Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 681: The Secret of the Guo Family in Tongcheng!

Also as the supernatural power of thunder, there are still many differences between [Nine Heavens Qianyang Demon Extinguishing God Thunder] and the [Qianyang God Thunder] that Zhou Yang once practiced.

[Qianyang Shenlei] is a variant of "Gengjin Shenlei" among the five elements of Shenlei, and it is a metal type of Shenlei.

However, [Nine Heavens Qianyang Demon Extinguishing Divine Thunder] is a real fire attribute divine thunder, and to use this kind of divine thunder, one needs to use [Qianyang True Fire] as a guide to succeed.

At the same time, the power of this supernatural power did not disappoint Zhou Yang who had always had high expectations for it.

The supernatural power that has only been cultivated at the beginning is not weaker than some sixth-level low-grade fire attribute magic attacks. If this supernatural power can be cultivated to the Dacheng state, this supernatural power alone has the power to threaten the monks of the late Nascent Soul.

However, it is extremely difficult for a great supernatural power to cultivate to the level of great success. It is not only possible to do it through hard work and hard work, but also to have a deep understanding of the laws contained in the supernatural power.

That is to say, if Zhou Yang wants to practice [Nine Heavens Qianyang Demon Extinguishing God Thunder] to the level of Dacheng, he must understand the laws of the fire system related to supernatural powers, so that he can draw the power of the laws into the supernatural powers when he uses supernatural powers Among them, the supernatural power is multiplied.

Comprehending the laws is not an easy task, and the Nascent Soul Stage cultivation base is only initially qualified to comprehend the laws.

In fact, among the ten Nascent Soul stage monks, there may not be one who can really understand a certain law.

Generally speaking, Nascent Soul monks will only start to focus on this aspect after their cultivation has entered the late Nascent Soul. Before that, Nascent Soul monks mainly focus on improving their cultivation.

There is also an exception, that is, some Nascent Soul stage monks are stuck before a certain bottleneck for a long time and cannot break through. In order to break through the bottleneck and enhance their own strength, they are willing to spend a lot of time and energy on it.

Although Zhou Yang has a great advantage over other Nascent Soul cultivators in comprehending the laws of the fire element with the help of [Qianyang Orb], he obviously does not intend to invest too much until he encounters an obvious bottleneck in his cultivation. focus on this aspect.

This time, he spent more than ten years of energy cultivating the great supernatural power of [Nine Heavens Qianyang Extinguishing Demon God Thunder], completely to make up for his own shortcomings in attacking supernatural powers.

"Husband, this is the news that Cheng'er asked the family's children to send from Xuanyang Xianzong, saying that you ordered the Xuanyang Xianzong intelligence monks to collect the information, and the collection has been completed."

In the cave on Huohua Mountain, two months after Zhou Yang left the customs, Taoist Xiao Ying came in with a jade slip and handed it to him.

Now that he lives in a simple place, it is difficult for others to see him. If there is any matter, the Taoist couple Xiao Ying will handle it on his behalf.

As for the affairs of the Zhou family, Li Hong, who has successfully formed the alchemy, has now taken over and presided over the affairs of the Zhou family, and he rarely intervenes.

Hearing Xiao Ying's words at this time, his expression changed, and he couldn't help but say, "Oh, is that matter finally over?"

After speaking, he took the jade slip from the Taoist couple and carefully checked the situation inside.

More than ten years ago, the Guo family in Tongcheng offered him a top-quality spirit stone in order to atone for their sins. At that time, he was suspicious of the origin of this top-quality spirit stone, and after the incident, he personally sent a letter to ask the intelligence monks of Xuanyang Xianzong to help him. Collect information on the Guo family's fortune.

In the past more than ten years now, this information has finally been collected and passed to him.

"It seems that my original speculation was not wrong. There is indeed a big problem with the Guo family!"

Zhou Yang put down the jade slips, his eyes were full.

According to the information records in the jade slips, the Guo family in Tongcheng was still a Zifu family more than 1,300 years ago.

About thirteen hundred years ago, the patriarch of the Guo family at that time successfully formed an alchemy, and the Guo family was promoted to become the Jindan family.

Since then, the growth of the Guo family has been out of control. In just five hundred years, four Golden Core monks have emerged successively. Up to now, the number of Guo Family's Golden Core monks has never been less than three.

