Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1481: Fled again

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After seeing the Earth Turtle leaving and successfully completing the first jump, and the data was perfect, Dugu Junjie finally breathed a sigh of relief. But looking at the Zhuxian array in front of him, and the dense spaceships that came across him, his face was dignified again.

The earth tortoise, which was strengthened by spiritual practice, directly crossed the 4 hours and 12 minutes' journey in one jump, and even appeared directly in Zhuxian array within 0.6 light years; by the way, it also crossed the fleet of the emergency organization of Wu Qian.

Then the battleship attached to the Earth Turtle assisted the Earth Turtle to accelerate together; and the Earth Turtle was installed with a powerful engine itself.

It only took less than half an hour for the Earth Turtle to jump again; this time it may be because of the greater internal influence, the jumping distance is only 0.5 light years.

After another half an hour of acceleration, it jumped another 0.46 light years.

At this time, Wu Qian, the temporary chief commander of the Longyuan Empire, finally discovered the situation and was stunned for a while: How could they teleport?

I'm 芸芔茻, the space has been blocked, even if it is not possible to travel overtime, can you teleport and jump?

Wu Qian didn't even think about it, and immediately took another big Luo Jinxian, plus the 8 Jinxian gathered here again to prepare for interception. After the fourth jump of the earth turtle, he finally blocked the earth turtle in front.

At this time, the time has passed 1 hour and 48 minutes; and the Blue Star Group Joint Fleet estimates that there will be another 2 hours and 24 minutes before it will rush into the impact area of ​​Zhuxian Formation; at this time, within the range of Zhuxian Formation, the fleet of the Longyuan Empire has also Pounce.

The emergency organization of 40 million elite warships and 3 billion various spaceships are advancing with the expansion of Zhuxian array. But the speed is not fast, this is the last lesson learned.

Du Gujunjie looks more and more dignified, short soldiers meet, I am afraid it is unavoidable!

Judging from the current situation, the Earth Turtle will have to jump at least four times to reach the predetermined position of the galaxy, even if it is unobstructed, it will take two hours.

In addition, we need to find the flag, afraid that it will take a little time. Two hours and 15 minutes is the shortest time calculated by Du Gu Jun Jie, and it is also an ideal situation.

However, since this is the ideal situation, of course it cannot happen in reality.

The fourth jump of the earth tortoise has just appeared, and it has not been time to accelerate. Wu Qian’s two big Luo Jinxian killed eight Jinxian and appeared in front of them.

Using the power of the formation, together with his own magic weapon, Wu Qian's 10 people formed a small "ten-extreme battle" battle formation. A black-golden sword awn tears the thousands of miles of the void, and a sword splits towards the earth turtle Head position.

With the move of Wu Qian and the influence of Zhuxian Formation, the surrounding void environment changed, which immediately affected the "crack work" of the research personnel of the joint fleet, and the jumping of the earth turtle was directly affected.

On the earth tortoise, Guanlan Zhenjun, Dahe Empire's Qinghe Princess Ji Hao, and Nanfei Tiger Empire's Golden Wolf King Qiu Qianblao, three big Luo Jinxian shot at the same time. Of course, there are many golden fairy besides.

Everyone who had been prepared for a while was the magically modified version of the pros and cons.

The mellow sword spirit reappeared, because there are three big Luo Jinxian, five times more powerful than the last show of coercion. It was just that Jian Qi just rushed out and quickly shrank under the influence of the large formation.

Wu Qian's face remained unchanged, even slightly taunting, and he mobilized the power of the whole Zhuxian array casually. But seeing a starry sword spirit appearing out of thin air, Kuangran stopped in front of Wu Qian and others.

The two swords collided with each other, and the void trembled; the advance speed of the Earth Turtle was affected again. Although Wu Qian and others lost a big Luo Jinxian, but because they borrowed the power of Zhuxian array, they did not fall.

On the contrary, Guan Lan Zhenjun and three other big Luo Jinxian teamed up, but because of the suppression of the large formation, the real attack power is less than half of the normal situation.

Researchers ‘crack’ is just a ‘gut path’ that can be used for ‘stolen’, not for fighting. In battle, they are still suppressed by the large formations.

But...unmanned warships and rail guns are not suppressed!

In the fierce collision, the rail gun broke out. The Earth Turtle has a specially designed fortress-level rail gun because of its huge, planet-like size, and a hard and unimaginable shell.

There are two types of fortress-level rail guns: one takes a large-caliber route. Compared with naval guns, the speed does not change much, but the mass of the projectile increases by hundreds or even thousands of times!

There is also a speed course. Its caliber is even smaller than that of the naval gun, but the projectile material uses the latest technology from the Ocean Group and the technology from the white dwarf star: degenerate material.

Degenerate state, not neutron star material.

In the degenerate state, under a word of "parallel", the atom still maintains its basic structure under ultra-high pressure, but it is compressed together. The complete density of degenerate matter is about 60 tons per cubic centimeter.

What the degenerate state squeezes is the volume of the atoms, specifically the volume of the atomic electron layer.

The neutron star material, that is, the neutron material, continues to apply pressure under the degenerate state, and the atomic nuclei are broken. The complete neutron material can reach 100 million tons per cubic centimeter.

The neutron material compresses the volume of the nucleus.

