Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 674 Dragon Transformation Art, Dragon Slaying!

Before making the move, members of the Yulong family were full of confidence.

Five people besieged one person, not to mention that Zhou Yang only had an early Yuanying cultivation level, even if he had a late Yuanying cultivation level, he would suffer hatred under their siege.

But after they made a move, they were quickly stunned.

At that time, after Zhou Yang sensed the aura of the five Yulong family members, he immediately crushed the token in his hand.

After less than five breaths passed, there were ten powerful auras of Nascent Soul stage monks on Chongxuan Mountain.

At this time, the five members of the Yulong family had just come up to surround Zhou Yang, and the magic weapon had just been sacrificed.

"Quick, old Qi, stop those people on the mountain first, I'll kill this kid first!"

Yulong Xingyu reacted the fastest. After being shocked, he gave tactical instructions to the four of Yulong Xinghe in a solemn voice.

Then with a wave of his hand, he directly sacrificed the golden long awl that had severely injured the Thunder Feather Demon King, and with the eighth-level cultivation of Nascent Soul, urged the seventh-level fairy weapon to hit Zhou Yang.

The speed of the golden long cone is so fast that even the Thunder Feather Demon King, who is the fastest in the world, can't completely avoid its attack, and Zhou Yang certainly doesn't have that ability.

However, Zhou Yang had already found out the function of this object from the Thunder Feather Demon King. This time he lured the enemy alone, and specially prepared a treasure for this magic weapon.

He slapped a crimson talisman on his body, and his body turned into a human-shaped flame.

The long golden cone passed through the head of the flame man, and the flame swayed slightly, and the broken head was restored and completed.

Afterwards, the golden long awl repeatedly pierced the human-shaped flame several times at a very fast speed, but it still couldn't cause any substantial damage to the human-shaped flame.

After a few breaths of delay like this, a red golden short spear suddenly came through the air and stopped the golden long awl.

But Wang Lingxiao had already rushed over with the seventh-rank fairy weapon [Red Night Spear] and intercepted the golden long awl.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang, who had turned into a human-shaped flame, immediately took the initiative to cancel the effect of the "Void Transformation Spirit Talisman" on his body, restored his real body of flesh and blood, and then quickly left this dangerous place.

This "Taixuhua Spirit Talisman" is one of the three great talismans of the Yuqing Taoist Sect. Only Yuanying stage monks can use it. After using it, Yuanying stage monks will temporarily incarnate into a spiritual creature, immune to flying swords, flying knives, etc. It also has a strong resistance to magical powers.

However, the weakness after using this talisman is also obvious, that is, it can no longer use any magical powers, and it is even inconvenient to move.

This limitation of weakness makes the "Void Spirit Talisman" only a life-saving thing in some special cases.

Yulong Xingyu's golden long cone fairy weapon is a fairy weapon that pursues extreme sharpness and speed. It can be said that it is indestructible and indestructible. Even a sixth-level top-grade defensive magic weapon can hardly block its attack.

But the "Void Transformation Spirit Talisman", a defensive method that can turn people into spirit bodies, is exactly its nemesis.

The spirit body is invisible, even if it is pierced or torn, it can quickly recover, just like cutting off the water with a knife.

If Yulong Xingyu was given time, he would naturally be able to use other means to destroy Zhou Yang who had turned into a flaming spirit body.

But now he can only watch Zhou Yang regain his real body and escape from his eyes.

"Senior Yujing, Senior Wang, I will entrust this matter to the two seniors!"

The most powerful Yulong Xingyu was handed over to [Yujing Zhenren] and Wang Lingxiao, two late-stage Nascent Soul cultivators, but Zhou Yang himself directly sacrificed his magic weapon to kill Yulong Xinghe.

Of the five members of the Yulong family who came here, except for Yulong Xingyu and Yulong Xinghe, two of the other three are middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivators, and the remaining one is a second-tier Nascent Soul cultivation.

Except for the second-tier Nascent Soul cultivator, the other people's spiritual pet dragons have reached the sixth level, which means that the other party actually has five Nascent Soul level monks and five sixth-level flood dragons.

Zhou Yang, the most powerful [Realist Yujing] and Wang Lingxiao on their side deal with Yulong Xingyu and his pet dragon, and the remaining nine people are not as good against Yulong Xinghe and other four Yulong family monks and four sixth-order flood dragons. They were as big as expected.

Like [Bailu Immortal] and Liu Yunxiang, because they had not been born for a long time, and the magical weapons in their hands were not sharp, they could only barely block the monk from the Yulong family who was at the second level of the Nascent Soul and his envoy Jiaolong.

