Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 685 [Earth element magneto-optic] and [Bone-selling Golden Snake]

Although Jiang Fengxian's cave in the wild jungle is hidden, her spirit veins are only at the fifth level. For a Nascent Soul cultivator like her, this spirit energy cannot even be supplied by normal practice.

Therefore, in the past twenty years, she did not put her energy on improving her cultivation, but concentrated on practicing some kind of great supernatural power.

When Zhou Yang arrived, her supernatural power practice was at a critical moment, and she couldn't break the retreat and come out to meet him.

It wasn't until four years later that she achieved a small supernatural power and finally walked out of the closed room.

"Fengxian, I heard from Feng'er that when you were going to [Tianfeng Clan], you took her with you. Why?"

In the cave, the couple who had met again after decades passed, Zhou Yang didn't shy away from asking the beauties around him about his doubts.

Both he and Jiang Fengxian knew that going to [Tianfeng Clan], not to mention the difficulties and obstacles they might encounter on the way, even after arriving at [Tianfeng Clan], they might not be able to live in peace with this group of aliens.

Such a journey can be said to be full of dangers, how could Zhou Yang want his precious daughter to follow the adventure.

But after hearing his words, Jiang Fengxian replied in a low voice: "Of course I understand that bringing Feng'er may put her in danger, but the hidden dangers in her body can only be solved by going to [Tianfeng Clan] , if this hidden danger is not resolved, there is no possibility of her succeeding in the Nascent Soul stage in the future!"

Zhou Yang's eyes flashed strangely when he heard the words, and he couldn't help but look at her and asked in a low voice: "But how do you know [Tianfeng Clan] can solve this hidden danger? Could it be that you have been in contact with them all these years?"

Jiang Fengxian did not answer his question this time, and chose to remain silent.

But Zhou Yang refused to stop there, but continued: "[Tianfeng Clan] may indeed have a solution to Feng'er's hidden dangers, but who knows that after they know that Feng'er is pregnant with [True Phoenix Body], what will happen?" You won't have any dissent? You are actually playing with fire if you pin your hopes on them!"

Hearing what he said, Jiang Fengxian finally couldn't keep silent, and had to defend herself aloud: "Even if they have different intentions, at least Feng'er's life will not be a problem."

"How do you know that Feng'er's life will be safe? What if some old monster among them takes a fancy to Feng'er's [True Phoenix Body] and uses the method of seizing her, will you be able to stop it then? ?”

Zhou Yang's voice suddenly rose a lot, and his tone became severe.

He himself had been taken over by two people. Although those people had failed, it was undeniable that he became very sensitive in this regard.

In his opinion, Jiang Yufeng, the daughter who is pregnant with the [True Phoenix Body], is undoubtedly an excellent target for the [Tianfeng Clan] and other alien races who value blood inheritance.

Unexpectedly, when Jiang Fengxian heard his words, she immediately shook her head and vetoed without any hesitation: "Zhou Lang, you are worrying too much, it is absolutely impossible for Feng'er to be taken away successfully, those old fellows of the Tianfeng clan may There will be other plans for her, but it definitely does not include seizing the house!"

"Fengxian, do you really know something when you say this? Is there anything else that you can't tell me about the relationship between the two of us?"

Zhou Yang looked at the beautiful woman in his arms with a rather ugly expression on his face.

No one likes to be deceived, not to mention that this matter also involves the safety of their own daughter.

But the relationship between the two made it difficult for Zhou Yang to take other measures to force her to answer his questions.

"This concubine has no intention of hiding something from you, Zhou Lang. In fact, this concubine is completely out of speculation. It is really difficult for this concubine to publicize these conjectures. I hope you, Zhou Lang, can understand my concubine's intentions." Difficulty."

Jiang Fengxian looked at Zhou Yang with a troubled face, explained her difficulties in a low voice, looked at him firmly and said, "Anyway, Zhou Lang, you believe that my concubine will be fine, and my concubine will never harm Feng'er! "

Now that the conversation has come to this point, Zhou Yang can't say anything more. If he continues, it will really turn into a quarrel.

He could only shake his head helplessly, and said in a shy voice: "Okay, since you have made a decision in your heart, I respect your decision, and I only hope that your choice this time is really not wrong!"

The differences of opinion between the two did not let her daughter Jiang Yufeng know. In the next six months, the family of three spent six months peacefully in the cave in the valley basin.

Half a year later, Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian, who were all ready, finally took their daughter Jiang Yufeng on the journey to [Tianfeng Clan].

As one of the hundreds of wild tribes, [Tianfeng Clan] this wild alien race is rarely known in the world of human immortal cultivation.

Zhou Yang also looked up the information of this wild alien race in Xuanyang Xianzong, but he got very little information. Most of his understanding of this wild alien race came from Jiang Fengxian.

It's just that even Jiang Fengxian herself has a very shallow understanding of [Tianfeng Clan].

After all, neither she nor her mother had ever actually been to the territory of the [Tianfeng Clan], and everything about the [Tianfeng Clan] was only learned from her father who had never met.

