Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 236: We Are All Foxes Of Thousands Of Years, It Is Difficult To Talk About It.

Chapter 236: We are all foxes of thousands of years, it is difficult to talk about it.

Zhang Deming pondered for a moment and said, "You said I don't have to queue, right?"

Sunshine Fu paused slightly when he heard the words, and quickly started operating on the light screen. After a moment, he said: "Yes, Senior Brother Zhang, you have direct access authority."

Zhang Deming nodded and said: "Okay, while most of the auxiliary materials are in stock now, you can order one for me first. I will make some contributions in the next few days and transfer the goods directly when the time comes."

Hearing this, Yang Yangfu nodded and said, "Okay!"

"Okay, there's nothing wrong. You can go down now." Zhang Deming said.

Hearing this, Yang Yangfu looked at Qu Qingxian, who had been silent all this time. After hesitation, he turned around and left without saying a single unnecessary word.

After he returned to the cliff, he frowned slightly, hesitated for a moment, and then took out his ID card and sent a message to Song Huidong:

"Uncle Song, Uncle Zhang has a visitor today who is looking for promotion resources. He is Qu Qingxian, the contemporary ancestor of the Qu family from a peripheral family.

This person is quite ignorant. I think he is quite close to Master Zhang.

Master Zhang consulted me about allocating promotion resources. I am worried that he does not understand how difficult it is to obtain promotion resources. He feels that it is too early for him to be promoted, so he uses his own promotion resources to supplement the other party. I hereby inform this matter. "

After sending the message, he entered his yard worriedly.


In the small courtyard of Feiquan Waterfall Building, after Yang Guangfu left, the surroundings returned to silence. Qu Qingxian was quietly drinking tea. Until now, he had not asked a word about promotion resources.

Zhang Deming couldn't help but glance at the other person. He was truly an old fox who had been an ancestor for hundreds of years.

"What promotion resources does Senior Brother Qu lack?" The two sipped the spiritual tea in silence for a moment before Zhang Deming asked.

Qu Qingxian paused slightly, smiled and said: "I, Liangyi, plan to take the path of shaping spirits and summoning spirits. The dragons and spirits seek each other's immortality together. It's a bit of a call.

After so many years of preparation, most of the materials are already available, with the exception of some irrelevant auxiliary materials and a small amount of Essence Flower Essence Liquid.

So in fact, it's almost done, and there is still a chance to give it a try.

People like us can never be perfect. "

As he spoke, he still had no intention of raising resources for promotion.

Zhang Deming raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Senior Brother Tingqu, do you understand the purpose of Zhang calling you here today?"

Qu Qingxian paused slightly, shook his head, and said: "I don't know, but Qu has tasted something. Junior Brother Zhang must be using Qu as a cover!"

It's obviously a question, but it's in an affirmative tone.

Zhang Deming paused, nodded and said: "It seems that nothing can be hidden from Senior Brother Qu's discerning eyes!"

Qu Qingxian smiled faintly and said, "It's just that I have been stupid for a few years and have been suffering for many years, and I have seen a lot of things. It's not a big deal after all."

Zhang Deming looked at Qu Qingxian and said, "Junior brother, I'd like to thank you first. For some reasons, I need to give you an excuse, Senior Brother Qu, so after today..."

Qu Qingxian said: "Junior brother Zhang, don't worry. The resources that junior brother Zhang received that Qu can use will be taken by Qu from today on. He is greedy and has very short-sightedness."

Zhang Deming paused slightly after hearing this, this old guy is really...

The favor was sold. The last sentence clearly conveyed the meaning, but the misfortune was sold by the way, so that he didn't know what to say...

After all, it would be really difficult for an ancestor of a peripheral family to be labeled like this by the sect's steward.

A favor that I felt embarrassed to owe, this guy simply sold it to the extreme.

After a pause, Zhang Deming also put on a smile on his face and said: "In that case, I will thank senior brother first.

By the way, Manager Zhang sent a message yesterday asking me to hand this thing over to Senior Brother Qu. "

After Zhang Deming finished speaking, he waved his hand and a small bag appeared on the small table between the two of them.

Qu Qingxian paused slightly, picked up the small loan and took a look.

After seeing a dozen Lingshui Jue Lingzhu inside, he said with a happy face: "Thank you, Junior Brother Zhang, for making it happen."

