Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 338 Opening

Chapter 338 Opening

Zhang Deming looked at the team that had completed the formation, turned his head to Gan Zili and said to Gan Zili beside him: "This formation should be like a blue feather green boat, with numbered circles marked on the feet, it is much simpler to form a formation .”

Gan Zili smiled and shook his head, saying: "That was only developed in recent years. It was always like this before. The corresponding formations appeared and each found the formation node where they should stand.

Although it is very simple to create such a number, it is just to cover these nodes with a simple magic array of Transcendent Level. This can also play a role in protecting the large array, which is a good improvement.

But this thing requires a fundamental change in the formation. After all, it needs to be a super large phantom formation, embedded and covered in the sect's formation, to provide full coverage and linkage.

As for the six-star formation, no one in the sect dared to modify it casually. After all, the strongest formation cultivator in the sect now was only the three-talented formation cultivator, and the one from the Fang family could barely be considered a four-star formation mage at most.

If each peak separately creates its own phantom formation and does not border the sect-protecting formation, it will not be able to perfectly fit. If the sect-protecting formation is slightly adjusted and all are misaligned, the chaos will be even greater.

Therefore, although the array has been improved, the sect-protecting array can still only use the previous one. Anyway, it is only used once in a thousand years, so it is no problem if it is troublesome. "

Hearing this, Zhang Deming nodded suddenly.

At this time, the spiritual energy lines under his feet flashed, and Zhang Deming felt the spiritual energy fluctuations around him become stronger.

"Get ready, this is the final warm-up, it's coming soon!" Gan Zi said politely, and his whole body's spiritual energy began to stir.

Zhang Deming paused slightly, and his spiritual energy began to stir.


Everyone could not wait for a moment, but the whole square suddenly shook, and the sect-protecting formation emerged clearly. Spiritual power surged between the spiritual power lines, and weak spiritual power began to be extracted from the node where Zhang Deming was.

It's very weak, and even a senior apprentice wouldn't feel any pressure at all. But there are tens of millions of inner disciples in the whole sect, plus outer disciples, which starts at a million, and the spiritual power is integrated together, that is large amount.

As the formation emerged, three old figures appeared at the top of the sky-like light curtain above their heads. They were the three supreme elders on the bright side of the Heavenly Spirit Sect.

The ancestor of the Yang family is Yang Guizhong; the ancestor of the Dang family is Dang Xiangjun; the ancestor of the Zhou family is Zhou Liao.

The three of them stood on the top of the sky-like light curtain, forming a triangle. They lowered their heads and could clearly see that within the Heavenly Spirit Sect, countless spiritual power lines and spiritual power runes began to shine with spiritual light very quickly.

Starting from Tianling Peak, it spread to the whole sect like lightning, then extended upward along the entire translucent sky light curtain, and finally gathered at the feet of the three people, forming a circle with the triangle formed by the three people.

At this moment, the entire Heavenly Spirit Sect is surging with spiritual power, as if it is in a world constructed of runes. The six-star peerless formation is now showing its majesty to the world.

The three of them looked at each other. Dang Xiangjun and Zhou Liao nodded, their spiritual energy flowing downward crazily.

Yang Guizhong took a deep breath and said in a not too loud voice: "The exchange meeting between the two realms of Tianling is opening!"

The words were not loud, but they spread throughout the sect. Following his words, he held his identity jade in both hands and raised it upward.

Heavenly Spirit Sect Fifteen Peaks, following his words, a pillar of light reaching the sky was formed in the main square of each peak, and the fifteen squares all shook.

Zhang Deming from Yuling Peak felt that his mind was slightly touched by the protective sect formation. He took a deep breath, followed the rhythm, beat his hands, and said at the same time: "The exchange meeting between the two realms of Tianling is opening!"

Following his words, the sky-reaching light pillars of the fifteen peaks exploded into a sky-filled aura, and the entire Heavenly Spirit Sect was like an ocean of spiritual power.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Deming was shocked and turned into a ball of light, soaring into the sky. Starting from him, all the disciples of Yuling Peak turned into balls of light and flew towards the sky.

