Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 683: The Magical Use of Longwei

Under Zhou Yang's strong coercion, Guo Xianlong actually had no choice at all.

Cooperating with Zhou Yang, their Guo family can still retain 40% of the giant spirit stone vein, which is a huge amount of spirit stone that even a large sect would be crazy about.

But if Zhou Yang's request is not agreed to, even if Zhou Yang doesn't kill him, all he needs to do is to spread the fact that the Guo family controls the giant spirit stone mine.

Therefore, Guo Xianlong and Zhou Yang left the Tongcheng Guo family's Lingshan after secretly recalling another Jindan monk in the family to take his place in the family's Lingshan.

It is worth mentioning that Zhou Yang did not return the two boxes of high-grade spirit stones and [Spirit Marrow Stone] to Guo Xianlong, and Guo Xianlong did not dare to ask more about it.

After taking Guo Xianlong away from Guo's house, Zhou Yang did not go directly to the wild jungle with him, but instead went to Zhou's house in Daoxuan Kingdom.

The Zhou family in Daoxuan Kingdom is currently managed by Li Hong, and more than half of the Zhou family's Foundation Establishment monks and Purple Mansion monks have now migrated to the Liuyunzhou Immortal Cultivation Realm.

In order to accommodate these Zhou family monks, in addition to Chongxuan Mountain, the fifth-level high-grade spiritual mountain, the Zhou family's fourth-level high-level spiritual mountain in Daoxuan Kingdom was also promoted to the fifth level.

With two fifth-order spiritual mountains as the foundation, and Zhou Yang, the ancestor of the Yuanying, it is difficult for the Zhou family to prosper.

Not to mention that Li Hong himself is also a very capable person. After he took over the management of the Zhou family in the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou, he carried out drastic reforms.

It was rare for Zhou Yang to come to the Zhou family this time, so he took the opportunity to explain to Zhou Yang the achievements of his reforms over the years.

"My ancestors also know that the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou, especially the various forces in the [Xuanqing Dao League] has long been finalized. Although our Zhou family has won two five-seaters in the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou, relying on your relationship with your ancestors. The Tier Ling Mountain is the foundation, but apart from these two Ling Mountains and the surrounding land, our Zhou family doesn’t have any mineral veins or a Tier 4 Ling Mountain!”

"Without the ore and elixir income from the ore veins and Lingshan, the Zhou family on the Liuyunzhou Immortal Cultivation Realm has to rely on transfers from the Boundless Sand Sea Cultivation Realm to even distribute family worship benefits. If you do that, it won’t work.”

"As for the situation in the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou, our Zhou family wants to have these things, and only the family monks can get them by participating in the [Xuanqing Dao League]'s external expansion war, but that kind of war may only happen once every few hundred years. This time I missed it."

"So after the younger generation took over the Zhou family here, they put forward certain requirements for all the family monks. First, those family monks who have mastered all the arts of cultivating immortals above the third level must take turns to sit in the shops run by the family in various fairy cities. , to earn Lingshi income for the family, and in order to mobilize their enthusiasm for this matter, the junior also promised them a certain amount of store dividends!"

"Secondly, for those tribesmen who apply for a long-term travel trip, the family will assign a task according to their cultivation level, or kill a monster of the same level, or collect some kind of spiritual material. The monks who bring back the designated items can receive the full amount of family contribution points during their travels!"

"Third, in order to sharpen the fighting power of the family monks and increase the family's wealth, the family will organize a certain number of foundation-building monks to hunt monsters in areas occupied by monsters such as the Broken Cloud Mountain Range, the Boundless Snowfield, and the wild jungle every few years. And collecting spiritual objects, 30% of the obtained spiritual objects will be drawn by the family, and the rest will belong to the individual.”

"Fourth, the family will act as a guarantee to receive some non-combat missions from the Xuanyang Xianzong and other sects, and then transfer them to the family monks to do them, and collect the mission commission from them."

"Now, the family has opened shops in more than 30 fairy cities, which not only sell the things we brought from the world of immortal cultivation in the boundless sand sea, but also undertake various tasks such as refining weapons, alchemy, making talismans, and setting up formations. "

"According to the younger generation's calculations, if everything goes well, in another forty or fifty years, the income and expenditure of the family in the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou will be close to balance!"

In the quiet room, Zhou Yang sat on the front seat and listened quietly to Li Hong who was sitting on the bottom talking about the current situation of the Zhou family. There was no change in the expression on his face, making it difficult to know the true thoughts in his heart.

It wasn't until Li Hong finished talking about the situation that he calmly said: "Since the ancestor entrusted you to manage the Zhou family, it is natural that he has affirmation and trust in your ability. What you want to do is your business, the ancestor I just look at the results."

