Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 435 Seed? [Please Subscribe, Please Monthly Ticket]

Chapter 435 Seed? [Please subscribe, please monthly ticket]

Well, is Rank Three a professional choice?

Looking at the information flashing on the light screen, Zhang Deming was slightly stunned. Talent and talent?

What does this mean?

As Zhang Deming's thoughts flickered, three options appeared on the light screen, yes, not two, but three.

Talent, talent, pride.

Zhang Deming looked at the options, and then at the light balls in the sky. After analyzing the information, his eyes suddenly became bright and a little sparkling. Isn't this stage... learning?

If that were the case, as a Transcendent Level ‘student’ (a bad student), Zhang Deming could only say sorry to the monks everywhere, and he would be the winner of this thesis!

With excitement, Zhang Deming clicked on the Tianjiao option.

As Zhang Deming clicks, the light curtain begins to change.

"The Genius option is a random enlightenment assessment. You will lose the opportunity to choose the direction of enlightenment and will be randomly assigned to enlightenment!"

"Courage is commendable. I hope you have the talent to match."

"Random selection..."

At this time, Zhang Deming saw that there were still countless runes beating on the light screen in front of him. They kept flashing and finally stopped on a forging furnace-style pattern!

"Congratulations, you will be assigned to join the Qi Dao to participate in enlightenment after the examination of this treatise!"

"It has been detected that you are one of the talented evaluators. In this paper, you will have a small branch self-selected welfare opportunity."

"I, the Divine Court Weapon Dao, hold up half of the sky alone. The path of refining weapons has reached its peak, and I can forge the legendary treasure of chaos. Although in the end, alas..."

"Traditional forging has many branches, among which fire forging of the five elements is the most important, followed by water forging. In addition, there are countless branches of different sizes."

"Considering the difficulty of comprehending the Way of Instruments, this time only the Five Elements Forging branch will be provided, and the Qimen branch will no longer be assessed, in order to slightly balance the difficulty of the assessment."

"Please choose: fire, water, wood and earth, water and metal, water and fire."

"In addition, if you feel that the weapon test is too difficult, you can spend 10,000 points in advance and choose to be randomized again."

Looking at the information, Zhang Deming has basically confirmed that this level should be studied for the exam!

Confirming this guess, he looked at the energy in the warehouse.

It has been more than five months, nearly half a year, since the last breakthrough and the beginning of the escape.

After half a year of accumulation in the store, I gained an average of 30 to 40 yuan of luck per month, more than 200 in luck, more than 20 in merit, and even karma increased by one-third during this period!

Today's warehouse energy, merit: 31.6, luck: 396.8, karma: 8.8.

Looking at the hundreds of lucky light balls, Zhang Deming smiled.


Who was Zhang Deming afraid of?

It's not that I said, let alone this point of human competition, it's just that there will be another hundred thousand, one million evildoers, all of them are spicy chickens!

While thinking, Zhang Deming looked at the five options. What is more user-friendly this time is that each option has an introduction. With Zhang Deming's concentration, he can roughly see some information and pictures.

For the fire option, what Zhang Deming saw was a huge forging furnace, and the screen showed the conventional forging steps. This can be regarded as the most traditional and basic traditional method of forging weapons.

The water option was a bit novel from the beginning. The information showed that to learn this technique, you need to contain a piece of heaven and earth spirit water, such as Tianyi Zhenshui or something. Then use the spiritual water as the foundation to extract all things for forging.

The picture supporting the information is that countless spiritual materials are melted into the water flow, and after slowly melting, they slowly condense into a utensil.

Uh, isn't this water training the refining method that was shelved at the Heavenly Spirit Sect Refining Pavilion?

Doesn't it mean that this method belongs to Qimen forging, and is it a cheat?

Was it still a major genre in ancient times? Ordinary way?

While thinking, Zhang Deming looked at the third option: wood and soil forging.

Zhang Deming saw the forger burying countless spiritual materials in the soil, and then planting a strange plant in the spiritual materials. As the plant grew, bloomed, and bore fruit, it finally grew into a spiritual sword.

There is another note: wood-clay forging is a refining technique, not suitable for large-scale forging.

Zhang Deming: "······"

Can you still refine weapons like this? Isn’t this Nima farming?

