Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 682: Old and overbearing

After Guo Congyun passed away, the person in charge of the Guo family is named Guo Xianlong. This person is currently at the sixth level of the Golden Core, and his lifespan is less than seven hundred. In the future, he may be a monk at the ninth level of the Golden Core.

Although Zhou Yang planned to formally talk to the person in charge of the Guo family about the giant spirit stone mine, he didn't directly reveal his identity to visit with great fanfare, but sneaked into the Guo family's Lingshan in private, hiding his identity and cultivation , Directly disguised as a monk from the Guo family's Zifu, and was allowed to enter Guo Xianlong's cave in the name of asking for advice.

Probably the Guo family monk that Zhou Yang pretended to be of high status, and was usually valued by Guo Xianlong, actually let Zhou Yang all the way into his place of practice.

When Zhou Yang saw him, he had just finished his work, and there was still a layer of blue aura on his body that hadn't dissipated.

"Little Seventeen, what happened to you that needs to be explained by your grandfather?"

Seeing Zhou Yang pretending to be a junior member of the Guo family coming in, Guo Xianlong on Hanyu's bed suddenly smiled, and kindly greeted him and asked about his visit.

He didn't realize at all that the junior in front of him had been replaced by another person.

And Zhou Yang looked at the middle-aged man in green shirt with a friendly smile on the jade bed, and a smile flashed on his face, and he said with a faint smile: "There is an important matter that needs Daoist Guo to explain to Zhou!"

Guo Xianlong's face changed drastically in an instant, and he opened his mouth in shock and anger to protect himself behind him, and then shouted angrily: "Who is your Excellency? Where is nephew Guo now?"

He made a loud voice, obviously wanting to let the other Guo family monks on the mountain know.

But he soon discovered that his voice couldn't spread out of the room at all, and everything just now was in vain.

"Guo Daoyou don't need to be excited. If Zhou wants to harm you, it will be useless for you to call more people over."

Zhou Yang smiled faintly, but he no longer hid his identity, and directly showed his true face.

"Ah! So it's... so it's Senior Zhou!"

Guo Xianlong's face turned pale, and he looked at Zhou Yang in horror, with panic all over his face.

He naturally recognized Zhou Yang. More than ten years ago, the entire Guo family was almost wiped out because of the name "Zhou Yang".

It was only because he recognized it that he panicked.

Zhou Yang and the Guo family had a big feud, although Zhou Yang had already stated that he would not pursue the past after the Guo family offered the best spirit stone last time.

But now Zhou Yang suddenly hid his identity and sneaked into Guo's house, into his cave, which had to make him think of something bad.

Zhou Yang had expected this for a long time, so seeing Guo Xianlong's reaction was not surprising at all, he just nodded slightly and said: "Since you know this seat, you should know that this seat really wants to harm you, and it is useless for you to resist, so Put this thing away first."

Guo Xianlong's face froze immediately, but he also knew that what Zhou Yang said was the truth, so after hesitating for a while, he obediently took back the magic weapon.

After putting away the magic weapon, he took a deep breath of the panic in his heart, bowed respectfully to Zhou Yang and said: "I don't know [Tianyang Daoist] is here, but I'm sorry to welcome you, senior, please forgive me!"

Seeing this, Zhou Yang waved his hands again and again with a smile on his face: "Sit down first, sit down first, and then talk after sitting down. This time, I am not here to ask you about your crimes, but to ask you to explain your doubts."

Look at him, as if he is the master here.

But Guo Xianlong didn't dare to have an opinion at all, he could only sit back obediently with full of doubts.

However, as soon as this butt sat down, Zhou Yang's next words made him jump up from the bed in shock.

"I came here this time to ask Fellow Daoist Guo, where did your Guo family discover that giant spirit stone vein, and it has been mining for thousands of years without being discovered!"

Zhou Yang looked at Guo Xianlong with deep eyes, and straight-forwardly explained the purpose of his visit without any nonsense.