The fifteen peaks of the inner gate are composed of tens of millions of light balls, forming like fifteen upward rewinding sea water vortices, connecting the sky and the earth.

The hundreds of thousands of light balls in the sky are like fifteen inverted whirlpools of sea water, with fifteen pointed tips slowly bending and converging towards the center.

When the tips of the fifteen vortexes touched together lightly, they separated at the first touch. The vortex exploded instantly, and the light balls scattered all over the sky, covering half of the sky, like stars.

In a flash, it illuminated half of the sky and alarmed half of the Hongmeng stars. At this moment, countless people know that the Heavenly Spirit Sect exchange meeting between two worlds has begun!


"This is the door!"

"What a yearning!"

"It's a pity that the conditions for Heavenly Spirit Sect to accept disciples every year are becoming more and more difficult."

"Yes, the spiritual cultivator has changed most of Hongmeng's structure."

"Oh, glory to the sect, glory to the sect, but it's a pity that this visit has nothing to do with me!"

On the Yingke Peak, countless disciples from other sects were watching the ceremony, looking at the balls of light that looked like stars all over the sky, and they were fascinated for a while. Countless disciples of small aristocratic families and small sects are envious and look forward to being one of those balls of light that fill the sky.

Not to mention the small sect, the entire outer sect of Tianling, most of the disciples are on vacation today, and the disciples who are not qualified to participate in the conference stand at the highest point where they are, looking up at the shining stars and light balls in the sky.

While fascinated, I secretly regretted that I couldn't be one of them.

As the ball of light in the sky swirled, the light spots of spiritual power that had exploded before the beam of light were swirled, forming a strong tide of spiritual power that spread around the Heavenly Spirit Sect.

The smaller half of Hongmeng Star, quite a few sects and aristocratic families, all had feelings, some tilted their heads slightly, some went out of the room and looked at the sky, and some even floated up, looking forward to something.


The sky was like a ball of light from stars, shining for a moment, and then fifteen leaders of the fifteen regional centers began to take action.

"The Sacred Land hangs high, the heavenly spirit spreads for thousands of years, the heavenly spirit peak gathers!"

Following the words of the leader, Dang Xiangjun, the entire Tianling Peak's ball of light gathered into a strange flying bird, like a lark, but with the magnificence of a phoenix.

"The stars are shining brightly, the souls are being nurtured with thousands of hearts, and the soul-nurturing peaks are gathering!"

Following Zhang Deming's words, the entire Yuling Peak's ball of light converged into a strange flying dragon. The flying dragon was golden in color, with a single horn and wings.

"In the vast years, resources breed all living beings, and green peaks gather together!"

Following the words of Yang Longying, the leader of Qingcui Peak in the Ministry of Resources, the light balls belonging to Qingcui Peak gathered into a naive lion? Or a long-haired unicorn?


The fifteen peaks, as the fifteen leaders sang, transformed into fifteen strange objects of different shapes, whether birds, beasts, flowers, trees, or utensils.

The fifteen represent various strange objects, shining in the sky and rotating slowly, waiting for something.

After a moment, three stars suddenly appeared in the sky, and there were nine faint light points, bright or dark, surrounding the stars.

One of the stars shone slightly, and the Spirit-nurturing Dzi Bead cast a stream of light.

This stream of light represents the recognition and blessing of Sacred Land;

It also represents the support and contribution of Sacred Land;

It also represents a grand event that Tianling rarely holds once in thousands of years. Because such a grand event is not only something Heavenly Spirit Sect can organize if it wants to!

After the stream of light was emitted, the three stars all shone brightly, and fifteen strange objects that had been waiting for a long time instantly caught the falling stream of light.

During the traction of spiritual power, it looks like fifteen mischievous creatures, with this stream of light, playing, chasing, and fighting in the sky within the range of Sacred Land, and the spiritual power of the two sides is constantly interacting.

After a long time, as if some conditions were met, the streamer, like a dragon ball playing, suddenly fell, and hung above the Heavenly Spirit Sect like a full moon.

Seeing this, the fifteen strange creatures all breathed a sigh of relief. Then everyone was shocked, and the fifteen strange objects once again exploded into clusters of light that filled the sky like stars.

