Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 339 The Essence Of Communication

Chapter 339 The Essence of Communication

Zhang Deming looked at the Xiu Shang all over the sky. Some of them were deep in thought, while others were still confused. He paused and said, "In normal times, those disciples who don't have a clue would probably have no chance of being with me, because I I don’t care about the disciple’s talent, but I care more about the disciple’s wisdom.

Hmm... There seems to be no fundamental difference between the two!

I'm going too far now, because it's a debate between two worlds. Due to different humanities, most of Tianyu's colleagues may be confused. After all, they haven't been influenced by years of experience. Now I will break it down and talk about this communication again. "

Zhang Deming looked around again and saw that each of the disciples, including the dissatisfied Da Xiu, had become more energetic. Zhang Deming stopped being pretentious and said to Qin Shizhong: "Qin Shizhong!"

"The disciple is here!"

Zhang Deming continued to shout: "Qin Shizhong!"

"The disciple is here!"

Zhang Deming shouted for the third time: "Qin Shizhong!"

Although Qin Shizhong didn't understand what Zhang Deming meant, he was smart enough to know that he shouldn't pretend to understand if he didn't understand. He acted honestly as a tool and continued to respond for the third time: "The disciple is here!"

"The above is the core foundation of communication. Well, to be precise, it is one of Tianyu's two major communication cores."

Following Zhang Deming's words, some disciples realized something.

The smile on Zhang Deming's face became wider and wider, and he said: "Of course, many disciples who still don't understand should hate elders like me who are always playing tricks. Today, I will break it. For example, break it apart and feed it to you!

This formation is a communication. The seniors have already said a lot of truths before. We can just stay behind and make a summary. But the communication that Comrade Tianyu talks about..."

Zhang Deming paused deliberately, looked at the Tianyu Floating Island Group, and then said: "Maybe because of different humanities, many disciples just heard it in a foggy way, so I popularized it and used it in a way that is more familiar to the disciples. , start playing with the machine.

At the beginning of the game, I used the ordinary machine-edge to attack Tianyu's two cores.

Their two main mainstream communications are TCP and UDP. Well, to be professional, I guess you are confused again. In layman's terms, they are call answering and self-talk about whether you answer or not.

The essence of Tianyu's communication channel is a communication channel opened by analyzing the nature of human communication. Therefore, there are two types of protocols, well, that is to say, there are two general development directions.

In fact, the same is true for Hongmeng's message, but with the addition of Taoism and a longer history, the essence has been completely obscured. Many disciples only know what it is and don't know why.

The first one is called question and answer, which is the basis of interaction of all things and the most fundamental start of communication.

The initiator - me, every time I call, the tool Qin Shizhong answers once, this is a communication. If no reply is received, the communication is incomplete.

In Tianyu’s words, maybe it’s just not connected! I would continue to call repeatedly until someone answered before making the next communication.

Tianyu generally uses this kind of communication for some precision transmissions, because although he ensures the integrity of the communication, each transmission has to wait until it is received and responded to before entering the next one. A lot slower.

On the basis of the second kind, the second kind of communication was born. It still originated from daily life, and almost all of Tianyu's avenues are like this.

The first one originates from our daily communication, questions and answers, and the second one originates from narration!

This second type of communication is that I, the initiator, talk about myself and tell my own story, regardless of whether Qin Shizhong, the confused tool man at the moment, hears it or whether he responds. I just give out information. How much he receives is his business.

This second type of communication, figuratively speaking, is a package. I package the information into stories and throw them to you one by one. I don’t care how many you receive. I just throw mine and ignore you. response.

What should I do if I don’t receive it? Salad!

Wouldn’t that lead to incomplete information?

That's right, but if this flaw does not affect the transmission of large amounts of information, it doesn't matter.

For example, Tianyu's film and television communication and game channels use this kind of packet transmission method of communication. Because they contain a very large amount of information, they are completely inapplicable for Q&A calls because the speed is too slow.

A story has 10 million words, and I have to call the Q&A room to complete 20 million interactions before the communication is complete.