In this way, before Zhou Yang intervened, the two sides were basically fighting one-on-one, and it was hard to tell the winner in a short time.

But when he intervened and entered the battlefield, the situation changed immediately.

In order to preserve mana in case of accidents, although Zhou Yang did not immediately use the seventh-order fairy artifact [Suzaku Fan], he only used the [Purple Gold Qiankun Ruler] and the [Haoyang Treasure] refined during the preaching in the boundless sand sea. Mirror] to attack, Yulong Xinghe, who was fighting fiercely with a Yuanying sixth-level monk of Yuqing Daozong, suffered a lot.

【Purple Gold Qiankun Ruler】Supernatural, unpredictable, he will be hit by the sudden appearance of the purple gold ruler if he is not paying attention.

[Haoyang Mirror]'s attack is also a little unreasonable. Once it is illuminated by the mirror's energy intake machine, it will immediately attract the bombardment of the flame beam. There is no way to hide, but to resist.

If he hadn't taken out an inherited magical weapon [Qianye Dragon Scale Armor] from the family treasure house before coming to the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou this time, he would have been broken by the powerful purple gold ruler long ago. Battle body.

But even with the defensive treasure of [Thousand-leaf Dragon Scale Armor] guarding him, with one against two, he can only parry but not fight back, and seeing his defeat is only a matter of time.

"Hey! Zhou Yang, today, even if I try my best to waste a hundred years of life and retreat a thousand years in cultivation, I will definitely kill you!"

On the battlefield, Yulong Xinghe suddenly roared, looking at Zhou Yang with fire-breathing eyes, he let out a roar, as if he had made up his mind.

He suddenly took out a radiant pale golden orb from the storage ring and swallowed it into his stomach, then looked at Zhou Yang with a ferocious face and roared, his body suddenly released an incomparably rich Bloody aura.

Those blood-colored auras wrapped Yulong Xinghe in groups, and soon formed a blood-colored light cocoon as high as five or six feet high.

The blood-colored light cocoon's defense was terribly strong. Zhou Yang and the sixth-level Yuanying monk of Yuqing Daozong jointly attacked it several times, but they were unable to shake it in the slightest.

And Zhou Yang's powerful spiritual consciousness clearly sensed that the aura of Yulong Xinghe in the blood-colored light cocoon was rapidly becoming stronger.

"Damn it, what kind of supernatural power is this? Why is the defense so powerful!"

A gloomy look flashed in his eyes, and Zhou Yang instinctively sensed that something was wrong. He raised his hand, and he had summoned [Suzaku Fan] and held it in his hand.

Since the blood-colored light cocoon cannot be broken by normal means, it can only use abnormal means.

Thinking of this, he immediately began to charge up the seventh-order fairy weapon in his hand.

In this way, when Zhou Yang injected almost half of his mana into [Suzaku Fan], the blood-colored light cocoon finally changed again.

There was only a roar full of depression and pain, which suddenly sounded from the blood-colored light cocoon, and then the blood-colored light cocoon exploded with a "bang".

The light cocoon was shattered, and the sight that came into view shocked both Zhou Yang and the Yuqing Daozong Yuanying monk for a moment.

I saw that Yulong Xinghe, which was originally wrapped in a blood-colored light cocoon, had disappeared, leaving only a pale golden real dragon nine feet long.

Yes, real dragons!

The nine-foot true dragon that appeared in the blood-colored light cocoon was not a flood dragon with only four claws, but a five-claw true dragon with five claws!

Although this five-clawed true dragon was only nine feet long, the aura it exuded from its body had reached the sixth-level top-grade, stronger than any hundred-foot-long dragon present.

What surprised Zhou Yang even more was that this five-clawed real dragon was wearing a close-fitting battle armor. Looking at the style of the battle armor, it was exactly the defensive treasure [Qianye Dragon Scale Armor] worn by Yulong Xinghe before.

"Boy Zhou Yang, if you can experience the strongest supernatural power [Dragon Transformation Art] of my Yulong family before you die, you can die without any regrets, so die!"

Just when Zhou Yang was surprised by the transformation of the five-clawed true dragon, Yulong Xinghe's murderous voice suddenly rang out from the mouth of the five-clawed true dragon.

It turns out that this real five-clawed dragon was actually transformed by Yulong Xinghe!

"It's not certain who will die, you can eat my leaf first!"