With these spirit-nurturing beads, although he would be able to master the spirit water art, it might be difficult given his qualifications.

But it is still easy to push it to the control level.

In this way, his chances of promotion are at least 10% greater.

Zhang Deming waved his hand and said: "I'm just an errand boy. It has nothing to do with me. Besides, this requires spiritual stones."

Qu Qingxian smiled and said, "Junior Brother Zhang, please give me a message to thank Manager Zhang for your help."

Zhang Deming smiled and said: "I will definitely bring it to you."

After Zhang Deming finished speaking, he paused slightly and said, "Senior Brother Qu is planning to use the Lingshui Jue as the center, to use water to inject the dragon spirit, open the root of wisdom, and break the two rituals?"

After condensing the rune core, a total of three branch runes were condensed during the Tai Chi Sansheng period.

When you are promoted to Liangyi, you need to choose one of them as the core of promotion.

To put it figuratively, it is the Tai Chi Foundation Building, which is equivalent to the skill tree initially growing a foundation and a trunk.

During the third generation period, a total of three embryos were conceived on this trunk.

As for the promotion of Liangyi, one needs to choose one of these three germs as the target and develop it into the first branch of the tree, in order to complete the promotion of Liangyi.

Qu Qingxian nodded and said: "Yes, I plan to use Lingshui Jue as a branch to start the spiritualization of Water Dragon Technique and embark on the path of shaping and summoning spirits.

Accompanied by a dragon, we seek the road to immortality together. He is half summoner and half shaper. "

Zhang Deming said: "Ling Shui Jue is a Rank Two technique, right? Why not wait, practice it until it is proficient, and then develop it to Rank Three before taking action?

In this way, your promotion and future potential will be greatly improved!

Anyway, you have waited and endured for tens or hundreds of years, so why are you so anxious now? "

Qu Qingxian smiled bitterly when he heard this and said: "A genius like Junior Brother Zhang obviously doesn't understand the troubles of low-level monks like us.

With Qu's talent, he was able to complete the condensation of the Three Life Techniques and get the chance to be promoted. It was a fluke. As for wanting to ask for more, he was obviously a bit greedy.

Qu has been waiting for hundreds of years. He doesn’t want to wait anymore, can’t afford to wait, and can’t wait. Qu still has this self-knowledge. "

No, I understand, I understand better than you!

Zhang Deming looked at Qu Qingxian's lonely expression and paused for a moment. He couldn't help but think of what happened under Xiaoqing Mountain after ten years of enlightenment, but he couldn't touch the magic door no matter which direction he opened it.

In the Hongmeng Realm, there are magic techniques that succeed and magic techniques that fail. One technique can make you an immortal, but one technique can stump countless people who are searching for this way.

Regarding Qu Qingxian, Zhang Deming can only say that he has tried his best.

It is not easy to master the technique, and it cannot be solved by Zhang Deming giving him a few more beads.

Of course, if Zhang Deming is willing to spend a lot of money and smash it hundreds of times, it can be done.

After all, he can insert the standard version of enlightenment without any tendency. This is something that no spiritual cultivator has and cannot do.

But a Rank Two who is proficient in spirit-nurturing beads can sell dozens or even hundreds of spirit-nurturing beads at an exaggerated auction outside the sect.

One hundred and ten is a huge resource worth eight thousand. They are not close friends in life and death, and the other party is not a golden fleece. They have not made deals with themselves, or cherish each other, and have long conversations late at night, discussing life in depth and length. He does Why spend so much money?

That’s why lard makes you feel stuffy!

The two chatted for a while, and Qu Qingxian left in a hurry.


After that, Zhang Deming seemed to be in seclusion and was busy for half a month. With the arrival of the materials, Zhang Deming made the order of soul-nurturing beads bit by bit at an average speed of one set of beads per day.

During this period of time, Zhang Deming deliberately produced some control-level defective products. To Zhang Deming, they were defective products, but to others, they were already very good.

Zhang Deming did not keep these, nor did he get the spirit stones to be sold in Tianling City.

Instead, they turned it all over in exchange for contribution points.

With the completion of the order, Zhang Deming's contribution has slowly increased by thousands.

Zhang Deming waited until a month later before he, Yue Mengsheng and others met Qian Ruyan to deliver the goods in person.

