Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 673 Conspiring to Kill the Dragon!

The fact that the Yulong family dared to chase them to the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou was somewhat beyond Zhou Yang's expectations.

It must be known that the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou is not the world of cultivating immortals overseas. The Yulong family does not have any influence here, and few monks in the Nascent Soul stage here are willing to sell their face.

People from the Yulong family came here, and they had to do it themselves even to inquire about the news. It can be seen that they have no foundation here.

Zhou Yang didn't know whether to praise their courage or ridicule their arrogance.

But since he was informed about this in advance, the members of the Yulong family should not be able to get away easily.

Immediately, Zhou Yang first thanked the Nascent Soul cultivator of Yuqing Taoist Sect for his warning, and then drove the [Piaomiaoyun Chariot] at full speed towards the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou.

He wanted to rush to Liuyunzhou Immortal Cultivation Realm, and then discuss with Master Qingyang about dealing with the members of the Yulong family.

He is now the elder of the Xuanyang Immortal Sect's Guest Qing Taishang. If he wants to come to Qingyang Immortal Sect and the other Nascent Soul stage monks of the Xuanyang Immortal Sect, he will definitely not sit and watch other monks from the world of cultivating immortals kill them on their territory.

The cloud car galloped past in the wind layer, making quite a commotion. When it was about to pass through the Duanyun Mountain Range, a powerful demon king-level aura suddenly approached the speeding car from the depths of the mountains. come over.

After Zhou Yang discovered this situation, his expression sank immediately, and the huge power of spiritual consciousness comparable to that of a monk in the late Yuanying period suddenly manifested in the air into a storm of spiritual consciousness that shattered the sky.

Seeing this, the demon king who approached was really startled by the movement and stopped, mistakenly thinking that there was a late Nascent Soul cultivator in the speeding car, and dared not approach easily.

Zhou Yang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It's not that he's really afraid of that demon king. Judging from the strength of the demon king's aura, his strength is only a sixth-level inferior, which is equivalent to the early Yuanying stage. Such a thing can be easily dealt with by Zhou Yang.

But this is Duanyun Mountain Range, if Zhou Yang dares to kill the Demon King here, I am afraid that [Tongtian Demon King] who lives in Jietian Peak in seclusion will chase and kill him himself.

And he had seen with his own eyes how powerful the demon king who was the [Bitian Qingkong Beast] was in [Death Sand Sea].

After leaving Duanyun Mountain without any danger, Zhou Yang first put down the three cultivators whose surname was Zifuqi, and let them travel in the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou by themselves, and then rushed all the way to Xuanyang Immortal Sect.

After rushing all the way to Xuanyang Immortal Sect, Zhou Yang handed over the Li Hong and others he had brought to a familiar Zhou family monk to take them to the Zhou family residence, and he took his son Zhou Guangcheng directly to Xuanyang Yang Feng pays a visit to Master Qingyang.

"...Regarding the grievances and grievances between the junior and the Yulong family, this is the situation."

In the "Qingyang Cave", after Zhou Yang saw the real Qingyang, he directly expressed his grievances and grudges with the Yulong family.

This time, in order to gain the trust and attention of Master Qingyang, he didn't even hide the fact that he had received the inheritance from Master Donglai.

After all, once he fights with someone from the Yulong family, it is impossible to hide the seventh-order fairy artifact in his hand. Instead of revealing it at that time to arouse suspicion, it is better to reveal the truth in advance to make people feel at ease, and to make people pay more attention to their own strength and potential .

"Zhou Daoyou is indeed a person with great luck, and he can even get the inheritance of the true immortal in the tribulation period!"

After listening to Zhou Yang's narration, Master Qingyang was also amazed by his opportunities in the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou and the world of cultivating immortals overseas.

He also guessed that Zhou Yang must have obtained a great opportunity outside to be able to successfully conceive a baby so quickly, but he never imagined that Zhou Yang would be able to obtain the complete inheritance of a true immortal in the Transcending Tribulation Period!

Their Xuanyang Immortal Sect has been passed down for thousands of years, and only the master of the Founding Patriarch is a true immortal in the tribulation period, but that real fairy is a person from the "True Immortal Realm", and it is just a matter of accepting their Founding Patriarch as an apprentice Incidentally, not counting their patriarchs.

