[Tianfeng Clan] Outside the Holy Land, a Nascent Soul-level war broke out after all.

As soon as Zhou Yang made a move, it was the [Purple Gold Qiankun Ruler], a sixth-grade top-grade magic weapon, and he didn't hold back at all because the opponent was Jiang Fengxian's grandfather.

In fact, he didn't dare to keep his hand. Jiang Fengxian's grandfather was almost as good as the sixth-level Nascent Soul cultivator in terms of cultivation. It would be very difficult for him to beat the opponent without using the [Suzaku Fan]. Dare to hold back.

Most of the barbaric alien races are not good at refining weapons, and their strength lies in various powerful spells and supernatural powers.

Although Jiang Fengxian's grandfather used a strange feather-shaped weapon when he attacked Zhou Yang earlier, in fact, his whole body strength was still based on the various magical powers cultivated by the blood of the Phoenix.

He didn't know what kind of supernatural power he had cultivated. When Zhou Yang sacrificed the magic weapon [Purple Gold Qiankun Ruler], he was able to detect the attack trajectory in advance, so that Zhou Yang's first blow was dodged by him.

Then he flapped the colorful phoenix wings behind him, and a blue gust of wind blew up in the sky, and a thick wind column connecting the sky and the earth suddenly formed rapidly with Zhou Yang as the center.

Zhou Yang, who was in the center of the wind pillar, suddenly felt as if he was stuck in a quagmire, and he almost couldn't control his body to be swept away by the wind pillar.

"Suppress me!"

His complexion changed, and with a low shout, a seven-story pagoda rose instantly above his head, releasing ten thousand golden lights to protect himself in it, and dispelled the power of the wind pillar from himself in one fell swoop.

But in fact, the pillar of wind was just a time-delaying trick of the white-haired old man. When Zhou Yang sacrificed his natal magic weapon to suppress the pillar of wind, he had already completed the process of accumulating the second spell.

Suddenly, Qingyue's phoenix's cry sounded in the sky, and a flaming phoenix with a wingspan of more than ten feet followed the white-haired old man's spell casting, raised its head and screamed, and rushed straight to Zhou Yang who was in the wind column.

The fire phoenix plunged into the wind pillar, and the wind helped the fire all of a sudden, turning the originally blue wind pillar into a wind and fire sky pillar.

Squeezed by this powerful force of wind and fire, most of the golden light falling from [Qianyang Golden Pagoda] was wiped out at once, and the hot fire waves made Zhou Yang feel hot all over through the shield.

But these were not enough to make him change color. What really changed his complexion was that after the white-haired old man used this move, he muttered a formula to induce the aura of heaven and earth to prepare a more powerful spell.

Naturally, he couldn't let the other party continue like this.


With a thought in his mind, a big khaki seal as big as a hill rose into the air and smashed out in front of him.

Wherever the great seal passed, the power of wind and fire was completely dissipated.

And Zhou Yang followed the seal and rushed out from the Fenghuo Tianzhu in one fell swoop.

As soon as he came out, he flicked his sleeves and threw three red-gold fire thunders at the white-haired old man.

Seeing this, the white-haired old man immediately flapped the seven-colored phoenix wings on his back, and in a short while, a seven-colored aura that Zhou Yang was very familiar with flashed across the sky, blasting three [Xuantian Fire Thunder Beads] in the middle of the journey.

At this moment, the spell carefully prepared by the white-haired old man was completed.

He waved at Zhou Yang with a sneer on his face, and the large amount of aura gathered by his magic quickly turned into a thick and colorful beam of light and shot towards Zhou Yang.

not good!

The powerful fluctuations of spiritual power emanating from the colorful beam of light made Zhou Yang's complexion change drastically.

He hastily made a formula to display the "Golden Light of Subduing Demons" obtained by his hard work, and urged the [Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes] on his body with all his strength, causing it to separate from his body at once, turning into a ball of light composed of countless golden runes and covering himself. wrapped in it.


After a loud noise, the rune light ball formed by the [Evil Resisting Treasure Clothes] burst out in response, and turned into a dim robe and put it on Zhou Yang's body again.

Apparently, although he relied on this vestment just now to block the beam of light that was comparable to a late Nascent Soul cultivator's blow, it also caused the vestment's spiritual power to drop greatly, temporarily losing its defensive effect.

Even so, the white-haired old man was clearly astonished at Zhou Yang's ability to block his charged blow so easily.

"What a powerful defensive weapon!"

"However, this magic weapon of yours has been injured by the old man. Next, let's see what else you can use to resist the old man's attack."

He said coldly, and when he rubbed his hands, several thick silver arcs suddenly appeared in his hands, and they shot straight towards Zhou Yang.

At the same time, with his wings flapping behind him, he suddenly turned into a ray of breeze and left the spot, appearing more than ten miles away.

But where he left, a purple-gold ruler broke through the air, but it was here.

"Being able to see through spatial fluctuations, is this your bloodline talent or some kind of magical effect?"

There was a flash of golden fire on Zhou Yang's body, and he used [Qianyang Sky Fire Shield] to block the silver arc attack, then looked at the white-haired old man in surprise, and asked in a low voice his doubts.