A stern look flashed in Zhou Yang's eyes, and the [Suzaku Fan] in his hand slammed forward fiercely, launching an attack in advance.

Only a clear and crisp phoenix cry was heard, and a Suzaku Firebird with a body length of more than ten feet appeared in mid-air, and rushed straight to the five-clawed real dragon transformed by Yulong Xinghe.

Because there was not enough time to gather the surrounding fire-attribute aura, and Zhou Yang injected only 50% of his mana into it, this time the Suzaku Firebird was obviously weaker than when he killed Lou Feifeng, the lord of the Goddess Palace, last time. Not a lot.

But when it appeared, it still became the most dazzling existence on the surrounding thousands of miles of battlefield.

"Invincible, true dragon domineering body!"

The body of the five-clawed real dragon was plated in mid-air, and a layer of golden light suddenly emerged from its body to form a light shield to protect itself in it.


Suzaku and Firebird jumped together, and instantly turned into a huge fireball and hit the five-clawed real dragon, exploding loudly.

A fire that was a hundred times stronger than the sun shone from the sky, as strong as a Nascent Soul cultivator, and he had to close his eyes and look away.

But places that are hard to reach, can't stop the prying of the divine sense.

Zhou Yang saw that after the explosion appeared, the golden light shield on the five-clawed real dragon only resisted it for less than a breath before it shattered, and then the blazing and domineering flame power submerged it in it.

This flame is a flame with the power of the law of the fire system, which can easily burn a sixth-order magic weapon.

But something that surprised Zhou Yang happened.

Under the impact of the wave of vermilion flames, the five-clawed true dragon remained motionless like a rock in the sea. Its body alone resisted the scorching power of the lawful flames!

"How can this be!"

He let out a dreamlike exclamation, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Zhou Yang would never have believed that there are Nascent Soul cultivators in the world who can resist the burning of the flame of law with their bodies!

This simply overturned his understanding of the power of the law!

"It is said in the ancient book that the real dragon is a natural beast, and the body of the real dragon is born with the power of the law of the great way. This Yulong Xinghe turned into a real dragon, I am afraid that he has already obtained the physique of a real dragon, so he can be exempted from the fire in the power of flames. System damage!"

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, let's retreat quickly, we can't deal with this Yulong Xinghe, we can only let Fellow Daoist Wang and Senior Brother Yujing deal with it!"

When Zhou Yang felt unacceptable for what he saw, the Nascent Soul cultivator of Yuqing Daozong quickly calmed down and analyzed the situation clearly, and reminded him to retreat.

The current power of Yulong Xinghe is obviously beyond the range they can deal with. Only Wang Lingxiao who is in charge of attacking the fairy weapon, or the powerful [Ren Yujing] can firmly suppress him until his so-called 【Dragon Transformation Art】The duration of supernatural power ends.

However, when Zhou Yang heard his words, his whole body trembled, and he shouted suddenly: "No, you can't retreat. If Senior Wang and Senior Yujing are separated, Yulong Xingyu may not be able to hold Yulong Xingyu back. Once Yulong Xingyu Also use this trick like Yulong Xinghe, we will definitely lose today!"

After he finished speaking, his expression became ruthless, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Li Daoyou, please buy me some time, I want to try again!"

"try again?"

The cultivator surnamed Li Yuanying of the Yuqing Daozong glanced at the vermilion feather fan in his hand, as if he understood something, his face suddenly straightened, and he replied seriously: "Okay, then Li will try again to protect the Dharma for fellow Taoists." !"

"It's time for a fellow Taoist."

Zhou Yang nodded, pinching Fa Jue with his hand, raised his hand and said in a low voice: "Use my blood to burn my soul, green blood to burn my soul, it's done!"

This is the first time that Zhou Yang has used the secret method of [Blood Burning Soul Art] after entering the Nascent Soul Stage.

In the past, when he used this secret technique, what he burned was his soul and blood essence. Now his soul and golden elixir turned into a Nascent Soul, and what he burned was the Nascent Soul's vital energy.

And as this domineering secret method took effect, Zhou Yang's mana quickly doubled. Not only did he recover all the mana he had consumed, but his mana breath also climbed straight to the level of a Nascent Soul third-level monk.

Powerful mana filled his whole body, and before Zhou Yang could experience the thrill of the sudden increase in mana, the mana all over his body rushed into the [Suzaku Fan] in his hand like water breaking a bank.

That day, the vision outside the Goddess Palace appeared in the air again. Zhou Yang was holding a vermilion feather fan, his whole body was surrounded by dazzling fire light, and the fire attribute aura within a radius of hundreds of miles was unprecedentedly active.

