Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 811: True Immortal Blocks the Way, Longevity Ceremony

The result of the battle in the Underground Spirit Lake was unexpected for both sides.

The Yulong family's original plan to lure Zhou Yang down and then carry out an ambush was aborted by Zhou Yang's forced breakout.

And Zhou Yang's plan to destroy the direct line members of the Yulong family was aborted before it could be carried out.

After Zhou Yang escaped from the underground spirit lake, the black ink dragon and other demon kings naturally followed suit.

It's just that in the outside world, without the home field advantage of the underground Linghu, it is even more impossible for them to surround and kill Zhou Yang.

In the end, Zhou Yang successfully escaped from Wulong Island with the three demon servants, and flew westward all the way to the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou.

In this battle, Zhou Yang beheaded two Yuanying monks who were vassals of the Yulong family, and severely wounded a sixth-rank top-rank demon king. The results of the battle were not small.

And he himself suffered a lot of internal injuries under the siege of more than a dozen demon kings, so it didn't take much advantage.

But for Zhou Yang, the most important thing is to find out the background of the Yulong family.

"This time Zhou was almost buried in the underground spirit lake, all because the information you provided was seriously wrong. If you don't give Zhou a satisfactory explanation, Zhou will give you a painful memory!"

In the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou, on an uninhabited mountain, Zhou Yang looked at Qingluo and Yinling, two dragons that had turned into human forms, with an ugly expression, his eyes were full of fierceness.

Before that, time was running out, and he didn't have time to pursue this matter, but it didn't mean that he really didn't take this matter to heart.

The reason why he went to Wulong Island this time was mainly because of the information he got from the mouths of these two dragons, and he analyzed that the Yulong family did not hurt his strength.

But the facts are obviously very wrong.

Now that he is out of danger, how could Zhou Yang forget to settle accounts with these two young Jiaolongs.

"Master Mingjian, what we said back then is true, and there is absolutely no concealment or lie!"

"I really don't know how there are so many sixth-level demon kings suddenly appearing in the Yulong family, and I find it even more inconceivable!"

Qingjiao Qingluo panicked and immediately defended her sister, her eyes were full of panic.

She is a Jiaolong who has tasted the bitterness, and she doesn't want to taste the bitterness that she suffered back then.

And Yinjiao Yinling is not much better than her, after she finished speaking, she nodded repeatedly and said: "Sister Qingluo is right, we absolutely did not lie or conceal anything, master, you are still holding our [natal soul] Brand], how dare we let you have an accident!"

After Zhou Yang heard the two sisters' justification, he was unmoved and said with a cold smile: "It's hard to say, given the bad performances of the two of you in the past, Zhou has every reason to suspect that you are like this." Do!"

"Master, you really wronged our sisters this time. Although our sisters said that they grew up in the Yulong family since childhood, but at that time our cultivation base was low, how many secrets of the Yulong family could we get in touch with?"

"Furthermore, many places in the Yulong family don't allow us spirit pets to wander around. Even if Yulong Jinhuang took us there, he took us into the spirit beast ring and brought us there. We have no chance to understand those things at all! "

"The most important thing is, we all know that Master Lei Yu Zhenling is protecting you in secret, how dare you have the guts to deceive and murder you under such circumstances?"

Qingjiao Qingluo's name is Qu Lianlian, and she is also very wronged by Zhou Yang's accusation.

They now know Zhou Yang quite well, and they clearly know how strong Zhou Yang is and how strong his backstage is.

In the past, maybe they would still think about how to take revenge on Zhou Yang when they are free in the future, but now they have already put out that thought.

Zhou Yang heard her tearful justification at this time, but he also agreed with her words in his heart, believing that they did not lie to him.

But there was no expression on his face at all, he just stared at the two dragons with warning eyes and said: "Don't blame Zhou for not warning you, the original thousand-year agreement is not far away now, if you dare to end the agreement What did you do before, what did Zhou catch, don't blame Zhou for being ruthless!"

"The master's lesson is that we must remember the master's words."

The two dragons, Qingluo and Yinling, nodded again and again, and they no longer dared to show any disrespect in their attitudes.

After beating the two dragons in this way, Zhou Yang was ready to return to Liuyun Continent to cultivate immortals all the way.

But at this moment, Lei Yu's True Spirit was suddenly stopped by someone.

"Your Majesty the True Spirit is very strange. I don't know where he practiced before? Why are you passing through the Donghuazhou Immortal Cultivation World from overseas at this time?"

In the sky, an elegant middle-aged man in a blue gown stood in the air, blocking the way of Lei Yu's true spirit.

Zhou Yang was no stranger to this person, in fact, he was Du Chongyang, the human true immortal he had met in the world of cultivating immortals in Beitingzhou, the famous "Chongyang Real Man".