If this is all possible, wouldn't those who worked hard to forge the iron die of anger?

Is this still classified as the Five Elements genre? In other words, this was still a common phenomenon in ancient times? routine operation?

So what does Shenting call this? Equipment repair? Refiner? Mechanics? Or planter?


I have really learned a lot! Give me a piece of land, and I can grow anything. Is this in line with the tricks of flower growers?

By the way, why is such an awesome forging technique lost now?

Or was it hidden away as a secret?

Zhang Deming was quite interested in the third option, and after reading its information for a long time, he turned to the fourth option: water metal forging.

Zhang Deming was stunned when he first saw it. He saw countless silver liquids swallowing various spiritual materials, and finally condensed a spiritual sword in the rolling silver liquid.

There is also a note: water gold forging is a mass forging technique, the first choice for low-end Law Weapons, and refined forging is extremely unsuitable!

Is this...a fantasy version of nanorobot technology? Has the Divine Court developed to such an extent?

Zhang Deming looked at the final fifth option: water and fire forging

Well, this one is somewhat similar to the first one. There is a forging furnace in front of the forger, but there is no fire underneath, and there is a ball of magma in the furnace.

After countless spiritual materials were thrown into it, they were melted in an instant, and then a spirit sword was condensed in the furnace, but then the spirit sword fell into the magma again, and the cycle repeated. Every time it is cycled, the aura of the Spirit Sword becomes one point stronger.

Note: The advanced path of water and fire forging coincides with the path of yin and yang, but it is also more difficult.

It already belongs to the ranks of the Qimen forging method, but due to the extreme development of the water and fire forging paths, many people choose to advance, so it is classified into the Five Elements Mass branch.

Looking at the five options, Zhang Deming was speechless for a long time. Just from the path of refining weapons, or the path of basic weapon refining, one can see how glorious the ancient gods are.

After pondering for a long time, Zhang Deming finally looked at wood and earth forging and water and metal forging, and liked both of them.

After struggling for a moment, Zhang Deming reached out and clicked on Wood and Earth Forging. It was mainly the information in the notes that made him make this choice.

If Hongmeng was a technological civilization, he would definitely choose the latter, forging with water and gold. The civilization of Xianxia, ​​obviously wood and earth precision forging has more prospects and market. Because volume has never been a characteristic of Xianxia civilization!

"A hundred flowers bloom in the direction of wood and earth forging. In the early stage, there are roughly three categories: wood, vine, and flower. Please choose the second branch."

"Wooden branches take the longest time to forge, but are the most sophisticated!"

"The branching of flowers and plants takes the shortest time, but is the roughest!"

"The vine branches are time-consuming and the forging is also centered!"

"Of course, all the prerequisites are compared in the wood and earth category. Compared with other categories, the entire wood and earth path is well-forged.

And the effects of all branches are compared based on the technical intensity of the same level. If you are talented enough, your wood forging can be faster than flower forging, and your flower forging can be better than wood forging. "


Wood, vine, flower?

Does this refer to the body of the utensil?

After thinking about it, Zhang Deming made a choice.

With the confirmation of Zhang Deming's choice, the entire light screen vibrated, and among the ups and downs of light spheres in the sky, a strange light sphere quickly floated towards Zhang Deming.

Zhang Deming took this opportunity to look around and found that countless light balls were flying in the sky at this moment, and someone was already starting to move on the altar below.

Someone was holding a book and looking at it carefully. Some people were dancing alone, while others were holding the piano. Zhang Deming even saw a monster in the direction of the Great Monster, giving birth to a baby on the spot!

It’s still the kind that keeps puffing and puffing!

The scene was so interesting at one time that it was like a chaotic dance of demons.

By the way, is this a magic spell or a talent? or both?

Is it so slippery!

The forest is really big, and all kinds of weird things are out there!

When Zhang Deming was thinking, the ball of light had already flown in front of him. He reached out to touch the ball of light. The moment the ball of light touched him, he froze for a moment, feeling his mind being touched.

Um? Is this ball of light a kind of magical jade slip?

Zhang Deming didn't stop the information in the ball of light from pouring into his mind. When he finished receiving it, the ball of light the size of a fist in his hand quickly condensed into a rather quaint thread-bound book.

The cover of the book has a very concise title "Forging Vine".