Therefore, Tianyu's film and television channels and game channels sometimes freeze for a while, and when they are connected again, the screen does not continue, but continues for a while.

The reason for this is that at this time, I did not receive the packets you sent, but you continued to send them and did not send them again. The professional term is, packet loss and frame drop.

But because of the large amount of information, the lack of it does not matter, so this agreement was born.

The above are the two mainstream directions of Tianyu communication channel development, namely communication protocols! Other subsequent agreement paths are almost all extensions of these two concepts, and there is essentially no difference.

For the Q&A dissemination, Tianyu used the thunder channel instead of the audio channel for relay. It successfully simulated human interaction and opened up a new avenue of communication.

As for Hongmeng, we don’t have such conditions, so how you develop it depends on you. Once you understand these two essences and activate them into the formation, I think the limit on the number of Hongmeng formation transmissions should be easily solved. "

Zhang Deming's words made many disciples fall into deep thought. The scene was once strange. From time to time, low-level disciples would have breakthroughs as their spiritual power surged.

Especially the disciples related to the Chuan Dao, Zhang Deming has dismantled this novel concept so that they can understand it immediately, which makes many disciples' minds explode.

The entire forum was like lighting up a lantern in the sky, making breakthroughs continuously. Even some high-level monks were thoughtful.

On Shang Tingjie's side, some people were silent. Originally, they were still hesitating whether to throw these out as a sweetener at the beginning. Now it seems that there is no need, someone has already done it for them!


"The last thing is the array screen communication that Hongmeng is currently developing with all its strength, which is Tianyu's quantum communication."

After Zhang Deming said this, he paused. His spiritual power surged slightly. Qin Shizhong was stunned for a moment. He felt restrained, but he did not resist.

Then Zhang Deming made a few random moves, and Qin Shizhong also made moves almost simultaneously.

"At this moment, it is co-channel communication, or quantum entanglement. What I do, because the spiritual power pulls the same frequency, the tool man who has quantum entanglement with me is also doing the same action simultaneously.

Because this thing was fundamentally established at the beginning of our communication because of the characteristics of spiritual power, there is no distance limit at all.

Whatever I do, he does. We are on the same frequency, and our quantum entanglement can easily complete ultra-long distance transmission, because when the information is given to me, he already knows that it is not the distance that affects us, but the distance between us. The intensity of causal entanglement.

Because of our practice at Hongmeng, this path has actually matured, and single quantum entanglement communication is no longer a problem at all. Any Tai Chi disciple who is proficient in formation communication can do it.

But now the difficulty lies in multiple interfaces to achieve same-frequency interaction. After all, when everyone interacts together, it is impossible to collectively unify quantum entanglement. This will result in that if one person knows it, everyone will know it, and collective interaction is completely impossible.

Nowadays, most sects use the method that A is entangled with the information main control room of the Sect Protector Formation, and the main control room is entangled with B.

This kind of transmission forms a connection with the main control room, realizes multi-interface interaction, and also allows the individual entities to be independently distinguished when collectively interacting together, but this also limits the number of communications.

Tianyu is just the opposite. The quantity is no problem, but the long-distance quantum communication is not yet fully understood, so both sides still have certain problems.

If there is such communication and interoperability... I estimate that together with the communication, we will enter an era of high development. "

Zhang Deming's concluding words, coupled with the previous foundation, completely analyzed the entire communication. At this moment, the monks all over the sky no longer felt that the communication channel was obscure, and they no longer felt that the practice was difficult.

Many disciples are eager to give it a try, and their points have skyrocketed. The full moon in the sky is a little brighter, and the shadow of the spirit-nurturing Dzi Pearl inside is beating happily, which seems to be of great benefit.

Seeing this, Zhang Deming stopped occupying the place and said to the disciples all over the sky: "It seems that many disciples have already felt this, so let's come down and have some exchanges.

Only when thoughts collide can powerful Tao fire emerge. Remember, this is a Tao discussion meeting, regardless of status. After all, even a guy like him dares to come down just to praise my smelly feet, what are you afraid of! "

Zhang Deming pointed at Qin Shizhong and then disappeared from the field with Qin Shizhong who looked embarrassed.