However, during the more than twenty years in the wild jungle, she seems to have found out the territory of the [Tianfeng Clan] and has a definite route.

After Zhou Yang and her left the cave, they went south all the way into the wild jungle under her leadership. During the period, they avoided many dangerous places and wild alien territories. .

The practice system of the barbaric alien race is full of strange things, and the magical powers they master are also very different from those of the human monks. It is also a great test for Zhou Yang to fight against the strong among them without knowing the details.

Fortunately, apart from being at the bottom of the sixth rank in terms of cultivation base and mana, he is very powerful both physically and mentally, and has many powerful magical weapons to protect him. Got it.

Moreover, Jiang Fengxian, who showed a pair of colorful phoenix wings, also made many wild and alien races quite scruples about preventing them from going deep into the wild. Generally, as long as they are expelled from their own territory, they will not pursue them fiercely.

But the dangers in the wild jungle are not only from the wild alien races, but also from those natural dangers and wild monsters.

"Sloppy, I didn't expect that there would be something like [Earth Element Magneto-optic] in that seemingly ordinary canyon, and what I didn't expect was that [Earth Element Magneto-optic] could be transformed by a group of mutated [Iron Feather Gray] Eagle] control!"

In a temporary cave house located in the belly of the mountain, Zhou Yang woke up from breath adjustment with a pale face, and when he remembered what he had experienced three days ago, his face was extremely ugly.

Three days ago, when the group of them flew over a canyon, the [Earth Element Magneto-Optical] in that canyon suddenly exploded, sweeping them down from the sky at once.

Before they could get out of this naturally generated strange light, a group of mutated monster birds [Iron Feather Gray Eagle] swooped up and besieged them.

Under normal circumstances, even if there are many fifth-order monsters in those [Iron Feather Gray Eagles], it is impossible to pose any threat to Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian, two Nascent Soul cultivators.

But when these [Iron Feather Gray Eagles] were able to control the power of [Earth Element Magneto-Optic], it made him quite uncomfortable.

The [Earth Element Magneto-optic] is the same strange light of heaven and earth that is famous in the world of cultivating immortals as [North Yuan Light]. It will cause great harm to the monk's physical body and spiritual consciousness.

If a sword cultivator like Li Shuhua accidentally fell into this strange light, he would have to give up his body and choose the Nascent Soul to come out of his body to save his life.

That is to say, Zhou Yang's physical body was so powerful that he was able to escape from the [Earth Element Magneto-optic] after falling into it, relying on his strong cultivation.

Compared with him, Jiang Fengxian was much better.

Her natal magic weapon [Fengxia Yuyi] is not doped with any metal, so it can still protect her from it even if it is in the [Earth Element Magneto-Optic].

Even when Zhou Yang revealed that [Iron Feather Gray Eagle] was attacking, she still killed those flat-haired beasts in time, so that Zhou Yang could get out of trouble in time.

As for Jiang Yufeng, when he was swept away by [Earth Element Magneto-optic], Zhou Yang immediately sacrificed [Dongxuan Orb] and took it in, but he didn't suffer any injuries.

Thinking of the [Earth Element Magneto-optic] that hurt him, Zhou Yang's expression changed, and he couldn't help muttering to himself: "It is said that there is a great supernatural power called [Earth Element Magneto-Optic] in the world of cultivating immortals, which can use this [Earth Element Magneto-Optic] Refining it for your own use, maybe you can inquire and pay attention to the news of this supernatural power in the future!"

[Earth element magneto-optic] is already enough to cause great damage to Nascent Soul cultivators, and the supernatural power of [Earth magnetism divine light] needs to be used as a medium to cultivate. The power is obviously much stronger. Zhou Yang, who practiced supernatural powers, would also be moved by it.

But he has only heard of the name of the great supernatural power [Yuan Magnetic Divine Light], but he has never heard of anyone who has actually cultivated this great supernatural power.

On the contrary, it is a kind of supernatural power [Chixia Yuanguang] that is as famous as this [Yuanci Shenguang]. Zhou Yang once heard that someone has cultivated it, and that person is a famous Nascent Soul Latter Stage scattered in the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou. Repair "Chixia Yuanjun".

And because Zhou Yang was injured by [Earth Element Magneto-optical], they had to temporarily stop their progress, and they didn't set off again until Zhou Yang fully recovered from his injury half a year later.

After going on the road again, Zhou Yang and the others learned the previous lesson, and did not dare to rely on their Nascent Soul stage cultivation to go on the rampage like before. Doing so did allow them to find out and avoid several dangerous places in time.

On this day, the three of Zhou Yang, who had been walking in the wild jungle for a year, stopped outside a mountain range filled with red and golden rays.

"That's right, this mountain range covered with [Red Clouds and Golden Light] is the border of the [Tianfeng Clan]'s territory. Bypassing this mountain range, you can reach the [Tianfeng Clan]'s territory."

Beyond the mountains, Jiang Fengxian looked excitedly at the mountains in front of her, and her tone was quite excited.

Her long-cherished wish is about to come true, and she does have reason to be excited.

Compared with the extremely excited Jiang Fengxian, Zhou Yang's complexion looked much calmer.

