Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 687: Fengxiu Wutong

Following the path that Zhou Yang had explored before, the three of them did not encounter much danger when they crossed the mountain range covered with [Red Clouds and Golden Light].

It wasn't until they were about to pass through the mountains that they encountered the savage insect that Zhou Yang had mentioned earlier [Tiger-headed Red Golden Bee].

A mature [Tiger-headed Red Golden Bee] is about the size of a human head, and the most powerful method of this kind of bee monster is the bee needle on the tail.

The bee needles of [Tiger-headed Red Golden Bee] are not only unparalleled in sharpness, but also contain its unique bee venom. If the Jindan stage monks are hit by the bee needles, they are in danger of death.

But Zhou Yang and the others encountered nearly 2,000 [Tiger-headed Red Golden Bees], of which the mature [Tiger-headed Red Golden Bees] accounted for nearly half.

Such a huge group of [Tiger-headed Red Golden Bees] definitely has the strength to threaten the Nascent Soul stage monks.

But Zhou Yang is not in this list.

He also didn't want to get entangled with these ignorant insects, after these [Tiger-headed Red Golden Bees] pounced, he first put Jiang Feng and her mother and daughter into the [Dong Xuan Orb], and then he shouted and cast the [ Canglong change] supernatural powers.

After transforming, his whole body was covered by a layer of green-gold dragon scales except for his eyes, ears, mouth, nose and other places.

Although the bee needles of the [Tiger-headed Red Golden Bee] are highly poisonous, even the tip of the needle can't pierce the protection of Zhou Yang's green-gold dragon scales, so the so-called highly poisonous is out of the question.

Ever since, Zhou Yang was like an old bear who was being hunted down by a swarm of younger generations who stole honey, covered his ears with his hands, closed his eyes and rushed out of the mountain sullenly.

On the way to the charge, countless bee needles pierced his body like rain, making crisp "jingling" sounds, but they still couldn't cause any harm to him.

It wasn't until he rushed out of the mountains that the [Tiger-headed Red Golden Bees] stopped chasing because they didn't want to leave the hive too far.

"Phew, these bugs are really troublesome. If I don't want to cause more troubles, I must end their lair!"

On the other side of the mountains, Zhou Yang looked back at the receding swarm of bees behind him, a hint of resentment flashed in his eyes.

Then he turned his head and looked at the places on his body that were shot by the bee needles, and saw that although those places were not pierced by the bee needles, they were not completely intact.

Wherever the bee needles are shot, there will be a reddish gold spot, which is formed by the toxin residue on the bee needles.

These toxins made Zhou Yang feel very uncomfortable even through the defense of a layer of dragon scales. There was a burning pain, especially on sensitive parts such as the face.

He knew that this was because the toxin had already penetrated into the skin and flesh layer, and all the remaining toxins had to be removed immediately.

Fortunately, without the interference of the bee swarm, he can completely meditate and detoxify.

Half a day later, under the protection of Jiang Fengxian, Zhou Yang used [Qianyang True Fire] to refine all the residual poison on his body, and everything in his body returned to normal.

After he returned to normal, he couldn't help but glanced at Jiang Fengxian, who was protecting him, and asked in a low voice, "What should we do next? Should we just rush to the base camp of [Tianfeng Clan]?"

Jiang Fengxian heard the words, but murmured with a complicated expression: "I'm afraid we don't need to go there, someone should come to find us soon."

"Oh, could it be that our whereabouts have been exposed?"

Zhou Yang glanced at her thoughtfully, as if he understood something.

After he finished speaking, before Jiang Fengxian could speak, his daughter Jiang Yufeng had already spoken out: "Actually, not long after you entered meditation to detoxify, there were people from the [Tianfeng Clan] watching from a distance, but Those people's strength is too low, and they dare not approach."

"Is that so?"

Zhou Yang nodded, but didn't say anything more.

Half a day later, Zhou Yang finally saw the real [Tianfeng Clan] people.

There is not a small difference between the real [Tianfeng Clan] people and half-human mixed blood like Jiang Fengxian and the others.

