Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 235 The Excuse For The Liangyi Formula [Please Subscribe, Please Vote]

Chapter 235 The excuse for the Liangyi formula [Please subscribe, please vote]

Zhang Deming pointed to these materials and said: "The clerks of the Merchant Alliance mainly select among these people."

After saying this, Zhang Deming paused and continued: "If these personnel are not satisfied, you can try to find the target on your own.

However, I have to remind you that this information contains the personnel who were initially reviewed by the alliance.

Therefore, you have chosen these people as store clerks. If there is a chance in the future, they may join the alliance. Of course, it is only possible. As for whether they can join the alliance, it depends on their luck.

If I make a special choice, I can't make any guarantees. "

After hearing this, several people paused for a moment, then looked at the list, their eyes became very hot.

What does Zhang Deming's words mean? No one here is stupid. It means that they may develop partisans in the alliance.

Since anyone can be a clerk or shopkeeper, why not leave one more possibility.

Zhang Deming saw everything and didn't care. In other words, this was the effect he wanted.

Do you really want him to develop a large force one by one?

That's really a joke!

From the beginning, his positioning of the Blue Sky Alliance was that of a platform.

If it weren't for his lack of strength, he would have wanted to directly attack some of the Four Nine Sects.

The reason why I didn't take action in this area is that I don't have enough strength, and I was afraid that if I took too big a step, I would accidentally pull the egg.

"Okay, I will pass the information to everyone later. Do you have any other questions now?" Zhang Deming asked.

After looking around the four people, he said: "If not..."

By the way, I would like to remind you that business alliances are for the light, and alliances are for the dark. You can develop business alliances and open stores as you like, but please remember not to reveal the affairs of the alliance at will. "


Zhang Deming paused again and said, "Also, if you open a store, you can pay attention to the unique magic techniques."

Hearing this, the four of them looked at Zhang Deming in confusion.

Zhang Deming added: "It's just the ones with strange effects, regardless of the difficulty of practice, such as the Tiangang Earthshaman Technique passed down from ancient times, etc."

When the four of them heard this, they suddenly said, "I'll remember it."

Zhang Deming nodded and said: "In that case, let's do this for now."

When Qu Qingxian heard this, he immediately said: "Manager Zhang, I wonder if within the alliance, I can order the Rank Two spirit-nurturing beads."

A few people paused, and then Qin Shizhong and Feng Mingyou looked at Zhang Deming with burning eyes.

Zhang Deming looked at Qu Qingxian, who was making final preparations to break through Liangyi, his eyes suddenly lit up, he thought of something, smiled slightly, and said:

“The new district has just opened, and the contribution system is still being reviewed by the higher authorities. It should be out soon, so we’ll talk about this later.

After all, even if you can order it, it can't be the spirit stone that speaks for you. It's all in vain if you don't contribute.

As for you... I'll tell you later.

Does anyone else have anything else to do? "

Zhang Deming looked around and saw that everyone had nothing else to do, and waved them away.

He and Qu Qingxian were the only two people left in the entire Sentient Building.

Zhang Deming looked at Qu Qingxian and said, "You want to ask for the Lingshui Jue to cultivate the Lingzhu to accumulate energy to break through the Liangyi?"

This is not a secret. Qu Qingxian nodded and said: "Guanshi Zhang is really a sharp eye."

"Do you still lack resources for promotion?" Zhang Deming asked.

Qu Qingxian paused slightly and said: "I was promoted to Tai Chi Sansheng fifty years ago, and I have been preparing for this since then.

The entire Qu family has been busy for fifty years, and with the addition of the sect, most of the resources, except for a few auxiliary resources, are almost available. "

Zhang Deming frowned slightly and said, "So there is still a shortage?"

Qu Qingxian was slightly startled, paused, then nodded, and immediately changed his words: "Yes, there is still a shortage."

Zhang Deming smiled slightly and said, "Your Qu family belongs to the affiliated family of Heavenly Spirit Sect, right?"

Qu Qingxian nodded again and said: "Yes, but because it is only the Taiji family, there are no disciples in the sect who have entered the inner sect, so it is only a peripheral family."

Zhang Deming smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, as long as it's okay. When you have time, go to Yuling Peak and find a disciple named Zhang Deming, and tell him that he's here to buy promotion resources.

