Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 365 Confidence And Jinggu Liancai!

Chapter 365 Confidence and Jinggu Liancai!

As Zhang Deming's thoughts flashed, Shang Tingjie below smiled and said: "But I am not a professional in battle formation, so this discussion will be completed by the person in charge of our fleet formation - Yu Guanglai."

As he spoke, Yu Guang's figure appeared, Shang Tingjie's figure disappeared, and the two completed the exchange.

"Hello everyone, I am Yu Guang!" Yu Guang looked at the monks all over the sky and said simply with a slight salute.

After saying hello, he no longer hesitated and started talking very directly.

"Everyone knows that the starting point of my Tianyu Formation, that is, the code, is completely different from the starting point of the Hongmeng Rune Formation.

Hongmeng rises and reality, starts with reality, and also affects reality. From the beginning to the end, you are affecting reality with the quantum rune array. Even illusions are based on illusions of reality.

It is said to be an illusion array, but it is also an illusion, but it does not focus on virtuality, but uses illusion to affect reality.

Our Tianyu Formation is completely opposite. Our code originates from reality and comes from ordinary text. But in the end, it was born in virtuality, and it explored and moved forward in virtuality to achieve travel.

Then after a long period of development and evolution, the quantum rune array and quantum system were created in an attempt to return to reality and influence reality.

Because these fundamentally different origins and development processes determine the fundamental difference between our two realms. Over the years, we have also been striving to learn Hongmeng Formation and improve the quantum formation system..."

Listening to Shang Tingjie's words, Zhang Deming looked at the floating island area at the outer door, his eyes flickered slightly, and he entered the spirit-nurturing space with a restrained mind.

Rune Summoning: Spirit-nurturing Vine Demon Summoning Technique ●Qu Qingxian!

Rune Summoning: Spirit-nurturing Vine Demon Summoning Technique ●Dragon Turtle!

Zhang Deming waved his hand, and two light groups emerged. Integrated Union became a light group, and after rapid stretching, it turned into the appearance of Xing Lao.

After the transformation was completed, Zhang Deming's consciousness was directly integrated into Xing Lao's body, and then he waved to the stars in the sky.

Xu Weihai's light spots flew down, Zhang Deming touched it gently, and a passage emerged.

Xing Lao looked at the passage and plunged in.


Most of the floating islands in the sky and outer gate are high-level apprentices, and occasionally there are one or two intermediate apprentices with special status among them.

As a disciple of Xiao Huifeng, Xu Weihai is at the forefront of the floating island group.

As Yu Guang started his argument, his eyes lit up, showing hesitation. He looked at his own points: 125, and then looked at the points requirement for the next refutation of this article: 90.

For a senior apprentice, especially an outer disciple, his points are definitely outstanding. You must know that this is only after the last discount.

In other words, he didn't participate in many discussions, but he definitely made a lot of comments on the exclusive light screen on his desk, and many of them even attracted responses from the Spirit-nurturing Dzi Bead. It can be seen from this that the small stove Xing Lao gave him over the past year has not been in vain.

He looked at his points, which were enough for one dismissal, and listened to Yu Guang's argument slowly coming to an end. He hesitated a little, wondering whether he should dismiss himself.

After all, he has participated in many discussions and published many discussions, but he has never come to an end. Being stared at by so many fellow disciples, uncles and masters, it was impossible for a little transparent person not to feel panicked and frightened.

If you screw up at the beginning, then... and now it's close to the seventh chapter, if you use points now, you won't be able to save them later, and then...

Before he could figure out the ending, the discussion below had already come to an end. At this time, Xu Weihai was stunned, his twinkling eyes lost focus, and his pupils were slightly dilated.


He suddenly felt the scene change, and came directly from the floating islands in the sky to a vast white space. This is the second time he has come to such a place. The first time is when the small pendant appears again after disappearing.

The space was completely white, and he didn't know where it was. Apart from him, there was only one figure floating in the entire space.

The moment he looked at the figure, Xu Weihai immediately saluted and said, "Disciple has seen Mr. Xing!"

