Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 5 Sutra Pavilion

Chapter 5: Sutra Pavilion

When Zong En finished casting his spells, he turned his head and found that Zhang Deming had also finished.

He was taken aback, clearly not expecting Zhang Deming, who had just learned the spells yesterday, to be more proficient than himself after only half a year.

Looking seriously at this companion he had been with for several years, who had always been low-key, Zong En said, "Let's go, we'll go directly to the outer gate."

Zhang Deming, surprised, asked, "Isn't it in the afternoon?"

Zong En replied, "You were planning to choose spells too, right? I've already made up my mind. It doesn't matter if we go in the morning or afternoon. But since you haven't made a decision yet, it's better to go early. After all, the token can only be used to enter the Sutra Pavilion once. Going early will give you a day to carefully consider your choice."

Zhang Deming pondered for a moment. Although he already had a plan in mind, it seemed like a good idea to go early and take a closer look. Besides, he no longer needed to work so hard watering the plants.

"Alright, let's go," Zhang Deming said.

Both of them happened to have their tokens with them, so they didn't need to go back to retrieve them.

They immediately left Xiaoqing Mountain and headed towards the mountain peak of the outer gate.

As they left the valley of Xiaoqing Mountain and looked ahead, they saw a continuous range of mountains. The Heavenly Spirit Sect's mountain gate was located among these mountains.

The main peak was very high, forming the inner gate along with several other peaks in the vicinity.

Zhang Deming had never been there before. One reason was that he didn't have the opportunity, and the other was that it was difficult to climb up relying on his own two feet.

Because in the inner gate, flying or using transportation was not allowed, which was quite a tough situation.

Outside the inner gate were several peaks that formed the outer gate.

Beyond that were numerous miscellaneous peaks similar to Xiaoqing Mountain, most of them small in size. Countless small mountain ranges surrounded the main peaks.

Further out were countless villages and towns, surrounding the entire Heavenly Spirit Sect for survival.

The outer gate and the miscellaneous disciples were responsible for the daily care and operation of the mountain gate, providing for the daily needs of the inner gate. The villages and towns, in turn, provided for the numerous outer gate and miscellaneous disciples.

Heavenly Spirit Sect also provided them with a stable life, governing many surrounding areas.

As a result, many villages in the vicinity had some kind of relationship or entanglement with Heavenly Spirit Sect, whether it was in terms of business or blood ties, forming a fairly complete ecosystem.

The main peak of the outer gate was not directly adjacent to the inner gate's peaks, the tallest ones.

On the contrary, the outer gate's peaks were on the outermost periphery, among the numerous miscellaneous peaks, one of which was not tall but quite large.

Here, most of the daily affairs of the Heavenly Spirit Sect were handled, as well as ordinary receptions for outsiders and mundane matters.

Of course, any important matters would be sorted out and handed over to the inner gate.

For various reasons, it could be said that this was the most popular place in the Heavenly Spirit Sect.

Especially the food for the outer gate disciples of the miscellaneous disciples, which was mostly ordinary food.

Therefore, there were daily trades with the mundane world, making this place lively. The entire peak was very prosperous.

It had a natural difference from other peaceful and leisurely peaks.

As the two of them arrived here, as ordinary miscellaneous disciples, inconspicuously crossing over half of the peak, they passed by many places that were bustling.

On the way, Zhang Deming even heard a lot of gossip.

Such as a certain elder's talented disciple advancing to the Taiji realm, or which little genius had become close with someone else, all kinds of gossip and tabloid news.

These contrasts with the tranquility of Xiaoying Mountain, as if they were two different worlds.

It took them a full hour to reach a corner of the outer gate, which is one of the most important places in the outer gate.

The Sutra Pavilion of the outer gate is said to be guarded by disciples or elders with at least the cultivation level of the Taiji stage at all times.

In the Hongmeng cultivation realm, practitioners are divided into several stages.

Starting from the insignificant apprentice stage, the levels of practitioners are apprentice stage, Taiji stage, Liangyi stage, and the legendary Sancai stage.

As for what lies beyond Zhang Deming's knowledge, after all, he is just a menial worker and has rarely left Xiaoying Mountain in the past ten years.

When the two arrived at the Sutra Pavilion, they didn't see any guards as they had imagined. The entire gate of the attic seemed unguarded.

By the time they arrived here, it was already noon, and there were quite a few people coming and going.

Therefore, although this place is remote, it doesn't appear to be quiet.

When the two arrived at the entrance, they felt a bit nervous because it was their first time here.

Upon entering, they discovered that there seemed to be a faint film of light enveloping the entire gate of the attic, which explained why there was no one guarding it.

No one paid any attention to the two of them as people came and went.

From time to time, a fellow disciple would come to the entrance and throw a token into the mouth of a sculpture of a pixiu, then pass through the light curtain.

Zhang Deming understood this mechanism, which was similar to swiping a card at a subway station.

The two exchanged glances and instantly understood the purpose of the token. They imitated others and threw the token into the mouth of the pixiu.

Immediately, Zhang Deming felt a surge of energy on his body, but the energy disappeared as soon as he passed through the light curtain.

"The entry token can only be used to choose spells on the first floor. If you want to go to the second floor, you need to pay a contribution.

Hmm, you menial workers don't have any contribution points, so forget about trying to go to the second floor.

After making your selection, come to me for confirmation. The first floor mostly contains basic spells, divided into two categories: books and jade slips.

Books only need to be brought to me for engraving, while jade slips require the cost of three spirit stones to be added here before they can be read once."

As soon as the two entered, a young man at the counter looked up at them.

Using some means, he discovered that it was their first time here. Without waiting for Zhang Deming and the others to speak, he directly explained the rules and then stopped talking.

The two exchanged glances and nodded to the aloof young man, indicating that they understood, before entering the hall.

The entire hall was divided into two halves from the entrance.

On both sides were tall bookshelves, but one side was clean and tidy, with thin jade slips placed on the shelves.

The other side appeared ancient, with old books placed on the shelves.

"Do you want books or jade slips?" Zhang Deming stood at the entrance and asked Zong En.

"Although jade slips can be directly engraved into the mind after being read once, three spirit stones are too expensive.

Besides, I don't know when I will be able to learn it. It requires repeated contemplation and memorization, which is just a matter of time. I don't plan to waste these precious spirit stones." Zong En replied.

Zhang Deming nodded, it seemed that both of them had come to the same conclusion.

Don't underestimate just three spirit stones, Zhang Deming has only saved up five spirit stones after ten years of farming.

This is the result of Zhang Deming's hard work and frugality, which shows how big of an expense three spirit stones are for a menial worker like him.

(End of this chapter)

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