Du Chongyang was originally a true immortal who had become enlightened in the immortal cultivation world of Donghuazhou, and he had always lived in seclusion at sea, helping the immortal cultivation circle of Donghuazhou to monitor and resist the true spirits of the East Sea monster clan.

Lei Yu's true spirit entered Donghuazhou Immortal Cultivation Realm this time, and he was discovered by him for some reason, so he appeared and intercepted it.

Stopped by Du Chongyang at this time, True Spirit Lei Yu didn't panic at all, but looked at Du Chongyang with a little curiosity and said: "Your Excellency is Du Xianren from the human race, Lei Yu has been in Liuyunzhou before. I have practiced in the Yunshan Mountains, but I have heard the name of the immortal for a long time, and I never thought that today I finally saw the true face of the immortal!"

Unexpectedly, when Du Chongyang heard his words, he frowned, looked at him suspiciously and said: "Du has only been to the Tianzhu Peak in the Duanyun Mountain Range a thousand years ago, but there was no such thing at that time." I found the figure of Your Excellency the True Spirit, and Du looked at the breath of the True Spirit, it must be that he has not been enlightened for a thousand years!"

Thousands of years ago, [Split Innocence Demon] ran out from [Qiongtian Wonderland] to wreak havoc on the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou. After Du Chongyang received the message for help, he rushed over to eliminate the demon.

Later [Split Tianzhen Demon] fled to the west, and Du Chongyang pursued him all the way. He also went to Duanyun Mountain Range and secretly searched Tianzhu Peak.

So when he heard Lei Yu's real spirit self-reported that he was practicing in Duanyun Mountain Range, his first reaction was not to believe him, and suspected that he was lying.

It's just because the other party is also a seventh-level true spirit, so I still have to give face, so I said it more reservedly.

"Du Immortal has good eyesight. It is true that Lei became enlightened overseas a hundred years ago. This time he is passing through the immortal cultivation world of Donghuazhou, and he is preparing to return to the Duanyun Mountains to practice cultivation!"

True Spirit Lei Yu couldn't help but paused for a while when he said this, and then continued: "As for the fact that Du Xianren had never seen Lei Mou thousands of years ago, it was because Lei Mou traveled overseas to Duanyun Mountains more than 600 years ago and decided to Take root and practice there."

"This is strange! Your Excellency True Spirit originally came from overseas, but he went to the far west to take root and practice, and then made a special trip overseas to cross the catastrophe and become enlightened, and now he said that he would return to Duanyun Mountain Range from overseas to cultivate..."

Du Chongyang was talking to himself, and what he said inside and outside the meaning was that he didn't believe Lei Yu's true spirit's words.

This made Lei Yu Zhenling quite annoyed after hearing this.

After he became a true spirit, there was no one in this world who he could be jealous of. Even if he knew that Du Chongyang had attained enlightenment thousands of years before him, he would not have any fear of him.

Even if you have to speak coldly to fight back.

But at this moment, after Zhou Yang discovered the situation, he rushed over in time.

"It turns out that Senior Du is here, and junior Zhou Yang is paying respects to Immortal Chongyang!"

Zhou Yang rushed to the scene, and with surprise on his face, he bowed to Du Chongyang and met him with a very respectful attitude.

"Hey, why is fellow daoist Zhou here? And fellow daoist, your cultivation..."

Du Chongyang's attention couldn't help being pulled away by Zhou Yang, and then he was shocked by Zhou Yang's cultivation at this time.

He still had a deep impression of Zhou Yang in the battle to exterminate demons in the world of cultivating immortals in Beitingzhou. It's only been a few hundred years, so it's unlikely that he can't remember Zhou Yang's cultivation level at that time.

It was precisely because he remembered it so clearly that he was extremely shocked at this moment.

He clearly remembered that Zhou Yang at that time was only at the second level of Yuanying.

Now, only five or six hundred years have passed since that time, but Zhou Yang's cultivation has already reached the eighth level of Nascent Soul, and he is promoted once every hundred years on average!

This is the first time Du Chongyang has seen such a speed of improvement in cultivation for nearly ten thousand years.

"Could it be that you were taken away by some fellow Taoist!"

"No, no, your aura hasn't changed! It's not like any fellow Taoist that Du knows!"

"Then how did your cultivation level improve so quickly!"

He looked at Zhou Yang in shock, shaking his head back and forth, already so shocked by this situation that he lost his true immortal demeanor during the Tribulation Transcending Period.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang had no choice but to repeat his reasons again.

It's impossible for him to really tell the other party about his experience!

Du Chongyang obviously also knew that his question was a bit difficult for others, so although Zhou Yang's answer was not to his liking, he didn't pursue it further, and it was considered to have exposed the matter.