Therefore, although the Xuanyang Immortal Sect is powerful and has a strong foundation, compared with the Daguang Immortal Palace, Donghua Immortal Palace and other sects that were really handed down from the true immortals in the Transcending Tribulation Period, they always lack such a trace of background.

Zhou Yang was not at all complacent about Master Qingyang's admiration. Although he had the great luck that Master Qingyang said, but he was able to achieve what he is today because of his many near-death experiences. These are not obtained by luck alone.

He revealed his details to the other party, not to win the other party's amazement and praise, but to show the other party his sincerity and hole cards, so as to gain the full support of the other party and Xuanyang Xianzong.

Therefore, after Master Qingyang calmed down a bit, he looked at him with a serious face and said: "Senior has always treated junior well, so junior will not play any tricks with senior, as long as senior and Xuanyang Xianzong are willing To help the younger generation destroy the members of the Yulong family who came to the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou, the younger generation is willing to give three kinds of sixth-order pills including [Blood Lotus Reincarnation Pill], four kinds of sixth-order arrays, and sixth-order puppet beasts. The refining method is shared with the noble sect!"

Each of the sixth-order alchemy recipes is a priceless treasure, and the sixth-order formation map and the sixth-order puppet beast refining method are also important things to strengthen the foundation of the great power.

Xuanyang Xianzong is a top power that has been passed down for thousands of years. There must be many such things in the sect, but they will never mind having more such treasures.

For a force, this kind of thing that teaches people how to fish is more sincere and valuable than directly giving them sixth-level magic weapons and sixth-level magic pills.

Even with the state of mind of Master Qingyang, after hearing these conditions from Zhou Yang, his heart beats slightly faster.


After taking a deep breath, he looked at Zhou Yang with a serious face and said, "This matter is of great importance. I cannot make the decision by myself. I have to discuss it with other brothers and sisters before I give you an answer."

"It should be, then the junior will wait for the good news from the senior."

Zhou Yang nodded, and for the time being, he withdrew from Master Qingyang's cave.

After Zhou Yang left, Master Qingyang immediately sent a summons to the remaining monks of the Xuanyang Immortal Sect, asking them to rush back to the sect to discuss important matters.

Since the chaos of [Cracking the Heavenly Demon], only five of the original nine Nascent Soul cultivators of the Xuanyang Immortal Sect remained, and two of them had less than five hundred years of lifespan.

This is also an important reason why Master Qingyang was eager to recruit Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian to be the elders of the Zongmen Keqing.

At this time, after receiving a message from Master Qingyang, those Xuanyang Immortal Sect Yuanying stage monks who had traveled abroad and stayed in some important places immediately rushed back to the sect as quickly as possible.

After these people got together for a closed-door meeting, they called Zhou Yang into it for questioning.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, after discussing with our senior brothers, in principle, we are willing to help you punish those Yulong family monks who dare to cross the border, but the Yulong family is a famous Donghua family with extremely powerful influence. There must be many people chasing and killing fellow daoists in the fairy world, and with our strength, I'm afraid we may not be able to defeat them!"

"True Lingxiao" Wang Lingxiao is the only late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator of the Xuanyang Immortal Sect, and the master of the seventh-order immortal weapon [Red Night Spear]. He started the questioning.

He looked at Zhou Yang, explained his worries, and then continued: "However, Xuanyang and Yuqing sects are in the same spirit. Fellow Daoist is the elder Keqing of our Xuanyang Xianzong, and also the [Xuanqing Daomeng] According to the rules, as long as there is a request, fellow Taoists of Yuqing Daozong would not be willing to watch outside monks besiege and kill the elders of the Daomeng on the territory of the Daomeng!"

"What does Senior Wang mean?"

Zhou Yang frowned slightly and looked at Wang Lingxiao, not understanding what the other party meant by his words.

"Senior Brother Wang means that if Daoist Yuqing wants to help Fellow Daoist, I'm afraid Fellow Daoist Zhou will have to come up with some treasures that will tempt them!"

Master Qingyang explained in a low voice, explaining the whole story.

Zhou Yang frowned even more when he heard his words.

He looked at Wang Lingxiao with a frown, and asked in a deep voice: "Senior Wang, could it be that the things that the younger generation gave to the noble sect can't be sold to the second family and also given to the Yuqing Daozong?"