When Guo Xianlong heard his words, he jumped up from the cold jade bed in shock, looked at him with horror and shouted: "Senior, you made a mistake, how could the Guo family have a giant spirit stone vein? How could such a thing be owned by a small family like my Guo family!"

Seeing his reaction, Zhou Yang said calmly, "Whether the Guo family has mastered a giant spirit stone vein, you know, and this seat also knows. If there is no sufficient evidence, how can this seat be like this?" Hide your identity and come to see you in secret?"

Guo Xianlong's face suddenly changed again and again, and a flash of obvious panic flashed in his eyes.

However, although he was terrified in his heart, he still said stubbornly: "I don't know why you said this, senior. In short, I dare to guarantee that the Guo family has no giant spirit stone veins!"

In Zhou Yang's eyes, Guo Xianlong's stiff-mouthed look like a dead duck was just amused.

He glanced at Guo Xianlong jokingly, and said in a calm tone: "Really? Then where did the thirty-nine boxes of middle-grade spirit stones in your Guo family treasure house come from? The top-grade spirit stones in these two boxes Where did the stone and [Spirit Marrow Stone] come from? Don't tell me that this is not from your Guo family!"

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and threw the two treasure chests he brought out from the Guo family's treasure house in front of Guo Xianlong. The top-grade spirit stones and [Spirit Marrow Stone] inside appeared in Guo Xianlong's eyes as the lid was opened.

Seeing these two treasure chests, Guo Xianlong's face turned pale immediately, he glanced at Zhou Yang in horror, his throat rolled, and the words of denial were still not uttered after all.

In the face of this iron-like fact, if he categorically denies it, it will be contempt for Zhou Yang, a Nascent Soul cultivator.

As for accusing Zhou Yang of sneaking into Guo's treasury and stealing things, Guo Xianlong would not have dared to say it in front of Zhou Yang even if he had ten guts.

Even if Zhou Yang left now, he would not dare to go to [Liuyun Merchant Alliance] to talk about it in front of those Nascent Soul cultivators.

Because if those Nascent Soul cultivators knew that the Guo family had mastered a giant spirit stone vein for thousands of years, even if the Guo family was not exterminated, they would definitely be ransacked.

"Every man is innocent, but the Guo family must know the reason why he is guilty, otherwise he wouldn't have concealed this news for thousands of years."

"But now that I have let this seat know about this matter, of course it is impossible for you to make such a fortune in silence!"

Zhou Yang looked at Guo Xianlong, who was pale and silent, and expressed his attitude that he wanted to share a piece of the pie in an unambiguous manner.

His attitude reassured Guo Xianlong a little.

After all, he is also the person in charge of a big family. Although Guo Xianlong is still terrified by the revelation of the family's biggest secret, he tries his best to suppress the panic in his heart. He looked at Zhou Yang with dodge eyes and asked in a low voice: "Senior Do you mean to jointly develop that giant Lingshi mine with our Guo family?"

Hearing this, Zhou Yang waved his hand and said, "Let's not be too busy discussing this, you can answer the first question of this seat, where is that giant spirit stone mine located? How did your Guo family find it? How did you hide it from outsiders for thousands of years?"


Guo Xianlong glanced at Zhou Yang with an ugly expression, apparently he was unwilling to reveal the biggest secret of the Guo family so easily.

"What? You don't want to?"

Zhou Yang narrowed his eyes, and a dangerous breath emanated from him quietly.

Guo Xianlong was startled immediately, and shouted like a frightened rabbit: "Your junior dare not, this junior will explain to senior!"

Then he didn't need Zhou Yang to ask any more, and immediately told him all the information Zhou Yang wanted to know.

It turned out that the reason why the Guo family was able to hide the giant spirit stone vein from outsiders for thousands of years was because the giant spirit stone vein was not within the scope of the immortal cultivation world of Liuyunzhou, but in the wild jungle.

More than a thousand years ago, the golden elixir patriarch of the Guo family ventured into the wild jungle to find an opportunity to form an alchemy. When he was chased and killed by a fifth-order wild beast, he accidentally strayed into a wild forbidden area. Accidentally found the giant spirit stone vein.