Then he returned to the original question, looked at Zhou Yang suspiciously and asked, "Why are you here, fellow Daoist Zhou?"

"To be honest, senior, this junior met Daoist Lei Yu when he received the inheritance from his master [Zhenjun Donglai] in [Donglai Xiandao], and the ancestor of Daoist Lei Yu was my teacher [Zhenjun Donglai] ]'s spiritual pet!"

"A hundred years ago, Fellow Daoist Lei Yu crossed the tribulation and became enlightened on [Donglai Immortal Island]. As a result, the fairy island was exposed to being attacked by the seventh-level true spirit [Spiritual Ape Overlapping the Sea]. Killed that fierce ape!"

"The reason why this junior appears here is that he made a special trip to pick up Fellow Daoist Lei Yu out of the Immortal Island, and return to Liuyunzhou's Immortal Cultivation World with him."

Zhou Yang didn't hide it at all, he directly told about the fact that he helped Lei Yu's true spirit to cross the catastrophe and become enlightened, and he didn't seem to worry at all that Du Chongyang would call him a "traitor" because of this, and took action to "clean up the house" .

After Du Chongyang listened to his words, his expression suddenly changed and changed, and his eyes couldn't help but become complicated.

Du Chongyang did not doubt Zhou Yang's character. Zhou Yang's character was fully revealed in the war against demons in the cultivation world of Beitingzhou, and could stand any test.

But this kind of helping the monster king of the monster clan to become a true spirit is indeed an act of supporting the enemy for the entire human race.

Even if Zhou Yang could guarantee that the true spirit of Lei Yu would not be an enemy of the human race, could he still guarantee that the future descendants of the true spirit of Lei Yu would not become enemies of the human race?

You must know that the greatest effect of the true spirit of the Yaozu on the Yaozu is not its own seventh-level combat power, but its ability to reproduce a powerful descendant group of true spirits.

But Du Chongyang obviously can't punish Zhou Yang now because of these things that haven't happened in the future.

What's more, the speed at which Zhou Yang's cultivation base improved really shocked him.

Judging from this speed of cultivation, if you want to say whether Zhou Yang's chance of becoming a fairy in the future is not high, it must be very high.

As a true immortal of the human race, how could Du Chongyang punish such a future true immortal seed of his own race.

Aren't you afraid of forcing Zhou Yang to fall to the Yaozu?

Zhou Yang dared to tell the truth of the matter so openly and openly because of his various ties, not afraid that Du Chongyang would embarrass him.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou's words, of course Du can trust. Since Fellow Daoist Lei Yu and Fellow Daoist Zhou are inseparable, then this incident should be a misunderstanding. Du is here to apologize to Fellow Daoist Lei Yu!"

Du Chongyang looked at Zhou Yang with a complex expression and pondered for a while, then sighed in his heart, and then bowed to the True Spirit of Lei Yu, expressing his apology.

Seeing this, True Spirit Lei Yu didn't hold back, and quickly returned a salute and said, "Du Immortal, you are being polite. It is indeed inappropriate for Lei to cross the border rashly and not tell the immortal. It is normal for the immortal to have such a reaction. "

"Since Fellow Daoist Lei Yu has just become enlightened, he must not know much about my circle, otherwise the misunderstanding like today would certainly not have occurred."

Du Chongyang nodded slightly, agreeing with True Spirit Lei Yu's words, and then suddenly changed the subject: "Exactly one year later, [Tiannan Continent's Immortal Realm] will hold a ceremony for his 12,000-year-old birthday. Big birthday, many fellow daoists are invited to join us, and it is said that some fellow daoists from the Yaozu will also go."

When he said this, he cupped his hands to Lei Yu's True Spirit and said: "If Fellow Daoist Lei Yu can trust Du, why not take this opportunity to join Du Mou to cheer for Fellow Daoist Withered Wood, and communicate with other fellow Daoists by the way. Get acquainted with my waiting circle!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Lei Yu's real spirit to respond, he looked at Zhou Yang and said, "You might as well go with Du, fellow Daoist Zhou. Fellow Daoist Withered Wood is currently the oldest fellow Daoist of my human race. I like to support those outstanding junior monks of my human race, if Zhou Daoyou can get his approval, the benefits will definitely be great!"

What a coincidence!

Zhou Yang had only heard about the names of the other two human true immortals from Yin Hanguang a few years ago, but he did not expect to learn that one of them is still alive, and has lived for twelve thousand years!

After hearing Du Chongyang's words, he immediately bowed his hands and said: "Since there is such a good thing, this junior will certainly not miss it, so I would like to thank Senior Du in advance!"

With Zhou Yang's promise, True Spirit Lei Yu, who was still hesitant at first, stopped hesitating immediately.

"Then Lei will also go and meet fellow comrades!"

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