Only when Zhou Yang was in the giant spirit stone mine in person did he know that the rumors were true.

It is said that the suppression of the spiritual consciousness of the monks by the magnetic field of the spiritual mine in the giant Lingshi mine has greatly affected even the monks in the Nascent Soul stage.

And indeed it is.

With Zhou Yang's powerful spiritual consciousness comparable to that of a monk in the late Yuanying period, he can only release less than two hundred feet in this giant spirit stone mine!

And if he is outside, he can spread his consciousness for two hundred miles!

In addition to the suppression of spiritual consciousness, which makes it very uncomfortable for high-level monks who enter the mine, the aura in this giant spirit stone mine is as strong as the rumors.

Even if Zhou Yang's current location is not at the deepest part of the mine, the richness of his spiritual energy can catch up with the fifth-level high-grade spiritual veins of Chongxuan Mountain. It is conceivable that the concentration of spiritual energy in the depths of the mine must be comparable to that of the sixth-level Lingmai.

It can even be said that, apart from the inability to grow various spiritual plants and the need to endure the discomfort of being suppressed by the spiritual consciousness all the time, this giant spiritual stone mine is actually a treasure land of practice.

But the spiritual energy stored in this kind of mineral veins cannot be compared with spiritual veins after all.

As long as the spiritual veins are not damaged, the spiritual energy will be continuously produced, but the spiritual energy in the spiritual stone veins will only be lost and will not be reborn.

Once the ore veins are dug out, or the spiritual energy inside is too much, absorbed and refined by people, the concentration of spiritual energy inside will continue to decrease until it is completely turned into mortal soil.

The Guo family has been excavating this mine vein for thousands of years, even though they have sealed the entrance of the mine with a stone door made of [sealed spirit stone] at the entrance and exit of the mine, so as to prevent the spiritual energy in the mine from overflowing and leaking out, but after thousands of years, the mine is still alive. The concentration of aura in the cave is still slowly decreasing.

Otherwise, with the accumulation of the giant spirit stone mine, how could the concentration of spiritual energy in it be only as high as the fifth-order top-grade spirit veins.

After thousands of years of mining by monks of the Guo family, the mine where Zhou Yang is now has penetrated hundreds of miles underground.

"Although the spiritual stone reserves in the giant spiritual stone mine are abundant, the peripheral area near the ground is still dominated by low-grade spiritual stones. Those high-grade spiritual stones are buried deep underground and are scattered in fragments."

"As for the top-grade spirit stone in the hands of seniors, it was accidentally discovered from inside a large middle-grade spirit stone when opening a new mine."

Inside the Lingshi Mine, Guo Xianlong was leading the way for Zhou Yang while introducing him to the situation in the mine in a low voice.

As for the Zhou family monks brought by Zhou Yang, they all stayed outside the mine at the moment to listen to the Guo family garrison monk explain the situation that needs to be paid attention to when mining in the mine.

It is not easy to mine in this giant spirit stone mine.

Moisturized by the highly concentrated aura, the soil and sand in this giant spirit stone mine are as hard as iron, making it extremely difficult to dig out.

Even if a monk in the early stage of foundation establishment digs with all his strength with a third-order magic weapon, he can only dig ten feet deep at most before his mana is exhausted.

If it is a monk in the Qi training period, it may take a day to dig ten feet forward.

Zhou Yang also took this into consideration, so he only brought Foundation Establishment monks and Zifu monks to mine.

Moreover, mining is also a skill. Which direction has a high ore content, how to separate the raw ore of the spirit stone from the soil without damaging the spirit stone as much as possible, and how to open a stable and strong mine tunnel, these are all skills and knowledge of.

The monks of the Guo family have been digging mines here for thousands of years and have summed up a lot of experience. Every monk of the Guo family who comes here to mine for the first time will first conduct training and study, and then start digging in the cave after learning.

Listening to Guo Xianlong's introduction at this time, Zhou Yang's eyes flashed, he suddenly looked at the other party and said, "Guo Daoyou, can you take me to the place where the top-quality spirit stone was unearthed?"

Guo Xianlong seemed to have expected that Zhou Yang would ask this question, and immediately replied after hearing the words: "Of course, seniors, please come with juniors."

Under his leadership, the two went all the way deep into the mine, and finally stopped in a large cave hall.

"This is the place where the top-quality spirit stone was unearthed. After the top-quality spirit stone was excavated here, the Guo family also used its location as the center to dig around. Unfortunately, the seniors also saw it. , still no other top-grade spirit stones have been found, and even top-grade spirit stones are rare.”

In the cave hall, Guo Xianlong pointed to the uneven cave walls and talked about the situation, his face was full of regret.

In fact, this cave has become so big, and he is also responsible for it.

Almost every monk of the Guo family who knows the existence of top-grade spirit stones will come here to try to dig.

Zhou Yang didn't pay attention to Guo Xianlong's words, but released his spiritual consciousness with all his strength and penetrated in all directions of the cave wall.

