Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 364 The Fifth Discussion

Chapter 364 The Fifth Discussion

Luan Zhihao shook his head and said: "It's not that there's a problem, it just feels wrong. It feels different from the past after using the beads. I always feel that something is not right."

Everyone was stunned and looked at the nine enlightenment disciples, and everyone fell into silence.

"It seems... too pure!" The only apprentice among the nine enlightenment disciples said weakly.

After he finished speaking, the remaining eight people all turned their heads and looked at him blankly.

The disciple's face froze for a moment, thinking that he had said something wrong, and immediately said: "Disciple has never seen the world, so you master uncles and master uncles can just fart like disciples!"

"No, what did you just say?" An enlightened Liangyi disciple looked at him and said seriously.

The apprentice paused and said: "Well, I have just become a disciple of Enlightenment not long ago, and the beads I tested before were all the beads of my uncles who were just starting to become spiritual masters, and they were all at the entry-level proficiency level.

Therefore, every time I use the beads, there will be a lot of messy Taoist thoughts left in my mind, and I need to retreat for half a month to eliminate the influence.

But this time there was almost none. The only thing that contained personal tendencies, that is, the experience of learning magic techniques, could not be regarded as messy information... so the disciple said... it was too pure. "

Luan Zhihao looked at each other at this time and said: "Yes, it's just too pure, it's just..."

Perhaps because the words were too shocking, Luan Zhihao did not continue. Ao Hongen, another enlightened person with three talents, answered: "It is simply purer than the beads of Master Luan's uncle in the palace!"

Luan Zhihao and Ao Hongen looked at each other with surprised expressions on their faces, then turned to look at Bai Shiqing and others, saying, "Which master did you ask to make these beads?"

When Bai Shiqing and others heard this, they were all shocked. Although everyone had high expectations for this bead, it could make two three-talented masters call themselves masters and uncles, and their surname was Luan.

In their Bailing Yuling Palace, there seems to be only one person who is satisfied, and that is Luan Shugang, the leading spiritual cultivator of the Bailing Yuling Palace, the deputy palace master of this palace, the boss of the Five Elements, and ranked high in the Luan family.

Bai Shiqing and the others looked at each other in confusion, and they all spoke vaguely. None of them wanted to reveal any information in advance before figuring out the matter clearly.

Luan Zhihao and Ao Hongen were stunned and said, "It seems that your test, nephew Bai, is not over yet. Let's wait until you finish!"

When Bai Shiqing and others heard this, they all heaved a sigh of relief. Although they were spiritual cultivators, the other party was Uncle Sancai, and there was another person named Luan. If they really wanted to cause trouble, they might not be able to suppress it.

If the other party can do this, it is obviously a great honor to them and they are trying their best to make good friends with them.

"Yes, thank you, Uncle Master. I will report it as soon as possible after the test is completed." Bai Shiqing replied after thinking.

The twenty Enlightenment disciples and a group of spiritual cultivators all had different expressions at this moment, not knowing what to think about.


Zhang Deming looked at the picture of the sky. It was not until the picture finished playing and flickered into nine light spots for a long time that he came back to his senses.

‘Is this...someone testing the soul-nurturing beads he sold? Why? Because it is a high-quality spirit-nurturing bead?

In this case, there is nothing to worry about. After all, they will have to label him as a high-quality product in the future, and they will only know that he is a high-quality spiritual cultivator.

Or because of the success rate?

But didn’t he deliberately put a lot of personal insights into it?

Damn it, what does it feel like if someone else made a spirit-nurturing bead? '

Because spiritual cultivators cannot use spiritual cultivating beads, Zhang Deming can only selectively add some of his own messy magical insights into the standard version based on the descriptions of his disciples, in order to reduce the quality.

Zhang Deming thought for a long time and didn't have much clue. He didn't do anything rashly. After all, this was his core foundation.

He just followed Luan Zhihao, the three-talented monk who had realized Taoism, and watched quietly through the perspective of light spots. Watch him with the light of stars.

"This seems to be the Yuling Palace?"

Zhang Deming had passed through a lot of information in the reference room, and the photos of Bailing Yuling Palace were not uncommon in the reference room. Therefore, Zhang Deming found out where the incident happened in a moment.