Xing Lao nodded and said: "It's been a year, and I have given you all kinds of obstacles in private for this time. Now it's time to test your quality."

Xu Weihai paused slightly when he heard this, looked at Mr. Xing and said, "Mr.

Mr. Not a bad thing.”

Xu Weihai has listened to many of Mr. Xing's classes in the past year and knows his temper, so he directly said: "This disciple is afraid of stage fright..."

Xing Lao said calmly: "Then what will happen to your true body, I will sweep the formation for you!"

When Xu Weihai heard this, he said in surprise: "Disciple understands!"

Xing Lao nodded calmly and said: "Go!"


As he spoke, Xu Weihai fell into a trance again, and his figure disappeared into the space. When he came to his senses again, he returned to his own small floating island, still sitting in the same place.

It’s a long story, but actually it was completed in just a few moments because of the spiritual communication in the consciousness space. So after he came to his senses, he looked down and saw Yu Guang making his final conclusion.

"·······Therefore, although the Rune Formation Path and the Code Formation Path are both based on character compilation rules, due to these factors, there are great similarities between the two paths, but there are also essential differences."

As Yu Guang finished his argument, the private light curtains all over the floating island lit up, marking the beginning of the refutation phase and the end of the argument.

However, because this treatise involves code arrays, some disciples are not familiar with it, and more disciples are a little confused, so the sky fell into a brief silence.

Although Xu Weihai was extremely uneasy at this time, he felt a little more confident with Mr. Xing backing him up. He hesitated, took a deep breath, stretched out his hand and tapped the light screen in front of him.

With his gentle touch, his personal floating island turned into a round platform, supporting him as he floated down.

In every discussion, there will be a slight vacuum after the opening discussion, including the fourth discussion by Zhang Deming.

Usually there are dedicated disciples who take over the responsibility and serve as a warm-up. Both Tianyu Federation and Heavenly Spirit Sect have them. But for this discussion, Xu Weihai went down before these people even set off.

Countless eyes were fixed on the figure that suddenly floated down. They all had different expressions when they discovered that it was actually an apprentice.


"Is this the area for outer disciples? This Dao seminar is too active, or are these disciples just born calves not afraid of tigers?"

Gu Liancai learned the lesson from the last time. He reached out and lit a light curtain, covering the four people at Yuling Peak, and then said in surprise.

"This should be a good thing! These outer sect disciples dare to start and end. I think this discussion meeting was well organized." Zhang Deming replied.

"Just don't go down and embarrass yourself!" Gu Liancai looked down, without looking back, and said subconsciously.

Zhang Deming paused. Yue Mengsheng and Gan Zili both glanced at Gu Liancai. Gan Zili said, "Can you hope for something better?"

Only then did Gu Liancai turn around, glanced at Gan Zili, and said, "Brother, we have something to say. This argument serves as Tianyu's unilateral final statement and is the basis for the core argument of this conference.

Not to mention the outer sect disciples, but also the inner sect formation department, how many of them have figured out the code formation? "

Gan Zili: "······"

Zhang Deming's expression changed, his eyes flickered slightly, and he took the initiative to interject: "Senior Brother Gu, do you look down on low-level disciples?"

Gu Liancai raised his eyebrows and glanced at Zhang Deming and said, "Junior brother Zhang, don't create factions or sides for me. You weren't even born when I played this trick!

And I just said directly, ‘Look down on low-level disciples’, what can you do? With my status, it is no longer easy for him to use this trick of yours. "

Gan Zili: "······"

Zhang Deming paused and said with a smile: "Senior Brother Gu, you misunderstood. I wanted to make a bet with you, Senior Brother."

Gan Zili and Yue Mengsheng paused together and looked at Zhang Deming. Gu Liancai said: "What handicap do you want to open?"

Zhang Deming looked down, clicked on a light screen, displayed Xu Weihai's personal information, threw it in front of the three people, and said: "I don't want to make any handicap, let's bet on whether the disciple below is a senior brother. As you said, how about running away to embarrass others?"

"Junior Brother Zhang, do you think highly of him?" As he spoke, Gu Liancai began to look at Xu Weihai's information seriously.