At that time, the Jindan Patriarch of the Guo family dug a lot of high-grade spirit stones in the giant spirit stone vein and brought them back to the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou. The first Jindan monk since the clan.

Things became easier later on. Relying on the spirit stones that were continuously excavated from the giant spirit stone vein, the Guo family insisted on using a lot of resources to pile up several Jindan monks, completely stabilizing the status of the Jindan family.

Just like what Zhou Yang said, the Guo family monks of all dynasties obviously knew how much the giant spirit stone mine was involved in, so they didn't dare to mine the giant spirit stone mine wantonly, and usually let the senior monks of the family take turns In the name of traveling abroad, sneaked into mining there secretly.

These high-ranking monks of the Guo family who went to mine all used the [Ghost Blood Pact] to swear a blood oath not to leak the news of the giant spirit stone mine, and they all practiced a kind of mysterious art that the Guo family collected through all means possible, so they were not afraid of being caught by others. Soul Search learned the location of the giant Lingshi mine.

It is precisely because of such caution that the Guo family was able to secretly mine the giant spirit stone mine for thousands of years without leaking information.

If it weren't for Zhou Yang's persecution this time, the Guo family had no choice but to offer the top-quality spirit stones excavated from the giant spirit stone mine to resolve their grievances, and Zhou Yang would not have followed the vines to find them and found them hidden in the family. There are a large number of mid-grade and high-grade spirit stones in the treasury.

But at this time, after Zhou Yang asked clearly about the situation of the giant spirit stone mine, he changed the subject and suddenly looked at Guo Xianlong and asked, "A giant spirit stone vein can produce at least a dozen top-quality spirit stones. The Guo family has been digging for thousands of years, so could it be that only one top-quality spirit stone has been mined?"

Guo Xianlong panicked when he heard his words, and quickly explained: "Senior Mingjian, although the Guo family has been digging for thousands of years, but because they dare not send people to mine on a large scale, they have only excavated one-fifth of the entire vein so far. Once it doesn't arrive, the top-quality spirit stone dedicated to senior was only excavated more than two hundred years ago!"

"Furthermore, the giant spirit stone mine is located in the wild jungle after all. Although my Guo family has mastered the method of entering and leaving the forbidden area, the family monks cannot return safely every time they enter and exit the wild jungle. There are more than 30 monks from the Zifu period of the Guo family who were buried in the wild jungle by digging up spirit stones, and there are even two Jindan monks among them!"

What he said was convincing, but how could Zhou Yang believe it so easily.

Dang even looked at him fiercely and shouted: "How dare you lie! The top-grade spirit stones will only be located in the central area of ​​the vein. Since you dug there more than 300 years ago, how could you only dig out one top-grade spirit stone? Could it be? Do you really think that this seat is kind-hearted and soft-hearted, and dare not kill people?"

While speaking, a majestic pressure of spiritual consciousness descended on Guo Xianlong instantly, and his knees were so soft that he fell to the ground unable to move.

This sudden shock also frightened Guo Xianlong, he didn't even dare to resist the coercion of the divine sense, he just shouted his grievances tremblingly: "You are wronged, seniors have learned from you, what this junior said is true, there is absolutely no falsehood , if the seniors don’t believe it, the juniors can open the Guo family’s treasury and let the seniors search, if my Guo family really hides half of the top-grade spirit stone, teach me that everyone in the Guo family will die!”

If he swears on his own life, Zhou Yang may not believe it.

It can be seen that he swears on the lives of the whole clan, although Zhou Yang still has doubts in his heart, it is difficult to force him anymore.

Although Zhou Yang is not a very good person, he is not the kind of person who is treacherous and evil, and he can't do anything to achieve his goal. He has always had his own bottom line principles.

He withdrew the coercion of the divine sense he released, looked at Guo Xianlong with a stern face and said coldly: "Let's believe you this time first, if Zhou knows that you cheated me one day, even if your Guo family has a Nascent Soul Cultivator, I will also let you know the price of deceiving me!"