Just prepare the spiritual stones, and then you don’t need to worry about anything else. "

Qu Qingxian said hesitantly: "What about the Lingshui Jue..."

Zhang Wu smiled and said: "You prepare the spirit stones and you will know when you get there."

After hearing this, Qu Qingxian replied: "Okay!"

Zhang Deming was in a good mood and said, "In that case, there's nothing else to do, so just go back and prepare."

After saying this, Zhang Deming waved his hand and threw Qu Qingxian back.

Zhang Deming sat alone in the main hall, thinking for a long time, and then left the spiritual cultivation space after finding nothing missing.


In the afternoon, when Zhang Deming was making spirit-nurturing beads while hanging up, Song Huidong arrived.

Zhang Deming looked at Song Huidong coming in and asked doubtfully: "Is something wrong?"

Song Huidong said: "My master asked me to come over and deliver something."

Under Zhang Deming's gaze, Song Huidong turned over his hands and took out several large packages from the storage bag.

Zhang Deming stepped forward and opened one. He was slightly startled to find that they were all Apex Level vine-like materials.

To be honest, Zhang Deming has been making soul-nurturing beads for more than a year, and he is used to the materials. This is the first time he knows the materials for making soul-nurturing beads, and he can be so particular!

Not to mention anything else, let’s talk about the bag of materials in Zhang Deming’s hand, the two-star vampire vine.

The blood-red vines are not only full of spirituality, but have also been treated with meditation. The burrs have been removed and are as smooth as new, and the surface has been lightly polished.

In a bag of vines, each one is almost the same size, and the length is exactly the same. It doesn't look like a piece of material, but like a piece of decoration.

And using the vampire vine to make the "Vampire Vine" spirit-nurturing beads is really suitable!

Compared with these things, he found that the materials he used before were simply shit!

It's really not easy for him to use all those materials to make the Spirit-nurturing Pearl and maintain a good success rate!

Zhang Deming looked at this bag of materials and fell into a long silence.

It looks good, is very convenient to use, and feels comfortable to do.

But is it really necessary to do this to make soul-nurturing beads?

People, once you have the conditions, you become more and more particular.

But this is fine, as a group of disciples are derived from this, and they make a living by processing materials!

"Junior Brother Zhang, is there any problem with this?" Song Huidong looked at Zhang Deming, holding a blood-sucking vine, and couldn't help but ask.

"'s okay, I'm lost in thought." Zhang Deming came back to his senses slightly.

Seeing this, Song Huidong continued: "Master explained that time was a bit tight and he couldn't prepare the materials carefully, so he could only make do with these things reluctantly.

If you use these first, the materials you will use later will definitely be the best. "

Zhang Deming: "······"

Do you still call this a general decision?

It really is······

I finally understand why a piece of steak can be made for ten yuan, one part for fifty yuan, but only one part for five thousand yuan.

Zhang Deming nodded speechlessly and said, "Okay, I'll just make do with it."

Song Huidong smiled slightly and said: "Junior Brother Zhang, you are busy first, and I will go back first. If you need anything, just ask the disciples at Taniguchi.

These disciples are all transferred from the secret group, so Junior Brother Zhang can rest assured. "

Zhang Deming nodded and said: "Yes, I understand."

When Song Huidong heard this, he bowed slightly, turned around and left. As for what the materials were for, he had no intention of exploring them at all.

After Zhang Deming moved the materials put down by the other party into the house one by one, he first made the blood-sucking vine.

Because the vampire vine spell marked on Zhang Deming's order is a Rank Three spell.

Therefore, the vampire demon Teng sent is a two-star material, which can ensure that there will be no spiritual problems.

Zhang Deming counted it and found that there were thirty copies, and he only had to make fifteen. This was definitely not just considering the success rate, otherwise he would not have given away so many.

This should be taken into account that the finished product made by Zhang Deming may be downgraded.

That's why I sent so many to ensure that I can get enough high-quality spirit-nurturing beads.

Not to mention other things, Zhang Deming found that the public funds and materials were enough for Zhang Deming to make a fortune.

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhang Deming started to make it.

As the light points emerged, after Zhang Deming threw his insights into it, countless light points flew back again, condensing into a Rank Three mastery spirit-nurturing bead in front of Zhang Deming.

