Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 812: The Secret of Longevity! 【Ask monthly ticket】

Under normal circumstances, the lifespan of the true immortals of the human races in the "Spirit World" should be 10,000.

But just like many monks in the Nascent Soul stage can use various life-extending spiritual objects to make their life span exceed 3,000 years old, the true immortals in the Tribulation Stage naturally have ways to extend their lifespan.

However, it is really rare to see a real human immortal like [True Deadwood] who can live to 12,000 years old.

Zhou Yang couldn't help being curious, so he asked Du Chongyang about it on the way to the world of cultivating immortals in Tiannanzhou with Du Chongyang.

I don't know if Du Chongyang really values ​​him, or if this matter is not a big secret, but he actually told him the reason.

It turns out that this [True Deadwood Man] was able to live for such a long time, mainly because of the exercises he practiced and the supernatural powers he practiced.

[Dead wood real person] created a law of supernatural power [withering life and death energy], which can not only extract the vitality of all living beings, to achieve the special effect of cutting people's lifespan, but also make oneself in a state of withering and extinction for a long time, so as to prolong life. Yuan lapses.

Since the [True Deadwood Man] created this supernatural power, he usually puts himself into a state of withering and extinction. Only when fellow monks come to visit, or when he wants to move his body to do something, will he Back to normal.

It is with the help of this unique law and supernatural power that he can live to be twelve thousand years old and still be alive. People don't know how many more years he can live.

I don't know how many monks are envious of his [Kurong Life and Death Qi] supernatural power, and want to learn it in their hands.

It's a pity that since [Kurong Life and Death Qi] is a supernatural power of laws, it means that unless someone can comprehend the relevant laws like [True Dead Wood], it is impossible to learn it at all.

What's more, even if someone can learn it, they have to be willing to teach.

Anyway, when Du Chongyang and Zhou Yang talked about this matter, they shook their heads with bitterness on their faces.

Apparently he had tried that idea before, and it must have failed.

After Zhou Yang understood the situation, he was also very envious of this [Realist Ku Rong] who could master such a useful supernatural power, and he also moved some thoughts.

What he practiced was extremely yang attribute skills, even if [Kurong Daoist] taught him the practice method of [Kurong Life and Death Qi] supernatural power, it would probably be impossible to cultivate it.

But his Taoist companion, Xiao Ying, practiced the wood attribute technique "Nine Heavens Yuanyang Longevity Good Fortune Scripture", which possessed the basic conditions for practicing this supernatural power.

To be honest, with Xiao Ying's aptitude and attitude towards cultivation, even with Zhou Yang's support, it is basically impossible for her to overcome the tribulation and become a fairy.

But of course Zhou Yang didn't want to see his Taoist companion who had accompanied him all the way die of old age in his arms in the future.

And if Xiao Ying can learn the supernatural power of [Kurong Life and Death Qi], and rely on this supernatural power to greatly extend her life like [True Dead Wood], maybe things will turn around.

But thinking about it, Zhou Yang also knew in his heart that he would never have any chance to do this before he crossed the catastrophe and became a fairy.

Only after he crosses the catastrophe and becomes a fairy, can he have the conditions to do this, and it will be possible for [Kurong Daoist] to really consider making a deal with him.

On the way to Tiannanzhou's world of cultivating immortals, Du Chongyang specially helped Zhou Yang heal his internal injuries.

Immortal cultivators don't have many healing spells, and more than 90% of them are concentrated in wood attribute spells and water attribute spells.

As a true immortal in the Tribulation Period who practiced water-attribute exercises, Du Chongyang had already learned all kinds of water-attribute spells and supernatural powers over the long years of practice, and this healing magic power was naturally among them.

With him personally performing supernatural powers to help heal his injuries, and taking some [Blood Dragon Rice] for refining, Zhou Yang's internal injuries quickly healed by 80% or 90%, which basically did not affect his fighting skills with others.

And after knowing the reason for his injury, Du Chongyang also warned him with deep meaning.

"The Yulong family is not as simple as you think. The ancestor of their family left them a lot of good things at the beginning, and they have a very deep relationship with the Jiaolong family in the East China Sea. If you want to destroy their family, it will not be true. There are not many chances to do it!"

As a true immortal who had become enlightened in the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou, Du Chongyang's understanding of the Yulong family, a special cultivating family, was obviously much better than that of a junior like Zhou Yang who had practiced for less than two thousand years.

Zhou Yang dared not ignore his warning.

But after becoming a true immortal, he can no longer easily deal with mortals, which means that it is difficult for him to take revenge with his own hands.