When Guo Xianlong heard the words, he thought of the rumor that he easily defeated Li Shuhua, the Yuanying cultivator of the Taiyi Immortal Sword Gate, at the Yuanying Ceremony, and suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and he did not dare to doubt the authenticity of his words.

He just nodded again and again and said: "The younger generation dare not, the younger generation dare not!"

"Don't dare!"

Zhou Yang took a deep look at him, waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's talk about the distribution of this giant spirit stone mine!"

When Guo Xianlong heard this, he immediately regained his energy, looked at him expectantly, and waited for him to start.

"Zhou is not a person who likes to eat alone. Since your Guo family discovered the giant spirit stone mine, Zhou will not snatch it by force, and your Guo family is not allowed to continue mining."

"However, since your Guo family has been mining for thousands of years, when the two companies cooperate to mine the giant spirit stone mine in the future, the Zhou family will share 60% of it!"

"Finally, all the mined top-grade spirit stones and [Soul Essence Stone] must be handed over to this seat!"

Zhou Yang looked directly at Guo Xianlong, and said his distribution plan in a deep voice.

It can be clearly seen that Guo Xianlong still had a hint of joy on his face when he heard Zhou Yang's previous two words.

How huge is the reserve of a giant spirit stone mine, even if it is only divided into 40%, for the Guo family, it is actually no less beneficial than before, because their Guo family does not have the strength to fully mine the giant spirit stone mine.

But Guo Xianlong couldn't be happy when he heard that all the mined top-grade spirit stones and [Spirit Marrow Stone] would be handed over to Zhou Yang.

If you want to say where the greatest value of the giant spirit stone mine is, of course it is the top quality spirit stone and the associated [soul marrow stone]. Now that Zhou Yang wants to take these two treasures away as soon as he opens his mouth, how can Guo Xianlong be willing to do it.

He immediately ignored his fear of Zhou Yang, and hurriedly argued: "Senior, you want to take the lead. The junior and the Guo family have nothing to say, but the top-grade spirit stones and [Soul Essence Stone] all belong to you, senior, isn't it too... ..."

Although he didn't dare to finish what he said later, the meaning has already been expressed.

"Hmph, do you think this seat's distribution method is too much?"

Zhou Yang snorted coldly, and didn't look at Guo Xianlong's ugly face, and said to himself: "But you have to know that top-grade spirit stones are not something that small families like your Guo family can have. If the news of the treasure is leaked out, how can others not guess what this seat can guess?"

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Guo Xianlong, who had an extremely ugly face, and continued: "You can also want top-quality spirit stones. After your Guo family has a Nascent Soul monk, come to me again, and then I will naturally give you a piece of it for your Guo family." Top grade spirit stones are used to cultivate sixth-order spirit veins!"

Guo Xianlong was naturally not reconciled to Zhou Yang's distribution method, but seeing Zhou Yang's undiscussed look, he didn't know how to argue.

In all fairness, in the face of the benefits of the giant Lingshi mine, it is absolutely conscientious that Zhou Yang, a dignified monk, can still give them 40% of the benefits of the Guo family.

But his request to take away all the top-grade spirit stones and [Soul Essence Stone] seemed too domineering.

After all, the Guo family was the one who discovered the giant Lingshi mine.

Zhou Yang saw Guo Xianlong's expression in his eyes, and when he saw the other party's face full of reluctance but did not dare to argue, he smiled coldly in his heart, and waved his hands in an uncompromising manner: "This matter is settled like this." Yes, I want to discuss the conditions with this forum, let’s talk about it after your Guo family has a Nascent Soul cultivator!”

Only the Nascent Soul cultivator can have an equal dialogue with the Nascent Soul cultivator. There has never been any fairness in the world of cultivating immortals. Big fists are the truth.

Both Zhou Yang and Guo Xianlong are aware of this point, and Zhou Yang is just practicing this truth this time.

Therefore, when he saw Guo Xianlong was restrained by himself and did not refute, he directly looked at the other party and said: "Now, take me to that giant spirit stone mine yourself!"

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