He looked at the mountain range in front of him with a slight frown, and said in a solemn tone: "Since the [Tianfeng Clan] regards this mountain range as a border territory, it may not be so easy to bypass this mountain range!"

"Is this..."

Jiang Fengxian's expression changed, but she fell silent.

In fact, the route she knew ended here. As for how to cross the mountain range in front of her, or what would happen when she went around this mountain range, she really didn't know.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang couldn't help saying: "Just the simple [Red Clouds and Golden Light] is not enough to be afraid of. I am afraid that there are other dangers in this mountain range. As for detours, I don't think this will be a good choice!"

"Zhou Lang, come and make up your mind."

After Jiang Fengxian thought about it, she still gave the initiative to Zhou Yang.

Zhou Yang didn't refuse when he heard the words, but after pondering for a while, he looked at her and said, "Then explore the way first, I will explore the way, and you are ready to respond."

"Okay, Zhou Lang, you have to be more careful. If it doesn't work, we will take a detour."

As she said that, she pinched the sixth-order high-grade magic weapon [Green Luan Sword] in her hand, ready to support at any time.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang immediately made a pinch of the spell, using the "Golden Light of Subduing Demons" cultivated by the "Golden Photovoltaic Curse" to activate the power of the "Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes" on his body, turning it into a golden light shield to protect himself, and then head It plunged into the mountains covered with [Red Clouds and Golden Light].

[Red Cloud Golden Light] is also a strange light similar to [Earth Element Magneto-optic], but the power of this thing is not as overbearing and weird as [Earth Element Magneto-optic], even Jindan monks can temporarily resist its erosion.

Generally speaking, where there is [Red Cloud Golden Light], there must be rich metal veins buried underground, because this thing is originally a kind of existence produced by the combination of underground gold gas overflowing and rising sun rays.

And Zhou Yang's "Golden Light of Subduing Demons" itself is cultivated by collecting the essence of the sun, and using it to drive the [Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes] to produce a defensive shield, which has a strong resistance to the erosion of [Scarlet Clouds Golden Light].

This is also the reason why he said [Red Cloud Golden Light] is not enough to be feared.

Because of the existence of [Red Clouds Golden Light], not only are there few plants in the mountains, but there are no birds or animals, and even the snakes, insects, rats and ants that exist everywhere in the wild jungle are rarely seen.

In the huge mountain range, there was a dead silence.

But Zhou Yang didn't dare to be careless because of this.

This year's trip to the wilderness made him clearly understand one thing, the more vibrant the wilderness forest is, the less dangerous it is.

And a place like this where the birds and beasts are extinct and there is no vitality is more likely to hide some terrible thing.

He walked cautiously in the mountains, with a high degree of concentration, and the several instruments in his body were ready to go at any time.

After traveling hundreds of miles in the mountains like this, he suddenly fixed his eyes, as if he had discovered something extraordinary.

I saw a golden and emerald gourd vine clinging to a cliff hundreds of feet high about a dozen miles away from him. There were five golden gourds of similar size hanging on the vine.

"It turned out to be a gourd spirit vine. This thing grows in this mountain full of [red clouds and golden light]. Could it be that the gourd above is also bred with this kind of strange light?"

Zhou Yang looked at the gourd spirit vine clinging to the cliff with a look of surprise on his face, and the light in his eyes was fleeting.

The gourd spirit vine is also a relatively common spiritual plant in the world of cultivating immortals. The gourd produced by this gourd spirit vine has many uses. It can be used for refining weapons, and can also be used to hold spirit wine, spirit pills, and spirit water. Even some poisonous miasma and evil spirits, even directly used as a kind of food.

The gourd spirit vine in Zhou Yang's sight is obviously a rare species, and the gourds produced by it are all rich in aura, not inferior to those of the fifth-order spirit fruit. From this, it can be inferred that this gourd spirit vine is at least the fifth-order. Lingzhi.

As a refiner, Zhou Yang naturally thought of refining first after seeing the growth environment of this gourd spirit vine.

"Well, if it's what I guessed, then I really found a treasure this time."

With a flash of joy on his face, Zhou Yang immediately waved his hand, and slashed at the spirit gourd hanging on the gourd spirit vine with a sword light.

However, the expected landing of the gourds did not appear, and when Feijian was about to hit those spirit gourds, he was suddenly knocked away by a golden light thrown from the cliff.


Zhou Yang sighed slightly, and looked at the thing that knocked his flying sword into the air.

I saw that the existence of the flying sword that hit him was a small snake with thin scales that was no more than seven feet long. This snake was covered with golden thin scales. On a triangular head, there was a golden unicorn about three inches long. horn.


Seeing Zhou Yang's gaze, this small snake with thin scales immediately stood up with scales all over its body, and its pupils were full of ferociousness, and it neighed at him for a while, as a warning not to be too obvious.

"Good guy, it turned out to be an immature savage alien [Bone-selling Golden Snake], how can I hide it from my spiritual sense and not be discovered!"

A strange look flashed in his eyes, but Zhou Yang had already recognized the origin of the little snake with thin scales.

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