Looking at the complete set of spirit-nurturing beads, the ones of Rank 1, 2 and 3 are very complete, all of them are proficient level, and none of them are defective.

Not only Qian Ruyan had never seen it before, but Yue Mengsheng and the other three were also a little jealous. They had never seen such a set of beads, and they really wanted to get a set to mount the practice room for collection.

Gan Zili kept saying that this business was a loss and he shouldn't do this business.

Zhang Deming responded with a smile.

Zhang Deming looked at Qian Ruyan, who was a little excited, and said, "Fellow Daoist Qian, are you satisfied?"

"Brother Zhang Dao asked me to be like Ruyan. This is the first time Ruyan has seen such fine beads. How can he be dissatisfied?" Qian Ruyan said with a smile.

Zhang Deming also smiled and replied: "So, our order is considered completed?"

Qian Ruyan nodded and said, "It's done."

"Happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"


A few people exchanged pleasantries. It had been a month or two since Qian Ruyan came to Yuling Peak, so he left in a hurry with his disciples.

Zhang Deming was a little excited to receive the spirit stones, but after receiving the account, he found that the amount was not right.

The sect and Yuling Peak collected a total of 10% of the thirty-five thousand spirit stones, so they should pay back more than thirty-five thousand.

But what Yangguang Fu brought back to him was only around twenty-five thousand.

Zhang Deming asked with a dark face, and was instantly stunned and blinded!

I thought I was picking up cheap materials, thinking I would find an opportunity to make a fortune by reimbursing public funds, but it turned out that there was a fee, and the processing fee had to be charged.

Because the best materials used, hundreds of spirit-nurturing beads, cost nearly 10,000 yuan in materials. This was simply the highest cost ever incurred by Zhang Deming.

It seems that he is really young. It is not so easy to win the sect's wool!

Zhang Deming immediately felt that he had been cheated, and privately swore that he would never use Yulingfeng's official materials again. This was just trying to make money off of him!

How can you tolerate such a thing!

After this order, in the material department of Yulingfeng, I'm sorry, you have lost me from now on. I would rather use some down-to-earth materials than anything decent.

The material cost is almost 10,000 spirit stones, but I can’t afford to hurt him!

Each spiritual stone is not big, only about the size of a thumb, but with more than 20,000 spiritual stones, that would be several boxes.

Yang Yangfu, who brought in the spirit stone, watched Zhang Deming stare at the box in a daze, showing distressed expressions from time to time, with a twitching look on his face.

Although I don’t know what’s inside, looking at Senior Brother Zhang’s appearance, this can’t be some kind of contraband, right?

"Senior Brother Zhang, do you want me to open it and check?" Yangguangfu asked worriedly.

Zhang Deming shook his head and said: "No, you can go down, I will do it myself."

I feel sorry for you! My spiritual stone!

I already have a serious illness, but you still cheated me a lot, do you want me to become terminally ill?

This really pisses me off!

Hearing this, Sunshine Fu nodded, turned and left.

Zhang Deming moved the box into his storage room. When Zhang Deming saw the pile of carefully processed materials in the corner, his face twitched again.

I used to think that these materials were a big bargain, but now it seems that this is a big trap. If he had known this, he should not have cheated.

I was so happy before, but now I am speechless!

How about... return most of the rest? It can save at least several thousand costs, right?

Of course, this is just Zhang Deming's random thinking. If he really retreats and his success rate is discovered, it is estimated that the three old guys will surround him every day and try to steal his master.

And he didn't return it before, but now he has dialed down the spirit stone to return it. Isn't it obvious that he can't afford to lose this person.

Although he feels distressed, Zhang Deming can only blame himself for being young, so he will admit it this time.

Then Zhang Deming left a box in the training room and poured out the spirit stones. Just like that, Zhang Deming sat cross-legged on the pile of spirit stones and started practicing on the phone.

Well, except for a little bit of pain in the butt, everything else feels good, very good!

No wonder some people in previous lives had the idiosyncrasy of sleeping on money. It turns out that this is how it feels.

Originally, Zhang Deming was only a few tens of thousands of experience points short of reaching the top. Therefore, Zhang Deming hung up for a few days and after consuming thousands of spirit stones, his cultivation reached the peak of Tai Chi's second life.