"However, Patriarch, I have to remind you that it is not easy for the Zhou family to have what it is today. If some of your actions cause the family to suffer heavy losses, even if you are already a Jindan stage monk, you will not be able to escape punishment!"

At the end of the speech, a majestic and fierce gaze swept across Li Hong's body, and the meaning of warning was undoubtedly obvious.

Li Hong trembled all over, quickly lowered his body and replied respectfully: "Yes, this junior will definitely remember the teachings of the ancestors, and will never disappoint the trust of the ancestors!"

Zhou Yang glanced at him, and continued: "Also, you don't have to worry too much about accumulating wealth for the family. My ancestor and I have other plans in this regard. The most important thing for the Zhou family at present is to let The family has a few more Golden Core monks who can stand on the stage, you should pay more attention to this aspect, you might as well choose some monks who are expected to be Golden Core as Golden Core seeds and focus on cultivating them!"

Hearing his words, Li Hong's eyes flashed strangely, wondering what his so-called plan was.

It was just curiosity in his heart, so Li Hong didn't dare to ask more questions. Instead, he said in response to Zhou Yang's later words: "This junior has actually been doing this. According to the observation of the junior, among the ten Zifu monks in the family, there is really a hopeful golden elixir." There should be only three monks, namely Zhou Shengyu, Zhou Shengfan, and Zhou Rongxiang, among which Zhou Shengyu and Zhou Rongxiang with top-level spiritual root qualifications have the greatest chance!"

Of the three people he mentioned, apart from Zhou Rongxiang who was born in the far west, the other two, Zhou Yang, were fairly familiar with each other.

Hearing his words at this time, Zhou Yang pondered for a while, then nodded and said: "These three little guys are indeed not bad, you can take care of them more according to your discretion, but don't be too obvious, so as not to Let the monks of other families feel injustice, and prevent them from being arrogant and arrogant!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't wait for Li Hong to respond, and waved his hand again: "Forget it, let's not talk about these things, let's talk about the business, this time the ancestor I came here to see you, there is an important thing to tell you to do immediately .”

"I'll give you a month to pick out 20 family foundation-building monks and two Zifu monks that you can trust. My ancestor wants them to do a big thing. This thing may take decades, so the last It’s better to try to choose some young and unattached clansmen!”

The huge Lingshi mine is of great importance, even if it is Li Hong, Zhou Yang does not intend to reveal it to him now.

Even those selected people will not know any news before arriving at the giant spirit stone mine.

Li Hong is also a smart person. Since Zhou Yang didn't explain why he asked someone to do the work, he naturally wouldn't ask more questions without knowing the interest, and soon obeyed the order to do the work.

One month later, Zhou Yang took the selected monks of the Zhou family, together with Guo Xianlong who had been waiting at the Zhou family, and flew to the wild jungle with the [Misty Cloud Car].

The savage jungle is vast and endless, and the savage jungle area that contains the giant spirit stone mine is not near the Nanman Kingdom where Zhou Yang once visited, but in another area hundreds of thousands of miles away.

After arriving at the outskirts of the wild jungle, Zhou Yang released Guo Xianlong from the [Misty Cloud Car] and asked him to guide him in front of the car.

As for the Zhou family monks in the car, they were still completely shielded from the perception of the outside world, and they didn't know where they were going.

Guo Xianlong has gone to the giant Lingshi mine many times to mine, and he is a veteran. Under his guidance, Zhou Yang drove the [Misty Cloud Car] all the way deep into the wilderness, and soon went deep into the wilderness forest for 200,000 to 300,000 miles deep area.

Thinking back to the beginning, when Zhou Yang was still at the stage of cultivation in Zifu, he went deep into these areas with Jiang Fengxian and others, and it was dangerous and murderous every step of the way.

But now he set foot in these areas with the Nascent Soul cultivation base, and after he activates the magical power of the [Misty Cloud Chariot], even the fifth-tier monsters and fifth-tier barbarians can hardly find the cloud chariot flying high in the sky .

In this way, under the guidance of Guo Xianlong, the cloud car flew all the way outside a swamp area covered in seven-colored clouds, and Guo Xianlong, who was in front of the car, quickly reminded: "We are here, the miasma-filled swamp in front of us is a giant spirit stone mine." location."

Hearing what he said, Zhou Yang immediately stopped the cloud car, then looked at him and asked, "What is there to say about this swamp?"

"The ancestors of the Guo family called this swamp [Magic God Poison Swamp]. The colorful miasma in the swamp is highly poisonous. This poison can not only corrode the monk's physical mana, but also has a strong hallucinogenic effect. Even the monks of the Zifu period If you don't pay attention, you will be hit, and the miasma in the depths of the swamp can even affect Jindan stage monks."

"Once a monk who enters the swamp is deluded by the miasma, it is easy to get lost in it, and as he inhales more and more miasma, he will inevitably die from the poison."