At the same time, in front of Zhang Deming's altar, the altar rolled silently, and a huge, strange flower pot that looked like a forge appeared in front of him.

There is a pot of ordinary spiritual soil in the flowerpot, and next to the flowerpot, there is a white ball of strange spiritual soil.

Looking at the book in his hand, feeling the spell information in his mind, and comprehending it for a moment, the corners of Zhang Deming's mouth twitched slightly.

This technique...really planted Law Weapon!

Really Hardcore Farming!

Legendary Level farmer, give him a piece of land, everything depends on planting that kind!

It seems that he started out as a spiritual farmer back then. Doesn't this count as a return to his old profession?

In the midst of chaotic thoughts, the command talisman in Zhang Deming's hand showed the last message.

"Due to the difficulty of the Artifact Dao, a low-grade Baiyan spiritual soil is provided as appropriate. It has a 20% bonus to forging Law Weapon and 10% Law Treasure. It can be used once. When to use it, please decide for yourself."

"Looking forward to your performance, outstanding achiever!"

As the information flashed, the assessment countdown appeared again: three years.

Zhang Deming looked at the time for a moment, thinking that he had made a mistake, but when he looked again, he saw that it was really three years.

He was stunned for a moment before he realized that this was a test for the enlightenment of magic. Not everyone was as exaggerated as he was and could directly enlighten (cheat)!

What a bunch of hot chicks. You wouldn’t want me to wait for these hot chicks for three years, right?


While Zhang Deming was thinking, his altar suddenly shook, and the ball of light in the sky rolled slightly.

Zhang Deming followed the movement and saw that very far away from the magma lake, a person's altar had risen and submerged into the ball of light in the sky.

The ball of light seems chaotic, but it has rules and is divided into levels. It shows a slight pyramid trend, but it is not so pointed.

And the guy's body, held up by the altar, had already submerged into the first floor.

As the guy sank into the first level, three years suddenly decreased by one month and became two years and eleven months.

Is this...someone enlightened right now?

Um, how long has it been? This is a real monster!

Well, it's still spicy chicken!

It must be because of luck, or because he didn't choose the genius route, so he took the initiative to choose the relevant spells that belong to his own path.

What does it mean to reduce time?

Are you automatically out when the time is up?


Probably not, otherwise the time should not be reduced, and as I said before, those with an intermediate score or below will also realize the truth together. If they are eliminated like this, the reward does not seem right!

Is the time for enlightenment also included in the score? Now more than two years later, even if you can finally reach the top, your score will still be no match for your opponent?

While thinking, Zhang Deming discovered that the man's altar had caused quite a stir after it was raised, but because of the shield, no one could communicate.

Looking at the surrounding situation, Zhang Deming frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and then didn't bother to pay attention.

Why are you thinking so much? They are all hot chicks anyway!

He stopped looking around and looked at the book in his hand again. He raised the corner of his mouth slightly and made a gesture of putting the book away into the storage bag while turning his hands.

In fact, the books were put into the warehouse by Zhang Deming and turned into editing materials.

Then Zhang Deming calmed down, opened the editing panel, looked at the warehouse, and started editing directly.

"Normal energy 1, editable small plug-in.

Editing conditions met!


Familiar information came in, Zhang Deming's lips raised slightly, he hadn't edited a spell for a long time.

‘If (possess a certain amount of spiritual power and cast the forging vine)

{Then, the Forging Vine is successfully cast and the Forging Breeding is started}

Otherwise {then, the casting of Forged Vine failed}. '

Zhang Deming looked at the spell, paused slightly, checked it again, and chose to upload it.

Countless runes formed a ball of light and flew to Zhang Deming's dantian. Then the ball of light transformed into a strange vine.

After the vine entered the dantian, it was attracted by the human soul in the dantian and slowly floated towards it, but the pull was a little weak.

"The natal magic spirit cultivation vine demon summoning skill belongs to the summoning, and the forging vine belongs to the weapon path. The fit between the two skills is too low, and the level gap is too large. It is currently impossible to automatically perfect the Integrated Union.

Please increase the spell level. Preliminary estimation is that the Integrated Union can only be perfected if they are both spell level and have a slight step difference of one or two levels. "

Feeling the information, Zhang Deming was slightly startled. This was the first time he encountered such a prompt.

