Cultivation: From the Inauguration of Druid

Vol 2 Chapter 203: Zhixin Avenue

Mu Jing walked around the mountain softly, looking at the scenery in front of him, there was always a feeling of familiarity and unfamiliarity.

At the same time, there is some emptiness in my heart. .

When she came back to her senses, she found that she had unknowingly come to the front of the pagoda.


She slowly pushed open the door of the stupa, looking at the stupa and more than a hundred relics inside, her thoughts flowed in her eyes.

"Namo Amitabha!"

Mu Jingrou suddenly proclaimed the Buddha's name, picked up the Diamond Sutra on the ground and read it.

At the same time, he kept reciting, "So I heard that the Buddha gave the Lonely Garden at the only tree in the country of Shewei..."

After several times, although the heart is warmed by the Buddhist rhyme of the scriptures.

But it still feels empty.

So she put down the Buddhist scriptures and came to the Taoist temple to do evening classes according to the regulations in the temple.

Suddenly, she looked up at the statue of Wudang in the hall.

The brows, eyes, lips and corners on the face are all showing compassion, and the body exudes a leisurely rhyme.

For a moment, his heart trembled, and he murmured in his mouth.

"Longevity? Longevity!

If you can stay in the world for a long time, you can avoid death without worry. "

Immediately, his eyes changed, and he bowed to Wudangxiang.

"The patriarch is on top, the disciple's aspirations will last forever, and it will not change for a thousand eons!

Aspiration to live forever, never change! "

As she kowtowed again and again, the emptiness in her heart was gradually filled with a little light.

As it is said:

There is no one in the world who is willing to make up his mind, and is determined to cultivate the profound and self-evident.

It is also said that cultivating the Tao is cultivating the mind, and the nature of the mind is perfect, and the natural merits and actions are unimpeded.

No matter what happened in the past, as long as you are willing to make up your mind, Dao will never fail anyone.

Mu Jingrou made up her mind and made up her mind, and often listened to Lingqing's teachings to Xiaoqian and others.

"Unless the unity of knowledge and action, merit and virtue cannot be achieved."

This practice is also general, and it can never be accomplished by just talking about it.

If there is true heart, there must be true practice, only then is true practice.

So next, Mu Jingrou just focused on cultivating meritorious talismans and pinning her sins on the lotus pedestal.

I only hope that I can leave the mountain as soon as possible, pay off my karma, get rid of the shackles, and then go to practice innocently.

At the same time morning and evening homework more and more attentively.

Outside the mountain, Ling Qing sat cross-legged on a prescription table, looking at the water mirror in front of him.

What appeared inside was exactly what Mu Jingrou had done in the past few days.

He felt his gradually clear heart, and the slowly increasing meritorious deeds, and nodded with satisfaction.

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This saving others is also a kind of practice, otherwise many monks like to save people.

Now on this mountain, the last person has been successfully transformed.

As long as their merits and virtues are achieved in the future, they can be regarded as complete merits and virtues.

With full of joy, Lingqing scattered the water mirror in front of him, pulled up the dragon stick and walked out of the mountain.

As he went farther and farther, Huaiyin Mountain became more and more illusory.

After he disappeared, the mountain also disappeared.

A few days later, some anxious travelers passed by and found out.

The legendary mountain where the monsters were roaming disappeared completely, leaving only an open space in situ.

So there are legends everywhere that when the gods descended to the earth to collect demons and evil spirits, even the top of the mountain was destroyed.

It is also said that the white lotus lady, the red lotus fairy, etc. in recent days are the exceptions to the evil spirits.

As the news gradually spread, business travel did not have to take time to go around, and the path at the foot of the mountain gradually became more prosperous.

There are also some unwilling people, come here to check it out.

After seeing that the fruit was really gone, he bowed to the empty space, and then bowed to the white lotus lady who manifested everywhere, and returned with satisfaction.

Mu Jingrou didn't care about all these, just chanted sutras and incense every day, and was dedicated to cleansing her sins.

After Ling Qing went down the mountain, he went all the way north to Laoshan while spreading wild talismans.

This kind of talisman is simple to make, and it can be used even with ordinary animal skins.

Each one is connected to its internal mysterious altar, which is used to restrain the information of the talisman.

On the way, Xiaoqian and others have also been seen doing good deeds, but he was hidden and was not discovered by them.

Seeing that they were acting seriously, they didn't stay any longer. After all, they had to walk the road themselves, and they had to repay the debt themselves.

However, after arriving at Laoshan, I found that although there is a temple on the mountain, it is called Sanqingguan.

Guanzhong Daoist is not his own apprentice or brother.

After some talk, I learned that he was a Taoist from the Quanzhen Longmen faction.

After staying for a few days, after giving away a few wild talismans, he left and continued to travel the world.

He found that with this method of borrowing, it was much faster than sitting alone in the mountains to comprehend by himself.

Especially after the quantity is spread out and the quality gradually comes up, it has accumulated a lot of heritage.

Even the progress of building a profound altar at home has also accelerated a lot.

Just when he went down the mountain to travel for a year, he suddenly felt that he was rejected by this world.

I only felt a trance for a while, and saw the scene in front of me changing.

Before he could move, he disappeared from the resting barren mountain.

Appeared on a slightly clean street.

"Didn't expect it to end so soon?"

Ling Qing looked at this familiar and somewhat unfamiliar scenery and couldn't help sighing.

After learning that it was only himself who came back, he dealt with the people from the special affairs department.

He came to the secluded place, raised his hand and played a clear light that turned into a white crane.

He floated up and sat on it, cast a spell to hide his figure, and flew to his home.

Let the white crane fly on the road and begin to examine the reason.

After some inspections, some abnormalities were found.

The red jade lotus flower didn't have time to bring out, and the ghost general template that matched it couldn't be used.

It is estimated that it should be the reason why he entered the dungeon with his ghost body.

The identity recognized by the copy is the body of the ghost general.

And he can only show his original body in it only by covering it with the Lingbao talisman.

When I stayed on the mountain before, one was covered with a treasure, and the other was that the template was often retracted.

This is equivalent to having an official identity so they have been in peace.

However, when he went down the mountain, he left the ghost template on the lotus platform for cultivation.

After leaving the template, the cover of the treasure talisman gradually weakened, so it was kicked out in advance.

Only the ghost body template pinned on the red jade lotus was left.

After all, no matter how miraculous the talisman was, it was not the Daojun himself who did it himself.

Even if he can use the power of Daojun, it is only his own charm, and it will be limited by his cultivation.

However, after looking at the copy information on the panel, Ling Qing was not flustered.

Only "Cooling..." is displayed above, and there is no "Cannot turn on" prompt.

Presumably when the cooling time is over, he will be able to directly open the copy and enter it again.

After he figured it out, he no longer struggled.

Seeing that he had reached the ground, he gave up the idea of ​​​​investigating the harvest.

I plan to go home first.


Lingqing just landed in front of the gate, showed her figure, and saw the gate opened.

I saw Lingji carrying a small pole and two small wooden barrels walking out of it.

Seeing him, he exclaimed in surprise, "Uncle Daqing, are you back?"

Lingqing thought for a moment and found that it was the first ten days of March when he left, but now it is the beginning of April.

It seems that I have been gone for more than half a month, and today is the weekend, so I have the opportunity to take a holiday.

At this time, it is to draw water for the view to hone the perseverance of the mind.

"Well, I'm back, let's go to the viewing center and let me know."

Ling Qing smiled and nodded at him.


Lingji nodded sharply in response, and ran to Guanli with the bucket in his hand. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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