At least the [Tianfeng Clan] people that Zhou Yang saw now were like this.

The pair of phoenix wings on their backs are mostly three-colored or five-colored, and there is no seven-colored phoenix wings like Jiang Fengxian's mother and daughter, and the wings behind them can't be absorbed into the body like Jiang Fengxian's mother and daughter, they are more like limbs.

At the same time, regardless of gender, most of them have bird down feathers on their bodies, and their eyes, noses, and palms also have some characteristics of raptors.

Even for several high-level existences whose aura is comparable to that of the golden core stage monks of the human race, these characteristics have not been completely restrained and eliminated.

Of course, it may be that they feel that there is no need to restrain and eliminate these at all.

Fairy Jiangfeng and her daughter opened a pair of colorful phoenix wings on their own initiative after they discovered that these [Tianfeng Clan] people were coming.

And when those [Tianfeng Clan] people saw the mother and daughter with the colorful phoenix wings, they were suddenly frightened and shocked, their faces were full of shock.

Zhou Yang was completely reduced to a spectator at this time, and he could only watch Jiang Fengxian talk to those [Tianfeng Clan] people in the [Tianfeng Clan] language that he couldn't understand at all.

It can be clearly seen that during the conversation, the faces of those [Tianfeng Clan] people are changing and fluctuating greatly, and they have looked at Zhou Yang many times, with disgust and anger obviously flashing in their eyes.

Obviously, these [Tianfeng Clan] people are extremely unwelcome to Zhou Yang, an "alien race".

After talking like this for a long time, Jiang Fengxian suddenly stopped talking, nodded slightly to Zhou Yang and said: "I have already made an agreement with them, and then they will arrange for someone to take us to the holy land of their clan. "

Hearing this, Zhou Yang's eyes flashed strangely, but he asked calmly: "Does Fengxian know how many sixth-level existences there are in this [Tianfeng Clan]? What is the cultivation level of the strongest among them?"

Jiang Fengxian seemed to have expected that he would ask this question, and immediately replied: "According to what these people said, [Tianfeng Clan] now has six elders and one patriarch, all of them are at the sixth level, and the strongest among them He is the Great Elder of the clan, and he should have cultivated in the late stage of Nascent Soul."

"Does the seventh level exist? This strength should not be underestimated!"

Zhou Yang muttered to himself, then nodded slightly and said, "I understand, let them lead the way."

So, after some discussions among the [Tianfeng Clan] people, a female clan member with colorful phoenix wings on her back led the way for Zhou Yang and the others, and the rest returned to the place where they came.

The leading female [Tianfeng Clan] has a cultivation base equivalent to that of a monk in the late Jindan stage, and seems to be proficient in ventilation spells. After adding some kind of speed-up spell, her flying speed is as fast as that of a monk in the Nascent Soul stage. The speed of flying through the clouds.

Under the leadership of this person, Zhou Yang and his party almost crossed half of the territory of the [Tianfeng Clan] with him. On the way, Zhou Yang was fortunate to have a glimpse of the living conditions of ordinary [Tianfeng Clan] people.

It should be said that [Tianfeng Clan] has no ordinary people.

Even the weakest [Tianfeng Clan] people can rely on their natural wings to master the ability to fly, and master the ability to cast low-level spells such as "Wind Blade Technique" and "Fireball Technique".

This means that even the worst [Tianfeng clan] people have the strength of a human cultivator in the Qi training period.

However, success is also blood, and failure is also blood.

Relying on the thin strand of phoenix blood in the body to master the magical ability of [Tianfeng Clan people], most of their achievements in life have already been determined at birth.

Almost 90% of [Tianfeng Clan] people's strength has been fixed after adulthood, and it is difficult to make any further progress.

Only those members of the [Tianfeng clan] with strong phoenix blood in their bodies can gain higher cultivation by continuously tapping the power of their blood, until they condense the [Phoenix true blood] and transform the pair of phoenix wings behind them into colorful colors.

These people are often the aristocratic class of various [Tianfeng Clan] tribes, who hold the power of life and death of the tribe.