This is undoubtedly very abnormal!

You must know that the ancestor of the Guo family who succeeded in forming alchemy at that time was not a genius. Before his final sitting, his cultivation was only at the seventh level of the golden alchemy.

It can be said that such an ordinary Golden Core cultivator can cultivate a new Golden Core cultivator for his family before his death.

But in fact, before this not-so-genius Golden Core monk died, the Guo family had already trained as many as five Golden Core monks in his hands!

How could the Guo family, who had just been promoted from the Zifu family to the Jindan family, be able to cultivate so many Jindan monks in just five or six hundred years? Just rely on the ancient treasures found by the ancestor of the family that Guo Congyun said?

In the intelligence information in the jade slips, Zhou Yang did see records that the Guo family had sold ancient repair treasures for thousands of years, but the best treasure of those so-called ancient repair treasures was nothing more than a It's just a fifth-order high-grade magic weapon.

Moreover, it has been seven or eight hundred years since the sale of ancient repair treasures. Even if the Guo family secretly exchanged some treasures for some rare spiritual objects, they should have used them at that time.

But in the past few hundred years, the Guo family has not seen any signs of decline. On the contrary, there have always been Jindan monks who have been promoted, and the number of Jindan monks can always be maintained at between three and five.

This is undoubtedly very abnormal.

The families and sects in the world of cultivating immortals, like the Zhou family, rose strongly after a certain powerful figure was born, and they have been out of control ever since.

Or after being strong for a while, it gradually declines because there are no successors, or even cuts off the inheritance.

The stable situation of the Guo family is obviously extremely unreasonable.

"It seems that before going to the wild jungle to meet the Phoenix Immortal, I have to go to this Guo's house to have a glimpse of reality!"

Zhou Yang made a decision, Dang even explained to his Taoist companion Xiao Ying, and left the cave on Huohua Mountain alone.

He fled all the way, and arrived at Tongcheng where the Guo family was located in less than a month.

Guo Congyun of the Guo family has passed away at this time. The current highest cultivation level of the Guo family in Tongcheng is a Jindan sixth-level monk.

After Zhou Yang rushed to Tongcheng, he didn't go directly to the Guo family's Lingshan to spy on the situation, but found an intelligence monk stationed here by the Xuanyang Immortal Sect.

"This [Kongming Stone] is for you, no matter what method you use, you must send it to the Guo family's treasury."

Zhou Yang, who concealed his identity, shook his hand after meeting with the intelligence monk of Xuanyang Xianzong, and threw a fourth-order spiritual object [Kongming Stone] to the opponent.

This information cultivator only had a cultivation base at the foundation stage. After hearing Zhou Yang's words, he didn't ask why, but just stretched out his hand and put the fist-sized [Kongming Stone] thrown out by Zhou Yang into his arms, and saluted him respectfully. then left.

A few days later, a foundation-building cultivator who joined Guo's family presented a rare spiritual object [Kongming Stone] that can be used to refine space rings to the family. Therefore, he was rewarded by the family with a third-order middle-grade magic weapon, but he was envious. Many foreign relatives and monks who also entered the Guo family.

And that piece of [Kongming Stone] was sent to the Guo Family Treasure House to be sealed for later use after being authenticated by the cultivators of the Guo Family Zifu.

The treasury of the Guo family was also built by masters of formations. Only the descendants of the Guo family's Jindan monks within five generations can enter it through the [Bloodline Divine Forbidden], which houses all kinds of rare treasures collected by the Guo family for thousands of years. thing.

On this day, a jade box containing rare ores in the treasury suddenly burst open with a "bang", and then a blue-gray orb the size of a pigeon egg flew out of it and hovered over the mid-air.

The orb hovered in mid-air, and with a flash of inspiration, a man in Tsing Yi with purple hair and purple eyes appeared in the empty treasure house.

This green-clothed man looks ordinary, but his cultivation is as high as the fourth level of Jindan, his face is always cold, without a trace of emotion.

After this person appeared in the treasure house, he immediately stretched out his hand, and the blue-gray orb disappeared into his body in a flash.

Then he flicked his sleeves and put all the fragments of the blasted jade box into the storage ring.

After finishing all this, the man in Tsing Yi glanced at the dazzling array of treasures in the treasury, and muttered to himself in a low voice: "Is this the Guo family's treasury? The space is quite large. I don't know if I can be found in it." The clues you want!"