As they exploded, the top of the sky dome light screen slowly unfolded, and a huge substantial formation screen was suspended in the sky above the Heavenly Spirit Sect.

The members of various sects who came to watch the ceremony appeared one by one on the screen like the sky and land, and the light clusters in the sky also fell down like meteors at this time.

In just a short moment, the scene was so beautiful and spectacular that it made people lose consciousness for a long time.

When all the light groups fell onto the light screen, the light groups dissipated, revealing each of the disciples.

At the same time, on the light screen, in front of everyone, desks slowly rose up one by one, and a tufted cattail appeared at their feet. Under the desk and tuanpu, there was a long blanket, covering the body. A completely transparent screen.

In the past, this was all the steps for the opening, but this time, when the desk and futons were raised, the surroundings began to slowly change.

The entire substantial formation screen beneath his feet shone with intense phantom formation light. Several phantom formations with at least three or four stars worked together, and the transparent formation screen beneath his feet began to change drastically.

The center turned into a huge jade square, and white clouds began to float around it. Where people were sitting around, the blankets floated slightly, slowly transforming into small floating islands.

In the center of the sky where the clouds and mists are floating and the island is suspended, there is a light group that looks like a full moon. In the light group, there is the shadow of a spiritual nurturing dzi bead floating in it.

In just a moment, the originally monotonous array screen light completely changed. There was a huge white jade square floating island in the center. While the clouds and mist were floating in the square, there were also small floating islands floating in the air.

Many disciples were sitting on these floating islands. Most of the floating islands surrounded the square and were floating at a low distance from the square. They could see the entire square without having to lower their heads.

This moment turned into a dojo like a fairyland, which made Zhang Deming, who was sitting on one of the small floating islands, briefly lost his mind.

My good boy, no wonder the Formation Department dared to come and mess around, emotion sacrificed such a big killer!

It is simply using the effect of the phantom formation, combined with the power of the six-star formation, to turn the door-to-door meeting into a grand event in the blessed land of Grotto-Heaven! ! !

Even someone like Zhang Deming, who has seen a lot of the least a lot of movies and TV shows, and is not short of experience, was briefly distracted, which shows how good the effect is.


After a long time, all the sluggish people came back to their senses, and many people made a clear sound of gasping for air.

"Isn't Heavenly Spirit Sect late in the four-nine door-to-door?"

"That's right, probably the bottom twenty levels."

"The last door-to-door has the ability to change the world, so the blessed land Grotto-Heaven is still available?"

"What are you thinking? All the door-to-door visits are like this!"

"Let's not talk about Heavenly Spirit Sect, even the number one door-to-door doesn't have the ability.

The reason why Tianling can do it should be to use the phantom formation, combined with their six-star guardian formation, to achieve the ability to temporarily change the world.

In fact, everyone is still sitting on the screen of the sky formation, but because the phantom formation is based on the six-star formation method, it feels so real. After all, the six-star phantom array can already exchange reality to a certain extent! "

"So, this Heavenly Spirit Sect's formation department really has an idea!"

"That's right, yesterday's photo and today's phantom formation all reflect the advanced qualities of Heavenly Spirit Sect formation cultivation."

"No matter what, I think it's awesome anyway!"

"Yes, I really want to be a disciple."


In a short moment, countless discussions sounded in the area where the guests belonged. But the discussion only lasted for a moment, and everyone's voice gradually became quieter.

Because a burst of strange music sounded from Yuzhi Square, the music hit everyone's heart directly, making everyone subconsciously look at the source of the music.

A pair of disciples practicing music and dance, like fairies in the world, slowly floated down from a floating island, and danced in the huge white jade square.

Dang Rushuang and Pei Xiaoxiao, dressed up meticulously, danced in the midst of a group of music and dance teams, and they were extremely beautiful.

As the music and dance reached a climax, the wings of the two people spread out at the same time. Pei Xiaoxiao was a transparent cicada wing like an elf, and Dang Rushuang was a pair of dreamy butterfly wings.