Zhang Deming smiled and said: "There is nothing to be optimistic about. I just think that senior brother you should not be so negative about the low-level disciples of the sect."

Gu Liancai raised his head with an inexplicable expression, looked at Zhang Deming and said, "Junior brother Zhang, do you really want to use this method of assigning sides to argue with me?"

"Okay, it's my fault. So, Brother Gu, do you want to bet?" Zhang Deming said nonchalantly.

Gu Liancai did not answer immediately, but spent a full minute carefully reading all of Xu Weihai's information.

As a junior, he could browse the vast amount of information in the information room in just a day or two. It only took a full minute to read this bit of information from an outer disciple, which means that he not only carefully read every word, but also analyzed it back and forth.

"Have you ever had contact with the other party?" Gu Liancai asked with an incomprehensible expression.

Zhang Deming paused, his eyes were confused for a moment, and then said: "Oh, you mean this, it can't be considered as contact, at most it was just a casual tug when you saw him being punished.

Senior brother, if you are worried about this, don't worry. I haven't seen him since that time. What is recorded in this document is all my contact with him. "

"What do you want to bet on?" Gu Liancai asked after hearing this.

Zhang Deming smiled and said: "Wang Huifeng?"

Gu Liancai's face twitched, and his face turned a little dark, and he said: "It's not over yet, right? Let's just bet. If any of us loses, don't go to Wanghuifeng to be a temporary peak master, and become a labor reform disciple for one year..." ·”

Yue Mengsheng glanced at the two of them, especially at Zhang Deming's face. He paused for a moment, and said without waiting for Gu Lian to finish, "Keep watching, you talk a lot!"

Zhang Deming looked at Yue Mengsheng in astonishment, not expecting that Yue Mengsheng would help. Yue Mengsheng paused slightly and said: "That's about right, don't go too far."

Hearing this, Zhang Deming was about to nod his head, but Gu Liancai didn't realize who Yue Mengsheng's kindness was for. Instead, he said sourly: "This is all helpful. Senior brother, you should just ask Ling'er to come back and get married, so that we can become a family as soon as possible."

‘This guy is so awesome...’ Zhang Deming didn’t know what to say at this moment.

When Yue Mengsheng heard this, his eyes suddenly darkened, and he squinted and said: "Count me in, but if the conditions change, our peak will take the order and do the Pearl Labor Camp instead. This boss is not young anymore. It would be too shameful to go to Wanghuifeng, and it would also embarrass our peak." people."

Gu Liancai thought that his words had stimulated Yue Mengsheng, and he suddenly became more energetic and said: "Brother, where do you stand?"

"Haha..." Yue Mengsheng looked at him with a half-smile, the meaning was self-evident.

"Okay, let's decide on the share of the order for ten years. Whoever loses, not only will the other party have the final say on the order for the next ten years, but the income earned, after deducting the cost, will all go to the other party?" Gu Liancai said.

Judging from his skillful appearance, I think the three old guys have done this a lot in the past.

"Um...isn't this a bit too much?" Zhang Deming asked.

Ten years of share, you must know that it is at least hundreds of thousands of spirit stones flowing. In terms of net profit alone, it is also an income of hundreds of thousands of spirit stones, and it is still the profit from the exquisite materials provided by various departments of Yuling Peak.

This is close to Heavenly Spirit Sect's net spiritual stone income for more than half a year. Of course, for a large sect, not to mention transactions and resource flows, just talking about pure spiritual stone income is a bit rogue. After all, if a bunch of spiritual stones were left in the warehouse, this sect would be almost at an end.

But no matter what, a small bet involving hundreds of thousands of spirit stones is called reform through labor?

He is really good at cultivating spiritual masters!

This is what the three old men at Yulingfeng can do! In the Heavenly Spirit Sect, the three of them are definitely richer than the Supreme Elder, and of course the family treasury cannot be counted together.

"Junior Brother Zhang, your situation is special. You only have to pay 70% of the income from the bill, but how about I still have to designate the bill?" Gu Liancai replied immediately with a winning tone.


