Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1482: Forty-eighth

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The sharp and crazy sword light flashed over, and the five remaining golden immortals on the Longyuan Empire had no chance to escape. But Wu Qian had already taken seriously injured fellow initiates, and once again called the power of Zhuxian array to disappear in the void.

The scene temporarily returned to calm, and the Earth Turtle began to accelerate again. But after such delays and the time for re-acceleration, almost half an hour has been wasted.

Fortunately, the next smooth, all the way to the target galaxy.

This is a blue dwarf star, a circle larger than the yellow dwarf star, and the galaxy is bright and stable. There are actually two planets of life.

But when the Earth Turtle arrived here, there was already a defensive light wall formed by the power of stars in the starry sky!

These defensive walls built by the power of stars look beautiful, light blue translucent, with a fine star light flashing on them.

Just seeing this ‘beauty’, everyone is not happy!

Things are too simple!

Almost at the same time, an energy wall also appeared behind the earth turtle, which actually wrapped the earth turtle!

"Trap?! Or did you voluntarily induce the enemy to design and dig into the trap?" Guanlan Zhenjun's heart suddenly rose a little bitterly.

The fully excited Star Formation is not so easy to deal with; even if you can contend, you may not be able to break through in a short time. But what the fleet lacks now is time!


But it said that when the Earth Turtles assaulted, the main fleet led by Du Gu Junjie finally entered the range of Zhu Xian array.

This is the first time that the Blue Star Group, or even the Ocean Group, has entered the enemy's star formation since the interstellar war.

After the fleet entered the range of the large formation, the space of the large formation was blocked, and many capabilities of the fleet were limited.

At this time, the 40 million elite of the Longyuan Empire inside Zhuxian Formation and 3 billion various spaceships began to accelerate. A large number of attacks also broke out long ago, and the combined fleet finally began to show obvious damage.

Du Gu Junjie is still calm, "There hasn't been any news in front of me, maybe an accident happened. Maybe it's still a bit reckless. But... my Du Gu Junjie's plan has always been two steps!

If you want to block the earth tortoise and the big Luo Jinxian, you will definitely use more power of Zhuxian array. Then the power here is about to be discounted!

Then... the power of one billion elite fleet, with 200,000 starry beasts from different worlds, it's time to release! "

As he said, Du Gu Junjie pressed the command code. A command to'block the space' was issued.

Block space? That's right, it's a blocked space!

You block the space, and I block the space. Just like a thief who stole a bicycle, lock a lock again and leave a message: I see how you ride!

This is the case with Du Gu Junjie now. You use a large array of starry sky to block the space. Although we have the ability and technology to break a secret road, but that's all.

But don't think that you can borrow the power of Zhuxian array because you can control it. Now I have to block the space too!

How powerful is the space block technology of Ocean Group and Blue Star Group? Even the space around the gate of the world is blocked, but what about the time-out gate that connects the two worlds?

A few seconds later, before the other party was about to launch a general attack, the space blocking technology of the Blue Star Group's joint fleet was officially launched. The starry sky suddenly changed around in a flash.

Probably this is the first time in history that two completely different space blockage technologies have been continuously superimposed on a starry sky.

One is practice, and the other is science.

The practice method uses the array method to imitate the law, and then the power of the'borrowing (cottage)' law can be regarded as a kind of'reproduction'.

The scientific method is to directly analyze the law (string). The space block technology of the Ocean Group directly affects or toggles the'string' to achieve a certain ability. This is a means of direct contact with the essence.

When the two methods cooperate, they directly catalyze an unprecedented ability in the past: absolute energy blockade!

All pure energy is frozen.

The defense of the battleship disappeared, the laser gun went out, and the particle gun's power was halved;

Practitioners Zhenyuan directly ‘frozen’, Yuanying’s stiffness, magic weapons, Fuzhuan, formation, etc., have become bricks. The powerful flying sword can only be held in close combat.

The crazy attacks issued by the Longyuan Empire Fleet, because most of them are practice techniques, are basically frozen in mid-air and then quickly dissipated, just like the mist under the hot sun.

Even because the core of the Longyuan Empire’s battleship spacecraft technology is based on formation and aura, the vast majority of battleships and spaceships have turned off.

This kind of energy blockade is not a means to evacuate the aura, but to freeze all pure energy!

Even the light in this starry sky becomes wonderful: light has wave-particle duality, the state of the wave is pure energy state, but the state of particle is not. At this time, the photon appeared in the state of "pure particle state", so that the light of the starry sky looked like a faint haze, like light smoke, like a gauze.

As for the starry sky monster, because the power of qi and blood in the body is also regarded as some kind of pure energy, it is also affected. The starry sky behemoths began to become groggy and unconscious. Fortunately, the power of Qi and blood is not pure energy, but only affected. But the star monster also lost its fighting power.