Seeing such visions in the eyes of the monk surnamed Li who was protecting Zhou Yang's dharma, he couldn't help but feel a little more expectation in his originally weak confidence.

When Yulong Xinghe saw this familiar scene, he let out a shocking roar in shock and anger: "Roar! Those who stand in my way will die!"

With a wave of his dragon power, the nine-foot-long dragon body instantly turned into a golden light and appeared beside Zhou Yang, trying to interrupt Zhou Yang's energy accumulation.

But as soon as he emerged, a beam of blue light fell on him from the sky, quickly turning into a blue light cage and imprisoning him in it.

"Small tricks, break them for me!"

With a wave of the five-clawed real dragon's claws, the golden claws instantly tore apart the blue light cage that trapped him.

But with the little time bought by the blue light cage, monk Li Yuanying's follow-up measures have already been used.

I saw four cyan banners suddenly descending from the sky in all directions of the five-clawed real dragon. The blue lights on the banners were shining brightly, and each of them released endless blue light to form a large array of blue light covering the five-clawed real dragon.

Yulong Xinghe, who was in this great blue light formation, only felt as if he was in a quagmire, with nowhere to use his strength.

"True Dragon Seal, all magic is forbidden, break it for me!"

The five-clawed real dragon opened its mouth wide, and spit out a golden seal.

The treasure seal hangs in the air, shining golden light, wherever the golden light shines, the blue light immediately dissipates.

Then Yulong Xinghe continued to rush towards Zhou Yang with the seal on his head.

"Taishang Xuanling, Yuqing Zhenfa, Leiluo!"

Shouts sounded from the air, and blue-purple thunderbolts appeared out of thin air one after another, blasting towards the five-clawed true dragon densely like raindrops.

The sky thunder rolled down, shaking the golden seal on the top of Yulong Xinghe's head, which slowed down his speed in disguise.

"A mere Lei Ting, what can I do? Look at my dragon soaring to the sky!"

Yulong Xinghe seemed to be impatient with this way of fighting each other's moves, the dragon's head raised its head high and let out a long roar, its body suddenly soared up into the sky, broke through the imprisonment of the blue light formation, and appeared outside the formation .

"Smelly Taoist priest, since you don't know good from bad, this old man will kill you first!"

A pair of golden dragon eyes glared fiercely at the shocked monk named Li outside the formation. Yulong Xinghe looked at Zhou Yang who was still accumulating energy not far away, opened his dragon mouth fiercely, and spit out a stream of golden dragon flames burning towards him. the other side.

The power of the golden dragon flame is incomparably domineering. When it appears in the air, even the void seems to be melted. It looks stronger than Zhou Yang's full [Qianyang True Fire].

When the cultivator surnamed Li saw this scene, his complexion turned pale, and he couldn't help shouting: "Fellow Daoist Zhou, Mr. Li has done his best, the next step is up to you!"

Then he squeezed the magic formula with both hands, and his body instantly turned into a blue light and disappeared into the world. He didn't even want the four blue flags and streamers.

Seeing this, Yulong Xinghe laughed loudly and said: "Hahaha, Zhou Yang, let me see who can save you now!"

Before the laughter fell, he shook his dragon tail, and his body rushed towards Zhou Yang who was not far away.

However, at this moment, Zhou Yang, who was completely surrounded by the dazzling fire, suddenly let out a long howl.

There was a long howling sound, and the fire light that wrapped his whole body quickly retracted into the [Suzaku Fan] in his hand, and then he let go, and the vermilion feather fan in his hand flew out of his hand, manifesting out of thin air A Suzaku firebird with a wingspan of five or six feet appeared.

Although it was only five or six feet in size, this time the Suzaku Firebird made Yulong Xinghe feel a deadly threat even more than the previous one.

He hesitated briefly, hesitating whether to retreat one after another to avoid his sharp edge.

But thinking about the helplessness that Suzaku Firebird had to his true dragon body before, and the hatred between Zhou Yang and the Yulong family, he still went head-on with that Suzaku Firebird.


A dragon and a phoenix collided head-on in mid-air, and the violent flame power poured out, instantly turning dozens of miles of surrounding sky into a field of fire.

The so-called burning the sky and boiling the sea is nothing more than that!

As far as the momentum is concerned, the momentum created by this blow has completely overwhelmed the strength of the three late Nascent Soul cultivators fighting.

