Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 4 Dianmao

Chapter 4: Morning Assembly

Zhang Deming spoke up, "Alright, let's stop here for today. We have to wake up early tomorrow and not delay the morning chores and morning assembly for everyone."

After saying that, one by one, they bid their farewells, leaving only Zong En beside him.

Zhang Deming looked at Zong En and said, "I'm going in too. I was too happy just now and didn't tidy up anything. I'm afraid a lot of things got wet. Fortunately, there isn't much moisture, so it shouldn't be too serious."

Zong En nodded and said, "Don't forget about our agreement for tomorrow."

Zhang Deming nodded in response, "Don't worry, now that our techniques have matured, we don't need to exert ourselves too much. It won't delay anything. You took half a year to go to the outer sect to receive rewards. It seems like you have already mastered the Minor Cloud and Rain Spell?"

Zong En smiled and nodded, "Not exactly. I just wanted to understand more and see what spells to choose next. After all, if nothing unexpected happens, this is the only opportunity to receive free spells during the apprentice period. That's why I delayed it for half a year. What about you?"

Zhang Deming smiled and said, "I have been practicing for eight years. I have thought about all of this countless times. I will probably choose one tomorrow as well. As for the specific choice, I haven't decided yet. I'll decide when the time comes."

After saying that, Zhang Deming went into the house.

The bedding in the room was already damp, but there wasn't much moisture, so it wasn't too serious. They just needed to dry the bedding later.

Many things around were slightly damp, but there was no major issue.

The only things to worry about in the room were the two books, the basic cultivation method and the Minor Cloud and Rain Spell. However, due to their ten years of experience, they had always been prepared for such situations.

The cultivation method book had always been kept in a small box.

The only thing that was taken out, the Minor Cloud and Rain Spell that was going to get wet, had disappeared because it was used as editing material.

So Zhang Deming just wiped away the moisture from various places and almost finished tidying up.

They had to thank their ten years of experience, otherwise it wouldn't have been so easy.

At this moment, after tidying up the room, Zhang Deming calmly sat on the bed.

His mind sank into his dantian, where there was only a faint spiritual energy cluster and a floating raindrop rune.

It represented the Minor Cloud and Rain Spell!

Looking at the raindrop rune, Zhang Deming lovingly touched it with his consciousness for a long time before withdrawing.

He called out the dark editing panel, and the warehouse was empty, with no changes in the help function.

Now that the Goldfinger was activated, in order to become stronger, the first thing to do was to figure out how to obtain energy.

Next, he needed to review and recall the professional knowledge he had forgotten for eighteen years, so that he wouldn't only be able to write simple plugins in the future and not even be able to create decent scripts, let alone software.

Looking at the blinking cursor in the editor, Zhang Deming fell into deep contemplation, his thoughts flying back to his previous life, to the endless ocean of code.

The next day, for the first time, Zhang Deming didn't wake up in the early morning of summer. Instead, he slept until morning and lazily got up when it was almost time for morning assembly.

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, he walked out, and at the same time, Zong En opened his room. The two of them looked at each other and said, "Good morning."

"Good morning."

Then, they smiled at each other.

After they finished washing up and arrived at the small square, it was almost time for morning assembly.

Most of the people had already gathered there. Zhang Deming looked at the more than twenty rice farmers on the small square. At this moment, most of them had already been working for half a day since they woke up in the middle of the night.

Exhaustion and hunger made them appear very tired.

When Zhang Deming and his group lazily arrived at the small square, they were met with envious and jealous gazes.

Looking at their exhausted appearance, Zhang Deming felt a sense of superiority arise within him. No wonder that guy, Zong En, had been showing off in front of him for half a year.

This feeling was indeed quite nice!

Suppressing his sense of superiority, Zhang Deming stood at the front of the line, in the fourth position.

Except for situations where someone left, the formation could only be changed when one's magical skills were cultivated.

Just as the group had finished adjusting their positions, Feng Mingyou, the steward of the rice field, arrived at the front of the line.

He first looked at the formation, specifically sizing up Zhang Deming, and said, "Congratulations to Zhang Deming on successfully cultivating his magical skills before the morning roll call. You're considered an old-timer now and haven't brought shame to our Little Qing Mountain rice field laborers."

Zhang Deming smiled and replied, "It's all thanks to your excellent cultivation and education, Steward Feng."

With a smile, Feng Mingyou continued, "Alright, enough with the flattery. According to the rules, as a first-time cultivator in the laborers' field, you will receive three spirit stones and a magical token. With the token, you can choose a low-level magical skill from the outer sect."

After speaking, Feng Mingyou waved his hand, and a small token and three thumb-sized spirit stones appeared in his hand.

Under the eager gazes of the crowd, Zhang Deming stepped forward and accepted the token and spirit stones.

After Zhang Deming put away the items, Feng Mingyou continued, "As for the reward skill, this is the only opportunity in the laborers' field. So before choosing a skill, you should carefully consider which one will be most beneficial to you in the future. Don't make a hasty decision. Over the past ten years, you must have seen many experiences and lessons. Even if you choose the right skill, you won't know when you'll be able to successfully cultivate it. But there must be some anticipation; otherwise, these days would be meaningless. Do you understand?"

Facing Feng Mingyou's advice, Zhang Deming nodded and said, "Thank you, Steward Feng. I understand."

With a smile, Feng Mingyou nodded and said, "Then let's begin today's morning roll call."

The morning roll call was actually just a formality to check everyone's presence, to prevent anyone from suddenly disappearing for several days and causing the spirit rice to wither.

After the roll call, it was breakfast time. The breakfast in the summer was very abundant, adjusted according to their schedule by the cafeteria.

After the morning's hard work, many people were already starving.

As soon as the roll call was finished, everyone rushed to the cafeteria.

Usually, Zhang Deming would be one of them, but today he and Zong En leisurely went to the cafeteria.

After slowly finishing breakfast, Zhang Deming and Zong En went to the rice field. By this time, most people had finished eating and were working overtime.

Just like Zong En did yesterday, Zhang Deming smiled and stood with his hands behind his back, in front of his spirit rice, and fetched two buckets of water.

His hands moved swiftly, chanting incantations, and activated the Minor Cloud and Rain Spell.

As two clouds formed about five or six meters above their heads, everyone who was carrying water would stop their work and watch the strands of spiritual rain fall with envy.

Seeing the radiant and spirited expressions on the faces of Zhang Deming and Zong En, everyone felt a sense of longing.

Year after year of hard work and cultivation in the laborers' field, for what?

Wasn't it to one day successfully cultivate their magical skills and release the years of stored energy within their bodies?

Wasn't it so that while everyone else was exhausted, they could laugh at them?

(End of this chapter)

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