With the obstacles of mud and rocks, and the limitation of the magnetic field of the spiritual mine that suppresses the spiritual consciousness of monks in the spiritual stone mine, Zhou Yang's powerful spiritual consciousness can only penetrate and extend twenty or thirty feet into the cave wall.

In this interval, although he also found many raw ores of spirit stones, even high-grade ores of spirit stones, as Guo Xianlong said, he did not find any traces of other top-grade spirit stones.

"It's a pity that [Water-avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast] is still sleeping and evolving. Otherwise, with its talent for treasure hunting, it might be able to help me find those top-quality spirit stones in this mine!"

Feeling regretful in his heart, Zhou Yang withdrew his consciousness, nodded slightly to Guo Xianlong and said, "Let's go, let's go out of the cave first."

Since it is impossible to directly find the top-quality spirit stones hidden in the mine veins with spiritual consciousness, Zhou Yang obviously does not want to dig here himself as a miner.

Anyway, the ore veins will not run away here, as long as the monks of the Zhou family keep digging, they will be able to dig out those top-quality spirit stones sooner or later.

When he got outside the mine, Zhou Yang called all the Zhou family monks he brought together.

"I think you all know that this is a giant spirit stone mine that has never been known to outsiders. The purpose of my ancestor, I brought you here this time, is to let you dig spirit stones for the family here."

"In order to prevent some of you from leaking the news, I, the ancestor, will plant a soul restriction in each of your souls later, so that even if someone uses the soul search technique on you, the location of the mine will not be revealed."

"Of course, in order to compensate for the loss that you will not be able to go out for the next few decades, the family offering benefits received by each person who mines here will be doubled on the original basis, and after you go back, each person They will reward you with a high-grade spirit stone!"

Because they had been told that they would not be able to return to the family for a long time before coming, so when Zhou Yang announced these things, the twenty-two Zhou family monks did not make any commotion.

As for the giant spirit stone mine, they were already shocked and excited when they learned about it from the monks of the Guo family, and now they have calmed down.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yang secretly nodded in his heart.

He glanced at the faces of these juniors, and continued: "Finally, I can give you a guarantee here, ancestor, as long as anyone can dig out a top-quality spirit stone, they can get a copy directly from the family after returning." [Purple Heart Chalcedony], and there is no upper limit!"


As soon as Zhou Yang said these words, the faces of those Zhou family monks finally couldn't keep calm.

Undoubtedly, even in the current Zhou family, [Purple Heart Chalcedony], a spiritual object that can help people open up the Purple Mansion, is still extremely scarce.

Even if Zhou Yang relies on his relationship with Xuanyang Xianzong, he can buy some [Purple Heart Chalcedony] from Xuanyang Xianzong every few years, even if the Zhou family buys this kind of spiritual thing everywhere these years to enrich their family.

The obtained [Purple Heart Chalcedony] is still only enough for a very small number of people.

Many Zhou family foundation-building nine-story monks had no choice but to settle for the next best thing when they opened up the Zifu, choosing spiritual objects such as [Purple Cloud Pill] to assist them.

There are naturally many people who fail, but very few succeed.

But now, as long as a top-quality spirit stone is excavated in this giant spirit stone mine, the family can directly exchange for a piece of [Purple Heart Chalcedony]. Say, don't be stingy with the gospel from heaven.

In an instant, the enthusiasm of all the monks of the Zhou family was aroused, and they wished they could turn around and enter the mine to work hard.

Facing the fiery gazes of those foundation-building cultivators, Zhou Yang looked at the two cultivators of the Zhou family's Zifu, Zhou Zehong and Zhou Wancheng, and said in a deep voice: "You two, pay attention to the people of the Guo family. Those who go into the mine must hand over the spirit stones to you for a unified count, and I will leave Jinpeng here to sit in charge of the ancestor, whoever dares to break the rules, you will find it to deal with!"

"I will follow the orders of the ancestors."

The two cultivators from the Zifu of the Zhou family looked at each other, and responded in unison with solemn expressions.

After explaining to these junior clansmen in this way, Zhou Yang released the golden-winged Thunder Eagle from the [Linglong Jade Bracelet], which had been promoted to a fifth-order middle-grade monster, and secretly told him through voice transmission: "Jin Peng, the next few dozen In 2009, you will sit here instead of me. Without my token, any monk from the Zhou family on this island who dares to leave without permission, you can capture or even kill him. If there are outsiders who come to the island, you must keep them! "

"Jin Peng understands, and will definitely live up to his master's entrustment."

The Golden Winged Thunder Eagle nodded its head slightly, and scanned the Zhou family members with its eagle eyes, and easily understood Zhou Yang's purpose for doing this.

Afterwards, Zhou Yang planted soul restrictions on those Zhou family monks one by one, just in case.

This soul restriction is not mysterious, but it has a rigid requirement for cultivation, and if you don't form a Nascent Soul, you will definitely not be able to perform this technique.

After this was done, Zhou Yang took Guo Xianlong and left the Lingshi mine.

"Guo Daoyou, regarding the importance of the giant Lingshi mine, I think fellow Daoists are well aware of it. The people on the Zhou family's side have seen the measures taken by this seat. The Guo family, this seat I hope fellow daoists can also focus on supervision and enlightenment, and don't let some people in your family do stupid things because of the intervention of Zhou and the Zhou family!"

