Cultivation: From the Inauguration of Druid

Vol 2 Chapter 204: Check Harvest

Lingqing strolled to the view, entered the courtyard, first came to the altar, and looked at the turbid gourd in the stone cauldron.

I saw that it was spewing out some pure turbid essence from time to time, turning it into turbid qi to infiltrate the earth veins. .

At the same time, the turbid evil in the leylines was captured together with the information in it.

The miscellaneous turbid evil spirits are purified and purified into essence essence, while information is detained and constricted and turned into the leyline authority of Qingyun Mountain.

At this time, the leyline authority, which is like a transparent model, is slightly more solid than before.

But it's still too early to be fully cohesive.

Although he stayed in the copy for nearly two years, in reality it was less than a month.

Naturally, there won't be much change in such a short period of time.

"Watcher, you are back."

Just as he was checking the authority of Yuansha Gourd and Earth Vein, Taoist Yunsheng had already brought a group of people to his side.

"came back."

Ling Qing withdrew his attention, nodded at him, and then invited everyone to the main hall.

After inquiring a bit, he learned that, as he had guessed, nothing had changed in the past few days.

And let everyone go.

When I came to my residence, I took a roll of rice paper in the study, and took a pen to transcribe the "Gongde Lingfu Fa".

It was organized into a book again, and I came to the Tibetan Buddhist Pagoda holding the scriptures. I first met the grandfather and talked about it.

After collecting the scriptures, he returned to his residence.

Only then did I start to take out the tiger skin bag to sort out the harvest of this dungeon.

Needless to say, some of the materials collected by Zixiang and his travels were taken out and put into a special material library, and banned by magic.

In the future, whether it is for refining tools, or for making talismans or refining methods, you can use them at any time, and you don't need to look for them temporarily.

Then there are several spiritual species cultivated by Xiaoqian and others.

It took them nearly a year to borrow the alien dragon rod, and only three kinds of spiritual species were alienated.

There is corn milled rice that is dissimilated from rice.

The grains of this rice are slender and white in color, more than three times larger than ordinary rice grains.

Not only is it rich in nutrients, but it also contains clear air, with few miscellaneous grains.

If you eat it for years and months, it can nourish your body and wash away impurities from your body.

It's just that it takes a lot of time to plant and needs to be irrigated with fresh air.

There are Faling beans that are alienated from large green beans.

This bean looks the same as the normal large green bean, just a little more lustrous.

Although it is a bean, it cannot be eaten, but it can contain mana, and when thrown, it can release double destructive power.

After some experiments, Lingqing found that if a magic talisman was inserted into it, it could be used directly as a magic talisman, hence the name Fa Lingdou.

There are acacia beans that are alienated from red beans. After eating them, you will miss the person you want to see most in your heart.

However, Lingqing has not researched the specific function.

After checking it again, he cherished it and put it away.

In the future, he will open up some spiritual fields on the mountain to plant.

Then there is the map of the earth evil array that has been harvested the most this time.

With this volume of array map, let's not talk about the security issues of entering and leaving the copy in the future.

That is, if it is placed on Qingyun Mountain now, it will not only be able to guard the family and protect the courtyard.

It can also speed up the condensation of the power of the earth veins.

After all, if this earth evil formation map is established, it is also necessary to sort out the muddy evil earth veins in one place.

With the dual effects of this array and Yuansha gourd, the collection of authority over the Qingyun Mountain range will be increased several times.

I think it will be able to condense and form before this year.

Do it if you think of it, no need to do anything, Lingqing just shakes the array.

Just hearing a humming sound, I saw that the pattern became bigger and bigger, and the bigger it was, the more empty it was.

It disappeared in front of him in the blink of an eye.

Immediately afterwards, Qingyun Mountain was shaken, and the vitality in the mountain fluctuated.

The earthworm trees planted on the mountains and around the lake also stretched their branches and spread their leaves, a pleasant appearance.

When everything slowly stopped.

In the courtyard, the turbid gourd in the stone cauldron suddenly moved rapidly.

The speed of sorting out turbid evil and collecting leyline information has been accelerated by 30%.

At the same time, there was a strange fluctuation that enveloped the entire Qingyun Mountain, covering up the manifestation of spirituality.

From the outside of the mountain, it seems that the mountain has returned to its normal appearance.

It turned out that although he used the branches and leaves of the Earth Demon to evolve into a new Earth Demon tree, he also set up the Earth Demon formation.

However, the accumulation of that formation was shallow, and in reality, the vitality of heaven and earth was still shallow, and the power of the formation could not be exerted.

The Earth Demon Array map is different, and the interior is a space of its own.

And after filling in 50,000 ghost soldiers and the five ghost kings in the realm of human beings, the savings are deep, and the magical effects are even more increased.

Within a year of traveling down the mountain, he had already sorted out the map of the Earth Demon formation.

It has even refined the resentment of the death of tens of thousands of ghosts, leaving only a pure killing evil hidden in the array, increasing its power.

Lingqing put it on the mountain to protect the Taoist temple, not only will it not consume the power of the array.

It can also use its magic to increase the storage capacity of the mountain's vitality several times.

With the continuous gathering of surrounding vitality, Qingyun Mountain can also be called a rare spiritual land.

Next, he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, looked at himself, and checked his own cultivation.

In the void, there are three hundred and sixty-five stars, bright or dark, connected by a Qi River that is as bright as the Milky Way through the sky.

Looking closely, these bright stars are Fang Xuan altars.

The altar is divided into three layers, and there are spiritual flags standing on it, and the books have different names.

This is the most fundamental purpose of his copy this time, and it is also the biggest gain.

Only this cultivation base is fundamental, the others are nothing but external things.

No matter how much you get, if you give up, you can exchange for a few mysterious altars, Ling Qing is also willing.

Now in this void, more than a hundred heavenly stars have been lit up.

It can be said that this foundation-building effort has already reached 2/7.

Even if you count the time of the dungeon, this speed is much faster than the ten-year effort he expected.

In addition to the fact that when he opened the way of wildness, he gained a lot of background, which made the profound altar increase by leaps and bounds.

The rest are all due to the wild talismans scattered and the power of in the dungeon, since I realized this method until I was kicked out.

It took Lingqing just over a year to disperse nearly a thousand talismans.

The income not only improved his cultivation speed, but also promoted several template symbols to high-quality quality.

Those who can be promoted to Futu are also acquaintances, and it is Yan Chixia and Zhu Guang who are very skilled acquaintances.

The rest, such as Xiaoqian and others, although most of them upgraded their templates to level 7 or 8, they did not come up with surprises.

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Even Xiaoqian, who is the most qualified, will only be able to raise her talisman to level 10.

It belongs to the point where you have determined your own path, but have not yet firmly stepped into it.

It is only by improving in the future that the quality of the talisman can be improved.

However, Ling Qing was very satisfied with this.

Counting his own fiery ghost general, or the incarnation of Daoist Red Lotus.

He already has Sword Crane, Dead Crow, Mingguang Flame Butterfly, Five Virtues Peacock, Golden Cicada, Qingyun Carp, etc.

A total of seven premium quality wild templates.

Even if it is to let him focus on this wild way and fully comprehend it.

In such a time, there may not be such a harvest.

What's more, as a result, he had to delay his own foundation-building efforts.

Lingqing admits that in addition to his own cultivation, the biggest gain in this dungeon is the technique of borrowing the law.

Even the meritorious talisman method that he learned step by step from the nectar purification method is not as important to him now. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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