Since refining the [Purple Gold Qiankun Ruler], it was the first time that he missed the same person twice.

It can be said that the white-haired old man was a fluke for one miss, but two consecutive misses are obviously not what the word "luck" can explain.

"Hmph, it's okay to tell you, the old man has already cultivated [Tianfeng Shenyan], how can you hide this pair of gods from this simple trick of yours!"

The white-haired old man snorted coldly, raised his eyes and looked at Zhou Yang, the colored lights in his eyes flickered, it was indeed some kind of pupil magic power.

However, he was obviously too proud, and while the two of them were looking at each other, a golden red light flashed in Zhou Yang's eyes, and in an instant, two flames burst into his body.


The supernatural power of [Silence Burning Soul Divine Light], which has not been used for a long time, has made great achievements again this time.

Taking advantage of the injury to the spirit of the white-haired old man, Zhou Yang pinched the magic formula in his hand, and instantly a red-gold divine thunder fell on the white-haired old man.

He didn't expect that his [Nine-Heaven Qianyang Extinguishing Demon God Thunder], which is not even in the Xiaocheng realm, could cause much damage to the white-haired old man. He just used this move to shock the opponent's mana to prevent him from using the wind escape technique to escape. That's all.

At the same time as the divine thunder fell, his natal magic weapon [Qianyang Golden Pagoda] was already suppressing the white-haired old man across the sky.

At the same time, with a low growl in his mouth, his body instantly transformed into a half-dragon half-human form, and then with a wave of his fists, a blue-golden dragon roared out and flew towards the white-haired old man.

"Kid dare you!"

The white-haired old man roared ferociously, resisting the pain on his soul, and with a wave of his hands, he took out three long feathers, red, yellow and green, and struck at the golden pagoda and the blue dragon.

In the hands of the [Tianfeng Clan] people, these feathers are similar to the charms used by human monks, and a powerful spell is sealed inside.

As for the feathers that can be used by the white-haired old man in fighting techniques, the spells sealed inside are of course six levels.

The three feathers exploded rapidly in the air, forming a red fire phoenix, a khaki mountain peak and a blue wind blade at once.

The fire phoenix soared into the sky and fought directly with the blue-gold blue dragon.

The khaki-colored mountain peak collided with the golden pagoda in mid-air, presenting an evenly matched situation.

The cyan wind blade, which was about ten feet long, went straight to Zhou Yang himself, threatening to cut him in two.

Although Zhou Yang was very confident in his physical defense at this time, he didn't want to be attacked by the cyan wind blade, so he even waved his imperial envoy [Thick Earth Sealing the Sky Seal] to block in front of him, and scattered it around him outside.

Then he opened his mouth and directly sacrificed the [Qianyang Orb], turning into a golden fireball the size of a human head and smashing it at the white-haired old man.

The white-haired old man was preparing a new spell after using the three feathers that sealed the spell. At this time, seeing the golden fireball flying, he had no choice but to temporarily stop casting spells. The seven-color aura of innate supernatural power swept towards the golden fireball.

But this time, his seven-color aura, which was like panacea, failed to hold the golden fireball, and was rushed out of the prison by the golden fireball, and continued to hit him.

Seeing this scene, a trace of panic appeared on his face, and he quickly activated the formula to use the wind escape technique to avoid the fireball.

But just as he started to cast spells, a golden light suddenly appeared on him in a strange way, and quickly turned into a ball of golden flames to envelop him.

This blow frightened him half to death, he didn't know how he got hit, so he could only stop casting the spell hastily, and desperately mobilized his whole body's mana to extinguish the golden flames on his body.

Fortunately, although these golden flames were of extremely high quality, they could not obtain mana supplements from Zhou Yang, and were quickly extinguished by him with powerful mana.

But at this time, the golden fireball had already appeared above his head without any interception.

At this moment, it was too late for him to cast any spells, so he could only mobilize his whole body's mana and inject it into a pair of colorful phoenix wings behind him, releasing rich seven-color spiritual light and turning it into a seven-color mask to protect himself in it.


After an earth-shattering explosion, the white-haired old man shot hundreds of feet backwards, spitting blood.

However, Zhou Yang was not forgiving, he didn't care that the white-haired old man had been injured by himself, he moved and quickly appeared next to the white-haired old man who flew out, and hit the white-haired old man heavily with his fist On the chest, all the ribs in front of his chest were directly smashed, and the entire chest was sunken inward to form a fist mark.


"Stop hurting my father!"

The shouts of anger came from outside the battlefield one after another. The [Tianfeng Clan] great elder Qing Lan and patriarch Xuan Yu who were fighting on the outside appeared on the battlefield in an instant. The two auras locked on Zhou Yang from afar, ready to strike at any time.

"Don't worry, although the injury on his body is serious, it's not fatal. It only takes [Nirvana] once to recover!"

Zhou Yang glanced at the two of them, and with a movement, he left the side of the white-haired old man.

"Young people are so cruel!"

