In the spacious tree house, following Zhou Yang's entry, the four [Tianfeng Clan] sixth-level existences, including Feng Xuan, all focused their eyes on him.

Facing the gazes of the four beings of the same rank, Zhou Yang glanced over the four of them with unchanged expression, and then bowed his hands with a smile and said: "Next Zhou Yang, I have seen you [Tianfeng Clan] Fellow."

"Old Qing Lan, Tian is the Great Elder of the clan."

Inside the tree house, an old woman with a colorful phoenix hairpin on her head first responded to Zhou Yang.

The old woman looked like she was about to die, but her cultivation was unfathomable, and she gave Zhou Yang the feeling that she was not inferior to those late Nascent Soul cultivators.

But the remaining two male [Tianfeng Clan] members except Feng Xuan were not in a hurry to introduce themselves, but looked at Zhou Yang with a scrutinizing gaze, with a hint of hostility in their gaze.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang twitched his lips, looked at the two of them and said, "If Zhou has guessed correctly, these two should be the second elder and patriarch of the nobles!"

Before outside the Holy Land, Jiang Fengxian said that [Tianfeng Clan] the second elder among the six Holy Land elders is her grandfather whom she has never met.

Now these two male [Tianfeng Clan] men who looked at Zhou Yang with a scrutiny attitude, and they were white-haired old men and middle-aged men with half or six similar faces, so their identities were not difficult to guess.

Hearing Zhou Yang's almost provocative words, the [Tianfeng Clan] old man with a mid-stage cultivator of the Nascent Soul of the human race suddenly darkened, looked at him with a cold light in his eyes and said solemnly: "Boy, you are a cultivator of the human race , dare to intervene in our [Tianfeng Clan] affairs, do you really think that with the Xuanyang Immortal Sect behind, I will not dare to kill you?"

"You really can't kill him!"

A cold voice came from behind Zhou Yang, but it was Jiang Fengxian who had already walked in with her daughter.

As soon as she entered the tree house, she looked coldly at the old man who spoke and the middle-aged man with complicated complexion beside the old man, her eyes were full of uncontrollable hatred.

And when she entered, she instantly attracted the eyes of the four [Tianfeng Clan] people in the room.

It can be clearly seen that when they saw the gorgeous and elegant pair of colorful phoenix wings behind Jiang Fengxian and Jiang Yufeng's mother and daughter, except for Feng Xuan, who had seen them before, the eyes of the other three lit up, and there was an undisguised look. The color of joy.

But immediately, as if thinking of something, the eyes of the three of them began to wander again, and the expressions in their eyes also became different.

There was a strange look in the elder's eyes, and he suddenly turned his gaze back to Zhou Yang, and said softly, "Friend Zhou, I haven't communicated with my fellow human beings for thousands of years. ?”

Zhou Yang heard the words, but he was not in a hurry to answer, but looked at Jiang Fengxian.

The old woman obviously wanted to distract him so that Jiang Fengxian's mother and daughter could communicate with their father and grandfather privately, but he dared not let the mother and daughter out of his sight.

Sure enough, Jiang Fengxian was not a fool, and immediately said coldly: "If Your Excellency, Great Elder, wants to communicate, wouldn't it be more convenient to have three people here to accompany you to communicate, so why bother!"

"One or three people, do you regard yourself as a human race? Then why are you here?"

Jiang Fengxian's grandfather, the Second Elder of the [Tianfeng Clan] was furious, and immediately started to drink angrily.

"Of course I'm a human!"

Jiang Fengxian looked at her nominal "grandpa" coldly, and said mockingly: "As for what I'm here for, don't you already know?"

"How courageous! Do you know..."

The white-haired old man shouted loudly, as if about to say something threatening.

But as soon as he spoke, he was interrupted by the middle-aged man next to him.

"Father, calm down, please let the child say a few words to her!"

After the middle-aged man interrupted the white-haired old man in a low voice, he looked at Jiang Fengxian with complicated eyes and said, "Whether you admit it or not, you who have awakened [Phoenix True Blood] belong to our [Tianfeng Clan], you The most noble phoenix blood of our [Tianfeng Clan] flows on your body, and you can't change this at all!"

"Is that all you have to say?"

Jiang Fengxian looked at the middle-aged man with a blank expression, she didn't react at all to the words in his mouth, it seemed that she didn't listen at all.

"I know that you hate me in your heart, and hate that I left your mother when she was pregnant, but you must have also learned about what happened back then from your mother, and I couldn't help myself back then!"

