Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 807: 第八 〇 四

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After about an hour of outside time, Li Wei and other French masters were strongly seated in the position of Japanese VIPs-temporarily added.

In a house of more than two thousand square meters in this area, Li Wei and others quietly looked at the surrounding environment, and listened to the conversation of the Japanese senior people indifferently.

The construction of the house is different from the normal house, this is a continuous structure. A pillar together propped up a ridge.

The height of the whole building is more than ten meters in the middle, and the lowest on the north and south sides is only about five meters.

Inside the house are more than thirty strong, lacquered large columns; beams and rafters crisscross, supporting a roof of about 40×50 meters.

Also, in this world, there is no such thing as what the outside world calls North and South.

But here there are fixed, alternative directions of east, west, south, and north-divided by stars. There are Eastern Blue Dragon, Southern Suzaku, Western White Tiger and Northern Xuanwu.

The Qinglong area and the rest of the Suzaku are occupied by the Japanese. The White Tiger area and the Xuanwu area are occupied by the Moon tribe.

And this division is also what the world calls east, west, south, and north.

In addition, there is another center in this world-that is, according to Zhou Tianxing, it is in the position of Polaris.

According to the conversation along the way, Li Wei knew that there was a Lagerstroemia Lake at the location of Polaris, and there was a mountain in the middle of the Lagerstroemia Lake named Arctic Mountain.

It is said that this is the place where God lives-at least the legend is.

Li Wei's thoughts are getting worse, but the Japanese high-level leaders are all frying pans.

When that clause was disclosed, many experts glared at Li Wei and others.

"Noisy noisy!" Li Wei finally looked up at everyone lightly.

"I'm going to challenge you!" A general-level master suddenly stood up, glared at Li Wei, and his body was full of blood and blood, and its cultivation was significantly higher than the general general-level master.

However, Li Wei is not used to these problems-although he has some emotions about the experience of the Japanese, it is only some emotions, and sympathy is not enough.

Li Wei was born as a freelancer and suffered hardships and suffered grievances, which is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Sympathy, pity and other emotions have long been buried in the past suffering.

At this time, when someone stood up and suddenly snorted, the powerful Yuanshen directly pressed the past, and the masters of the Fa phase were more able to mobilize the surrounding auras to form a powerful coercion with Yuanshen.

At that moment, as if the sky was tilting, the other party only felt black in front of him, and he knelt down with a puff.

As soon as he knelt down, Li Wei withdrew his coercion, and the other party suddenly woke up, jumped up with a roar, and rushed towards Li Wei.

"Ma Bintie, stop!" The general looked nervous and jumped up to stop.

However, it was too late. Li Wei stretched out his hand directly, and a palm of the law directly grabbed Ma Bintie like a mouse.

"Crunch..." The powerful force of the law almost made Ma Bintie's bones crack. The Fa-phase is the Fa-phase, and its attack power far exceeds that of the flesh and blood.

It should be known that the cultivator begins to undergo qualitative changes during the deification period, and the deification period with supernatural powers can completely abuse the opponent. The Fa-phase is an advanced evolutionary version of Supernatural Powers.

It's just that Fa-phase is a new thing, everyone is not familiar with it, the application and so on are not very flexible, and many skills are still being explored.

But obviously, Li Wei seems to have started to use it skillfully.

At this time, Ma Bintie, who was held by Li Wei's law, turned red. He struggled, but blood appeared gradually in the corner of his mouth.

On Thursday, all the masters of the tribe stood up, but when everyone looked at the scene, they only felt a cold snap from his heels and hit his head.

The gap... is too big!

General Xiao Hu quickly pleaded with Li Wei, his posture was very low, almost all bowed.

Li Wei snorted and threw Ma Bintie to the ground. Ma Bintie climbed up from the broken ground and crawled back to his seat.

"Okay, let's sit down." The general said with a sigh, watching the crowd sit down again, and then said bitterly: "Everyone, everyone sees the situation now, I think everyone knows it clearly.

Now these 58 masters have the ability to erase the entire Japanese. "

Speaking of which, the general sighed, "I am not alarmist. After the outside world, everyone will understand."

The Ma Bintie gasped at this moment and asked, "What about the Moon Clan?"

"Yue clan... has nothing to do with us!" The general can only say so. It is said that the most correct choice at this time should be to unite the Yue clan and fight against external humiliation-although everyone is brainstorming, it is still under the same sky.

And over the years, poignant love stories have often broken out among the Japanese and Yue peoples, and everyone still has a certain foundation.

However, the generals knew better, even if they joined the Yue clan?

Fight for a fish to die?

Don't think about it, the fish is dead and the net will be intact. The gap is really too big.