‘So his spirit-nurturing beads have attracted the attention of anyone in the spirit-nurturing Sacred Land? ’ Thoughts flashed through Zhang Deming’s mind. If it were before, this situation would definitely be enough for him to face a powerful enemy.

But now, his identity is different, and sometimes it is not an exaggeration to say that the entire Heavenly Spirit Sect is on his side. Moreover, the pit of reincarnation has been filled by the combined efforts of him and the sect.

His twenty-two points of spiritual root talent is no longer a fundamental problem, and he is not afraid of people finding abnormalities, so this is not necessarily a bad thing, it may be a good thing.

Therefore, after Zhang Deming initially figured out the situation, he reached out and marked these light spots while he was thinking, especially the light spots of the two Sancai monks. He marked it out and made it a target of special attention, and stopped staring at it.

Because he has been in the spirit-nurturing space for most of the day, the outer sect's discussion meeting is about to begin.

After processing this, Zhang Deming glanced at the several marked light spots in the sky again, and took a step into the spiritual cultivation space.


Zhang Deming left the spirit-nurturing space and looked at the time. It was already midnight. He originally planned to go to the Wutu Secret Realm, but it seemed that he would only go after this discussion, so Zhang Deming chose to hang up and make beads.

There was nothing to say all night, and time flew by to the next morning.

As the formation talisman on the back of his hand flashed, Zhang Deming came outside the building, reached out and tapped the formation talisman on the back of his hand. His figure turned into a stream of light again and appeared among the floating islands in the sky.

As everyone returned to the sky, the floating island rotated slightly, marking the opening of the conference again. This time, the first sound was a burst of light music, pure music, no one sang.

As the music played, the figures of Fang Jixiang and several disciples from the Formation Department quietly emerged.

When Zhang Deming saw Fang Jixiang, he was slightly startled.

‘What is this for? Could it be that Fang Jixiang, an otaku cultivator, is actually depressed at heart, so he has a minor in music and dance? '

There are many disciples who are familiar with Fang Jixiang in the sky, and many of them have the same idea as Zhang Deming. As his thoughts flickered, the light music suddenly changed to a beat of drums, a bit like a war drum.

With the sudden change in rhythm, Fang Jixiang and a group of disciples stretched out their hands, and the formation light curtain like a folded mirror rolled out from their hands. The entire floating island began to change, and faint space fluctuations radiated out. .

‘Is this... the development of space tendency in the trapped formation? Has the Formation Department made any breakthrough in its research on portals in the past few months? '

Zhang Deming was slightly startled, his neck could not help but stretch a little, his eyes flashed with light, and countless runes appeared.

"Haha, is Junior Brother Zhang sometimes surprised?" Gan Zili looked at Zhang Deming's reaction and said with a smile.

Zhang Deming didn't even look back. With the runes floating in his eyes, he carefully watched the rapid folding of the mirror light curtain below, and replied: "Is this the development of a space trap?"

Gan Zili shook his head and said: "It's just a little bit involved, and the sect's development in this area has just started.

Now it is just a forced replacement with the help of the power of the six-star formation of the Sect Protector Formation. If it is really possible to construct a space trap, why use a phantom formation to realize this floating island all over the sky.

Direct space construction can also make some faces for the sect, isn't it! I only found out about this a few days ago when I was discussing the opening ceremony of the monograph of the conference. "

Zhang Deming was stunned and said: "That's also very good, the development of formations, space-oriented trapping formations, teleportation-oriented trapping formations, etc., whether from the perspective of the power of spells or the difficulty of spell development. On the surface, it is not much weaker than such high-level paths as Xin Shen Dao."

Gan Zili nodded and said: "Indeed, the achievements of this Formation Department over the years are quite good. Otherwise, several great elders in the sect would not have directly communicated between the two realms without going through the level-by-level councils of each department. It will be assigned to the Formation Department.

Seeing what the uncles mean, they want to take advantage of this wind to support the formation department and separate out the resources department and sundries department. "

Zhang Deming asked in surprise: "The fifth core department? Isn't this a rumor?"