As soon as Zhang Deming left, an apprentice came on the stage and found that he had grabbed the stage. He was confused for a moment before starting to discuss, but due to insufficient reserves, dissatisfaction instantly aroused.

One by one, the high-level and low-level disciples forgot their so-called identities at this moment and began to make refutations.

The entire venue turned into a chaos of Taoist theories. At least dozens of disciples came on stage, arguing in different areas. The scene was once chaotic and lively.


Zhang Deming returned to his seat. Just as he regained consciousness and was about to speak, the spiritual power in the sky began to gather in one direction, alarming everyone.

Everyone looked together and saw that among the dozens of Taoism disciples below, an outer disciple of the Heavenly Spirit Sect who chose the physical end was suspended in mid-air without asking for any materials, and runes began to appear between his eyebrows.

Is this...another person who has no materials and directly realizes the Tao and is promoted to Tai Chi? Is there any mistake, there are only so many people in the Heavenly Spirit Sect who have been buried by the times?

I had already met Zhang Deming once before when Xu Weihai was giving a lecture. I am here again today. Is it really that easy to gain enlightenment and promotion without materials?

Well, with hundreds of thousands of base numbers and a complete revelation of the nature of Tao, it seems that one can understand it if he or she is enlightened, right?

I don’t understand it!

At this moment, Zhang Deming was extremely speechless! It was obviously him who broke things open, so why wasn't he the one who realized the truth?

Is it because of his past life experience that he is completely unable to have a deep thinking collision between what he knows and what he is using now?

The fragmentation of life and the fragmentation of the world has also completely separated the two kinds of thinking, making it difficult to find the intersection?

This really pisses me off!


As Zhang Deming's thoughts flickered, the disciple had already completed his promotion without any pressure, and had also directly completed the rune condensation of Tai Chi Life. His cultivation had almost reached Tai Chi Second Life before he could stop.

After the other party completed his enlightenment, he immediately saluted in the direction of Zhang Deming and said: "Disciple, thank you Master Zhang for your kindness in enlightening the Dao. Master's kindness will be engraved in my heart."

Following his words, everyone looked at the floating island where Zhang Deming was.

Zhang Deming came back to his senses, paused, and said: "It doesn't matter, it's just your fate! If you can directly realize the Tao and be promoted, your future journey should be much easier. Cherish this hard-won opportunity!"

"Disciples will cherish it!" the other party said with emotion. He was obviously a senior outer disciple with a story to tell.

During the question and answer period between the two, the entire sky was unusually quiet, and many disciples looked at Zhang Deming with glints in their eyes. At this moment, the photo of his promotion announcement seemed a little more believable.

In the Tianyu Floating Island Group, several people from Shang Tingjie frowned.

Originally, Enlightenment promotion was their trump card in the future, used to open the Rank Two stage. For this reason, they asked Mysterious Man No. 3 to prepare a special Enlightenment Tool to open up the road to intelligent runes, which will become popular in the future. Hongmeng prepares.

Unexpectedly, now that we have just started, someone has enlightened...

Even if their tool men gain enlightenment and promotion in the future, the effect will be reduced. After all, the difference in attention between the first and second enlightenment promotions is still very big.

And what if the tool people didn't realize the Tao and just published some novel Taoism? Oh, under the current situation, they won't be able to speculate in the future!

This situation made everyone in Tianyu feel gloomy for a time.

"Sigh... When I first met this person and found out that he knew so much about our Tianyu Technology and even Humanities, I had a bad premonition, and now it seems that it is going to come true!" Shang Tingjie looked at it. One by one, the disciples kept making breakthroughs and spoke.

Yu Guang heard this and answered: "Yes, this scene should be no less than the sermons given by the ancestors who have been together in their blessed Sacred Land for thousands of years!"

"Haha, just speaking of the benefits to low-level disciples, this man is even more beneficial. From his words, it can be heard that he has touched the essence of the birth of various technologies in our Tianyu!