Wang Lingxiao seemed to have known that he would ask this question a long time ago. After hearing the words, he looked at him calmly and said: "Wang has already said just now that Xuanyang and Yuqing are in the same breath. After the Taoist friends give us those things, we will count them as If you don’t share it with fellow Taoists of the Yuqing Dao Sect, you will also help them make alchemy and set up formations, so it’s really not feasible for fellow daoists to sell one thing and two!”

When Zhou Yang heard this, his expression suddenly turned ugly.

He couldn't help but glanced at Master Qingyang, only to see that the other person just shook his head helplessly, expressing that there was nothing he could do.

Seeing this, even though Zhou Yang was secretly annoyed at Wang Lingxiao's eating, he still had to carefully consider the bargaining chips he still had.

As long as the great enemy of the Yulong family can suffer heavy casualties, he is not reluctant to give up some things outside of him.

It's just that he will definitely keep this matter in mind today, and when Xuanyang Xianzong and Yuqing Daozong have something to ask him to help in the future, don't blame him for talking like a lion.

After he pondered for a long time, he said slowly: "Well, this junior is willing to produce two more sixth-grade low-grade magical artifacts, the three-foot [Ten Thousand Years Soul Cultivation Wood], and two eyes of the sixth-grade high-grade turtle demon What do you think, Senior Wang, if you receive spiritual objects like tortoise shells as rewards?"

Even though Wang Lingxiao had already heard from Master Qingyang that Zhou Yang had obtained the inheritance of a true immortal in the Transcending Tribulation Period, he couldn't help but be moved by what Zhou Yang reported at this time.

He looked at Zhou Yang with flickering eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Fellow Daoist Zhou has enough of these things, but if you just want to invite [True Yujing], these things alone may not be able to impress him!"

[Real Yujing] is the person with the highest cultivation level in the Yuqing Dao Sect. Five hundred years ago, he was already at the eighth level of Yuanying. how much.

The treasures that Zhou Yang took out were indeed not very eye-catching in the eyes of such a strong man.

However, when these words came out of Wang Lingxiao's mouth, Zhou Yang was quite unhappy.

The other party kept saying that Xuanyang and Yuqing were in the same spirit, so why didn't they want to intercede for him, please use [Realist Yujing] to help?

Is it because he is just the elder of Ke Qing?

It's just that he was not happy in his heart, but Zhou Yang said with a calm expression on his face: "[Realist Yujing] has another gift from this junior, I think he will like that gift!"

Now it was Wang Lingxiao's turn to frown. Zhou Yang didn't say what the gift was, but he obviously wanted to guard against him, which made him very unhappy.

Master Qingyang undoubtedly understood the personalities of Wang Lingxiao and Zhou Yang very well. After hearing what Zhou Yang said, he knew that letting the two continue talking would only make the relationship more and more rigid. Interjected: "Since Fellow Daoist Zhou has a way to invite 【Realist Yujing】, let me take fellow Daoist to visit Yuqing Daozong in person!"

Wang Lingxiao couldn't help but glanced at the youngest junior. After thinking about it for a while, his expression eased, and he nodded, "Junior Qingyang is very familiar with both parties. It would be best for the younger brother to handle this matter."

Zhou Yang also didn't want to really sever the relationship with Wang Lingxiao. After all, he still had something to ask for from the other party. At this time, he restrained his edge and bowed to Master Qingyang: "Then I will trouble Senior Qingyang."

Immediately, he and Master Qingyang directly teleported to the mountain gate of Yuqing Taoist Sect through a large teleportation array inside Xuanyang Immortal Sect.

The high-grade spirit stones consumed by using this large-scale long-distance teleportation array in the past were enough for Zhou Yang's flesh to hurt for a while, but now he doesn't feel it at all.

Now the number of high-grade spirit stones in his storage ring has reached nearly 2,000, which is a very terrifying number!

Based on the calculations based on the net worth of those Nascent Soul cultivators who died under his command, he estimated that they were Nascent Soul ninth-floor "half-step true immortal" monks like Lu Xuanji, who probably didn't carry so many high-grade spirit stones with them.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, I don't agree with Brother Wang's actions. They are not familiar with you, they don't understand your personality, and they have offended you a lot. I apologize to you on their behalf. I also ask you to be careful. Don't take it to heart."