Gan Zili nodded, and said: "It should mean that, mainly because Junior Sister Geng from the Tianji Strategy Department calculated several times, and the sect's development has not been very good in recent years.

After many tests, a conclusion was reached, and the various ministries were asked to give up the profits to the disciples of the "poor family" who were not from aristocratic families in the sect.

But one by one, they couldn't bear to spit out the meat in their mouths. After several meetings, they only produced some leftovers.

It made the uncles a little speechless, but the three uncles couldn't say anything, after all, they were also the ancestors of the core four families.

Judging from the meaning of the uncles, it is probably to set up another core department, set up another stove, and let it out. "

"Well, what about the Fang Family of the Formation Department and the Ximen Family and Lu Family of the Weapon Refining Department?" Zhang Deming asked in surprise.

"They should not be moved, but after becoming a core department, their authority will not be increased much, and all the extra positions will be reserved for the children of poor families.

It should be absolute that the core five families will appear in the sect, but the core fifth family... it should be difficult to get up. There are many reasons for this. "Gan Zili said with an incomprehensible expression.

‘Haha... The four core families and even the Supreme Elders obviously don’t want another core family to appear in the sect. After all, the handicap is so big, it’s already occupied by four companies, isn’t it? This is the real sect...’

For the development of the sect, we can support the core departments, but the core family has no necessary relationship with the development of the sect. It is strange that this can appear easily.

Zhang Deming's thoughts flashed and he said with a smile: "This is not bad. Instead of cutting off the flesh of the four departments, it is better to start from scratch and give the so-called Independent Cultivator a new way for the poor people.

After all, there are a lot of people in the Miscellaneous Affairs Department, but in the main position, it is really difficult for Feifan's family to get along. "

Gan Zili smiled and said: "That's more or less what I mean. If it weren't for these various reasons, how could a department under the Miscellaneous Affairs Department monopolize all the topics of such a grand event."

Zhang Deming didn't answer any more, his mind flickered as he looked at the changes below.


As a few people's spiritual power shone, in the square below, between the folding mirror light curtains, the entire central floating island square turned into a small canyon, and the venue was a physical one.

The sky full of low-level disciples just seemed novel, but after all, it was not as shocking as the sky full of floating islands. But the high-level monks' expressions became much more solemn, and the faint fluctuations in space represented too many things.

After the transformation of the canyon was completed, two direct disciples of Liangyi suddenly appeared in the canyon, one holding a sword and the other holding a jade flute. After the two emerged, they experienced a brief confrontation and began to fight.

Hmm... This fighting style is a bit... quite entertaining to watch, and its power... should be about the same as fireworks.

The techniques of both of them are extremely gorgeous, and some of them are simply better than those of the three-talented monks, but they are all embroidered pillows, so you can only look at them.

Zhang Deming looked at this scene and probably understood that this was a fighting ceremony specially prepared for low-level disciples. Because it looks good, it doesn't interest high-level monks at all.

But the low-level disciples all over the sky were fascinated by the 'fierce' and gorgeous fight between the two. With the sound of drums, their emotions were aroused, and they wanted to take their place.


In the end, the two of them collided with a gorgeous and dreamlike big move, causing the floating islands in the sky to shake before disappearing from the field.

Hmm...don't get me wrong, it was driven by the formation effect.


"Senior Brother Zhou is so cool..."

"Senior Brother Ximen is really handsome, and the Weapon Sword Cultivator is so dashing!"

"Where are they, they can't be seriously injured!"


The low-level disciples, one by one, were stunned for a moment as the final spell exploded, and then they let out various sighs and were unusually fascinated.

Gu Liancai shook his head, and without even clicking on the soundproof formation, he said: "It's better to have a dance with these flower stands. Who can't see this kind of thing? Isn't it embarrassing? The more the Ministry of Etiquette does, the more outrageous it is!"

Zhang Deming smiled and said: "I think it's pretty good. At least looking at the yearning of low-level disciples all over the sky, the effect is much better than that of a dance. As for the fake moves... there are a few real ones in the etiquette. Isn’t it just about appearance?”