As a monk, I clearly understand the essence of this. For us Tianyu, such people are simply a big trouble! "Shang Tingjie said.

"Captain, you are a bit over-worried. It is true that technology comes from life, but today's technology is completely higher than life!" Yu Guang said not agreeing.

"But with the information we gave you, it won't be too difficult!" Shang Tingjie said coldly.

Yu Guang's expression paused, he looked over this matter! After a moment of silence, he said: "It's useless to think so much. Let's take care of the present first. If it's really not possible, you can contact the headquarters after you're done, and try the field department. You can rob or kill him."

Shang Tingjie was slightly stunned, not answering, but looking down.

At this moment, the discussion below is becoming more and more popular, and more and more disciples are participating, completely opening up the so-called national discussion.

After understanding what communication is and the essence of communication one by one, they began to extend to all aspects, and the sparks of thinking continued to spread and burn.


Zhang Deming clicked on the light screen, and at a glance, the Taoist points were: 10045

Zhang Deming: "······"

This Nima Yuling Dzi thinks highly of him so much? Excluding fifty points, well, five points were used in the end, which should be forty-five basic points, but ten thousand points were directly given to him?

How satisfied do you have to be to have such a Taoist change? Isn't it possible that the Spiritual Education Dao captured and connected the Communication Dao in the Dao Network?

If this were the spirit-nurturing Dzi Bead itself, how many times would he come and abduct the other party? Looking at the total of 10,000 points, Zhang Deming fell into chaotic thoughts.

In this way, three days passed in a flash, and the discussion of the Dao of Communication is almost done, and a big change is planned for the next step. It is estimated that after the photos of the Dao Discussion will spread, it will slowly ferment.

Three days of non-stop discussion had little impact on some disciples and a group of elders.

But for the most numerous subjects, the group of senior apprentices, it was already very tiring. It's just like ordinary students who have four classes together and engage in activities for a long time.

Therefore, as the head teacher Dang Jun'an announced the end of the first topic of this discussion, most of the people turned into streamers and returned to their positions before the opening with a little inspiration.

Of course, there are also those who stay on it and continue to write.

After resting for a day or two, they began to discuss the second topic, and so on. If the situation is good, they will discuss for about a month, and if the situation is not good, it will be about ten years.

Of course, the next time it won't start like today. When it is turned on next time, you only need to click on the aura in your hand to return to the original position.

As everyone came down, the entire sect became lively, and as the photos from the discussion meeting spread, the excitement spread to the surrounding areas of the sect.

The communication channel has formed a trend in a short period of time, just like the original "Hua Shu: Words", but now without the help of everyone from Tianyu, what waves can be caused depends on the influence of the communication channel itself.

After Zhang Deming left the conference, he was restrained and looked at the energy in the warehouse. Merit: 25.4, luck: 67.7, karma: 8.4.

The luck has increased by more than ten, and the merit has increased by more than one. That is to say, an exchange meeting opened. Because of his words, there are at least close to a hundred disciples of various enlightenment! ! !

This is just the beginning. As it ferments, there will only be more. When this exchange is over, he should have a great harvest of energy!

Looking at luck in his 60s, Zhang Deming didn't immediately start to improve the spells. There are still four loaded spells to reach the full spell level. There is no rush now, and we will do it together after the seminar is over.

I originally planned to say hello to Gan Zili and the others around me, and then go back to Feiquan Waterfall Tower to wait for the next discussion, but I was stopped by Gan Zili!

Several people left the square together. Zhang Deming asked as they walked: "Senior Brother Gan, do you have any orders?"

Gan Zili looked at Zhang Deming and said, "The finishing of Gengjin Secret Realm has been preliminarily completed. The opening is just around the corner, and with the arrival of the Luan family, I haven't had time to tell you."

Zhang Deming heard this and said with surprise: "Really?"

Gan Zili nodded, and said: "Well, my uncle said that this time, because of you, the Five Elements Secret Realm was preliminarily completed, and the Gengjin Core retained a little bit of the Grotto-Heaven attribute.