While the wings of the two were turning, palm-sized flower demons emerged from their bodies like fairies, and danced around the two of them accompanied by music. The scene was once dreamlike.

After the dance, Dang Rushuang was barefoot, with long hair, and a flowing long skirt. With a smile on her face, she said, "Fellow Daoist, I am Dang Rushuang, a disciple of Tianling."

Pei Xiaoxiao is also extremely beautiful. Under her sister Yu's appearance, she has a bit of a silly look, and said with a smile: "Everyone, I am Pei Xiaoxiao, a disciple of Tianling."

"Hello everyone." The two women and the dancing disciples saluted in unison.

"Time flies so fast, seven hundred years have passed by." Pei Xiaoxiao whispered affectionately.

"With everyone's company, we will go all the way." Dang Rushuang continued heartily.

"Today, we gather together again, with the same expectations."

"Today, with the beauty in our hearts, and the Dao and art in our hearts, we discuss with you again."

The two said together: "We announce that the exchange meeting between the two worlds of Tianling will officially open today!!!"


"Damn it, Tianling has a subordinate race?"

"Drunk, drunk, once you enter the sky, you will lose your life, I am so drunk!"

"It's over, it's over, I seem to be really moved!"

"Ah!!! Senior Sister Pei is so beautiful!"

"Shit, Senior Sister Dang is more beautiful!"

"Hehe, I like them both!"



Following the words of the two, there was another burst of boiling around.

After a long time, Dang Rushuang said: "This Dao Discussion will continue the process of previous Dao Discussions, and the rules will be slightly modified."

Pei Xiaoxiao smiled and said, "Each disciple has his own array screen in front of his desk, and they record his personal scores."

Dang Rushuang answered in a tacit understanding: "The opening of each topic will have a basic end point requirement. Disciples who meet the requirements can grab the stage to participate in this topic, and dissatisfied disciples can spend points to refute. "

"The origin of the points is divided into two parts, one part belongs to the identity points, that is, the initial points, different identities, the initial points are not the same.

Ordinary disciples get zero points, and representatives of each sect get several points or ten points. That is to say, senior teachers, uncles and elders with a certain status have the opportunity to directly discuss in the early stage.

But ordinary disciples need to accumulate points. That is the origin of the second part of points, accumulating points.

After each topic is opened, students can speak through their own exclusive light screen. The score of the remarks will be given by the strength of the Daoxian change of the Yuling Dzi Bead in the center of the conference, and I will not make any changes.

After accumulating enough points, you can grab the stage and leave the stage to make a speech, and you can also leave the stage to refute. "Pei Xiaoxiao said with a smile.

"That is to say, as long as your argument is feasible and you can be favored by Yuling Dzi, you are an apprentice, and you can also chat with these three-talented ancestors all over the sky, and fight with each other!

However, this time we are discussing the Dao, we advocate exchanges and discussing the Dao, and do not advocate fighting theory. Disciples who want to fight the theory, Wendou, please consider the next world walking exchange meeting, Wudou... go to the back mountain to try ! "Dang Rushuang answered.

"Of course, the end points of each topic are different. And after each topic is completed, all unused accumulated points will only retain a very low discount and enter the next topic.

At the same time, the performance of the previous question will get the right to have basic points for the next question. As long as the theory is successful, the basic points of the apprentices can surpass the ancestors of the three talents! "Pei Xiaoxiao said.

"This is a Tao discussion meeting. Apart from points, no status will be taken into account. Any monks participating in the Tao discussion are not allowed to overwhelm others with their cultivation.

Of course, if any senior can carry my sect's six-star sect guarding formation with all his strength, and under the pressure of hundreds of thousands of disciples' protection, he can break through the blockade and forcibly "discuss" the Tao.

With the above rules, senior, you can be Xiaoxiao and Rushuang. After all, with such a cultivation level, I think all the disciples here will be happy that senior discusses the Tao in any way! "Dang Rushuang said.


"The above are the basic rules of this Two Worlds Discussion Conference. If there are other changes, we will notify you at that time." Pei Xiaoxiao and Dang Rushuang bowed together and said with a smile.