It turned out that this man in Tsing Yi was Zhou Yang's incarnation that had been practiced for decades.

He hid the avatar outside of his body in the [Dongxuan Orb], a magic artifact of the cave, and then refined the [Dongxuan Orb] into the [Kongming Stone] using the secret method of refining, so as to send the avatar into the sky. The purpose of the Guo family treasure house.

As for why [Kongming Stone] was chosen as the carrier, it is naturally because this object, as a space-attribute spiritual object, cannot be stored in the storage bag, and it can perfectly hide the fact that the [Dongxuan Bead] cannot be stored in the storage magic weapon.

As for a mere piece of [Kongming Stone], it is unlikely that it will disturb the Guo family's Jindan stage monks. The most likely thing is that it will be sent to the treasury for storage as it is now.

The Guo family's monks would never have dreamed that their Jindan family would attract a Nascent Soul cultivator to spy on them, and they would not hesitate to use the magic weapon of the cave and the incarnation, which are very rare treasures even among Nascent Soul cultivators.

Unavoidably, there were many dreams in the night, after Zhou Yang's avatar came out of the [Dong Xuanzhu], Dang even searched for what he wanted to find in the Guo family's treasure house.

The treasure house has a huge space, and it is divided into several large areas, which store various things such as pills, magic tools, magic symbols, ores, and sundries.

Many precious things are stored in jade boxes or wooden boxes that also have the function of sealing spiritual energy, and some large spiritual objects are stored in boxes with the same function.

Zhou Yang's target is not those small spiritual things, even if the jade box containing the fifth-order spiritual things is right in front of him, he doesn't bother to take a look.

He walked quickly in the treasure house, and it didn't take long before he saw what he was looking for in the depths of the treasure house.

It was a row of large boxes neatly stacked. The boxes were all made of a third-order spiritual wood [obsidian] that could seal spiritual energy. Each box was one foot long, half a foot wide, and three feet high. There were as many as thirty-nine such boxes.

With a wave of Zhou Yang's sleeve, a huge force opened the seven or eight boxes in front, revealing the contents inside.

I saw that the things contained in the boxes were all cut spirit stones, and they were all middle-grade spirit stones!

Based on the volume of these boxes, if this box is full, it can hold at least five or six thousand middle-grade spirit stones, ten boxes are five to sixty thousand middle-grade spirit stones, and thirty-nine boxes are nearly two hundred thousand middle-grade spirit stones. Pin Lingshi!

Converting 200,000 middle-grade spirit stones into low-grade spirit stones, that is 20 million low-grade spirit stones!

Even if Zhou Yang, as a Nascent Soul cultivator, had already surpassed this figure, seeing so many spirit stones placed here at this time, he couldn't keep his expression on.

Their Zhou family is considered rich. They own a small world of cultivating immortals and have dug a large spirit stone mine. However, the total number of middle-grade spirit stones and low-grade spirit stones in the Zhou family's treasury will not exceed ten million.

Even if the Guo family established their clan seven or eight hundred years earlier than their Zhou family, it stands to reason that they shouldn't have so many spiritual stone savings.


Zhou Yang's avatar flashed his eyes, and suddenly seemed to have discovered something. With a flick of his sleeve, he moved the pile of boxes full of spirit stones away from the place.

Then he looked at the ground after the boxes were removed, and with a wave of his sleeve, a green bamboo flying sword with a touch of gold slashed across the ground, creating a crack that was Zhang Xu long on the ground.

The Green Bamboo Flying Sword is the sixth-grade low-grade magic weapon [Golden Bamboo Sword] obtained by Zhou Yang when he killed Shen Luoyan, a monk from the goddess Gong Yuanying. This sword is made from a very rare spiritual bamboo [Golden Carnation]. It has both metal and wood attributes, and is the best material for wood-type kung fu monks to refine flying swords.

Zhou Yang originally prepared this object for Taoist Xiao Ying, but Xiao Ying didn't like to fight, and he didn't have any suitable magic weapons for his incarnation who practiced wood-type kung fu, so Zhou Yang gave this flying sword to him. Avatars are used.

And although his incarnation is only at the golden core stage, as the incarnation of the Nascent Soul cultivator, it is not difficult to use the sixth-order magic weapon in advance.