On the battlefield within two thousand miles, the eyes of everyone and Jiaolong couldn't help being attracted by it.

As far as Zhou Yang was concerned, he had become a spectator at this time. With all his mana in his body, he couldn't get involved in this kind of battle at the late Nascent Soul stage.

The weapon spirit in the [Suzaku Fan] is itself transformed from a seventh-order Suzaku remnant soul. It fights with its own fighting instinct, but it can exert its own power better than Zhou Yang's command.

I saw it flying up and down around the five-clawed real dragon, like a spider, spitting out scarlet fire threads to weave into a lawful fire net, trapping the five-clawed real dragon in it, no matter how much it growled and struggled Can't get out of it.

The fire net will be tightened more and more tightly, and the power of the flames will continue to burn on his body, and the body of the real dragon, which is known as "indestructible", gradually has black scorched marks.

"Roar! The body of the real dragon is indestructible!"

The five-clawed real dragon roared again and again, constantly urging the power of its blood to release a powerful protective golden light in an attempt to extinguish the flames on its body.

It's a pity that Suzaku is an existence at the same level as the real dragon. The flames cast by the Suzaku weapon spirit are no weaker than the power of the real dragon in terms of power level. The power of the flame is stronger than him in essence.

No matter how he struggled and tried every possible means, he still couldn't get out of the fire net of laws woven by Suzaku and Firebird.

Zhou Yang looked at this scene with both joy and worry on his face, and his heart was extremely nervous.

Suzaku Firebird was able to trap the five-clawed true dragon transformed by Yulong Xinghe, which of course made him happy, but he also knew very well in his heart that Suzaku Firebird was not the real Suzaku, but the remnant soul of Suzaku transformed into form with the aid of a magic weapon Existence cannot exist for a long time at all.

Once Suzaku and Firebird dispersed due to exhaustion of power and the five-clawed true dragon escaped, he would no longer have any means to restrain the opponent.

"Friend Zhou, how long can you trap him with this move?"

While Zhou Yang was looking at the battle situation ahead with both joy and worry, the monk named Yuan Ying who had fled the battlefield earlier returned to the battlefield at some time, looked at him with a look of surprise on his face and asked this, he actually wanted to know things.

However, although he didn't know about it in his heart, he didn't show it at all. Instead, he looked at monk Li Yuanying and asked, "What do you mean by Li Daoyou?"

"If Fellow Daoist can trap him for less than a quarter of an hour, Li also has a dragon-slaying skill that can make him look good!"

Li Yuanying, a cultivator surnamed Li, had a flash of light in his eyes, and expressed his thoughts confidently.

When Zhou Yang heard this, he immediately shouted with joy on his face: "Then Daoist Li just let go and do it, Zhou will definitely be able to win it for you in half a quarter of an hour!"

How could monk Li Yuanying know what he was thinking, only when he was sure that he would do it, he immediately shouted with a smile on his face: "Okay, since you have the words of Zhou Daoyou, Li will let go and do it!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his sleeves and released twelve blue flags at once. Together with the four left behind before, they formed a large banner formation, enclosing the dragon and phoenix on the battlefield in the center.

Then he threw a gold, blue and silver three-color formation plate into the formation, and continued to cast spells in his hand, concentrating on casting spells.

I saw that following the spellcasting by the monk surnamed Li Yuanying, golden script scripts appeared on each of the sixteen cyan banners, and the aura of heaven and earth around them instantly became agitated after the golden script scripts appeared. Like moths to a flame, they flocked towards the sixteen blue flags.

"This is……"

Zhou Yang looked at this scene with surprise on his face, and a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

Although he didn't understand the reason for this move of cultivator surnamed Li Yuanying, any supernatural power that required a large amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy to be displayed would definitely not be so powerful.

Moreover, this method of gathering a large amount of heaven and earth aura obviously involves the utilization of the laws of heaven and earth, and it cannot be used by any monk in the Nascent Soul Stage.

"[Fufeng Daoist] Li Fufeng, the sixth-level cultivation base of Yuanying, the master of the sixth-level low-level formation, has practiced for two thousand years..."

Quickly recalling the basic information of the monk Li Yuanyingqi in his mind, Zhou Yang looked at the Suzaku Firebird that showed its might, gritted his teeth, and supplied the remaining 10% of his mana to it. Leaving the last bit of mana to maintain its own flight.

For this reason, he had to release the sixth-order puppet to protect himself, and then sat down empty-handed, holding a piece of high-grade spirit stone in each hand to refine the spirit power in it to restore his mana.

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