Immediately, their bodies turned into spiritual light and disappeared, and the surrounding flower demons and elves began to fly and began to serve them according to the previous rehearsal in the illusion array.

Zhang Deming sat on the floating island of Yuling Peak. For some unknown reason, they didn't all separate, and merged with the floating island on the other side of Tianling Peak.

On the disciples' side, all floats are close together, forming an island formation in the area, and on the leader's side...

It was simply a slightly larger island. There were six of them from Yuling Peak, seven from Tianling Peak's party family, and thirteen people, sitting at the front of this slightly larger island.

Led by Dang Xiangjun, accompanied by a group of peak masters, the other three talented monks were seated in the layout behind them. To the left and right of each person's desk, stood two children of different sizes.

Everyone had a faint smile, and they were relatively satisfied with this opening. Well, not everyone, at least Gu Liancai looked a little dark.

The islands are suspended in the sky, the clouds and mist are floating, and the flower demons and elves are flying. It is really a fairyland scene. He has been involved in it for more than a year to save his face at this moment.

Everyone watched with smiles as Pei Xiaoxiao finished the opening ceremony. Headmaster Dang Junan tapped the exclusive array screen on his desk, chose to leave directly, and appeared in the square.

Mr. Dang Xiangjun saluted everyone, and the monks all over the sky nodded slightly to indicate their response.

Immediately, the Party Prime Minister said: "This is an exchange of Taoism between the two realms. The core is: the interoperability of ideas and concepts. As the saying goes, guests follow the host. Since we have arrived at Tianling, the theme of this discussion is from My heavenly spirit will decide.

This time, I, Tianling, decided to focus on the two paths of formation and weapon. The other paths can be extended and cannot be used as the main topic. With this decision made, do you of Tianyu and all the fellow disciples in Tianyu have any objections? "

"We agree."

"No objection!"


Dang Xiangjun looked around, with a faint smile, and said: "In that case, then this Tao Discussion Conference will begin.

Now that our Tianling has decided on the topic, let the Fellow Daoists from Tianyu start our first discussion. After all, it is an exchange between two worlds, and you cannot say that I, Tianling, bully the guests. "

Following Dang Xiangjun's words, Shang Tingjie paused slightly, stretched out his hand and tapped the light screen in front of his desk. On the field below, a shadow of his phantom array appeared.

After the two met, Dang Xiangjun and Shang Tingjie bowed slightly, and Dang Xiangjun said: "Then I will hand it over to Fellow Daoist!"

Shang Tingjie nodded, and Dang Xiangjun's body disappeared into the center of the White Jade Square and returned to the floating island in the sky, leaving Shang Tingjie's illusory figure standing alone in the square.

He waited quietly for a moment, raised his head slightly, and looked at the floating islands in the sky at a low altitude around him. When he saw that everyone's attention had been attracted, he spoke:

"Since it is an exchange between two worlds, for this first question, I will come up with a magic problem that Hongmeng and Tianyu are currently solving, so as to communicate ideas and Tao!

The title of this first discussion this time is: Communication Technology, Hongmeng’s Communication Channel!

Everyone knows that due to cultural differences, our Tianyu star is completely different from Hongmeng's main focus on Tao and art.

This communication is one of the great avenues of my Tianyu, but due to cultural differences, Hongmeng used to have this aspect as a minor avenue.

With the exchanges between the two worlds over the years and the mutual influence between the two worlds, formation communication has gradually become one of the main development difficulties for Hongmeng formation cultivation.

Our Tianyu Communication Channel has experienced hundreds of thousands of years of development, and now interstellar quantum communication has entered a stage of difficulty.

Since both worlds are studying this path and are stuck on the same path, I would like to take the opportunity of this discussion to have an in-depth exchange on the communication path.

Through communication from shallow to deep, the essence of this communication channel, the foundation of communication, the concept of communication and the next development. "

Shang Tingjie paused, Xiu went up to the sky, and fell into a brief silence.

The organizer's Tianling and the three elders looked at each other tacitly, and Dang Xiangjun was the closest to this way, so the two elders naturally signaled him to start the show with their eyes.

