Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 686 [Selling Gold Gourd]

[Bone-selling Golden Snake] is not a monster, but a wild alien species that exists like a wild worm.

These wild alien species are not monsters, and generally speaking, they don't have the intelligence of monsters, and most of them just act on instinct.

They usually have the same characteristics, that is, reproduction is difficult, growth is slow, and it is difficult to coexist with other organisms.

This feature makes them less and less common in the world of cultivating immortals, and they can only be found in wild jungles and other rare places.

This is a kind of existence that is more difficult to adapt to today's world of cultivating immortals than savage beasts.

But this doesn't mean that they are weak. In fact, any kind of existence called wild alien species or wild strange insects is really powerful.

Generally speaking, the savage worms and savage alien species in a mature state, at worst, have the strength to harm the golden core stage monks of the human race.

As for the relatively well-known barbaric alien species like [Bone-selling Golden Snake], once it enters a mature state, even Nascent Soul stage monks dare not underestimate it.

However, it is not easy for these savage strange insects and savage alien species to enter a mature state.

Take the [Bone-selling Golden Snake] in front of Zhou Yang as an example. If this barbaric alien species wants to grow, it can only grow normally if it stays in the mine veins rich in gold energy and absorbs the gold energy in the mine veins to nourish itself.

Even under such circumstances, the body can only grow three inches every hundred years, and a mature [Golden Bone Snake] must be more than one foot long.

In other words, the real lifespan of this snake with thin scales, which is no more than seven feet long, in front of Zhou Yang has actually exceeded two thousand years!

In fact, most of the savage worms and savage alien species are similar to this [Bone-Selling Golden Snake]. Not only do they have special requirements for the habitat, but their growth rate is also pitifully slow.

Most of the barren and barbaric alien species will not wait until they reach a mature state, and will die halfway due to one or another reason.

Of course, even if it has not entered the mature stage, the seven-foot-long [Bone-Selling Golden Snake] is enough for most monks below the Nascent Soul Stage to treat it with caution.

This can be seen from the fact that the snake was able to knock Zhou Yang's flying sword away with one blow just now.

Speaking of it, this [Bone-Smashing Golden Snake] actually doesn't have much supernatural powers, most of its strength lies in the [Bone-Smashing Golden Light] that spits out from its mouth, and the rest is the snake scales that are hard to hurt by swords.

[Bone-Belling Golden Light] is the only attacking power that [Bone-Belling Golden Snake] knows. poison.

If it is a mature [Bone-Belling Golden Snake], a [Bone-Billing Golden Light] spews out, and ordinary monks in the early stage of Nascent Soul would not dare to pick it up.

If the body is accidentally hit by the [Bone Burning Golden Light], the body of the Nascent Soul cultivator will be quickly melted away by the poison of the Burning Bone, making it difficult to save.

Similarly, the [Golden Bone-Billing Snake] at the mature stage is covered with snake scales, and even a sixth-level flying sword is hard to break through, and the ordinary fire, freezing, and lightning strike supernatural powers are all unbearable.

During Zhou Yang's trip to the wild jungle this year, he also met two or three mature wild species and wild insects, and he deeply felt the difficulty of these special existences in the fight with them.

Even with his magical powers, it would be very difficult to kill these existences without using the [Suzaku Fan].

If the [Bone-Selling Golden Snake] in front of him has also entered the mature stage, then Zhou Yang will definitely not fight against it just for a few fifth-order spirit gourds.

But right now, an immature [Bone-Selling Golden Snake] is not yet in his eyes.

With a thought in his mind, a golden flame shield quickly formed outside the shield formed by the [Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes], and then he himself flew directly towards the gourd spirit vine.


[Bone-selling Golden Snake] With a neighing sound, it decisively attacked the enemies who dared to get close to its guardian spirit.

It opened its mouth slightly, and a beam of golden light about a foot long shot out, shooting directly at Zhou Yang who was flying over.

However, when this [Bone-Belling Golden Light], which can kill ordinary Jindan stage monks, fell on the golden flame shield outside Zhou Yang's body, it only caused the shield to shake slightly, and was refined into a golden flame by the golden flame above it. A sheet of golden smoke.

Even if the [Bone-Selling Golden Snake], a barbaric alien species, has not developed its spiritual intelligence, it instinctively showed fear after seeing this scene.

The biological instinct made it ignore guarding the gourd spirit vine which was beneficial to its own growth. Dang even turned his body and drilled towards the cliff behind him, wanting to escape from this dangerous place.

But how could Zhou Yang be willing to let go of such a rare wild alien species.