With this introduction, it will be of great benefit to the sect to prepare for the next Integrated Union secret realm, Grotto-Heaven. So no matter which direction you go, your contribution this time is not small. "

Zhang Deming smiled and said: "It's not my fault alone, Senior Brother Dang Ketao also contributed a lot."

"You're just a naughty guy. This guy's lover wants you to send him off without even looking at his last name." Gan Zili scolded with a smile.

Zhang Deming was startled, paused, and then immediately changed the subject and said, "Well, actually, my contribution is greater. Senior Brother Dang Ketao just made a splash!"

Several people who were traveling together paused. Yue Mengsheng glanced at Zhang Deming. Gu Liancai looked at Zhang Deming with a strange expression and said, "Junior brother, what about your face? Weren't you always cautious before? Now we have become so thick. Already?"

Zhang Deming looked at Gu Liancai with a serious look on his face, and said seriously: "As monks, we should do our duty and compete with God for our fate. This is my credit, why should I be so shameless?"

Gan Zili: "······"

Yue Mengsheng: "·······"

Gu Liancai's face twitched, looked at Zhang Deming's serious face, nodded and said: "Well, you can, I have nothing to say!"

"Ahem..." Gan Zili coughed before continuing: "Now that Grotto-Heaven has finished cleaning up, you have two parts of the credit this time.

The first part is the harvest in Grotto-Heaven, and the second part is the harvest in Grotto-Heaven itself. After careful consideration by the sect, the harvest in Grotto-Heaven is mainly Daozang, so it is up to you to choose what you want. "

Zhang Deming's expression moved slightly, and he said, "Is the Gengjin Sutra Pavilion still intact?"

Gan Zili nodded and said: "Well, it's even better than the Guishui Sutra Pavilion, and it was almost undamaged. Therefore, the Tianling Sutra Pavilion was extremely happy to have harvested Daozang from the first floor this time.

So the choice given to you is quite loose, you can choose from resources, contributions, and spells. However, since Dao Zang is the main harvester, the reward should be paid by the guardian of the pavilion.

So if you choose the technique, it should be much richer. If you choose anything else, you should be at a huge discount. After all, the people who keep the cabinet don't really have many other resources. Although they are not in short supply for their own use, they are definitely not a wealthy department.

In addition, you are now a popular person among the Pavilion Guards. Your contribution to the Pavilion Guards this year is worth the ten thousand years of magic development contribution of all the disciples of the sect.

So if you choose Daozang, I guess it should be open to you to choose. "

Zhang Deming didn't care much about resources. What he really cared about was the Geng Metal Sutra Pavilion. He immediately asked: "Is there a Rank Five technique that Geng Metal belongs to?"

Gan Zili was taken aback, looked at Zhang Deming and said, "You don't really want to collect all five sets of Rank Five exercises in the Five Elements Paradise, do you?

There have been many rumors about the Five Elements Secret Code in recent years, and many people have the rudimentary version of the Five Elements Cultivation Technique used by the disciples in the outer reaches of the Five Elements Blessed Land. After studying it for so many years, no one has discovered anything.

Therefore, the Integrated Union of this technique either lacks something crucial, or it is simply a rumor! Is it worth wasting two opportunities for this? "

Zhang Deming looked happy when he heard this and said, "So, is it true?"

Gan Zili looked at Zhang Deming, nodded silently, and said: "Yes, there is indeed a Rank Five exercise "Geng Jin Forging Method" this time. After research by the guardian, it should be the same as the other four. It is a set of five legendary core techniques.

This aroused the interest of the people guarding the cabinet, but the people in the main cabinet have been studying it for nearly a month without any gains, so... you'd better think twice. "

When Zhang Deming heard this, his face was full of joy, he nodded casually and said: "Yes, I understand."

Gan Zili paused slightly, looked at Zhang Deming's obviously perfunctory look, shook his head and continued: "As for the reward of the second Grotto-Heaven itself, the sect will give you two choices."

"What choice?" Zhang Deming asked.

"Either I will give you a certain amount of contribution, or I will allocate a piece of Grotto-Heaven territory to you." Gan Zili said.

