Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 806: 第八 〇 三

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Hu Xiao really saw what is called toughness.

These patrols, which made the Japanese and Moons insurmountable, were quickly won by many French masters.

More than forty masters cooperate with each other, some cooperate in defense, some attack, cut and separate these patrols, and then use some strange magic weapons like metal nets to surround the patrols. Nested.

Then these patrols were sealed and stuffed into storage rings.

With such cooperation, only more than thirty minutes were used before and after, and the battle was over. The guards blocking the exit position were all taken down.

Then the three energy stations near the entrance were closed (destroyed), and more patrols on both sides could not come over.

Then pull some debris and debris inside the spaceship to build walls on both sides to block that strange light, and then reinforce it with arrays and spells.

It only took an hour before and after, and a safe passage was completed.

At this point, the light world is completely connected with the outside world.

A group of people walked into the world of light with fairness. After passing through a layer of barriers that seemed to be a barrier, you entered a bright world.

The masters who came here for the first time couldn't help but marvel.

Here, the sky is high and the ground is bright, the grass is green and the trees are like the sea. Above the head, it's not like the "little worlds" outside are so forced. Here, it is completely similar to a big world.

Without explanation, who would have thought that this turned out to be the interior of a spaceship.

"I'll go up and see!" Hua Baixiang following the team suddenly flew to the sky. She wanted to see how tall the world is.

The small worlds outside before had a height of one or two hundred meters, or three or five hundred meters; the sky above was completely a phantom of blue sky and white clouds.

The figure of Hua Baixiang flew higher and higher. It is roughly estimated that it flew more than fifty kilometers and crossed two layers of white clouds. Suddenly a weak sense of oppression came over his head.

Is it over?

Flower Passion slows down and throws a small water polo spell for temptation. The water polo flew for hundreds of meters, and suddenly disappeared. But Hua Baixiang can feel that the small water polo is still under control.

After releasing a few more water polo **** to explore, and confirming that there is no danger, the passion flower flew upward slowly.

When her head broke through a certain layer of enchantment, the blue sky and white clouds completely disappeared, and a magnificent, mechanical, and science fiction world appeared in front of her!

Above the bright realm, it turned out to be a real sci-fi "starry sky."

Here, there are numerous pagodas lined up one after another. The pagodas are large and small, showing a unique pattern. A closer look seems to show the arrangement of Zhou Tianxing.

These pagodas have a height of ten to ten meters and a diameter of thirty-five meters; a large one has a height of thirty or fifty meters and a diameter of twenty or thirty meters.

The height of each floor of the pagoda is about 3.5 meters, and it narrows layer by layer; each layer has a slight light shining downward.

In the end, all the rays of light gathered into a huge phantom in the kilometer foreign exchange-a phantom that enveloped the world of 5,000 kilometers in diameter.

There is a bridge connection between these pagodas, but now it is quiet on the top, without any breath. But vaguely can hear a certain mechanical sound, that is the sound of mechanical operation.

Hua Baixiang looked at the scene in front of her, and she was a little crazy.

Over the years, Hua Baixiang has had a considerable understanding of the power of machinery. She even knew the detection index of the propeller bearings on the battleship: 1000 revolutions per minute for one month.

In actual use, the propeller speed of the battleship is usually between 300 and 800, but the bearings of the Ocean Group can be used for eight years; more than eight years must be replaced.

But the machines here don't know how many thousands of years it has been in operation-just over 100,000 years after the spacecraft crashed.

This gap in technology is really shocking.

Gradually, Hua Baixiang's eyes brightened: If you can get the technology here, will the Tiandu School be able to press on the top of the Ocean Group?

Well, to take a step back, even if it can't be pressed on the top of the Ocean Group, it should be no problem to sit on par with the Ocean Group!

Hua Baixiang began to imagine and flew upward.


Hua Baixiang bumped into the invisible defense, suddenly the temples were chaotic, and I was rolling down; the neck was twisted exaggeratedly.

This impact is unprepared, and this transparent defensive border seems to have a punitive attack reflection ability. Without defense, Hua Baixiang's neck is almost broken.

But the mind is chaotic. I just think that the whole world is Venus. The thinking is still clear, but I can't control the body anyway.

There seemed to be a certain force in the reflection of the enchantment that was specifically aimed at Yuanshen, so that Hua Baixiang was now rolling down and fancy tumbling down.

"Grandma's face is gone..." Hua Baixiang sighed inwardly.

Seeing the ground getting closer and closer, Hua Baixiang was anxious: Come out and catch me personally. If you fall so high, even if you are now the peak of Huashen, you will fall into a pot stickers.