"Sure enough!"

Zhou Yang's avatar walked up to the crack on the ground, looked down, and saw that there was another universe under the crack, and there was still a hidden compartment.

Originally, a large amount of [Forbidden God Stone] was incorporated into the stone on the ground of the treasure house. Even if a monk at the Golden Core stage is in the treasure house, it is difficult for the spiritual sense to find the hidden compartment underneath through the stone slabs on the ground.

But although Zhou Yang's incarnation was only cultivated at the Jindan stage, the quality of his spiritual consciousness was that of a Nascent Soul stage monk.

Although the hidden compartments in the treasury were cleverly hidden, after scanning with his spiritual sense, he still found abnormalities. This trial with the sword really paid off.

The space in the secret compartment is not large, and there are two small boxes inside, and there are special spirit locks hanging on the boxes.

This kind of spirit lock is a form of restraint, and the box cannot be opened without the relevant unlocking formula. If it is forcibly broken, it will only be damaged together with the contents of the box.

"This is a bit difficult. With the strength of my incarnation, it is really difficult to open the treasure chest without damaging the treasure inside. It seems that I can only take it away first and leave it to the main body to do it. .”

Looking at the two boxes in front of him with a strange look on his face, Zhou Yang put them into the storage ring with a wave of his hand, and then used his means to restore the ground that was destroyed by himself, and moved those boxes out of the way. The box full of spirit stones was put back in place.

As for the spirit stones inside, he didn't move any of them.

This is not only because he is afraid that if he touches these spirit stones, he will startle the snake, but also because he has no shortage of spirit stones now, so there is really no need to do such a worthless thing.

Even if there was nothing he wanted in the two boxes he took away, he would still return them to the Guo family later.

Half a year later, a cultivator from the Zifu of the Guo family entered the treasury and walked straight to the area where the talismans were stored. It seemed that he wanted to pick some kind of talisman to take out of the treasury.

About a quarter of an hour later, the person picked out the talisman he wanted, and then went out of the treasure house with the jade box containing the talisman.

However, neither the cultivator who entered the treasury nor the treasury guard monk who routinely checked the talisman he had chosen after leaving the treasury did not find that there was an extra blue-gray orb on the jade box in the cultivator's hand.

When the monk who entered the treasure house left the entrance of the treasure house and was about to put the jade box in his hand into the storage bag, he suddenly found that he had failed to ingest it!

"Hey, what's going on?"

He looked at the jade box in his hand in surprise, and stuffed it into the storage bag again in disbelief, but this time he successfully put it into the storage bag.

"What a strange thing! Could it be that this storage bag has been used for too long?"

Looking at the storage bag on his waist with a strange expression, the monk left quickly without thinking too much.

Naturally, he didn't notice that the blue-gray orb that was originally on the jade box had quietly dropped to the ground as he put the jade box into the storage bag.

A few days later, Zhou Yang took back the [Dongxuan Orb] hidden by the magical power of illusion from a monk who had left the Guo family's qi training period.

Due to the refining of materials, he can practice all kinds of wood-attribute spells and supernatural powers. The previous method of hiding the [Dongxuan Orb] was to use a kind of wood-attribute magic power.

With the cultivation base of this incarnation golden core stage, using illusion magical powers to cover up, it is naturally unpleasant to be seen by a mere cultivator from the Purple Mansion.

"Let me see what's in this treasure chest!"

In a fairy store courtyard in Tongcheng, after Zhou Yang retrieved the [Dongxuanzhu], he couldn't wait to take out the two treasure chests inside, ready to open the treasure chest to see what was inside.

These two treasure chests are one big and one small, the big one is half a foot long, three feet wide, and two feet high, and the small one is also three feet long, two feet wide, and one foot high.

The spirit lock on the treasure chest can block Zhou Yang's incarnation, but it cannot protect the treasure inside from prying eyes after his own body makes a move.

Zhou Yang took action himself, and soon used a special method to obliterate the spirit lock on the treasure chest, and successfully opened the treasure chest.

The first thing he opened was the big treasure chest.

The things contained in this big treasure chest are also spirit stones, but they are high-grade spirit stones, as many as more than a thousand pieces of high-grade spirit stones!