‘I’m afraid that if you lose too much and have a bad influence, you’ll pity me and accuse me of being poor, openly or secretly? I have such a bad temper! ! ! '

"Okay, let's bet for ten years!" Zhang Deming suddenly said expressionlessly.

Gu Liancai looked at Yue Mengsheng, and Yue Mengsheng said calmly: "You can ask for a hundred years, and I will accompany you. It just so happens that there are still some empty spaces in the storage room of my Cave Mansion."

"How about I add one too?" Gan Zili looked at Yue Mengsheng for a long time and then said hesitantly.

"Senior Brother Gan, I managed to earn some scattered spiritual stones, so please don't get involved..."

"I want to talk to Senior Brother Yue and Junior Brother Zhang!" Gan Zili said immediately without waiting for Gu Lian to finish.

Gu Liancai froze, feeling that something was wrong. It was true that he wanted to challenge everything, and it was true that his views were often very firm, but what did these three people mean by joining forces?

While thinking, he looked at the information in front of him again, and even used his authority to mobilize all the information on the secret group to make sure that he had not missed anything.

"What, Senior Brother Gu, do you want to give in? Don't worry, I won't laugh at you!" Zhang Deming said calmly.

After Yue Mengsheng and Gan Zili heard this, their inner thoughts were completely determined. They showed a faint smile and greeted Dao Integration in a rare way: "Yes, we will not laugh at you, just bow your head to us."

"Haha, I really thought that the three of you would win together. Yes, I made this bet with you! If one of you takes ten years, I can make thirty years of profits, not counting the scattered spiritual stones."

Gu Liancai was snatched away by three people and immediately responded. Although he is aggressive, he is not reckless. The only people who can make him act like this without careful consideration are the three people in front of him now.

After hearing this, the three of them looked at each other and smiled in unison, like weasels stealing chickens.


The three of them bet that at the same time, at the forefront of the Tianyu Federation Floating Island Group area, the members of the Navigation Bridge Council were located on the United Floating Island.

Everyone watched Xu Weihai's end. Those who knew the inside story frowned slightly at first, and then showed doubts on their faces, all looking at Shang Tingjie.

Hu Weiguang couldn't help but said: "Captain, this seems to be provided by... the mysterious person...?"

Shang Tingjie did not reply immediately. He took out a card-like piece of glass and tapped it twice. A simple Transcendent Level document with only one basic identity information, but marked as top secret, appeared on the glass piece.

He looked at the information, nodded and said: "Well, it is indeed the 'tool man' for enlightenment provided to us by 'Mysterious Man No. 3'."

After hearing this, several people frowned even more.

Hu Weiguang looked at Shang Tingjie with confusion and said, "Why did he show up now? Captain, did you make any special arrangements with 'Mysterious Man No. 3'?"

Shang Tingjie also frowned slightly, shook his head and said: "No, regarding the enlightenment of the 'tool man', 'Mysterious Man No. 3' said almost nothing except necessary information.

This person is very careful. Even if he contacted us, he only contacted us once last time. Weren't you all there? As for privately, I have no contact with him at all. "

"Don't know at all? Then how did we decide that he was the 'tool man' for enlightenment?" A member next to Hu Weiguang asked doubtfully.

Hu Weiguang glanced at the other party and said: "Our Sky Eye Parasite Nest Department and their mysterious man unit are completely unrelated departments, and their business has no overlap.

They are responsible for infiltrating and cultivating the "tool people" for enlightenment, and we are responsible for our discussion meeting. What people do now is just their duty.

The reason why we were able to meet the enlightenment 'tool man' in advance before the conference started in the last "Speech: Words" was entirely because the infiltrated member was not strong. "

At this point, Hu Weiguang paused. Seeing that Shang Tingjie did not stop him, he continued: "And after we left, all the belongings of the mysterious people in the Qingshui Temple area sank. Not to mention the ones that were preserved, they were retreated to the capital. No one quit."


ps: It’s the first day of the Lunar New Year and the New Year is here. Happy New Year everyone! Dear pirated book lovers, please subscribe and consider sending red envelopes to Weiwei!

(end of this chapter)

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