Zhang Deming paused slightly and said in surprise: "Is it for building a Cave Mansion for me?"

Gan Zili shook his head and said: "How is it possible? Let alone the reward this time. As a Rank Four spiritual cultivator, if you need it, you can go to any of the six secret realms of our sect and build a Cave Mansion." Yes, no special reward is needed.

This territory means family territory, that is to say, after the five Grotto-Heaven Integrated Union, the sect will allocate a piece of territory to you as a private territory.

How you use it is also your own business. You can use it to build your family, or you can use it to cultivate spiritual fields and cultivate your own assets."

Zhang Deming's eyes lit up and he said: "With such an option, as long as you're not stupid, there's no point in choosing it!"

Gan Zili said with a smile: "But when choosing a site, there will be a lot of things to review. Even if it is completed, it should take some years. After all, the five secret realms have been busy with the Integrated Union."

Zhang Deming waved his hand and said: "It doesn't matter, I don't intend to get involved in the world of mortals now anyway."

"You mean you still have plans to be a stallion in the future?" Gu Liancai interrupted.

"Ahem..." Zhang Deming coughed for a while, glanced at Yue Mengsheng from the corner of his eye, and then said to Gu Liancai: "Senior Brother Gu, your ability to understand is getting worse and worse. Don't plan to do it now." Are you going to contribute to the development of the sect after being stained by the world of mortals? Why are you so superficial!"

"Heh..." Gu Liancai sneered.

Zhang Deming didn't wait for the other party to continue speaking, and quickly saluted Gan Zi: "Senior brother, do you have anything else to do?"

Gan Zili shook his head and said, "No, these are the main things I want to say."

"So, is Sutra Pavilion still open these days?" Zhang Deming asked.

Gan Zili said: "Of course it will happen. During the conference, many departments were not functioning well, but not many of the Sutra Pavilion guards showed up to attend the conference. How could it be that they were not functioning?"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Deming immediately said: "Then I will take the first step."

After saying this, the wings appeared on his back, and he rose into the sky, flying towards Tianling Peak.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Even if you are very interested in the Five Elements Kung Fu and you have got them all, don't you have to study it slowly after the conference!" Gu Liancai complained.

Yue Mengsheng said: "If you say less, maybe I won't have to rush to Sutra Pavilion."

Gan Zili nodded and Transcendent Level agreed: "I think so too."

Gu Liancai said speechlessly: "What does it have to do with me? It's obviously him who is so anxious."

Yue Mengsheng and Yue Mengsheng paused slightly, and even the other two people standing together also paused. The four of them looked at each other and walked away, leaving Gu Liancai alone in a tacit understanding, standing there in confusion.


This is Zhang Deming's third visit to Tianling Sutra Pavilion. After the last time, he didn't care about this place that much anymore.

Well, at least I'm not obsessed with it. The level of concern I have now is, at best, no more than that of ordinary disciples! ! !

One person skillfully flew to the top of Tianling Peak. Now during the conference, the protection everywhere was fully activated. Zhang Deming's identity jade pendant flashed around his waist, and he passed through the formations everywhere without any hindrance.

It has to be said that the active identification of the Peak Master's identity jade is more convenient than the passive reading of the identity card.

After Zhang Deming passed through the layers of protection, he came to the Sutra Pavilion. The person guarding the pavilion was still Dang Mengfu. This time, strangely, he didn't read the script, but seemed to be studying advanced exercises with his hands on it.

Because of the peculiar Dao Yun, Zhang Deming could feel it from afar. It was at least the unique aura of the Rank Four Dao Zang Kung Fu.

When Zhang Deming arrived, the other party looked up in surprise, obviously not expecting anyone to come during the conference.

When he looked up at Zhang Deming, he was stunned for a moment, showed a gentle smile, and said enthusiastically: "Junior brother Zhang, why are you here at this time, but you have nothing to gain from the conference?"

Zhang Deming paused for a moment, shook his head and said, "No, I just finished the first discussion and was notified that the rewards would be distributed, so I couldn't wait to come here."