The old woman looked at Zhou Yang with a gloomy face, and her voice was extremely cold, obviously she was really angry.

Zhou Yang, who was facing the other party's anger directly, felt the pressure immediately when a being who was comparable to a monk in the late stage of Nascent Soul was angry.

He rolled his throat, swallowed slightly, and finally cupped his hands towards the opponent and said: "Life and death are fighting, I really dare not keep my hand, there are so many offenses, I hope senior understands."

"Hey, good understanding!"

The old woman sneered and became even more annoyed by Zhou Yang's answer.

Beating someone seriously in front of her, and making her understand, do you really think she has no anger?

However, when she was hesitating whether to teach Zhou Yang a lesson by herself, Jiang Fengxian suddenly walked up to Zhou Yang and took over the conversation.

"Great Elder Qing Lan, you personally allowed this fight. Now that the winner has been decided, should you make a ruling?"

Looking at Jiang Fengxian with a serious face, the old woman was in an extremely bad mood.

There was a gloomy look in her eyes, and she didn't answer Jiang Fengxian's words, but said coldly: "I will heal the second elder first, and I will argue with you after the second elder recovers."

After finishing speaking, she didn't care whether Jiang Fengxian answered or not, and directly told the Fourth Elder, Feng Xuan: "Fourth Elder, I will entrust them to you to entertain them, don't let them wander around in the Holy Land!"

Then he left the place with the white-haired old man and Jiang Fengxian's father Xuan Yu.

And Feng Xuan, who got her order, spread his hands coldly to Zhou Yang and the three of them after she left, made a "please" gesture and said lightly: "The three of you have heard the words of the great elder. Please don't make it difficult for Feng Mou!"

Seeing this, Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian couldn't help but look at each other, but followed Feng Xuan back to the holy land without saying anything, and lived in the tree house above a fifth-order spirit tree.

Entering the tree house, Zhou Yang laid down a barrier to prevent outsiders from eavesdropping, then looked at Jiang Fengxian with a serious face and asked, "Fengxian, what are you thinking in your heart? You don't agree with the attitude of that elder Qinglan." See, she can't let you take your father away!"

However, when Jiang Fengxian heard his words, she replied very definitely: "She will agree!"

"The reason? What is the reason?"

Zhou Yang looked deeply at the beautiful woman in front of him, his face was full of doubts, and he didn't understand where Jiang Fengxian's confidence came from.

However, Jiang Fengxian refused to tell him the reason, but looked at him affectionately and said: "Zhou Lang, I already know your intentions, and I have already understood your kindness. For the next thing, let the concubine Now that you have dealt with it yourself, you should go back and accompany Sister Xiao Ying first!"

Zhou Yang's complexion suddenly changed, and he shouted angrily, "What are you talking about! How can I rest assured that you are here alone? Since we came here together, we naturally have to go back together!"

"It's not Qie Shen who is here alone, but Qie Shen and Feng'er are here together."

Jiang Fengxian shook her head slightly, looked at him apologetically and said in a low voice: "Zhou Lang, now that this is the case, I won't hide anything from you. Feng'er has to rely on a secret place of the [Tianfeng Clan] to hide her hidden dangers." Once she enters that secret place, she may not be able to come out before she actually conceives a baby, so it's a waste of time for you to stay here!"


A flash of anger flashed on Zhou Yang's face, and finally he couldn't hold back the anger in his heart anymore. He pointed at Jiang Fengxian with a livid face and shouted angrily: "You have planned it a long time ago, haven't you? You have already planned to let Feng'er join [Tian Feng Clan] Is that so? Do you really want to separate from me?"

He had never spoken to Jiang Fengxian in such a harsh tone, which shows how annoyed he is now.

Not only him, but even Jiang Yufeng, who was also kept in the dark, looked at Jiang Fengxian with an ugly face and shouted: "Mother, is what Dad said true? Why did you do this!"

"Feng'er, mother, this is all for your own good!"

Jiang Fengxian looked at her daughter lovingly, and explained in a low voice: "You are different from your mother, the phoenix blood on your body is too strong, even those half-demons, the blood is not as strong as yours, if you don't practice The special skills of the Phoenix Clan] control the phoenix blood in your body, and when you conceive a baby, you will either be completely assimilated by the phoenix blood and become a monster, or you will suddenly go mad because of the blood pulse!"

After she finished speaking, she turned her eyes back to Zhou Yang's face, and said apologetically, "Zhou Lang, don't blame me for concealing you. It is only in recent years that I have discovered that Feng'er's situation is worse than I imagined at the beginning. I know that you have always felt guilty towards Feng'er, and you don't want to let her leave your side, but this matter really can't be delayed, otherwise, with Feng'er's speed of practice, it will take less than a hundred years. Facing the kind of situation that neither you nor I want to see!"

"Is there evidence for all that you said? How can I trust you again?"

Zhou Yang looked at the person next to him with an ugly expression, and no longer dared to trust her 100% like before.

Seeing his attitude, Jiang Fengxian felt a pain in her heart, she couldn't help turning her head and said in a deep voice: "Of course there is evidence, I will prove it to you!"

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