He pinched the formula with his hand, raised his hand, and a red-gold lightning bolt as thick as an arm hit the [Bone-Smashing Golden Snake], blasting it to the ground on the spot.

However, just when Zhou Yang thought that his [Nine Heavens Qianyang Extinguishing Demon God Thunder] had killed him, the little snake on the ground flicked its body and crawled crookedly again.

"Hey, he didn't die!"

Zhou Yang was really surprised now.

Although his [Nine Heavens Qianyang Extinguishing Demon God Thunder] has just been cultivated, it was cast from the hands of a Nascent Soul cultivator after all, and it is more than enough to kill any fifth-order monster.

Unexpectedly, it was carried down by an immature [Golden Bone Snake].

"Is this the potential of wild alien species? It's really surprising!"

With a flash of light in his eyes, Zhou Yang raised his hand immediately, and a golden pagoda emerged from his hand, and he threw it towards the little snake crawling on the ground.

Using the natal magic weapon [Qianyang Golden Pagoda] to suppress the wounded [Bone-Selling Golden Snake], Zhou Yang walked up to the gourd spirit vine, and after a flash of sword light, the five spirit gourds on the vine fell. All fall together.

He casually took a gourd in his hand, and lightly cut open the lid of the gourd with a sword. Suddenly, a red-gold aura rushed out of the gourd, and swept straight towards his face.

Seeing this scene, instead of being surprised, Zhou Yang was overjoyed and shouted again and again: "Well, well, well, it really is a spiritual creature raised by nature, and this time I really found a treasure!"

Looking at the scarlet golden aura again, it was blocked by the [Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes] before it really fell on his face, and did not cause any harm to him.

But this is not important, the important thing is that this gourd really has the ability to absorb and breed [Red Cloud Golden Light] as Zhou Yang expected.

Even though Zhou Yang was able to walk through the mountains covered with [red clouds and golden light], he thought that this kind of strange light of heaven and earth was not powerful, but in fact it was because of his powerful methods.

Moreover, although the [Red Clouds Golden Light] in the mountains covers a large area, it also disperses its power because of this. If it were the extremely concentrated [Red Clouds Golden Light], Zhou Yang would definitely not be as relaxed as he is now.

But now, the gourd in Zhou Yang's hand made him see the possibility of condensing and purifying [Red Cloud Golden Light].

If the gourd in hand is refined into a magic weapon, and a large amount of [Red Cloud Golden Light] is absorbed into the gourd to be condensed and purified, then the [Red Cloud Golden Light] released at that time can definitely threaten the Nascent Soul stage monks.

The most wonderful thing is that the magic weapon refined from this gourd can reach the fifth rank at most, and can be used by monks of the Jindan period and even the monks of the Zifu period.

This kind of magic weapon with great power and low usage requirements is sometimes worth no less than a sixth-order magic weapon.

Just imagine, if a monk at the Jindan stage can master the means to threaten the monks at the Nascent Soul stage, what kind of advantage he will have in fighting against monks of the same level.

If it weren't for this place not being his long-term residence, Zhou Yang would have thought of staying here immediately to start the furnace.

It's just that now he can only put the five spirit gourds into the storage ring, and continue to go deep into the mountains to explore a way out across the mountains.

A few days later, Zhou Yang, who had been exploring in the mountains for several days, returned to meet Jiang Fengxian outside the mountain again, and explained his exploration results to him.

"In general, it is feasible to cross the mountain range. The only thing that needs to be taboo in it is a group of wild and strange insects [Tiger-headed Golden Bee] that feed on [Red Cloud Golden Light]!"

[Tiger-headed Red Golden Bee] is not strong among wild insects, and a mature [Tiger-headed Red Golden Bee] can threaten Jindan stage monks. With the strength of Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian, the two of them will be able to meet There is no need to be afraid of hundreds of mature [Tiger-headed Golden Bees].

Therefore, after hearing Zhou Yang's investigation results, Jiang Fengxian immediately nodded and said, "Then let's go across the mountains!"

"Don't worry, wait until I refine a few magical artifacts first. This time, I got a good spiritual object inside. After being refined into a magical artifact, it will come in handy when crossing the mountains."

Zhou Yang smiled and shook his head slightly, expressing his plan.

"Refining? Is it here?"

Jiang Fengxian looked at him in astonishment, never expecting him to say such a thing.

However, Zhou Yang understood Jiang Fengxian's meaning, so he comforted her and said, "Don't worry, it's just refining a few fifth-order magic weapons, and it won't take half a year to complete!"

"Half a year? It's not long."

Muttering to herself, Jiang Fengxian couldn't help but nodded slightly, agreeing with Zhou Yang's decision.