Coming out of the teleportation formation, Master Qingyang and Zhou Yang waited for the monks of Yuqing Daozong to come to pick them up, while apologizing to him for what happened in Xuanyang Xianzong earlier, their faces were full of helplessness.

"Senior Qingyang's words are serious, and there is nothing wrong with what Senior Wang did. This junior is not a disciple of the Xuanyang Immortal Sect. The Xuanyang Immortal Sect has already done its duty to help the younger generation deal with powerful enemies. How can we ask Senior Wang to do so?" Are they begging for the younger generation?"

Zhou Yang responded calmly to the words of Master Qingyang, without any dissatisfaction in his eyes.

It's just that Master Qingyang couldn't comprehend the meaning when he heard his words.

Since the people of Xuanyang Xianzong are unwilling to waste favors for Zhou Yang to ask for help, then when Xuanyang Xianzong asks Zhou Yang to do something in the future, they should follow the procedures and don't play any emotional cards.


With a sigh, Master Qingyang didn't say anything more.

The matter has already happened, and it is impossible to change Zhou Yang's mind, let alone Wang Lingxiao and others.

After a while, the "True Yulong" of Yuqing Daozong came to welcome Zhou Yang and the two in person.

After Zhou Yang and Master Qingyang made their intentions clear, the other party happily took them outside [Realist Yujing]'s cave, and helped them spread the word.

Things went very well, and 【Realist Yujing】 soon opened the gate of the cave and accepted them in.

"Juniors Qingyang and Zhou Yang have met Senior Yujing."

Inside the cave, Master Qingyang and Zhou Yang immediately bowed to each other with the courtesy of the younger generation after seeing the owner of the cave.

When Zhou Yang was saluting, he took a look at this [Realist Yujing], and found that the other party was as young and handsome as himself, but there was a sense of vicissitudes in his eyes that he didn't have.

And what made Zhou Yang mutter in his heart was that he couldn't see the specific cultivation level of this [Reverend Yujing]. Out of its true cultivation.

"You two fellow daoists are being polite. I don't know why the two fellow daoists came to visit suddenly?"

[Realist Yujing] didn't say anything polite to Zhou Yang and the two, he just looked at them and asked about their intentions.

Zhou Yang and Zhou Yang heard the words, and even if Zhou Yang personally talked about the grievances and grievances between himself and the Yulong family, then Master Qingyang was there to prove that Xuanyang Xianzong had agreed to help.

And after Zhou Yang finished speaking, without waiting for 【Realist Yujing】to express his attitude, Zhou Yang hurriedly said respectfully: "This junior knows that you, an expert like you, definitely don't like those ordinary things, so this junior made a special effort to express his attitude." The senior prepared a piece of experience and experience of breaking through the tribulation period, this experience and experience was dictated by the junior master [Dong Lai Zhenren] personally, there is absolutely no falsehood!"

Hearing his words, 【Reverend Yujing】's eyes flashed brightly, but he was not in a hurry to express his opinion, but looked at Reverend Qingyang.

Master Qingyang certainly understood what he meant when he looked at him, and hurriedly said: "Zhou Daoyou inherited the Taoist tradition of an overseas loose immortal [Donglai Master] ten thousand years ago in the overseas immortal world. The important reason why the Yunzhou Immortal Cultivation Realm chased him down, this junior guarantees that he will never make fun of such a thing!"

When saying this, Master Qingyang couldn't help but secretly sighed.

If Wang Lingxiao knew that Zhou Yang did this, he would be even more dissatisfied with Zhou Yang in his heart.

But [Realist Yujing] was very happy at the moment. After receiving the guarantee from the real person Qingyang, he immediately nodded and said: "Xuanyang and Yuqing are in the same spirit. With such sincerity, the old man and all the juniors in this sect will certainly not be stingy in helping fellow Daoist Zhou."

"Thank you senior!"

Zhou Yang was overjoyed and quickly saluted to express his gratitude.

The monks in the Yuanying period are all quick-witted people. After agreeing to help, Yuqing Daozong first called back all the monks in the Yuanying period who were out, just like Xuanyang Xianzong.