[Tianfeng Clan] The tribes are big and small, the big tribes may have tens of thousands of people, and the small tribes may have less than a thousand people.

Whether it is the tribal nobles or the tribal commoners, they all build tree houses on tall trees. The difference is that the tree houses of the nobles are all built on spirit wood, while the tree houses of common people are mostly built on ordinary trees.

Like humans, they also domesticate birds and animals for food, plant fruit trees, and smelt iron to make wine, but most of the time they obtain food by hunting and gathering in the wild.

This is not because the birds and animals they domesticate do not have enough food, but that they need to hunt to maintain the combat effectiveness of the tribesmen. The hunting targets are usually those middle and low-level monsters and wild beasts in the wild jungle.

You must know that the wild jungle is not peaceful, and the wild and alien races of different races often break out in wars and conflicts. Even the [Tianfeng Clan], a relatively powerful race in the wild jungle, is not without enemies and opponents.

On top of all [Tianfeng Clan] tribes, there is also a holy place that is in charge of all [Tianfeng Clan] people. It is the place where the real strongmen of [Tianfeng Clan] are, and it is also the place that all tribal nobles and commoners yearn for. .

In the [Tianfeng Clan], only those clansmen with strong bloodlines who are expected to advance to the fifth rank can be qualified to practice in the Holy Land, even the descendants of the elders of the Holy Land.

This holy land is located in a mountain range rich in aura, the more powerful the [Tianfeng Clan] tribe, the closer their tribal base is to the holy land.

"What a blessed land of spiritual mountains!"

In mid-air, Zhou Yang looked far ahead at the vast mountains shrouded in spiritual mist, his eyes were full of admiration.

The rich aura in the Holy Land of the [Tianfeng Clan] is only a little worse than that of the [Donglai Immortal Island], and the various towering spiritual trees and spiritual herbs growing in the Holy Land are even more impressive to Zhou Yang. I feel heartbroken.

He used his magical powers to look around, and even saw three sixth-order spiritual trees growing in the depths of the mountain range, one of which even seemed to have reached the sixth-order top-grade!

And just as Zhou Yang was using his pupil technique to wait and see, a stream of blue light suddenly shot out from the mountains in front of them, and fell thousands of feet in front of them, and a man with colorful phoenix wings appeared appeared. A middle-aged man in Tsing Yi.

This middle-aged man in Tsing Yi, whose aura has faintly reached the level of a mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, except for a pair of colorful phoenix wings on his back, there is no trace of any bird on his body. He is obviously the six holy land elders of the [Tianfeng Clan] one of them.

Sure enough, the subsequent words of the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi confirmed Zhou Yang's guess.

After he appeared, he first glanced at Jiang Fengxian's mother and daughter with radiant eyes, then cupped his hands to Zhou Yang, and said in a common language popular in the world of cultivating immortals: "This seat, Fengxuan, belongs to the fourth place of the holy land of our family. Elder, I don't know how to call this fellow Taoist of the human race?"

The "Spirit World" is now dominated by human monks after all. Those ordinary barbaric aliens may not understand the language of human monks, but elders like Feng Xuan cannot understand it.

Otherwise, Jiang Fengxian's mother wouldn't have had an encounter with her father.

Therefore, after Zhou Yang heard the words of this Elder Fengxuan, he cupped his fists without showing any strangeness and returned a salute: "It turns out that it is Elder Feng, next Zhouyang, who now lives in Liuyunzhou Immortal Cultivation Realm Xuanyang Xianzong Keqing The post of Supreme Elder!"

The Xuanyang Immortal Sect has been passed down for thousands of years, and even these alien masters in the wild jungle have more or less heard of its prestige.

It can be clearly seen that after hearing Zhou Yang's story, the expression in Feng Xuan's eyes suddenly became more solemn, obviously knowing the influence of the words "Xuanyang Immortal Sect" in the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou.

His eyes flashed, he looked at Zhou Yang meaningfully and said: "Feng has also heard the name of Xuanyang Immortal Sect for a long time, Zhou Daoyou turned out to be such a master of such a great sect, no wonder he was able to go deep into the wilderness and come to his clan's territory."

