppet holding the sword!

The body fell, and Peng Yuanjing's Nascent Soul quickly flew out of his body with the storage ring, and quickly pinched the magic formula to display the teleportation supernatural power of the Nascent Soul and escaped from the place.

[Tiantian Canglong Cauldron]'s air-forbidden power obviously doesn't have much effect on Yuanying's teleportation supernatural power, which involves the application of high-level space laws, and it can't stop Peng Yuanjing who is desperately running for his life.

But Peng Yuanjing had just teleported once, and when he was about to teleport for the second time, an invisible [Sword of Punishing God] suddenly fell on him, directly cutting his Nascent Soul into two pieces!


Zhou Yang let out a muffled groan, and a stream of blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth, which was wiped away by him and refined with real fire.

Then he flew to the place where Peng Yuanjing's Yuanying fell, and with a wave of his hand, he took the storage ring that fell after the Yuanying dispersed, and said with a cold smile on his face: "What about the teleportation of Yuanying? Since Zhou dared to Designing to kill you, how could it not be guarded against you?"

At the beginning, Lou Feifeng on the sixth floor of Yuanying was able to escape after being hit by his [Sword of Punishing God], but Peng Yuanjing on the third floor of Yuanying didn't have this ability. up.

Moreover, when Peng Yuanjing was beheaded, Zhou Yang's soul was only slightly injured. Even if he didn't use the [Ten Thousand Years Nourishing Soul Wood] to speed up his healing, he could still recover after more than ten years of recuperation.

Next, Zhou Yang took away the few artifacts that had lost their mana support after Peng Yuanjing's death, and searched his body. After finding nothing missing, he directly refined the body into ashes with real fire.

Afterwards, he didn't bother to chase down those Yu Kingdom Golden Core cultivators who had fled the battlefield when they saw the situation was not good, so he went directly to the flying boat and ordered the flying boat to leave the battlefield with a full boat of monks.

After this battle, after witnessing with his own eyes his ancestor's great power to kill a monk of the Haoyang Zong's Nascent Soul stage who had been famous for many years, the Zhou family monk on the flying boat looked at him again as if he was a god. The last bit of nostalgia for the homeland is gone.

With the protection of such a powerful family ancestor, what else do they have to worry about?

Everyone, including Li Hong, an older monk of the Zhou family who thought he knew Zhou Yang very well, was full of expectations for life after leaving the world of cultivating immortals in the far west.

And because Zhou Yang did not silence those monks of the Golden Core of Yu Kingdom who blocked the news, as those people returned to the world of cultivating immortals in the far west, the story of Peng Yuanjing's fall quickly spread to the ears of the high-level members of the "Backlight League", and immediately aroused There was a huge wave.

Although Peng Yuanjing's strength is not very strong among the Nascent Soul cultivators of the "Backlight Alliance", and can only be ranked in the middle and lower reaches, he is also a Nascent Soul third-tier monk after all, and he is also in charge of the inheritance method of the Haoyang School device.

As a result, such a Nascent Soul third-level monk who had been conceived for more than a thousand years was beheaded and killed by a newly promoted Nascent Soul junior in a fight, and he couldn't even escape the Nascent Soul. How can this not be heard? The other Nascent Soul cultivators were shocked.

Everyone is a Nascent Soul cultivator, so they naturally understand the difficulty of completely killing another Nascent Soul cultivator.

It can be said that even if a monk in the late stage of Nascent Soul takes action against a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul, he can't say that he is 100% sure that he can definitely kill the opponent's Nascent Soul.

After all, Nascent Soul's teleportation supernatural power is notoriously difficult to deal with. Once the early Nascent Soul monks are given time to use the Nascent Soul teleportation supernatural power, even the late Nascent Soul monks want to catch up with the Nascent Soul who keeps using this supernatural power to escape. Disaster.

And the ones who panic the most here are undoubtedly the Nascent Soul stage monks of the "Backlight League" who are at the Nascent Soul stage like Peng Yuanjing.

Since even Peng Yuanjing, who was born in such a powerful sect as the Haoyang Sect and was at the third level of Nascent Soul, couldn't escape from that wanted criminal, wouldn't it be more dangerous for them to meet that man alone?

For a while, because of Zhou Yang, the monks in the early Yuanying period of the "Backlight League" started to feel in danger.

I just want to say who is most affected by Peng Yuanjing's death, of course it is Haoyangzong.

This was originally one of the top six sects of the "Backlight Alliance". Since the death of Guo Jinhong, the strongest monk of the sect, its momentum has plummeted, and even the position of deputy leader had to be given to another Nascent Soul mid-stage monk.

Now even Peng Yuanjing, the only Nascent Soul stage monk left in the sect, has also fallen outside. The majestic Haoyang Sect has cut off the inheritance of the Nascent Soul stage!

This kind of thing never happened even during the worst battle between the "Backlight League" and the Great Bright Immortal Palace. Since the establishment of the Haoyang School, this kind of thing has never happened!

Now facing this situation, the monks of the Golden Core stage of the Haoyang School were all in a mess, and they didn't know what to do, let alone avenge Peng Yuanjing.

"I didn't expect the dignified Haoyang Sect to face the crisis of extermination because they offended a little cultivator in the Zifu period!"

"At the beginning, a small cultivator in the Purple Mansion has now achieved what our Great Bright Immortal Palace has wanted to do for thousands of years but has never been able to do it. It is really terrifying for future generations, and it is terrifying for future generations!"

On the Great Bright Immortal Mountain, Yin Hanguang, the owner of the Great Bright Immortal Palace, learned the news through the intelligence personnel stationed in the "Backlight Alliance", looking eastward at the boundless sand sea with surprise and joy, he let out a long sigh.

The weather has turned colder. Today I have a cold and a fever. At night, my eyes are red and I have a headache. I originally wanted to ask for a day off, but I couldn’t sleep in bed, and I was worried that I would lose my full attendance. I was worried that I would be scolded for taking the leave. , Guaranteed to keep updating!

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