Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 6 Choice

Chapter 6: Choice

This is also why the reward is one token and three spirit stones.

Because most of the miscellaneous disciples cannot afford the three spirit stones as the reading fee, although not many miscellaneous disciples would choose the jade slip.

But whether to choose or not is up to you, whether the sect can or not, it's a matter of face.

The two of them didn't hesitate and directly chose the entrance on the left.

Upon arriving at the left side, the first thing they saw was an unmanned counter with several array light screens resembling tablet computers.

After taking a few glances, Zhang Deming instantly understood due to his past experience.

This is an intelligent catalog.

These scenes with a mix of sci-fi and ancient elements, although he had limited exposure to them in the past ten years, Zhang Deming had gotten used to them.

It seems that this is the style of the Hongmeng Realm. The ordinary world of ordinary people, including many miscellaneous disciple institutes, all have a slow-paced pure ancient atmosphere.

But starting from the outer sect, because of the unprecedented prosperity of array dao and artifact dao in the miscellaneous arts, various array formations and artifact technologies, or rather, spiritual energy technology, do not appear to be backward compared to the previous world.

It's just that these things have not been popularized among the general public.

Perhaps due to the unique culture and historical reasons, coupled with the issue of spiritual power, this is the current social structure and situation.

With Zhang Deming's guidance, Zong En understood the catalog and went straight to find his own spells.

Zhang Deming also noted down the positions of the spells he had considered, but did not go to retrieve them directly.

Unlike the jade slips, on this side of the books.

On the jade slip side, you can only see an overview and need to pay to access the content.

Because using it once will be engraved into the mind, completely memorized, and will also consume the number of times the jade slip can be read.

But on this side of the books, you can directly read all the books here.

As long as you have the ability, within one day, you can memorize a spell, and then you can bring one out when you leave.

In this way, one token can obtain two spells.

But to memorize a spell in one day, one must have the talent to memorize things at a glance. Will such a person lack these low-level spells?

In the Hongmeng Realm, all spells and techniques are divided into four levels: classics, scriptures, methods, and spells, each level further divided into three grades: elementary, intermediate, and advanced.

These four levels and three grades constitute the Rank Twelve spells of the Hongmeng Realm.

That is, Rank One spells are elementary-level spells, Rank Two spells are intermediate-level spells, and so on.

And every spell, regardless of its level, is very difficult to learn.

People with talents like photographic memory usually have excellent spiritual roots and do not lack these low-level spells at all.

They may not even waste a huge amount of time and energy learning these low-level Transcendent Level things.

Zhang Deming already had a rough goal in mind. Because he had one day's time, he was no longer in a hurry. Instead, he came to the bookshelf and planned to take a look at these ancient books.

Although he couldn't memorize them, browsing through them and increasing his knowledge reserve was still possible.

But when he opened the first book he picked up, he was stunned.

As he took down another ancient book and opened it, a small golden light flew directly into Zhang Deming's eyes from the book.

Zhang Deming was slightly stunned and checked himself for a while, but found nothing unusual.

There was only a small droplet suspended in his dantian.

Summoning the editor panel, the homepage was still pitch black with a blinking cursor.

But when his consciousness came to the warehouse, there was an additional golden light spot in the warehouse.

What is this?


Unlike the previous light sphere, this is a very small light spot. When he touched the golden light spot with his consciousness, he didn't feel any runes on it.

What is this?

Is it too little?

Zhang Deming's eyes flickered, and he quickly reached out and took another spellbook next to the book.

Sure enough, another light spot flew into his eyes, and it integrated with the previous golden light spot.

So, these books contain the energy that the editor needs?

What kind of energy is it absorbing?

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Deming had no clue and stopped thinking about it.

With excitement and excitement, he quickly started scanning the shelves.

The hall was not small, with over three hundred low-level spells from the Heavenly Spirit Sect's outer gate.

It took Zhang Deming a full hour to absorb all the golden light spots from the books.

Even Zhang Deming's actions of constantly taking out books, flipping through them, and putting them back attracted the attention of many people.

After absorbing the last light spot, Zhang Deming entered the warehouse again and found that there was now an additional half of a golden light sphere.

The complete light sphere changed again, and another 'branch' rune began to flicker.

What surprised Zhang Deming even more was that beside the half golden light sphere, a white light sphere appeared out of nowhere and was slowly condensing.

Because he was in the Sutra Pavilion, Zhang Deming didn't dare to take it out and study it.

With confusion, Zhang Deming left the warehouse and returned to the main page. He was slightly stunned to see the help button flashing.

Zhang Deming clicked on it and found that the first four items on the help page remained unchanged, but the fifth item started to change. The fifth item became the eighth item, and in between, three new help items appeared.

1-4: Omitted

5: White light sphere, primary energy - luck, editable: plugins, scripts, depending on the amount of energy invested, acquisition method, please explore on your own.

6: Golden light sphere, advanced energy - merit, editable: plugins, scripts, software, depending on the amount of energy invested, acquisition method, please explore on your own.

7: Editing level, divided into plugins, scripts, software, multifunctional composite software, differences, please explore on your own.

8: For more help, please explore on your own.

So, the golden light spots he extracted just now were the merits from the books?

The merits of transmitting skills, right?

Then what is this slowly condensing white luck light sphere?

Does obtaining merits also increase luck? Or is it because he obtained another spellbook and his foundation increased, resulting in an increase in luck?

Shaking his head, guessing blindly would yield no results.

Therefore, Zhang Deming calmed his mind and stopped thinking randomly.

Instead, he returned to the bookshelf and took out two books.

He came to the reading desk next to it, and Zong En had already been sitting there.

Seeing Zhang Deming approaching, he directly activated the soundproofing formation on the reading desk, and a light curtain enveloped the two of them. Then he spoke, "How about it, Ming-ge, have you made a decision?"

Zhang Deming raised the books in his hand and said, "Still undecided. What about you?"

Zong En pointed to the book on the table and said, "Here, I've used a lot of connections in the past six months to obtain information and made a decision after careful consideration. I won't change it."

Zhang Deming looked at the large title on the surface of the book, "Spring Breeze Technique."

"So, are you planning to pursue the miscellaneous arts and spiritual farming before advancing as a true Tai Chi cultivator?" Zhang Deming asked.

Zong En shook his head and said, "Not sure yet, but before advancing as a true Tai Chi cultivator, I plan to focus on spiritual farming. That much is certain."

(End of this chapter)

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