Li Wei and others spent about five days here in the Tianlao District. They copied all the exercises and materials that could be collected here. Even the Japanese treasure house, secret warehouse, etc. had to be opened. Selected by these robbers.

Those swords and weapons that had been polished for decades or even hundreds of years were looted.

Fortunately, however, the Ocean Group represented by Li Wei did something authentic. The things were taken away, but they were given to Elixir and Lingshi. Li Wei even gave the general a few storage rings.

The storage ring produced by Dayang Group can be different from the outside world. After scientific research of the storage ring, the space can reach about ten cubic meters. In contrast, for the rest of the ordinary storage rings, the space may be only a few cubics, or a better one or two cubics.

Of course, the storage ring of the Ocean Group is also very expensive, almost a hundred times the price of ordinary storage rings! The price is at the same level as Lingbao, and it is easily three or five thousand top-grade spirit stones.

After being busy for five days, Li Wei and others finished searching for materials and treasures. The general also invited Li Wei and others to help them select about 20,000 well-qualified children to prepare for cultivation.

But it hasn't started yet, just exercise first and accept new knowledge.

Among the tens of thousands of cultivators, who are really enthusiastic or have received gifts, they began to explain to children some of the practice.

It’s just that it’s difficult to explain the language.

The language of communication is sufficient, but the practice is not. There is nothing wrong with the Tao, and the subtle changes in the comprehension are not so easy to communicate.

But those who are enthusiastic, directly cover the past with Yuanshen and communicate directly through the spiritual level. Dayang Group has done the most in this regard.

The Ocean Group does not care about enemies.

In addition, most of the masters of the Ocean Group are born in casual training, and most people have a simple idea-so that more people can practice.

But after being so busy for a few days, Li Wei and others set off-heading to the North Star location.

In the position of the Polaris in this world, which is the central position of the world, there is a Lagerstroemia Lake, and there are Arctic Mountains in the Lagerstroemia Lake.

After a period of thinking, Li Wei and others believe that this Arctic mountain may be disguised, and it is likely to be the control center of the spacecraft.

The general left the bright realm and took a few people to go to the outside world to study.

It was Ma Bintie who was beaten by Li Wei that led Li Wei and others.

In fact, from here to the central area, there is a distance of 300 kilometers. Even if you don't need to lead the way, you can find it according to the special place of Zhou Tianxing's map.

However, a few locals lead the way, which is more convenient. For example, you can introduce the scenery along the way, war zones, etc.

The main battlefields of the Japanese and Moon tribes are almost all around the five or six hundred kilometers around Polaris.

A group of people dangled and did not hurry. Anyway, there is no night in this world, and there is no rising and falling moon. It encountered a thunderstorm. There was a faint border above everyone's head, flying forward leisurely, enjoying the rain in this world.

"Ziwei Lake is in front." During the flight, Ma Bintie suddenly pointed to a vast lake opening in front.

Over the past few days, Ma Bintie's attitude has changed a lot. From the initial anger, to helplessness, to acceptance, nowadays, because some enthusiastic practitioners are willing to guide the juniors to practice, but he is a little grateful.

In short, this mentality has changed, but it is still complicated.

However, before Ma Bin's heart changed, there was an army in front of him that covered the sky and the sun; the personnel led by the other party rushed into the sky with blood and blood, just like General Hu Xiao when he first met.

Long-distance, came haha ​​laugh: "Is this from the outside world? Look, let's kill them with a fart and **** today!"

Li Wei narrowed his eyes: "Oh, sure enough. We haven't found them yet, but they took the initiative."

The next Ma Bintie did not speak-in fact he probably guessed what was going on, although he did not participate:

It is estimated that some people inside the Japanese clan have specially reported to the Yue clan, but this has only partly reported!

But it doesn't matter, anyway, the other party has already come, and it seems that it only brought about twenty masters.

I have surrendered, why are you still at ease! Therefore, the Japanese decided to pull the Yueyue.

Half an hour later, Yunxiang's general, Xiang Xiang, lay on the ground and vomited blood, and could not get up.

Zhulongzhou, the elder Wu Wuwu of the true martial arts, stepped on Yunxiang's back with one foot, looked at Yunxiang with both arms broken, and sighed slightly.

Once upon a time, true martial arts have been bullied in this way.

With this idea in mind, Wu Zhiwu took two steps back and asked coldly: "Be convinced!"

Yun Xiang stopped talking.

Wu Zhiwu snorted, "Ask you again. If you don't answer, just kill one. It's done!"

Since entering this bright realm, I haven't really killed anyone. Perhaps, it is time to kill a sacrifice flag.

Seeing Wu Wu marching to the side, there was a cold sickle in his hand, Yun Xiang finally had to roar: I surrender, I surrender!

Wu Zhiwu snorted: "If you don't see the coffin, you won't cry!"

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