Dang Xiangjun nodded, and in the square below, the illusory figure of Dang Xiangjun emerged, and the two monks and Tingjie made a greeting, and then Dang Xiangjun said: "Say the message, then first Tell me about its origin!

The original beginning of the way of communication comes from the ancient sword cultivators. At first, the sword cultivators, because of the ultimate speed of the flying sword of their own destiny, and the reason that they can over-control at a super long distance, under the fire of thinking, opened the initial communication. : Flying sword message.

In the beginning, the Flying Sword of Flying Sword was used to carry the letters, and the two sword repairmen communicated with each other. In this way, the first sword friends were born.

Afterwards, it developed slowly, gradually developed, and became Flying Sword Transmitting Sound, Flying Sword Sending Shadow, and even simply became Flying Sword Sending Soul to Hongmeng, talking about the world, so unrestrained and willful. "

Dang Xiangjun looked at the sky, paused, and said: "In that ancient era, the exchange of sword friends between sword repairers was all the rage.

At the beginning of any Tao, it all starts from such a situation. With the birth of sword friends, other Taoist monks began to lean towards research and development, looking forward to the birth of martial arts friends, book friends, pen pals and so on.

That's how the channel of communication came about..."

As Dang Jun'an slowly talked about the realization of various messages from the origin to the Hongmeng, most of the monks all over the sky listened quietly. In the full moon in the sky, the phantom nurturing spirit dzi was beating slightly.

Slowly, with Dang Xiangjun at the beginning, monks began to end one by one, but most of them had status. Shang Tingjie also started to participate, and at the same time appropriately released Tianyu's communication technology.


Zhang Deming listened to the discussion for a while, then shook his head, a little speechless.

Gan Zili next to him moved his expression slightly, and raised his hand to activate the one-way soundproofing formation on the desk, enveloping the surrounding people, turned his head to Zhang Deming and said, "Why did Junior Brother Zhang shake his head? What's not to like?"

Zhang Deming paused, and said: "It's really not satisfactory. If I expect 100 points, I can score 99 points at the beginning, leaving one point as a margin. But for the opening discussion, I will Very disappointed.”

Gan Zili frowned slightly, and said, "Why? It sounds good to me. Look at the many disciples beside you, they are already deep in thought."

Zhang Deming shook his head, and said, "Senior brother, should we focus on talking or talking?"

Gan Zili said: "Of course it's the theory, isn't it that now there are more than a dozen comrades who have left the stage one after another?"

"About?" Zhang Deming said speechlessly: "Then do you see what will happen to this low-level Tai Chi and apprentices? But because they don't have enough points?

The image of the Nurturing Dzi Bead in the sky has already started to dance. I also looked at it just now, and the points have already been given out tens of thousands.

In this first discussion, for the sake of the heat, we only set five points for each end. With so many points given out, you can see that a low-level disciple has gone down? "

Gan Zili paused when he heard the words. As a local Hongmeng monk, even if he paid attention to his disciples, he mostly glanced at the Liangyi disciples around him, and he paid close attention to the low-level disciples.

Zhang Deming's words drew his attention to the low-level disciples.

He was stunned when he saw it. Most of the disciples in the sky were sitting there, looking like they were listening attentively. Occasionally, a few brave ones talked to each other with the one-way soundproofing turned on.

He is too familiar with such a scene!

Isn't that what Chuan Gong Hall looks like? The low-level disciples all over the sky, none of them ended up, they all listened honestly, not to mention apprentices, none of the Liangyi disciples ended up now.

Seeing Gan Zili's brows furrowed tightly, Zhang Deming said, "See, Shishu and the others are going to be preaching rather than discussing the Tao.

One by one, they are all talking about how to practice, how to develop, and they seem to be analyzing the way of communication, but in fact they are preaching without changing the medicine.

If things go on like this, it will be difficult for any thinking fire to collide in ten thousand years!

Because the low-level disciples didn't understand, they didn't dare to rush off if they had ideas, and even their whims were hard to come up with. They were all taking notes honestly!

Such an exchange is simply a disaster for this exchange meeting. At the end of the discussion, many disciples may be able to make further progress based on their talents, but there is absolutely no possibility of any other gains.