So although he respected Du Chongyang, he didn't intend to fully listen to Du Chongyang's words on this matter.

Of course, he wouldn't refute it directly, but just thanked him and said that he understood, so he didn't talk about it any more.

On the contrary, he took advantage of this rare opportunity to ask Du Chongyang about some problems encountered in his practice.

Du Chongyang now regards Zhou Yang as the future true fairy seed of the human race, and naturally he will not hesitate to answer Zhou Yang's questions about cultivation.

Compared to True Spirit Lei Yu, who is also a human cultivator, he can give Zhou Yang guidance on this kind of practice problem, which is of course far better than True Spirit Lei Yu.

Zhou Yang gained a lot from the guidance along the way, and he became more and more grateful and respectful to Du Chongyang.

"Fellow Deadwood has lived in Tiannan Continent in seclusion for many years, but apart from beings of the same level as me, or some juniors who have some relationship with him, not many people know where his real seclusion is."

In Tiannan Continent's Immortal Cultivation Realm, above a lush virgin forest, after Du Chongyang arrived here with Zhou Yang and Lei Yu's true spirit, he swung his sleeve and threw out a messenger flying sword, giving them the […] Deadwood real person] delivered the message.

Then while waiting for the response from [Realist Deadwood], he explained to Zhou Yang who was looking at the primeval forest in front of him curiously: "This mountain forest is real, but at the same time they are also part of the guardian formation of Dry Rong Valley. Even if the Nascent Soul stage monks passed by here, they would never have thought that there is actually a cave inside!"

"By the way, Fellow Daoist Deadwood himself is also a great master of formation who is only one step away from stepping into the realm of a seventh-order formation fairy master, and is also a great master of alchemy!"

Those who have reached the sixth level of cultivating all arts of immortality can be called masters, but to be honored as "Great Masters", only those who have reached the sixth level can obtain this honor.

However, considering that this [Real Dead Wood Man] has lived for 12,000 years, it is not particularly surprising that he can possess two skills of the "Grand Master" level.

It didn't make Du Chongyang and Lei Yu True Spirit, the two beings of the same rank, wait for it. About half a quarter of an hour after Du Chongyang sent the message of the flying sword, an old voice sounded from the depths of the mountain forest.

"Fellow Daoist Du and True Spirit Lei Yu came to visit, I am honored, please come in quickly, fellow daoist!"

As the voice fell, Zhou Yang and the others saw a twisting and shaking of the void in front of them, revealing a portal emitting green light.

When the two of them and one demon entered through the portal, the front view suddenly widened, and they were already in a vast valley full of birds and flowers, and towering giant trees everywhere.

"That is……"

Zhou Yang's eyes were fixed, and he looked at the center of this vast valley with surprise on his face.

I saw a gigantic giant tree nearly three thousand feet tall growing there!

Zhou Yang has traveled all over the world and traveled all over the world, so he has seen a lot.

But it was the first time he had seen such a tall giant tree.

Even the main body of the big demon Mu Qingyun on [Donglai Immortal Island] was not so tall.

"That's the unique spirit tree in the Deadwood Valley, which is unique to Fellow Daoist Deadwood. It's the only one in this world. The tree species found in the Ancient Immortal Cave Mansion were cultivated!"

"Look at the towering giant trees in this valley, they are all degenerated branches cultivated by the dead tree friends with this [Tiantian Qiankun Wood], and the Yimu essence contained in them is extremely rich, very suitable for supplying wood attribute kung fu monks to practice Divine power."

Du Chongyang really attached great importance to Zhou Yang, a junior, and when he saw his gaze fell on the giant tree, he immediately explained the origin of the giant tree to him.

After listening to Du Chongyang's explanation, Zhou Yang also came back to his senses, and he couldn't help but exclaimed with a look of amazement on his face: "What a tree [Tongtian Qiankun Wood], one tree pierces the world, and it deserves its name, and its name really belongs to it! !"

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, the old voice that appeared before said from the side: "This little fellow daoist looks very strange, is it the disciple you recently accepted, fellow daoist Du?"

Zhou Yang followed the prestige, and saw dots of emerald green brilliance gathered in the sky next to him, and soon formed an old man with green hair, green eyes and green clothes.

The old man was clearly formed in front of him with the essence of Yimu, but Zhou Yang couldn't tell the difference between him and a real living person, it was really miraculous.

Hearing the words of the green-haired old man at this time, Du Chongyang couldn't help but sighed with a wry smile: "Du hopes that what fellow Daoist Withered Wood said is true, if there is a disciple like Daoist Zhou to inherit the mantle, Du will have no regrets in this life Already!"