When the middle-aged man said this, he couldn't help but glanced at the white-haired old man beside him, and sighed deeply: "At that time, my lord father threatened me with the lives of your mother and you, so I had no choice but to follow him back to the clan to save my life." For your lives, when I was promoted to the sixth level and went to find you again, I found out that your mother had passed away and you were missing!"

"You were able to find my family, you must have seen the map I left in that cave, so you should know my difficulties at that time!"

Jiang Fengxian's expression finally changed.

She glared at the middle-aged man with a pretty face, and said word by word: "So, can you write off the harm mother suffered?"

The middle-aged man's face was a little ugly when she said this, and he couldn't help blurting out: "Then what do you want me to do?"

After he finished speaking, he regretted it. Wouldn't it be self-inflicted to say so?

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Fengxian looked at the cold voice sharply and said: "I swore in front of my mother's tomb that one day I will come to [Tianfeng Clan] in person to capture you, a heartless person, in front of her tomb." Guard her grave for the rest of her life to make up for the damage you caused her!"

"Come here this time to fulfill the original oath!"

The cold voice echoed in the tree house. Except for Zhou Yang and Jiang Yufeng's father and daughter, the other four [Tianfeng Clan] people were shocked by Jiang Fengxian's words.

How much courage does it take to dare to say such words in the holy land of their [Tianfeng Clan]!

The white-haired old man immediately jumped into a rage and shouted: "Arrogant! Who do you think you are? But a mere cultivator in the early stage of the Nascent Soul dares to speak such wild words. Is it true that the old man and others dare not kill you?"

Before he finished drinking, a huge aura surged from his body, pressing directly towards Jiang Fengxian.

However, at this moment, Zhou Yang, who had been standing behind Jiang Fengxian, suddenly stepped forward, and a powerful power of spiritual consciousness swept out from him, instantly tearing apart the imposing pressure, and instead, the white-haired old man I rushed back a step or two.

"Who did you say you were going to kill?"

Zhou Yang's deep voice echoed in the tree house, and the tyrannical spiritual coercion enveloped the audience, making the other three people except the [Tianfeng Clan] great elder all change their faces.

Due to his power, the white-haired old man didn't dare to answer for a while.

It's just that his ostentatious posture obviously made the master angry.

But seeing that great elder suddenly step forward, the green wooden stick in his hand hit the ground heavily, and an imposing coercion stronger than the power of Zhou Yang's spiritual consciousness emanated from her body, instantly knocking Zhou Yang's spiritual coercion was broken.

Then she didn't even look at Zhou Yang, who was frightened and angry, but nodded to the white-haired old man who was also frightened and angry, and said, "Second elder calm down first, let the old man come and have a word with this girl!"

Hearing this, the white-haired old man took a deep breath, glared at Zhou Yang fiercely, and said in a deep voice, "Grand Elder, please go ahead."

With his permission, the old woman looked at Jiang Fengxian and said: "Girl, originally you and the second elder's family affairs, as an outsider, it's not easy for me to interfere in the family affairs, but what you said just now is really inappropriate!"

"Xuan Yu is now the patriarch of our [Tianfeng Clan]. As long as he is still in this position for a day, he will represent the face of our clan and be supported by millions of clan members. Take it away from my family?"

Speaking of this, the old woman paused for a while, and then smiled slightly: "Of course, if you are willing to return to my clan, girl, it will be a matter of our own clan. As long as you can defeat Xuan Yu at that time, you can naturally get from him Take the position of patriarch in your hand, and let him obey your orders!"

Clap clap!

"It's a good plan, the Great Elder really has a good plan!"

Zhou Yang clapped his hands and yelled, and said with a sneer: "I didn't make any actual promises, but I just wanted to pull a Nascent Soul cultivator into my clan as a thug. The ability of the Great Elder to be a white wolf is really amazing. Zhou is an eye-opener!"

As soon as he said this, the expressions of the other three [Tianfeng Clan] people in the room changed drastically.


"You are a child of the human race, how dare you be so presumptuous in our holy land!"

"The Great Elder has a noble status, how could you, a kid, be able to humiliate him lightly? Hurry up and kneel down and apologize to the Great Elder, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you!"

The fourth elder Feng Xuan, the patriarch Xuan Yu, and the white-haired old man each spoke a sentence, and when the three of them shouted, their aura swept towards Zhou Yang in one piece, as if they would start a fight if they disagreed.

"What? Do you want more people to bully less people?"

Zhou Yang's face turned cold, and he smiled coldly: "I would like to see how rude you guys are!"