As for the exchange of ideas between the two worlds, it is even more impossible to have a collision of ideas. After all, Tianyu is also talking about it in a hidden way.

Discussing the Tao without lowering the Tao to a level that can be discussed is just a sermon with a bigger scene. If you want to discuss it, the person who started it must be at the grassroots level and understand the basics. "

Gan Zili fell into silence. After all, most of the discussions were like this. Who cares about the low-level disciples who couldn't continue the discussion? Yue Mengsheng suddenly turned his head and looked at him and said: "Then why don't you go down and start a discussion?"

Gan Zili was slightly startled and said: "Yes, Junior Brother Zhang, if you can spot the problem so keenly, that means you have a good idea? Why don't you go down and give it a try?"

Zhang Deming paused and said, "It's okay to go down, but don't blame me if I go astray."

"If something happens, I'll stop you!" Dang Xiangjun in the center also tilted his head and interrupted.

Hearing this, Zhang Deming nodded and said, "Okay, disciple, go try it."

After saying this, Zhang Deming looked at the venue below. Just as the previous speaker had finished speaking, he no longer hesitated and clicked the button to grab the stage.

As his figure appeared in Baiyu Square, Liangyi's cultivation was wearing a gorgeous three-star Law Weapon-level peak master's robe. Such a conspicuous contrast instantly attracted the attention of most people.

After seeing Zhang Deming's face clearly, everyone was shocked. Zhang Deming has been the most talked-about monk in the Heavenly Spirit Sect these days.

Because Zhang Deming's cards from Yuling Peak were very sufficient, no one questioned his qualifications even though he was the first Liangyi disciple to be eliminated, and many people even looked forward to it.

Want to see if this person is as magical as the legend says?

One bead can create an instant beauty for an apprentice! Such a shocking opportunity, even though many people knew it might be the result of exaggeration.

But he couldn't help but feel lucky. If not everyone could enter the Feiquan Waterfall Building, his place would have been crowded with people in the past few days.


"Ahem... It's the first time I've been stared at by so many eyes. I'm so nervous! Especially the masters, can you keep the aura in your eyes away?

The six-star formation is standing there. What can you see when you look at the disciples with such bright eyes? You can only scare me!

If you really scare me away, someone will cause trouble for you. After all, I don’t have the legendary ‘deep’ background! "After Zhang Deming came off the field, he looked around and said, touching his ears while speaking.

"Ha ha······"


Many disciples who knew what Zhang Deming was referring to all smiled. The atmosphere suddenly changed drastically, from the ancestor's sermon to the disciple's gossip.

Yue Mengsheng's expression moved slightly, and he looked at the light screen. Various legends about Zhang Deming's "deep background" began to appear on everyone's light screen.

Many people were taken aback, looking at the information, and seeing Zhang Deming's reminder that he deliberately squeezed his ears. Many monks from the outer sect also showed smiles, and they seemed to pick up the stalk.

"Let me go, why are your eyes getting brighter one by one, uncle? It makes this disciple really a little scared. All I need in my life is a background!"

"Ha ha······"

"This person..."

Zhang Deming paused and said: "Disciple, I'm here because I'm tired of watching all the senior uncles talk, so I'm here to chat and help you relax."

The scene became cheerful, but many monks frowned.

Zhang Deming didn't continue to adjust, but said: "Since it's chatting, I need a disciple who will chat with me in the end, answer the conversation, and be a tool person or something.

Is there a disciple who spends five points and a huge amount of money to refute my opinions just to praise my smelly feet? "

At first, many people were ready to move, because Zhang Deming's last words retracted one by one, especially those high-ranking monks, it was completely impossible to take the stage.

Zhang Deming thought he would end coldly, but he didn't expect that after he finished speaking, a figure emerged, and Qin Shizhong appeared in front of him.

In the sky, Pei Xiaoxiao, Yangguang Fu and others looked even more angry, secretly hating themselves for not being quick.

"Look, look, these days, those who are in trouble are so willing to spend money." Zhang Deming looked at Qin Shizhong and said to the monks in the sky.

"Ha ha······"

When Qin Shizhong heard this, he was slightly embarrassed, and then his face became expressionless.