"Haha." Dang Mengfu chuckled and said casually: "It seems that you, Junior Brother Zhang, are also very fond of studying magic. Why don't you consider coming here as the guardian of the pavilion? As long as you are willing, the master of the pavilion will definitely There won’t be any hesitation.”

Zhang Deming paused for a moment, shook his head, and said: "Forget it, thank you for your kindness, senior brother. I have a pretty good life at Yuling Peak! Besides, if I really come to the Pavilion Keepers, your Pavilion Keepers headquarters will be here tomorrow. We have to blow up the pot, and without the help of others, Senior Brother Gu will cause a stir on your side!"

"Junior brother Zhang, do you think we, the guardians of the cabinet, are no match for Yu Lingfeng?" Dang Mengfu looked at Zhang Deming with a half-smile.

Ah! I will never look down upon librarians in the spiritual world!

Zhang Deming smiled and replied: "Senior Brother Dang, I don't know which disciple in this sect has the strongest fighting skills, but in the sect, when we make trouble under the supervision of the law enforcement team, I think Senior Brother Gu is still very good. !

Don't talk about anything else, if Senior Brother Gu knows what we just said, I think your Pavilion Guards headquarters will be noisy and lively for another year or two. "

"Eh...cough cough..." Dang Mengfu was reminded by Zhang Deming, only to realize that poaching people is not a fight, paused, and directly changed the subject: "Mr. Zhang, you What are you going to choose this time?”

Zhang Deming said: "I still have ten permissions this time?"

Dang Mengfu nodded and said: "Yes, once you enter the Sutra Pavilion, you can choose up to ten books. This core basic rule remains unchanged. But junior brother, you can use all Sutra Pavilions this time, without any restrictions on the selection of spells. Law."

Zhang Deming's expression changed and he said, "Is it really unrestricted?"

Dang Mengfu nodded and affirmed: "There are no restrictions. You can read whatever you want and learn whatever you want. I have no objections except giving regular opinions."

Zhang Deming pointedly said: "There won't be something that can't be opened, or there will be a 'fault' in the directory, right?"

Dang Mengfu's face twitched, and he shook his head and said: "No, all the technical 'faults' in the main cabinet have been fixed!"

Zhang Deming was overjoyed when he heard this and said: "Then thank you Senior Brother Dang in advance!"

After saying this, Zhang Deming turned around impatiently and entered the dome hall of Tianling Sutra Pavilion with a little inspiration from his fingertips.

As he entered, an illusory tome catalog appeared in front of Zhang Deming.

Zhang Deming first came to the exercise area, and turned to the Apex Level exercise directory area. Now Heavenly Spirit Sect already has six Rank Five exercises. Just talking about the hidden background, it is definitely among the best in the door.

The entire Rank Five exercise catalog page, there are six volumes in total, namely: "Heavenly Heart Sutra", "Kuishui Yuzhen Method", "Aoki Soul Refining Method", "Wu Earth Storage Qi Method", "Li Huo Cultivating Body" Method", "Geng Jin Forging Method"

The five five-element exercises, in addition to Guishui, respectively correspond to essence, qi, spirit, and body, the four cores of Taoism. As far as the naming alone is concerned, it can be seen that it is obviously a set.

In addition, there is a big blessing, there is no Rank Six exercise, as the former Apex Level blessing, it is obviously wrong, it is no wonder that there are many rumors of the Five Elements Secret Code.

Looking at the catalogue, Zhang Deming was a little excited about the "Gengjin Forging and Refining Method". With this book, his Five Elements Secret Manual was completely completed!

He already has a book of exercises. Classics are the top skills in Hongmeng, and classics are something that only the blessed land Sacred Land is qualified to have.

As for sutra-level... Occasionally, there is a top monk who is successful in magic arts, but sutra skills... that is all in the legend, even if someone gets it, they will definitely be covered to death .

Zhang Deming's excited fingers trembled slightly, and he lightly pointed at the "Gengjin Calcination Method". At the top of the exercise area, a book of exercises full of rich Taoism floated in front of Zhang Deming's eyes.