Then Xuanyang Immortal Sect and Yuqing Daozong left one early Yuanying stage monk to sit at the gate of the mountain to prevent accidents, and the other eight Yuanying stage monks rushed towards Chongxuan Mountain secretly.

Zhou Yang was afraid that this would not be safe, so he sent an invitation letter to [Bailu Zhenren] and Suyunzong Liu Yunxiang, who had acquaintances, inviting the two to help fight together.

I heard that Xuanyang Immortal Sect and Yuqing Dao Sect jointly acted to plot against other Yuanying stage monks in the Immortal Cultivation Realm. [Bailu Zhenren] and Liu Yunxiang from Luming Valley showed great interest and were willing to join in and make a fortune.

Counting Zhou Yang himself in this way, there are as many as eleven Nascent Soul stage monks on their side!

With such a huge lineup, Zhou Yang would not be able to take down those people from the Yulong family who came to hunt him down.

Unavoidable to startle the snake, ten Nascent Soul stage monks lurked on a spiritual mountain thousands of miles away from Chongxuan Mountain, and then a sixth-order formation master in the Yuqing Dao Sect personally built a simple teleportation formation.

This simple teleportation circle can only be used once, and it can send ten of them directly to Chongxuan Mountain. It was secretly arranged in Chongxuan Mountain.

After all these arrangements were completed, Zhou Yang drove the [Misty Cloud Chariot] to Chongxuan Mountain leisurely as if he hadn't found anything.

At this time, Chongxuan Mountain seemed to be normal.

Wang Yanzhang, who was ordered by his teacher to stay at Chongxuan Mountain, did not know that a group of man-eating dragons had already come outside the mountain.

After Zhou Yang left, he successively received some [Xuanqing Daomeng] monks who came to congratulate Zhou Yang on his success.

It was of course a pity that those people failed to see Zhou Yang, a newly promoted monk in the Nascent Soul stage, on Chongxuan Mountain. They could only leave gifts and find out when Zhou Yang would hold the Nascent Soul Ceremony, and left with regret.

"Patriarch, then Zhou Yang's child must have received some rumors and dare not come back!"

In a dense forest valley hundreds of miles away from Chongxuan Mountain, Yulong Xinghe would look at the distant Chongxuan Mountain for a long time every day, so as to be able to find the whereabouts of Zhou Yang who had returned as soon as possible.

He followed the patriarch, Yulong Xingyu, to Liuyunzhou to hunt and kill Zhou Yang. After finding out where Zhou Yang's cave was, he rushed all the way to Chongxuan Mountain.

It's a pity that they were unlucky, and Zhou Yang had already left when they came.

And although there are Zhou Yang's apprentices and clansmen on the mountain, they can't help scaring the snakes, and they dare not hurt any of them, so they can only hide in this valley like a mouse in the gutter, waiting here for Zhou Yang to go out in the most stupid way return.

Now that Zhou Yang has not come back after waiting for several months, he is obviously a little impatient.

It's not that he's impatient, but that they came to Liuyunzhou to cultivate immortals this time and took away most of the Nascent Soul stage monks from the Yulong family. Now there is only one family Nascent Soul left in the "Five Dragon Island", the old nest of the Yulong family. Period monks sit in town.

Once they were unable to return to the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou for a long time, and people discovered the emptiness of the family lair, the consequences would be serious.

"If that kid really got any rumors, I'm afraid we would have been surrounded by Nascent Soul Stage monks from the Immortal Cultivation Realm of Liuyunzhou. Since this situation has not happened now, it means that everything is normal. Be patient, he will definitely Come back!"

Yulong Xingyu comforted this cousin casually, but he didn't know that what he said casually would soon become a prophecy.

Half a day later, the luxurious and majestic silver speeding car flew down from the top of the "Nine Heavens Absolute Territory", and soon appeared in the sky hundreds of miles away from Chongxuan Mountain.

"The [Misty Cloud Chariot] from Goddess Palace, this must be Zhou Yang's return!"

In the nameless valley, Yulong Xinghe suddenly yelled loudly, staring fixedly at the silver speeding car in the distant sky, his eyes were full of deep-seated hatred.

And Yulong Xingyu, who was meditating and resting in the valley, and the other four Yuanying stage monks of the Yulong family, opened their eyes in unison because of his words, and their eyes flashed with murderous intent.

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