Finally, Li Wei responded quickly, and raised his hand to release a soft cloud, gradually slowing down the trend of Hua Passion. Liu Mei, who was beside Li Wei, flew up into the sky and pulled Hua Passion.

Looking at the flowers and fragrances that are circulated at the time and the clothes are tied, Liu Mei will be concerned.

Don't want to spend passionate to start speaking: "Say something nice!"

"...You blush, is it fun?"


The two women looked at each other, but Liu Mei, who was already a master of the law, finally raised a hint of unclear smile in the corner of her mouth, put down the flower and returned to her previous position.

Li Wei turned to look at Hua Baixiang, "Hua Hu Fa, what's the danger?"

Hua Baixiang didn't answer immediately, but sorted out her appearance first-after landing on the ground, her breath finally straightened out.

After the two spells continued, Hua Baixiang enchanted again, and then replied: "The above is a world of machines. However, there is a layer of invisible defensive enchantment. This layer of defensive enchantment is a bit weird. But now it seems, and No danger."

Before Hua Baixiang's words fell, a few masters of the law took off. This includes Li Wei.

Now Li Wei really has a little regret. When he last came, why did he forget to go to the sky to see it? Fortunately, this time there was a stunned head-to-head battle.

Thanks to Hua Passion for not knowing what Li Wei thinks now, otherwise it must be soaring.

With the attempt to spend passion, everyone is much more careful. After crossing the border and seeing the endless sci-fi sky, while shaking, it also slowly flew forward.

Sure enough, I felt a layer of enchantment, an invisible enchantment. This layer of enchantment is very strong, but it can't be seen either with eyes or Yuanshen, and can only touch obstacles in front of it.

In fact, this is not an enchantment, but... a crystal boundary!

However, at present everyone does not even know the name of'crystal boundary' and can only roughly summarize everything as a boundary.

A group of experts groped for a while along the "enchantment", and finally had to shake their heads-they couldn't find any gaps and couldn't cross them.

Some people used spells to explore, and a faint cloud of mist flew out, but they saw that the upper layer of the cloud was smooth and did not protrude in the slightest, and obviously there was no entrance.

Everyone quickly explored hundreds of kilometers, without any gaps.

Li Wei stopped exploring, started to return, and said to the crowd: "Let's go to the headquarters of the Japanese tribe first. Then we will explore the sky."

The crowd also stopped and returned to the ground to move on.

General Xiao Hu looked at the crowd with a bit of a daze: these people, each can fly to the ground, so how can the Japanese get a foothold in the outside world?

The team flew forward in a mighty way. When passing by Scorpio Town and Xinsu District, the team almost did not slow down, but just let the people stationed here keep up with the team.

As for the controlled heart-sinking area, I don't care at all.

The reason why I cared before was that I was afraid that the other party would block the passage; but now that the passage has been completely opened, is it necessary for the mouse hole?

The crowd was flying in the clouds, and the two people in front and back added up to 10,000, including nearly sixty masters of Fascination.

With such a powerful force, Hu Xiao, the Japanese general, did not have any fluke thoughts or any idea of ​​turning his face.

Tengyun drove the fog quickly, and it took only a small half-day to cross the straight line of 2,200 kilometers and reached the core area of ​​the Japanese, the Tianlao District.

The Tianlao District corresponds to the "Astral Star" in the astrological image, and is very close to the "Dianxuan Star" of the Big Dipper.

The buildings here, as seen on the same road, are wood and stone structures, the overall style is rough, and the original style is thick.

In fact, if you think about it, you can understand that in the world inside the spaceship, resources are scarce, but wars are still frequent, and it consumes a lot of social resources.

Because of the war, a large number of people practiced martial arts, and martial arts not only consumed more resources, but also caused the shrinking of other industries.

Therefore, even if it is the center of 20 million ethnic groups, Tianlao District is still rugged in style, and the houses are mostly buildings below three floors, or even bungalows.

Or there is another point that cannot be ignored: in this bright world, everyone inherits military ideas. Under the joint promotion of various reasons, the current social form has finally formed.

With so many masters flying in clouds and fog, the entire prison area burst out instantly. Numerous masters ascended the city wall. The city wall was opened by giant crossbows and so on. One by one, the arrows made of debris from the spacecraft shone.

The fragments of these spacecraft wrecks are the only source of high-grade metals in the world.

There are many types of spacecraft wreckage, and the hardness is not the same. This world adopts the method of "cutting and grinding the wreckage with wreckage", but it has also produced many weapons.

However, the production of such weapons often takes ten years, or even decades!

These materials are too hard. Sometimes it takes hundreds of years to cut and polish a treasure knife.

"All quiet!" Hu Xiao came forward.

"It's a general!" the personnel in the Tianlao area exclaimed. Did the generals find reinforcements?

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