In fact, in this starry sky, all practitioners and means of practice have been "sealed"!

But... the battleship of the Ocean Group can still work.

The new warship uses cold nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion is not a simple energy activity. The energy released by fusion is actually a microscopic particle. Electric current is not pure energy, but a combination of electronic motion and electromagnetic field energy.

Of course there is still a considerable part of energy, but this part of energy is also converted into particles like light. And even if the function of the nuclear island is reduced by half, it is still fatal when the enemy loses its defense.

Not to mention that at this time when the other party can only fight with the flying sword on their hands, the Blue Star Group side... there is also the Armored Legion!

A strange scene appeared in the starry sky.

Space is blocked, and no one can run away! Energy is sealed, and everyone can only use physical energy. The overall battle is slow.

At least the personnel involved in the battle between the two sides have at least the real state of cultivation, and the elite of the Blue Star Group is unified with the pure Yang state.

But at this time, everyone's moving speed is not as flexible as the virtual realm in the void.

However, the rail guns roared, and the mech soldiers attacked. The two armies began to engage in the starry sky, and then a unilateral slaughter.

The first contact with the Longyuan Empire Army was not the Mech Army, but the unmanned battleship. Previously, more than 1.7 million unmanned warships were attached to the Earth Turtle and set off. There are still more than 6.1 million unmanned warships remaining on the scene.

Then came the salvo of the Blue Star Group's 1 billion battleships. After only two waves of salvos, almost all the warships and spaceships of the Longyuan Empire were fragmented.

A large number of practitioners who have returned to the realm are struggling in the rubble; there are also some strange means that can save lives and avoid attacks in a difficult way.

After the salvo, the Mech Legion arrived. The Blue Star Group attacked the army with a virtual realm as high as 7.6 million, all of them armed to the teeth. Although most of the virtual realm is in its infancy, there are too many!

This ‘battle’ ended in just five hours. The unmanned fleet immediately set off with a new order-destroy Zhuxian array.

When Du Gujunjie lifted the space blockade and let his men clean the battlefield, he looked at himself with a few researchers.

Or Dugu Junjie first said: "I just thought, we also opened the space block technology, so that the enemy can not take advantage of the home advantage of the large array. But this change... I haven't thought about it."

The researchers in the army discussed for a while, came to some conclusions, and began to try to open and close the space blocking technology on a small scale, collect data, and build models.

In a short time, it is difficult for everyone to fully understand what happened, but at least everyone now knows that this method works! And through continuous trial and error, I have found several'best points' in the current environment of Zhuxian array.

The best point is to open about one-third, the overall combat effectiveness of the Blue Star Group's combined fleet is maintained at 80%; the enemy, or warships built by cultivation methods, the power will be reduced by as much as half.

The second best point is to turn on 60%, the enemy’s fleet becomes scrap iron, and the practice methods are suppressed by half; while the Blue Star Group joint fleet, the battleship's combat power remains 60% (mainly the defense disappears), individual practitioners can In order to reduce by half, but with mecha, etc., there will be amazing performance.

The third best point is to open 96%, not all. It will be better than it was just now, and the power of the nuclear island will reach about 70%.

After cleaning the battlefield, Du Gujunjie's mouth slightly curled up, "I'm afraid the enemy's master is still besieging the three Ronaldo's seniors. Let's go and pick the seniors home."

There was laughter all around, it was a triumphant smile.

While researching space blockade technology on the fleet side, the unmanned fleet has reached the target, and through powerful detection means, it immediately found the formation flag, which is hidden in a planet close to the star.

There are only three or two big cats and kittens left in the defenders here, and they are simply unable to contend with unmanned battleships.

Thousands of artillery shots, this planet with a diameter of about 6,000 kilometers, together with the flag in its'belly', turned into fragments and fell towards the star.

And the consequences are as expected by Du Gu Junjie, there is indeed a second flag in this galaxy. Is the second planet. But it doesn't matter, just forty minutes later, the planet has also turned into fragments.

The surrounding starry sky shivered slightly, then the space returned to normal, and the fiery burning star quickly dimmed and returned to normal light.

1.4 light years away, Wu Qian is leading the injured Daluo Jinxian to attack the earth tortoise together.

Daluo Jinxian has strong vitality, and has recovered a good fighting power in a few hours. With the assistance of Zhuxian array, the two seem to be here to wipe out the invaders! However, Guanlan Zhenjun and others are struggling, and the power of the fully activated Star Formation is not trivial.

Suddenly, the space around him shivered, and then Zhuxian array quickly dissipated. The ‘defensive light walls’ all around shattered. The oppression of space around has completely disappeared.

Wu Qian was stunned.

But waiting for Guanlan Zhenjun and others to react, he once again issued a short panic scream, and another big Luo Jinxian turned and ran!

Someone is ready to run for the third time!

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