But Zhou Yang didn't seem to understand the deep meaning in his words, hehehe smiled and said: "Hehehe, in front of a strong man like Elder Feng, Zhou would not dare to be an expert. For a visit in the territory, we should also invite Elder Feng and the nobles, fellow Taoists, to be Haihan!"

Hearing what he said, Feng Xuan couldn't help but glanced at Jiang Fengxian's mother and daughter again, then shook his head slightly and said: "Feng and the Great Elder and others have already known from the monks of our clan, and the Great Elder is already in the Holy Spirit. The hall is waiting for the three, and please invite the three to come along with Feng."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and flew back to the place where he came from. From the beginning to the end, he never said a word to Jiang Fengxian's mother and daughter.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Yang couldn't help but look at Jiang Fengxian.

However, this beautiful woman looked indifferent, not at all annoyed by being treated coldly.

However, Zhou Yang knew that she would definitely not be as calm as she appeared on the surface.

At this time, he also seemed to have remembered something, and suddenly asked through voice transmission: "I remember Fengxian that you once said that your grandfather is the elder of the Holy Land of the [Tianfeng Clan], I don't know if he is still alive today ?”

Jiang Fengxian's complexion changed slightly, the hatred in his eyes flashed away, and he replied in a cold voice: "That person is the current Holy Land Second Elder, you will see him later."

After speaking, his figure moved, and he was the first to catch up with that Fengxuan's escape light.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, beckoned his daughter Jiang Yufeng to come to him, and then followed behind.

Not long after, the three of Zhou Yang followed Feng Xuan to the sky above a giant tree hundreds of feet high in the depths of the mountains.

It was a dark green spirit tree shaped like a phoenix tree. The spirit tree originally grew on a mountain peak more than 2,000 feet high, and it was more than 700 feet high. It looked extremely spectacular.

On this tall spiritual tree, there are more than 30 tree houses in total, and the [Tianfeng Clan] people who can live on this sixth-order top-grade spiritual tree are the highest-ranking members of the [Tianfeng Clan] that group of people.

"Strange, isn't [jasper sycamore tree] not a fourth-order spiritual wood? How can this tree grow to a sixth-order top-grade tree? Could it be another tree demon like Mu Qingyun?"

Outside of the giant tree, Zhou Yang looked suspiciously at the emerald green spirit tree in front of him, and felt incredible that this [jasper sycamore tree] could grow to the sixth-grade top grade.

"Ordinary [jasper sycamore tree] is of course impossible to grow to the sixth level, but this is not an ordinary [jasper sycamore tree], but the phoenix sycamore tree that the phoenix once inhabited!"

Jiang Fengxian also stared at the emerald green spirit tree with her beautiful eyes, and told Zhou Yang the mystery in a low voice.

"The phoenix perched on the sycamore tree? Could it be that a real phoenix lived on this tree?"

Zhou Yang turned to look at his daughter beside him with a look of surprise.

If there really was a real phoenix perched on this [jasper sycamore tree], then Jiang Yufeng, who is carrying the [body of the real phoenix], would definitely feel it.

Facing Zhou Yang's questioning gaze, Jiang Yufeng nodded slightly and said: "Mother's words should be true. After approaching this tree, the blood in the child's body is indeed ready to move, unprecedentedly active!"

Hearing this, Zhou Yang couldn't help being amazed: "Tsk tsk, that's true. I've heard that phoenixes, real dragons and other natural beasts can mutate vegetation, trees, mountains and rocks out of thin air even if they just emit breath over time. [Dragon's Breath Grass], [Phoenix Spirit Flower], [Dragon Stone] and other spiritual objects, I never thought that the facts are more miraculous than the legends."

After speaking, he moved, but followed Feng Xuan's footsteps, and flew straight into a large tree house on the top of the plane tree.

Entering the house, I saw four [Tianfeng Clan] sixth-level existences including Fengxuan, and they had been waiting for them for a long time.

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