So, the two immediately found a secluded place outside the mountain and opened up a temporary cave, and then Zhou Yang plunged into the cave to refine weapons.

Half a year later, Zhou Yang walked out of the cave with a happy face, and ran directly to the mountain range covered with [Red Clouds and Golden Light].


In the mountains, Zhou Yang threw a golden gourd in his hand into the air, and hit the magic formula in his hand, the gourd cover opened directly, releasing a huge suction force to suck all the nearby [Red Clouds Golden Light] into the gourd.

After the gourd had absorbed enough [Red Cloud Golden Light], Zhou Yang changed the formula in his hand again, shouting in his mouth: "Turn!"

Suddenly, the golden gourd that had absorbed enough [Red Cloud Golden Light] moved in mid-air with the sound, and spun rapidly.

About half an hour later, Zhou Yang's formula changed again, and he shouted in a low voice with anticipation: "Go!"

In an instant, a red golden rainbow shot out from the mouth of the gourd, and quickly landed on a small hill below.

The small mountain top also belongs to the mountain range covered by [Red Clouds and Golden Light]. The top of the mountain is covered with bare black red rocks. This kind of rocks are rich in metals. If you just break a piece and throw it into the furnace for smelting, you can get enough to refine it. Spirit gold of low-level magic weapon.

However, such a mountain that is often visited by [Red Clouds Golden Light] is now swept away by the red golden rainbow shot out from the mouth of the golden gourd, and almost a quarter of the mountain is directly turned into fly ash.

It's real fly ash!

The part of the mountain that disappeared was instantly wiped away by the power contained in the red-gold Changhong and turned into powder.

"What an overbearing power! Zhou Lang, your gourd is really just a fifth-order magic weapon?"

The exclamation sounded from behind Zhou Yang, but Jiang Fengxian couldn't help it after seeing him experimenting with the new magic weapon.

Hearing her words, Zhou Yang couldn't help turning around with a smug smile and saying, "Hey hey, what's the matter, I haven't made you wait in vain for the past six months, have I? My newly refined [Golden Gourd] can Is it still in Fengxian's eyes?"

"Zhou Lang don't want to lie to me, your magic weapon is powerful, but it only has the power of one blow, and if you want to launch such an attack, you need to absorb enough [Red Cloud Golden Light] in advance to store it in the magic weapon In this way, this magic weapon is nothing more than a reusable talisman!"

Jiang Fengxian came back to her senses, and she gave Zhou Yang an angry look in her beautiful eyes, but she mercilessly revealed the flaws of [Selling Gold Gourd].

After she finished speaking, she couldn't help but shook her head and said, "[Red Cloud Golden Light] is not so easy to find, Zhou Lang, you can take it at will, but after leaving this wild jungle, if you want to find enough [Red Cloud Golden Light] 】For your gourd magic weapon, it will be difficult."

"Hahaha, Fengxian, you are wrong!"

Zhou Yang laughed out loud, and said with a smug smile: "How can I not know that [Chixia Jinguang] is hard to find? Don't you think my gourd is only powerful in one blow. In fact, this gourd can not only absorb [ [Red Cloud Golden Light] can be condensed and transformed into a rainbow attack, and it can also be transformed into [Red Cloud Golden Light] by absorbing metal and iron objects and the glow of the sun, although this conversion speed is a bit slow, it is still a way!"

"Really? Then I really want to congratulate Zhou Lang, you have won another treasure!"

A look of surprise flashed in Jiang Fengxian's eyes, and she restrained her contempt and congratulated him.

"This baby is dispensable to the existence of you and me, but it's just icing on the cake. On the contrary, if the younger generations of the Zhou family have this thing in their hands, they will have an extra life-saving card when they go out to practice in the future, so that they won't be misunderstood. Harmful!"

Zhou Yang said, but threw the gourd in his hand to his daughter Jiang Yufeng: "Leave this gourd to Feng'er for you to use first, the size is also a trump card."

Then he looked at Jiang Fengxian and said: "Fengxian, you must have been waiting impatiently for the past six months, so let's set off across this mountain range to [Tianfeng Clan]!"

Jiang Fengxian heard the words, but persuaded instead: "I've been waiting for half a year, so don't be in a hurry. Zhou Lang, you have been refining weapons for the past six months, so you should rest for a few days before setting off."

"Alright, then I'll rest for a few days."

Zhou Yang smiled slightly and agreed wholeheartedly.

Three days later, after a good rest, Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian broke into the [Red Cloud Golden Light] mountain range, and went straight to the [Tianfeng Clan] territory on the opposite side of the mountain range.

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