Just this one sentence made the green-haired old man pay a lot more attention to Zhou Yang.

"It seems that the old man has not asked about world affairs for a long time, and has missed many wonderful things!"

The green-haired old man sighed thoughtfully, and then smiled kindly at Zhou Yang: "Young fellow daoist, don't be offended, Mr. Yang has been in seclusion in the cave for many years and doesn't care about world affairs. Since the little fellow daoist can be valued by fellow daoist Du and bring him here, he must be a rising star with a great reputation in our human race, Yang is very happy to get to know the little fellow daoist."

"Senior Yang is too polite, and this junior is truly terrified. To be able to see the beauty of the old senior today, this junior is already lucky for three lives, three lives are lucky!"

Zhou Yang bowed his hands and saluted repeatedly with a flattered look, and his attitude was extremely humble and respectful.

He knew very well in his heart that if he hadn't been blessed by Du Chongyang and Lei Yu's true spirit this time, it would have been impossible for him to appear here and meet the old man of the human race, [Realist Dead Wood].

And when dealing with such a true immortal of the Transcending Tribulation Period who had no connection with him before, no amount of modesty and respect could be overstated.

In short, there are many people who are polite, it is best not to hate a true immortal in the tribulation period because of any small problems in etiquette.

"Fellow Daoist Withered Wood, let's talk about who is here now. It's rare for Fellow Daoist to want to be lively this time. Presumably, there will be many fellow Daoists who are willing to give Fellow Daoist Withered Wood face. Come to the birthday ceremony of Fellow Daoist!"

Du Chongyang took over the conversation, but looked at the green-haired old man and asked about his concerns.

Asked by him like this, the green-haired old man stopped being polite to Zhou Yang, and immediately said: "It's all about the love of fellow Taoists. At present, two fellow Taoists, Feng Daoyou and Wan Popo, have arrived here one step earlier. The old dragon in the East China Sea also promised to come, whether the other two fellow Taoists will come here for Yang's face, I don't know!"

Zhou Yang didn't know the names mentioned by the green-haired old man, and he had never heard of them. From the tone of his conversation with Du Chongyang, he could tell that they were all strong men in the same realm as them.

But after Du Chongyang listened, he could not help sighing with surprise on his face: "It seems that Fellow Daoist Yang has a big face, even the old dragon of Donghai Longsheng is willing to come over to cheer fellow Daoist, this old dragon left last time Donghai, it was the last time [Chiyuan Lingsheng] appeared in public more than 3,000 years ago to hold a banquet!"

"Fellow Daoist Du is overrated, overrated."

The green-haired old man smiled and waved his hand, then stretched out his hand, made a "please" gesture and said: "The three fellow Taoists, please come with Yang, I will sit and discuss the Tao together, and wait for other fellow Taoists to come."

As soon as the words fell, a cyan rainbow light flew down from the top of the giant tree, and fell directly in front of Du Chongyang and others, forming a rainbow bridge.

Seeing this, the two of them, one demon, stepped onto the cyan rainbow bridge, and were led by the rainbow light to fly towards the giant tree in the sky.

The trunk of the giant tree with a height of more than 3,000 feet is naturally very thick and amazing, and even a single leaf can be used as a big boat, the kind of big boat that can carry hundreds of people.

The Dongfu of [Real Dead Wood] is located on the top of this giant tree, which is a wooden palace completely grown naturally from branches and leaves.

Zhou Yang, the two of them, and a monster were led directly into the palace by the blue rainbow light, and saw an old man in green clothes with green hair and green eyes sitting high on the main seat above him, and on both sides were two people wearing white clothes. A middle-aged man in a blue Taoist robe, and an ugly old woman with a shriveled and ugly face and a small green and black snake coiled on her head.

In addition to these three, there are five or six people in the hall who are in the Nascent Soul stage like Zhou Yang. They also have people and demons, and they are even barbaric alien races that Zhou Yang has only heard of before.

Seeing Zhou Yang and the others come in at this time, everyone in the hall looked at the three of them, with different expressions on their faces.

"Hehehe, Fellow Daoist Du and everyone are old friends, so there is no need to introduce more, and fellow Daoist Daoist of the Monster Race and the little fellow Daoist behind Du Daoist, I am afraid that all fellow Daoists have not heard of it, why don't you invite Fellow Daoist Du? Let me introduce you to fellow Taoists!"

Above the main seat, [Real Man with Dead Wood] squinted his eyes to look at the three visitors, then he smiled and spoke out on his own initiative.

ps: There are new chapters below

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