Opening up the exercises, he has practiced the Five Elements Secret Code of the Four Methods Integrated Union, so don't be too familiar with its methods. Opening the book, Zhang Deming can feel the familiar breath rushing towards his face.

With just this feeling, Zhang Deming knew it without even looking at the content. The last book of his Five Elements Secret Book was now completely ready.

Feeling that due to the unique Tao Yun influence of the "Gengjin Forging Method", the spiritual power in the body has been slightly accelerated, Zhang Deming couldn't suppress the joy on his face. If it weren't for being in the Sutra Pavilion, he would really want to look up to the sky and laugh like crazy.


It took a long time for Zhang Deming to suppress his excitement and put away the "Gengjin Jingjing Method". Although he wanted to go back to Feiquan Waterfall Building and start trying the Integrated Union method, there was no rush. There were nine books to choose from, and there was no limit. ······

After Zhang Deming put away the exercises, he quickly flipped the catalog to the back.

Thirty-six methods of Tiangang and seventy-two methods of earth evil.

Looking at the sub-volume titles in the table of contents, Zhang Deming flipped down a little excitedly, and this time, he finally opened it again. The style of the previous catalog is completely different, and each page after that has only one introduction.

Disha: Call for magic

Affiliation: Shinto

Status: Deprecated


The first spell in the opening chapter came into view, and Zhang Deming slowly scrolled down. After flipping through several pages in a row, Zhang Deming continued to turn down when he had everything in his sleeves.

Earth Sha: The power of incense and fire (the core technique of Shinto)

Affiliation: Shinto

Status: Deprecated


It is another book of Shinto spells, but it is normal. After Shinto is abolished, the spells that Shinto belongs to become collection-type spells, and they can only be reduced to useless collections at advanced levels. Therefore, even if they belong to Tiangangdisha, they are not I don’t cherish it much anymore.

As a member of Hongmeng Apex Level's big force, it is not too troublesome to collect these.

Disha: Inheritance

Affiliation: inheritance path

Status: Not favorited


I flipped through several pages in a row, and found that they were either abolished or not collected, which made Zhang Deming less excited and angry. After turning the page again, Zhang Deming's eyes lit up.

Tiangang: Hot Wheels

Affiliation: Fenghu Escape Road

Status: Readable

Positioning: fleeing, flying away, fighting

Effect: Forge a weapon with magic, combine it with your natal Law Weapon, and use the basic runes of magic to create two wheels of wind and fire, which can fly into the sky and escape to the earth, and are hard to find thousands of miles away.

Note: This is the Apex Level fire path, a variant development technique of Sanwei Zhenhuo. You can enter this path with the earth evil technique "Sanwei Zhenhuo", and become a top Divine Ability monk in the speed path.

It seems that this is what Gu Liancheng has been practicing for a long time. What a hot wheel!

Zhang Deming looked at the readable option and pointed at it without hesitation. A simple book with a red cover flew out. The spell book seemed to be filled with heat waves, and the entire dome shook slightly.

Dang Mengfu, who was guarding the cabinet, raised his head and glanced at Zhang Deming, shook his head, ignored it, and continued to study his own.

Looking at the red book, Zhang Deming glanced at it, put it away first, and continued to flip through the catalog.

Tiangang: Somersault Cloud

Belongs to: Escape Path

Status: Not favorited


Tsk tsk... This is one of the most famous escape arts among the escape arts. It can fly thousands of miles away, but it ranks third in the Hongmeng Escape Technique!

By the way, the classification of Hongmeng's Tiangang Disha is based on the type of spells, not the strength of the spells.

In other words, Tiangang is not stronger than Earthly Evil. On the contrary, ordinary monks hope to obtain Earthly Evil's technique more than Tiangang.


The reason why Tiangang is divided into Tiangang is because, among the one hundred and eight techniques, thirty-six techniques start from the direct magic level and cannot be used as Dao Foundation, so they are called Tiangang techniques.

The remaining seventy-two techniques all start from Rank Two. They can be used as Dao Foundation to condense the core of runes, so they are called Earth Evil Techniques.

(end of this chapter)

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