"Come on, come on, tell me, why do you dare to spend so much money? Just now you didn't give up the opportunity to talk about Taoism, but now you are spending huge sums of money to chat with me?" Zhang Deming said to Qin Shizhong.

Qin Shizhong is also considered a good person. He probably figured out Zhang Deming's path at this time, and said expressionlessly:

"The main reason is that the disciple belongs to Feiquan Waterfall Tower and is the person in front of my uncle. If you, uncle, get cold feet and go back with a bad temper, then I am afraid that the next ten days will be difficult for me! And these five points of initial points, Anyway, I gave it because of my status."

"You're saying that the wool comes from the sheep, so it's okay to come down and pat my smelly feet?" Zhang Deming said with a look of doubt on life.

Qin Shizhong was also a good actor. He had a cold face and nodded seriously.

"Ha ha······"

The disciples all over the sky fell into further joy. The scene was like a sketch, which made many great monks frown.

Zhang Deming suddenly changed his face at this time, changed his tone, and said seriously: "What I just talked about was the communication channel, has any disciple understood it?"

After saying this, all the monks in the sky were stunned, their faces full of confusion.

Zhang Deming paused and said, "In other words, did you all hear what I just said? Do you understand it?"

Zhang Deming's words made many monks completely stunned. Some monks were even surged with spiritual power, and even achieved small breakthroughs in a few sporadic moments.

Although Zhang Deming did not receive a reply, he saw the reaction and said with a smile: "It seems that there are still many people with wisdom.

However, ours is an exchange meeting this time and requires communication between the two worlds, so I can't be completely clever like this, can I?

Oh, by the way, these are also communication channels, well, to be precise, they are communication channels closer to Tianyu. "

More disciples were confused, but Shang Tingjie's eyes were confused for a moment, and then he realized something and almost stood up from the tuanfu.

Yu Guang looked confused and frowned. A pure Tianyu man could not adapt to such a sharp edge at all. He looked at Shang Tingjie and said: "Captain, what's wrong?"

"Can we give Hongmeng the basic core knowledge of Tianyu's communication protocol?" Shang Tingjie said seriously.

Yu Guang shook his head and said: "Probably not. A lot of communication knowledge is only given a superficial foundation. It looks complete, but we seem to be holding on to the most fundamental things."

Shang Tingjie's eyes flickered and said: "That would be troublesome. If this person really understands and deduces our communication protocol through the information we gave him, what talent...if he was born in Tianyu, then No less than Dr. Ein!"

Yu Guang paused and said in surprise: "Captain, do you think he can reverse engineer our technology? Then this person..."

"What I'm worried about now is not the analysis. What I'm worried about now is whether the things that were supposed to be explained by us will be intercepted by others!" Shang Tingjie said faintly.

Yu Guang frowned slightly and said: "Captain, you said he wants to talk about the essence of the communication protocol? Is this...possible?"

"Huh... Is it possible?" Shang Tingjie said faintly: "The difference between the two paragraphs before you went back and forth to Pinpin, combined with the two mainstream communication protocols of today, Pinpin, the opponent's initiative is to us , the fight is very straightforward."

Yu Guang's eyes flashed and he thought for a moment, then he was startled and said: "This... Captain, are you overthinking it?"

"I hope, you will know after reading it. Anyway, we are powerless to stop it now, right?" Shang Tingjie looked down and said.

After saying that, the two of them stopped talking. Several core members who were listening to their words also looked down.


Below, Zhang Deming looked at most of the confused disciples in the sky, smiled, and continued: "Many of the disciples who laughed happily just now may be confused.

Many disciples may even be complaining in their hearts, such as: What the hell is this? Aren't you chatting? Why did the discussion suddenly end? Apart from joking, did you say anything else?

That's right, I was just joking, but you all laughed, so my communication is over. "

In view of the fact that many Fellow Daoists with low spiritual roots are complaining and sighing that the road is very difficult, here is a friendly reminder: Tomorrow’s update will provide an introduction to enlightenment with 0 spiritual roots, so don’t worry!

(end of this chapter)

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