Many years have passed, and the large-scale spiritual stone mine belonging to the Zhou family in the boundless sand sea of ​​cultivating immortals has almost been mined, but the top-grade spiritual stones mined from such a large-scale spiritual stone mine are only more than a hundred pieces in total.

But now the treasure chest in front of Zhou Yang contained more than a thousand high-grade spirit stones!

If it is said that the large number of middle-grade spirit stones in the Guo family's treasure house can be explained by the savings of the Guo family for hundreds of thousands of years, then there are more than a thousand pieces of high-grade spirit stones, which cannot be explained anyway. .

The circulation rate of high-grade spirit stones is extremely low. Unlike middle-grade spirit stones, which can be exchanged with low-grade spirit stones, if you want to collect as many as thousands of top-grade spirit stones, you must kill a large number of Jindan monks and Yuanying monks like Zhou Yang. Obtained by plunder, or by mining spirit stone mines.

The quantity of high-grade spirit stones produced by large-scale spirit stone mines may not be much, but the reserves of top-grade spirit stones in giant spirit stone mines are very rich.

As far as Zhou Yang knows, it is not uncommon for a complete giant spirit stone mine to have reserves of top-grade spirit stones exceeding 10,000.

The Guo family first took out top-grade spirit stones, and now Zhou Yang found a large number of middle-grade spirit stones and top-grade spirit stones in their family's treasure house. It can be seen that they have found a huge spirit stone mine that has never been discovered in secret with a high probability. Mined for thousands of years.

"Now let me see what's in this little treasure chest!"

With a flash of light in his eyes, Zhou Yang couldn't wait to open the little treasure chest again.

After opening the small treasure box, what caught Zhou Yang's eyes was half a box of white crystals, with about twenty or thirty pieces in total, each about the size of an adult's fist.

These white crystals contain astonishing spiritual power, and the spiritual power contained in each of them is even stronger than that of top-grade spirit stones, but far inferior to top-grade spirit stones.

"Hey, what are these things? Could it be the [Essence Stone] that can quickly restore mana!"

Zhou Yang looked at those white crystals with a suspicious expression, his eyes were full of surprise.

The so-called [spiritual stones] can actually be called spiritual stones. They are special companion spirit stones that can only appear in giant spirit stone mines.

The spiritual power contained in this [Spiritual Essence Stone] is an extremely rare non-attribute spiritual power, which can be easily absorbed by monks who practice any technique and transformed into their own mana.

If it is only used to replenish mana, this [Spiritual Essence Stone] is inferior to the top-grade fire-attribute spirit stones for Zhou Yang, a fire-type cultivator, and far better than top-grade spirit stones.

Moreover, with the rich spiritual power contained in the [Spiritual Marrow Stone], a fist-sized [Spiritual Marrow Stone] can almost replenish half of his current mana, and it can be done within half an hour.

As for determining whether these white crystals are [Spiritual Essence Stones], it is also very simple. Zhou Yang directly took one out of the treasure chest, held it in his hand, and used it to absorb the spiritual power and refine it.

After a while, he stopped refining, and couldn't help but look at the box of white spar with eyes full of light and shouted: "It really is [Soul Essence Stone], I didn't expect that the Guo family actually hid a huge Spirit Stone Mine!"

A giant spirit stone mine!

It has been more than 2,000 years since Liuyunzhou's immortal cultivation world has not discovered such a treasure. The last time a giant spirit stone mine was discovered, more than a dozen sects fought over it, and even lost two Yuanying stage monks.

But now, a Guo family that doesn't even have a Nascent Soul cultivator has monopolized a huge Lingshi mine for thousands of years, and has never been discovered.

If the news is known by those powerful forces, the Guo family may be wiped out in the blink of an eye.

Not to mention the Guo family, even if it is Zhou Yang who wants to monopolize a giant spirit stone mine, it is impossible to do it, even the Xuanyang Xianzong can't do it.

"The Guo family, the Guo family, now it depends on whether you know your acquaintances. If you are acquainted, your Guo family can continue to prosper and pass on. If you don't, then don't blame Zhou for being cruel!"

A cold light flashed in Zhou Yang's eyes, and he couldn't help looking at the location of Guojialing Mountain.

Naturally, he didn't want to embarrass the Guo family anymore, but now that he knew that the Guo family had hidden a huge spiritual stone mine, he might have to visit the door in person.

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