[Misty God Poison Swamp] Outside, after the silver flying car flew out of the swamp filled with colorful miasma, Zhou Yang stopped the flying car, and issued a warning and reminder to Guo Xianlong with a solemn expression.

Of course Guo Xianlong understood the deep meaning of Zhou Yang's words.

In the past, the Guo family monopolized the Lingshi mine, and those monks who knew the Guo family would of course keep tight-lipped, and would rather die than leak the news.

But now the Guo family is forced to share this spirit stone vein with the Zhou family, and the Zhou family has also taken away the big head and the most important top-grade spirit stone and [Spiritual Essence Stone]. The news was leaked to other forces.

And once the matter is leaked, it will obviously do harm to both the Guo family and Zhou Yang.

Guo Xianlong, as the head of the clan, of course knows which is more important.

Hearing Zhou Yang's warning and reminder at this time, he immediately responded solemnly: "Senior Zhou, don't worry, it is a matter of the Guo family's life and death, and this junior understands what to do!"

"It's good that you understand!"

Zhou Yang nodded, then waved his hand and said: "Okay, I still have some things to do in the wild jungle, so I won't send you back, you can go back to Guo's house by yourself."

When Guo Xianlong heard this, he cupped his hands knowingly and said: "Don't dare to bother senior, junior will leave."

When Jiang Fengxian left Chongxuan Mountain, she said that she would wait for Zhou Yang in the wild jungle for thirty years, but now there are only a few years left in the thirty years. Since Zhou Yang made a special trip to the wild jungle this time, he had already prepared to fulfilled this agreement.

And before coming, he also told Taoist couple Xiao Ying and his son Zhou Guangcheng about this matter, so that they knew where he was going.

After parting with Guo Xianlong at this time, Zhou Yang immediately rushed to Jiang Fengxian's cave in the wild jungle.

Jiang Fengxian is located in the cave in the wild jungle, and Zhou Yang has been there several times, so it can be said that he is familiar with it.

Just over a month later, he rushed all the way to the outside of the cave.

"My son has seen my father, mother is practicing in seclusion, so I can only let my son come to pick you up."

Outside the cave mansion, after Jiang Yufeng learned that his father Zhou Yang had arrived, he hurriedly greeted him out of the cave mansion and invited Zhou Yang in.

I haven't seen her for more than 20 years, but her cultivation base has made another breakthrough, and now she is already at the seventh level of the Golden Core, and she is almost catching up with Xiao Ying!

"Feng'er, is your cultivation improving too fast? It's better to be more stable. You are still young, and you still have a lot of time to prepare for conceiving a baby in the future!"

Zhou Yang frowned and looked at his daughter, quite uneasy about her rocket-like improvement speed.

This is too exaggerated!

Even if he used to eat all kinds of spiritual pills as jelly beans back then, his practice speed was not as fast as Jiang Yufeng's.

"Father, don't worry too much. Most of the child's cultivation has been achieved by himself, and there is no such thing as unstable foundation. Besides, if he can conceive a baby early, who would be too late?"

Jiang Yufeng shook her head slightly, she didn't take Zhou Yang's words to heart, obviously she had her own plans in mind.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang opened his mouth, not knowing how to refute.

Although he had given Jiang Yufeng a lot of pills for advanced cultivation, but Jiang Yufeng's cultivation had improved so fast, the power of the pills did occupy only a small part of it.

Zhou Yang has seen the situation of this daughter when she was practicing. The speed of absorbing and refining the aura of heaven and earth during her practice is several times that of a monk of the same realm. This is the main reason for her rapid improvement in cultivation.

And the root of all this seems to be on the [True Phoenix Body].

Thinking of his daughter's accidentally formed [True Phoenix Body], Zhou Yang's expression changed, and he couldn't help but looked at his daughter and asked, "How is the demon pill in your body?"

Zhou Yang had always been worried about the fact that a demon pill had condensed in his daughter's body.

Although the demon pill has not brought any negative influence to Jiang Yufeng over the years, every time Zhou Yang thinks about it, he feels very uncomfortable.

Jiang Yufeng herself didn't feel anything, after hearing what he said, she just shook her head slightly and said: "It's still the same, although the power of the demon core will increase with the improvement of the child's cultivation level, but the child still can't mobilize and use its power Mother said that she would take her daughter with her when she went to [Tianfeng Clan] this time, to see if she could find a solution there!"

"Take you to [Tianfeng Clan]?"

Zhou Yang was slightly taken aback, then his face darkened, and he said in a deep voice: "Your mother never told me about this before, could it be that something happened to you in this wild jungle all these years?"

"Boy doesn't know either. Anyway, mother went out for a trip eight years ago, and when she came back, she told me about it!"

Jiang Yufeng hesitated for a moment, but whispered what she knew.

"I see. I will ask your mother about this matter."

Suspicion flashed in his eyes, Zhou Yang nodded slightly, and didn't ask any more questions about it.

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