The process went smoothly, which made Zhang Deming slightly stunned.

Then Zhang Deming used one material and several rattans to make several times in succession. Zhang Deming found that the success rate had significantly improved.

I have to say that such carefully selected and processed materials do have their merits.

But for Zhang Deming, it's not really worth it.

There is a big difference between the processing cost and the value cost of the material itself, and the cost saved by increasing the success rate.

But if you choose under the same conditions, something like this is definitely better.

If you make it privately and sell it, forget it, there is no need to be so particular.

Zhang Deming took the materials, hung up the machine, and started making quickly.

Because the materials are carefully processed, the success rate is pretty good. One Rank Three Spirit-nurturing Bead will probably take Zhang Deming about twenty minutes.

In an average of three hours, Zhang Deming can make two finished products.

In about a day, Zhang Deming finished "Vampire Vine".

Looking at less than half of the materials that had not been used, Zhang Deming couldn't help but twitch.

Look at it this way, if he works for the sect, he can earn a lot of money for materials?

Looking at this large amount of materials, Zhang Deming thought a little hopelessly.

Shaking his head, Zhang Deming moved the materials into his small warehouse and kept them to slowly make the spirit-nurturing beads.

As for returning it?

Obviously it's impossible. A two-star material requires at least a dozen spirit stones.

Go back? What are you thinking about? Can't make it through this day?


The next day, Zhang Deming was still immersed in making spiritual beads.

At noon, Yangguang Fu from Yakou sent a message saying that Qu Qingxian from the peripheral family wanted to see him.

Zhang Deming was slightly stunned and asked him to bring him in. In a moment, Yang Yangfu walked in with Qu Qingxian.

The moment Qu Qingxian saw Zhang Deming, he was slightly startled.

Zhang Wu asked him to come to Feiquan Waterfall Tower of Yuling Peak to meet someone. As one of the seventh floors of Yuling Peak, he originally thought that he would be meeting the ancestor of Sancai, who was also the director of Liangyi after all.

Looking at his cultivation now, he turned out to be a Tai Chi disciple.

Zhang Deming smiled, and before Qu Qingxian could speak, he said familiarly: "Sit down, I know your purpose."

Qu Qingxian's expression changed, and he glanced at Yangguang Fu imperceptibly, but did not answer immediately.

Zhang Deming looked at Qu Qingxian and continued: "You should be here for promotion resources, right?"

Qu Qingxian nodded and said: "Yes, Junior Brother Zhang, I still lack some resources for my promotion."

Zhang Deming smiled and nodded, looked at Yang Yangfu, and said: "Junior Brother Yang, can you bring out the inner sect's Liangyi promotion resources and take a look?"

Yang Yangfu paused, hesitated for a while, Zhang Deming raised his eyebrows and said, "What, is there a problem with this, Junior Brother Yang?"

Hearing this, Sunshine Fu said, "Senior Brother Zhang, the inner sect is also in short supply of these two Yi promotion resources.

Only thirty-fifty copies can be collected every hundred years, and the number of people who need to be promoted is dozens of times this number.

Therefore, for Liangyi promotion resources, you need to apply in advance, go through review, compare with various departments, and then go through a long queue before you can get a spot. "

Hearing this, Zhang Deming frowned slightly and said, "Does that mean you need a quota first before you can purchase and redeem?"

Sunshine Fu nodded and said, "Yes."

Zhang Deming continued to ask: "Is this true for everyone?"

Yang Yangfu looked at Qu Qingxian hesitantly and said, "That's not necessarily the case. There are always some disciples who have direct quotas. Senior Brother Zhang, if you need it yourself, you should be able to.

But whether you are queuing or passing through, this quota is only available once, which is equivalent to being limited to yourself. Although it is not stated explicitly, that's what it means. "

Zhang Deming replied: "In other words, is it okay for me to receive my own promotion resources?"

Sunshine Fu nodded and said, "Yes."

Zhang Deming said: "In that case, then you mix up the formula, I choose one, and then we take a look at the promotion resources."

Hearing this, Sunshine Fu looked at Qu Qingxian again, thinking that Zhang Deming was taking the opportunity to claim it for him. He paused and added, "But Senior Brother Zhang, it should be very difficult for you to apply for it again."