"But the miasma is only the most inconspicuous killing move in the swamp. The poisonous insects such as [Blue-eyed Poison Fly], [Purple-skinned Toad], [Black Blood Poisonous Mosquito] that inhabit the swamp, as well as various swamp monsters, are the swamp. The most unpredictable existence in the world."

"Even if our Guo family has studied this swamp for thousands of years, we can't completely deal with all the monsters in it. Every few years, monks from our family will get lost in the swamp!"

Now that Guo Xianlong has chosen to compromise, he will naturally not hide what the Guo family knows. Besides, he also knows that no matter how dangerous the [Misty God and Poison Swamp] is, it is impossible for a Nascent Soul cultivator like Zhou Yang with great supernatural powers. create a threat.

Sure enough, after Zhou Yang listened to his words, there was no strange expression on his face, he just nodded lightly and said: "I understand, you continue to guide the way, and I will leave the matter of miasma and monsters to me." Just deal with it."

After Zhou Yang had a thought, a layer of silver aura emanated from the surface of the silver speeding car, which protected the whole speeding car, and then plunged into the swamp.

The seven-colored miasma that Guo Xianlong spoke so strongly about obviously couldn't corrode the shield released by the sixth-order magic weapon [Misty Cloud Chariot], even though this speeding car is not actually a defensive magic weapon.

However, the silver aura emitted by the speeding car was so dazzling that it attracted many flies when it entered the swamp.

These alien flies that live in the swamp are huge, almost the size of a sparrow, and have a pair of big blue-gray eyes, and can spit out a black corrosive venom to attack the enemy.

This is what Guo Xianlong called "blue-eyed poisonous fly".

Such a single poisonous fly, as long as it is not sprayed by their venom, even ordinary people can kill them.

But the number of these poisonous flies in the swamp is more than billions. Once they appear to besiege the enemy, there must be hundreds of thousands or millions of them acting together.

When the poisonous flies all over the sky lifted into the sky together, a blue-gray insect cloud with a size of more than ten acres was formed directly above the swamp filled with colorful mist.

With so many poisonous flies gathering together to attack, ordinary cultivators in the Zifu period would have to avoid their sharp edge.

But these flies were unlucky to meet Zhou Yang.

As long as they dare to pounce on the silver speeding car, they will be shocked to death by the dragon power released from Zhou Yang's body.

Zhou Yang also discovered by accident that the dragon power produced by refining several copies of [True Dragon Essence Blood] has a strong restraint effect on these weak poisonous insects.

Using Longwei on his body to shock and kill these poisonous insects is much faster than directly setting them on fire.

In addition to [Blue-Eyed Poisonous Fly], there is another large swarm of insects in the swamp [Black Blood Poisonous Mosquito].

That 【Black Blood Venomous Mosquito】can grow as big as a fist, and its sharp mouthparts can pierce even the thick skin of a Tier 3 bull.

This kind of poisonous mosquito is full of filth and poisonous blood. Under normal circumstances, they can only be burned to ashes with fire spells.

If you dare to kill them with magic weapons like flying swords, the poisonous blood that burst out from their bodies will pollute the body of the magic weapon, and even the fifth-order magic weapon can't completely resist the power of poisonous blood and filth.

According to what Guo Xianlong said, when the Guo family monks encountered this kind of [black blood poisonous mosquito] swarms in the past, they would light a special incense to drive away the poisonous mosquitoes.

But here in Zhou Yang, as long as the poisonous mosquito dared to approach him for ten miles, he would be directly shocked to death by Long Wei.

As for the other monsters in the swamp, they all hid and shivered after sensing Longwei, so how dare they seek their own death to attack Zhou Yang.

Only those poisonous insects who have no intelligence at all will attack a Nascent Soul Daoist recklessly.

After traveling hundreds of miles into the swamp on such a rampage, under the guidance of Guo Xianlong, Zhou Yang drove the speeding car into an island.

After arriving on this island, which is only a hundred miles long and wide, Zhou Yang didn't need Guo Xianlong's guidance, and after a quick sweep of his spiritual sense, he discovered the array that the Guo family had arranged at the entrance of the giant spirit stone mine.

And he drove the silver speeding car to the sky above the island, and the huge noise caused also attracted the attention of the monks of the Guo family in the formation. A peeping gaze was looking at the silver speeding car from the formation.

"According to the rules of the Guo family, there must be at least two monks on the side of the mine. One monk digs the mine, and the other monk is guarding and practicing outside. When the junior is outside the swamp, he has already sent a summons to the guarding monk inside. I also ask the senior to let the junior go out and ask him to come out and greet the senior!"

On the speeding car, Guo Xianlong was afraid that Zhou Yang's misunderstanding would be caused by the peeping of the family monks, so he hurriedly explained the inside story.


Zhou Yang waved his hand and didn't care about these things.

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