His confident look made the three people who spoke out startled and angry, and no one responded for a while.

There is no doubt that no one who can practice to the Nascent Soul stage is a fool.

Zhou Yang is in the holy land of the [Tianfeng Clan], facing the hostility of several alien races of the same realm, he still dares to be so confident, which naturally makes people wonder if he has any support.

What's more, there is Jiang Fengxian who doesn't know his position next to him. If they really attack Zhou Yang, Jiang Fengxian will probably help him. Then their plan to draw Jiang Fengxian into the [Tianfeng Clan] will be completely ruined.

Therefore, even though they were extremely shocked and angry at Zhou Yang's arrogant attitude, several elders of the [Tianfeng Clan] still did not dare to act rashly and set off a big war rashly.

As the person involved, Jiang Fengxian's complexion changed slightly when he saw this scene, and he couldn't help but saluted the great elder: "This junior appreciates the great elder's kindness, but this junior has long been used to living in the human race, and the cultivation It is also an authentic human cultivation method, and I am afraid it cannot adapt to the lifestyle of the nobles!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the elder to refute, she went on to say: "However, the younger generation also thinks that what the elder said just now has some truth, so why not ask the elder to be a notary here, and let the younger generation fight with Xuanyu, If the junior loses, I will naturally let you deal with it, but if the junior wins, I ask the elders to allow the junior to seek justice for my dead mother!"

The reason she was looking for was appropriate, and her words and attitude were considered respectful. When the old woman heard her words, even though she did not agree with her words, she did not directly reject them.

On the contrary, when the white-haired old man heard her words, he sneered and said, "If you want to get justice for your mother, shouldn't you fight this old man? Well, as long as you can beat this old man, the old man and his son will fight you!" It’s not impossible to go to your mother’s grave and kowtow for her together!”

"But if you lose, just stay in the clan and serve the clan honestly, don't hook up with these individual monks, and humiliate the noble blood flowing in your body for nothing!"

Clap clap!

Zhou Yang couldn't help clapping his palms again.

He looked at the white-haired old man with a sneer on his face and said with a sneer, "Your Excellency is really thick-skinned! I don't know how much damage you caused to Fengxian and her mother when you beat the mandarin ducks back then, but now you still have the shame Saying these words in front of the sufferer really opened Zhou's eyes and gained insight!"

After he finished speaking, his face turned serious, and he shouted in a stern voice: "Since your Excellency likes to bully the small so much, why don't you let Zhou replace Fengxian to have a fight with you, if you can win against Zhou, Zhou will do it It's up to you to deal with it, otherwise you will take your son to Fengxian's mother's grave to kowtow and repent as you said just now!"

"Presumptuous! What are you, a foreigner, what reason do you have to meddle in our affairs? This old man will take you down now, to let you know that this is not a place for you to be presumptuous!"

The white-haired old man was furious, and after shouting angrily, Dang even waved his hand, and threw a blue streamer of light towards Zhou Yang.

Even his son didn't expect that he would attack suddenly, and everyone in the room didn't know what to do for a while.

But Zhou Yang's response was completely beyond his expectations.

I saw Zhou Yang raised his hand and waved his fist amidst the lightning and flint. Amidst the bursts of dragon chant, the cyan streamer was directly blown away by his punch on the spot, revealing its original shape.

I saw that the body of the cyan streamer was a strange magic weapon in the shape of a phoenix feather.

"It's not rude to come and go, old guy, you also get punched by Zhou!"

Zhou Yang yelled loudly, and before the magic weapon returned to the white-haired old man's hands, he punched the white-haired old man again.

Immediately, a several-foot-long blue-gold dragon burst out from his fist, roaring towards the white-haired old man with bursts of dragon roars.

"Stop all of them!"

Inside the tree house, the old woman yelled angrily, and stepped forward with the blue wooden stick in her hand, and the dragon-shaped energy that Zhou Yang punched out was instantly dispersed by her.

Then she glanced at Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian with a gloomy expression, and finally her eyes rested on Jiang Fengxian, and said coldly: "Since you have no intention of assimilating into the clan, then take your man and leave here, you are not welcome here you!"

Unexpectedly, after she finished speaking, Jiang Fengxian and Zhou Yang hadn't responded yet, but the white-haired old man couldn't help but yelled: "Elder, you can't let them leave so easily, this arrogant human kid And again, to provoke you and the old man again and again, the old man must teach him a profound lesson today!"

Seeing this, Zhou Yang immediately seized the opportunity to reply: "Okay, this is what your Excellency said, don't deny your defeat later!"

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