Zhang Deming said nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter."

Sunshine Fu frowned slightly, and gestured to Qu Qingxian several times with his eyes, but Qu Qingxian listened quietly, as if he didn't notice anything, just watched quietly.

The first time he came in, he said that he was only short of some resources, expressing and testing something in an extremely cryptic manner.

And until now, Zhang Deming has never asked, what resources does he specifically lack?

In addition to the conversation between Zhongshenglou and Zhang Wu yesterday, the old monster is like him, and he has discovered something after hundreds of years of sophistication.

Therefore, at this time, it is impossible for him to speak out to demolish Zhang Deming in order not to offend a gatekeeper disciple.

Even if he is regarded as a greedy and ignorant person by this disciple, promotion is the key to getting the Yuling Orb.

Once he is promoted, the Qu family will once again be glorious for a thousand years, and gradually move towards the Liangyi family.

Once successful, other composers are within the scope of Heavenly Spirit Sect, which is also an Apex Level family, and may even compete for the inner door of Heavenly Spirit Sect.

Seeing this, Sunshine Fu had no choice but to take out his identity card, clicked on a light screen, and said, "Brother Zhang, do you still choose to be promoted by summoning demon spirits?"

After saying that, Sunshine Fu glanced at Qu Qingxian, and saw that he didn't say where he was going to be promoted, and his expression relaxed a little.

Zhang Deming nodded and said, "Let's take a look at the general formula first."

Yang Guangfu was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and then quickly turned on the light screen. After a few operations, a recipe appeared in front of everyone.

Recipe: Summoner (General, Two-Year)

Technique requirements: The Sansheng Rune has been condensed and connected to the core of the rune.

Main material: Infant Spirit Hollow Jade (5,000 contributions, general summoning, out of stock);

Auxiliary materials: a hundred fruits (500 contributions, general summoning, in stock);

A standard bottle of Jinghua Yuanling Liquid (400 contributions, general summoning, in stock);

A standard unit of Nurturing Spirit wood (600 contributions, general summoning, in stock);

One empty willow heart (500 contribution, general summoning, in stock);

A copy of Bailingjie Heart Grass (700 contributions, general summoning, out of stock);

A section of macaroni lotus root (2,000 contributions, additional optional ingredients, out of stock)

Total contribution: seven thousand seven hundred contributions (optional two thousand).

Note: Lotus Root is an optional material to add. If you don’t add it, it will have no impact on your promotion.

However, after being promoted using this material, any summoning type and its summoning object will be more likely to have inner empathy, communicate more easily, and establish better relationships.

However, this material is an optional high-quality additive for most formulas of Liangyi. It is quite rare and rare. Please consider whether you choose to search for it or not.

For other weak auxiliary materials, please choose at your own discretion.

Looking at Baqian's contribution, Zhang Deming has a headache!

Fortunately, the inner door contributes points, which can be traded like currency.

It is not like the outer sect, where the sect restricts its circulation for some management and benefits, and can only earn and contribute by itself.

If that were the case, Zhang Deming would have a huge headache.

Zhang Deming paused and said, "Let's take a look at the recipe for summoning demon spirits."

Hearing this, Yang Guangfu said while operating: "Demon Spirit Summoning. It seems that a senior brother was promoted only eight years ago. I guess most of them are out of stock."

After saying that, he had already turned to the recipe: Demon Spirit Summoning: Alone; Demon Spirit Summoning: Everyone.

Yang Yangfu looked at the light screen, stopped, looked at Zhang Deming and said, "Brother Zhang, do you choose one-spirit specialization or numerical suppression?"

One is elite development, the other is human wave tactics?

In terms of the direction of approach, the Demon Spirit Summons Dudu should be a little closer, right?

After all, he can only summon three mirror images at the same time. Once there are three mirror images at the same time, if he continues to summon them, the first one will dissipate.

After pondering for a moment, Zhang Deming chose Du, and the recipe was displayed for a moment.

Recipe: Demon Spirit Summoning·Du (Liang Yi)

Material: a little...

Sure enough, as Sunshine Fu said, non-universal formulas usually have three main ingredients. The formula in front of you shows that none of the three is available, and all are out of stock.

However, the auxiliary materials are not too different from the general formula, only one material is out of stock.

(end of this chapter)

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