Gu Liancai glanced at Zhang Deming and said, "Junior brother Zhang, you have also been led astray by this extraterrestrial custom. It is really not possible. Spiritual cultivators should be more down-to-earth."

"Senior Brother Gu, spiritual cultivators must keep up with the times, otherwise you will only be able to sell the Hot Wheels series of escape techniques!" Zhang Deming responded with a smile and no sign of weakness.

"Is this fancy thing just keeping up with the times? Are you afraid..."

Because Gu Liancai spoke suddenly and did not turn on the one-way sound isolation array, everyone listened.

Gu Lian just said this and didn't know what he was going to say, but before he could say it, he was stopped by the glare from the Dang Xiangjun in front of him, and he swallowed the rest of the words alive, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"Don't interfere with your teacher's opening!" Dang Xiangjun said.

Gu Liancai: "······"

He looked at Dang Xiangjun, then at Dang Jun'an, who was floating down, and shut his mouth resolutely. The matter of Wang Huifeng hadn't been settled yet, so he accepted it with humiliation.

Zhang Deming shut up silently when he saw Gu Lian, with a smile on his face, there are not many times when he is so cheap. With a smile all over his face, he happened to meet Dang Xiangjun's gaze.

"What are you laughing at, do you feel that this argument didn't come to you, and you want to run down to help Tianyu to make an argument?" Dang Xiangjun said.

"Eh..." Zhang Deming's smile froze, he silently put away his smile, and looked down expressionlessly.

Gu Liancai, who lowered his head, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and secretly glanced at Zhang Deming.

Dang Xiangjun shook his head and whispered, "Everyone is getting older and younger!"

Zhang Deming: "······"

Gu Liancai: "······"


Below, with the end of the ornamental fighting skills, Fang Jixiang and others also received their skills, and the floating island turned into a square.

After everyone disappeared, Dang Xiangjun's figure emerged from it. He paused for a moment, and waited for the low-level disciples all over the sky to recover from the fight just now, and then said skillfully: "Fellow Daoists, everyone! My fellow disciples, I am a Dang Junan!"

After saying this, he saluted the monks all over the sky, and many people nodded in response.

"It's another round of discussion. Earlier we talked about communication, the separation of human beings, and the way of tools. When our thoughts collide, we have opened up a new direction for the formation of tools, and opened up a new direction for Hongmeng's future. new road.

I think many disciples have gained something, and even many Fellow Daoists should be quite touched...

After four theories, it is now the fifth one. This thesis belongs to Tianyu's topic, and it is also Tianyu's unilateral last one.

What are they going to talk about?

To be honest, I don’t know either!

After all, before starting the topic, the two of us only exchanged our intentions at the initial stage.

Then I won’t take up everyone’s time. Let’s invite Tianyu’s Fellow Daoist to open the fifth topic for us. "

After Dang Xiangjun finished speaking, his figure slowly disappeared, and Shang Tingjie's figure reappeared. He looked at the monks in the sky and said:

"We have experienced more than a dozen door-to-door visits, and we have also experienced a lot of exchanges between the two worlds, but a grand event with such an effect as Heavenly Spirit Sect is still rare. I have to say that Heavenly Spirit Sect is really outstanding."

Shang Tingjie gave a rare compliment, and many of the leaders of Heavenly Spirit Sect responded with smiles and slight nods.

"After four quick discussions, the conference is already halfway through. I, Tianyu, discussed communications and teleportation, but they only partially fit with the theme of this conference.

Although it cannot be said that the discussion is biased, it is also somewhat unfamiliar. Therefore, after many discussions, we temporarily decided to slightly modify this fifth thesis.

In this fifth round, our Tianyu topic is: Code - Basics of Runes! "

Zhang Deming's eyes flashed, Tianyu... couldn't sit still anymore, should he start preparing for the future? Haha, I thought it would take the seventh round to start.

Zhang Deming's thoughts flickered and he turned his head to look at the island group of outer disciples.


ps1: It’s Chinese New Year, and Weiwei wishes everyone peace and all the best! I wish all book friends a successful career and good fortune in the new year!

ps2: I saw some people saying that the group cannot be found, here is a reminder, it is at the bottom of the introduction!

(end of this chapter)

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