Kung Fu: Mizuki God Technique (Rank Six)

Cultivation level: Tai Chi Lv2 (60/60/10,000)

Rune Core: Spiritual Summoning Lv3 (5/50)

Branch Rune: Enhancement Lv3 (50/500)

Skills: Slightly·········

Spiritual power recovery: 200 spiritual power/3 minutes

Experience growth: 20 experience/3 minutes

Having experienced a lifetime of breakthroughs in Tai Chi, Zhang Deming just meditated for a while before trying to make a breakthrough.

But before that, Zhang Deming took out two basic spells.

"The Art of Speech: Lies", "The Art of Speech: Laws and Orders"

Since he wants to turn his speech skills into the branch runes of the second life, he must make them perfect. Although his speech skills now have no format, these two skills should be able to be improved.

"Normal energy 1, editable small plug-in.

Editing conditions met!


Skillfully touched a luck light ball and started editing two spells.

Not surprisingly, the two new rune balls were all Integrated Union.

Seeing this, Zhang Deming took a long breath. After calming down, he activated the promotion method according to the technique. He opened his mouth and spit out the rune ball of speech skills.

With proficiency and mounting, under the double blessing, the rune ball is not only very perfect, but Zhang Deming also knows it very well.

Without too much difficulty, the rune ball shattered directly, revealing a complete rune 'Word' inside.

At this time, Zhang Deming's spell flew rapidly, and the rune 'Word' vibrated a few times, flying directly into the center of Zhang Deming's eyebrows. The core of the rune of the Spiritual Summoning Technique began to become complicated again.

For a moment, Zhang Deming's whole body was shaken, and all the spiritual power in his Dantian surged into his body and disappeared into his body.

At the moment when the last trace of spiritual power disappeared, a more pure spiritual power was born.

Zhang Deming's aura began to grow rapidly, and at the same time, two white balls of light above his head began to spin and rise.

A not too big sea of ​​spiritual power appeared again. It also didn't spread far before it reached saturation, stopped, and then returned.

Yangguang Fu at Yakou felt a little sensitive. After this experience, he didn't even come out to check.

He looked at Feiquan Waterfall Tower slightly, then withdrew his gaze.

After a long time, Zhang Deming exhaled a long breath, making another extremely easy progress.

His mind moved slightly, and the exercise script panel appeared.

Kung Fu: Mizuki God Technique (Rank Six)

Cultivation level: Tai Chi Lv3 (0/120/10,000)

Rune Core: Spiritual Summoning Technique Lv3 (10/50)

Branch runes: Strengthening Technique Lv3 (55/500), Words Technique Lv3 (10/50)

Skills: Universe in the Sleeves Lv3 (0/100), Jade Demon Vampire Vine Lv3 (0/50), Hidden Breath Art Lv3 (0/50), Flying Skill·Remnant Lv3 (0/50), Spiritual Shield Lv3 ( 0/50), Yin Yang Chess Game Lv3 (0/50), Heart Dream Control Lv3 (0/50), Reconnaissance·Spiritual Eye Lv2 (0/10)

Spiritual power recovery: 200 spiritual power/3 minutes

Experience growth: 20 experience/3 minutes

As a branch rune, the speaking skill has been improved by one-fifth, and the rune core and strengthening skills have also been improved by five points.

Seeing this, Zhang Deming was once again glad that he chose the strengthening technique for the first time. Although it was still a drop in the bucket, he was making progress little by little.

Even Zhang Deming's Liang Yi Breakthrough, Zhang Deming is a bit inclined to choose the strengthening technique.

You know, what do you think of starting a journey alone?

"Hua Shu: Yan" This is just a small branch of Hua Shu, but so many people are flocking to it.

The strengthening technique is not a small branch, but a completely new path.

Zhang Deming wanted to do this kind of thing even if it didn't fit his rune core very well, let alone if it fit his rune core very well. Well, to be precise, the enhancement technique fit any rune core.

Because it is extremely compatible in nature and can fit any spell.

Zhang Deming looked at the 1.2 million experience points and was not too surprised. With his current speed of gaining experience points and tens of thousands of spiritual stones, he could reach the top of the world in just one year.

Therefore, Zhang Deming's current demand for promotion materials can be said to be very urgent.

If those who are missing on the list cannot join the sects at will, now only the alliance has some hope.


It was a bit late last night, I didn't set the time, and I almost forgot, so I was five minutes late... Sorry!

(end of this chapter)

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