Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 7 Script [Seeking Recommendation, Seeking Collection, Seeking Investment]

Chapter 7: Script [Seeking recommendations, seeking collections, seeking investments]

Zong Endun paused and looked at Zhang Deming, continuing, "Although being a spiritual farmer doesn't bring in a fortune in terms of income, the advantage lies in stability. My spiritual roots are limited, and whether I can successfully reach the position of a Taiji practitioner is still unknown. I don't have the ambition to strive for it desperately, so I'll choose to be a spiritual farmer for now. If there is a chance to advance to a Taiji cultivator, then we'll see. Moreover, there are corresponding advancements in the realm of spring wind and rain. Even if I become a Taiji cultivator, I don't necessarily have to start from scratch."

Listening to Zong En's words, Zhang Deming nodded, seeking hope in a steady manner, which was Zong En's nature.

"What about you, Ming-ge?" Zhang Deming threw two books on the table and said, "I haven't decided yet."

Zong En glanced at the two books.

"The Growth Formula" and "Wind Blade Formula."

Seeing the two books, Zong En's expression changed slightly. He hesitated and looked at Zhang Deming, his lips moved slightly, but he didn't know how to speak.

Seeing his appearance, Zhang Deming smiled and said, "What's wrong? What are you worried about?"

Zong En no longer hesitated and directly said, "Do you want to be an artificer?"

Zhang Deming raised an eyebrow and asked, "Oh, why?"

Zong En explained, "Although the Growth Formula can also be chosen by spiritual farmers, it can also be used for healing and binding. It is a versatile spell that can be used in various ways. Of course, this can only indicate a slight inclination. The Wind Blade Formula, on the other hand, is almost exclusively for combat. It has less than ten percent effectiveness for spiritual farmers. By combining the two books, Ming-ge, your inclination is already very clear. If you choose the Growth Formula, you intend to start as a spiritual farmer and then transition to an artificer. If you choose the Wind Blade Formula, you will directly give up being a spiritual farmer and firmly become an artificer."

So no matter what you choose, Mingge, you still want to go the path of a spellcaster, right?

Zhang Deming smiled and said, "Well, you really are like a worm in my belly. Although it's not as absolute as you say, there is indeed a tendency."

Zong En heard this, but did not laugh. He pondered and said, "Mingge, if I remember correctly, you only have a spiritual root of 21 points. Among the six major categories of cultivation, although spellcasters are the highest, they also rely heavily on talent."

"The Minor Cloud and Rain Spell takes eight years to learn. Have you really thought it through, choosing the path of a spellcaster?"

Although the other party didn't directly say it, their expression was somewhat subtle, but the core message was still easy to discern.

"You've spent eight years on the most basic introductory spell. Don't you have any sense of urgency? Or have you been so flattered by those seductive sluts in the courtyard that you don't know your own worth?"

Before he had the Goldfinger, he wouldn't have even considered the path of a Transcendent Level spellcaster that relied on talent.

But now, well, he was a man with a Goldfinger.

Zhang Deming smiled and said, "I know what you want to say, but I've already thought it through. In this lifetime, everyone has their own ideas. I'm not willing to give up without a fight, and besides, I don't even know if I can achieve the Taiji level."

"Why worry so much when we're just two junior apprentices?"

Zong En looked at Zhang Deming, who had changed his passive attitude, paused slightly, and handed the "Growth Formula" to Zhang Deming, saying, "Then choose this one. Although the Growth Spell is more difficult to learn due to its overall strength, at least if you learn this, there is still room for maneuvering."

"Even if you learn the Wind Blade, you can still mix in some wind power when farming with the Minor Cloud and Rain Spell."

"If you can't become a spellcaster, then all your efforts will be in vain."

Zhang Deming nodded at these words. Before reaching the Taiji level, farming and development were also good options. In fact, he was more inclined towards this path.

With the decision made, Zhang Deming put another sutra back on the bookshelf.

The two sat here, browsing until noon.

Zhang Deming looked up and said, "Let's go. Since the spell is determined, let's go and make a copy. It's almost lunchtime, let's go back early and not delay the spellcasting at noon."

During the browsing, the two had already restored the spiritual power consumed in the morning by borrowing the aura of the Sutra Pavilion.

Although the outer area was still not suitable for direct cultivation, the spiritual energy here was much denser, making recovery much faster than on Xiaoqing Mountain.

Zong En nodded, and the two of them took the sutra books and went to the counter.

The young man who had previously reminded them took the books, glanced at them, and directly threw them into a hidden compartment behind him.

The hidden compartment swallowed the two books and a light screen popped out.

The young man operated on the light screen for a moment, and soon, two brand new thread-bound books were spit out from a special opening in front of the counter.

The two original books that were thrown into the hidden compartment had already been sent back to the bookshelf.

Without needing the young man to say anything, the two took their respective books and left the Sutra Pavilion.

When the two returned to Xiaoqing Mountain and the Rice Field Servant's Courtyard, it was almost time for lunch.

The two barely made it in time for lunch. After finishing their meal, they each returned to their rooms to rest before going to cast spells again.

Zhang Deming returned to his room but didn't go to sleep.

Instead, he took out his small treasury and put three spirit stones into it. He now had eight.

Then, Zhang Deming took out the basic cultivation technique.

The warehouse of the editor, after Zhang Deming's exploration, could indeed collect items, but after collection, they would be turned into runes and could only be used as editing materials.

Strictly speaking, the warehouse was not a storage space.

Like this, with one hand holding the "Basic Cultivation Technique: Formula" and the other holding the newly acquired "Growth Formula," Zhang Deming was caught in a dilemma. Yesterday, he chose the "Minor Cloud and Rain Spell" without hesitation because he was experimenting with editing and thought that after editing, he would only learn the spell. He already knew the basic cultivation technique and didn't need to edit it.

But today, when he officially cast the spell, he realized that editing not only allowed him to learn the spell but also made him very proficient in it.

Today, he deliberately slowed down, and he was faster and more skilled than Zong En, who had been using the "Minor Cloud and Rain Spell" for half a year.

This was only the effect of the lowest-level plugin. Today's golden light sphere was just the beginning of the script.

Although he already knew the basic cultivation technique, his cultivation progress was still far away, and editing might change the situation.

But it was only a possibility.

So he needed to make a decision. Should he take a gamble on the possibility or choose the "Growth Formula" for stability?

After all, he was just starting out, and every bit of energy was precious, not to mention advanced merits.

After a long time, Zhang Deming looked at the white light sphere in the warehouse that had already condensed more than half.

Forget it, let's take a gamble. After all, there is still a possibility of getting the "Growth Formula" and a white light sphere.

With a firm decision, Zhang Deming directly threw the "Growth Formula" into his small treasury and held the basic cultivation technique.

His mind entered the warehouse, and he took out the golden light sphere shimmering with "branch" runes.

Once again, a prompt message appeared in his mind's editing panel: "Advanced energy 1, can edit a small script. Editing conditions met! Currently, only the Dantian Disk category is open. Please enter the command to jump to the Dantian category and proceed with plugin editing."

With the prompt message, Zhang Deming entered "/Dantian" at the flashing cursor on the homepage, following the previous method.

(End of this chapter)

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