If a planet with a diameter of 12,000 kilometers is compressed into a degenerate state, the diameter can still be maintained at ten kilometers. But if compressed to the neutron star level, the diameter is estimated to be only 20 meters!

For these two levels of fortress artillery, the large caliber is mainly for combat ships and fortresses. The small-caliber ones can even be called ‘top cultivator’s sniper rifles’, which are specifically used to deal with the Celestial Immortals, Golden Immortals, and Dalora Immortals!

On the back of the earth tortoise, the most powerful small-caliber fortress ‘cannon’, with a caliber of only 3 cm, fired a 3‰ pure degenerate cannonball and the actual mass of the projectile was 2.8 tons.

The 3‰ degenerate material is mainly used as a shell and bracket; the remaining part is filled with a specially refined super-hard and fragile material. When the shells are fired into the body of the master practitioner, these fragile materials will break into thousands of fragments that are sharper than the blade.

The length of the rail gun, that is, the acceleration channel, runs through the back of the Earth Turtle-there are tens of thousands of kilometers. Such a length, coupled with a powerful cold nuclear fusion energy system, can accelerate the shell to 0.48 times the speed of light.

If it matches the speed of the advance of the earth tortoise, its exit speed can reach 0.62 times the speed of light!

When Wu Qian and others used Zhuxian array to block Guanlan Zhenjun's attack, when Wu Qian and others were taunting and ready to fight back, such a rail cannon rushed out.

At this time, most of the power of the ten squads was used to counter the positive and negative sword arrays-although it has suffered a loss, but the experience of dealing with the rail gun is still insufficient, so that the defense ability is reduced to the lowest point, and the rail gun can Poked.

The big Luo Jinxian next to Wu Qian only felt a shock, his left shoulder suddenly exploded, and the solid sage armor provided limited protection under such attacks.

At the same time, a strange magic weapon in his hand was blown away, and some of the prepared means of attack came to an abrupt end. Of course, Wu Qian's "Ten Jue Team" also broke down.

After the ten stupid battles were broken, the eight golden immortals lost their protection first. Of the eight golden immortals, six had fled before, and finally found the courage to attack again, but suddenly found that they lost their protection again.

The remaining rail guns covered the six golden cents.

"Well!" Wu Qian was ready this time, and a translucent defense with starlight suddenly appeared in front of him. This is the call of Zhuxian array.

The rail cannon's attack shattered under this defense, but the defense itself quickly cracked.

At this time, the pros and cons of the two instruments once again broke out a brilliant sword light.

Successive attacks and defeats made Wu Qian too late to call the power of Zhuxian Formation to actively suppress it, resulting in a three-point increase in the power of the positive and negative ceremonial sword formations.

The magnificent sword light directly torn apart the broken starlight defense, exuding the glory of death and went straight to the big Luo Jinxian with the broken left shoulder.

Wu Qian defended again, and a shield appeared in his hand.

I don't want Jianguang to suddenly separate, flying across Wu Qian's sides, and instantly striking the bodies of several Jinxian; and after the sword turned back and forth, he turned around halfway and killed the injured Dalu Jinxian from the good rear.

Wu Qian roared, but had to defend again.

Don't want Jianguang to divide again.

Wu Qian's shield and Feijian flew out separately, chopping to both sides; sneers flashed in his eyes, the same means...

Not thinking, I don’t want the split sword light to be just a ‘shell’; there is still 90% of the power going straight to the injured Da Luo Jinxian.

When Wu Qian finally reacted, Jianguang fell to the left shoulder of the injured Da Luo Jinxian again. Jianguang exploded directly, and the body of the big Luo Jinxian left half was directly lost by half. You can see the scarred heart directly exposed. There was also a thin sword gas in the heart.

Wu Qian was stunned.

A rail cannon flew out again to cover the golden fairies.

At the same time, a new Liangyi sword qi head to Wu Qian.

Wu Qian was not simple, he roared, and a star wall appeared again in front of him.

The fierce tremors and thunder broke out in the void, and the Zhuxian array arranged with stars was really extraordinary. As long as Wu Qian can control it, he can explode with great power.

Seeing that the acceleration of the Earth Turtle was affected, especially the strong recoil of the rail gun, it also caused a significant impact. Guanlan Zhenjun roared, "Everyone don't care about the injured first, get rid of this lead first!"

Wu Qian looked dignified, watching the other party burst into three sword madness, three big Luo Jinxian directly controlled the sword qi circled; the rear rail artillery broke out, and the crisis came.

Let’s hide, it’s not enough to avoid it.

Wu Qian waved his injured Da Luo Jin Xian and the five surviving Jin Xian to retreat. At the same time, it is ready to use the power of Zhuxian array to form a huge starlight defense barrier, blocking it in front of it and even blocking the direction of the earth turtle.

But at this moment, Guanlan Zhenjun sneered. Before the formation of starlight defense, the entire positive and negative instrument array suddenly accelerated, and even appeared along Wu Qian's path instantly beside Wu Qian! It feels like a ‘royal sword flying’ from the entire sword formation!

They are all Daluo Jinxian, who has no means!

Upon seeing this, Wu Qian finally broke out with a short exclaimation. He could no longer care about the golden fairy and defense, and took the injured fellow initiates back crazy.

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