Because his natal magic has reached Rank Six, and the forging vine belongs to forging, can't it be directly Integrated Union?

Then Zhang Deming roughly understood the reason. After all, once Integrated Union, his forging vine will also have Rank Six essence.

But the essence of today's Vine Technique is summoned, so it is natural that it cannot automatically perfect the Integrated Union. How can the summoned essence be used as the essence of weapon refining!

In the past, many Teng Shu seamlessly integrated Union because the essence was the same, but they added a lot of changes to Teng Shu.

But the forging vine is different. It's not an additional change, but a completely different essential direction.

In his thoughts, Zhang Deming's mind moved slightly again.

"Do you want to consume a merit and open a new mounting position?"


"Do you want to mount the forging vine?

Note that, except for the skills, all mounting slots cannot be removed once mounted. Even after the Integrated Union is performed, the mounting slots will disappear along with the Integrated Union. "


"Do you want to spend 2 luck to upgrade the forging vine to the art level Rank Two?"


"Would you like to spend 10 luck to upgrade the forging vine to Jue level Rank Three?"


"Do you want to spend 50 luck to upgrade the forging vine to the magic level, Rank Four?"


Forging Vine Lv4 (0/100)

Forging rattan: Use rattan as a furnace to nurture the heaven and earth and forge all things.

Zhang Deming looked at the technique. After Rank Four, the technique was not yet Integrated Union. He frowned slightly and added another hand with a little distress.

"Do you want to spend 100 luck to upgrade the forging vine to the magic level Rank Five?"


With the promotion of Rank Five, the rune light ball belonging to the forging vine was pulled and flew into the front of the human soul, and was swallowed by the human soul.

In an instant, countless mysterious information poured into Zhang Deming's mind, and a lot of standard magic knowledge appeared in his mind like principles.

When everything came to his senses, Zhang Deming discovered a surprise.


Rune Core: Spirit-nurturing Vine Demon Summoning Technique Lv6 (100/800)


After the natural spells at the core of the runes are integrated into the forging vine, not only the forging ability is gained, but also the proficiency level is increased by 100, which is a huge gain in comparison. After all, the forging vine alone costs 200 to increase Rank Six.

Now after Integrated Union, not only is Rank Six achieved, but one hundred lucks are also gained for free!

In addition to having multiple forging seeds, his vines have also undergone some strange changes. The core manifestation is that the effects of the artifacts he weaved in battle have been enhanced.

Similarly, the spells of the rune core also have a slight impact on the forging side.

After thinking for a long time, Zhang Deming opened his eyes.

Looking around, he found that he was still in the same place, Rank Six Spell Integrated Union. It didn't feel like a long time for him to sort out the information. In fact, more than half a day had passed.

At this moment, the tallest person has entered the second level of the light ball, and he is still where he is. After understanding Rank Six, shouldn't he crush these people, fly to the top, and complete the test in seconds?

This assessment of the nature of enlightenment cannot require them to comprehend the Rank Seven classic Taoism in one go, right?

No matter how awesome Shenting is, there is no way he can be so deceitful!

Classical Taoism, that is already the beginning of contact with the existence of Tao. In ancient times, it was also very awesome. At least you need Earth Immortal to get in touch with it!

Three years to achieve enlightenment and become an immortal?

If you really have such amazing talent, who would come to take part in your secret-breaking assessment?

Need it?


Wait, talent? Talent? The Tianjiao option seems to say that both are indispensable!

So it doesn’t count that the talent for enlightenment is complete, he still needs to forge it and satisfy his talent?

While thinking, Zhang Deming turned over his hand and took out his command badge.

Assessment: inheritance assessment

Location: Lava Heritage Pavilion!

Stage: Rank Three

Personal points: 10,000

Content: Talent and talent

Direction: Tool Path-Forging

Talent: Enlightenment (passive test, fully completed, in line with Tianjiao positioning)

Talent: Forging (completed automatically)

Note: Because it is a prodigy talent assessment, although you can still choose the forging blueprints corresponding to the levels, only three materials are provided. Please at least fully understand the technique to get started, and it is best to be proficient in mastering the level before trying it.

It is indeed the case, but he is not afraid. He forged the vine Rank Six. He believed that it would be impossible to exceed the standard by breaking the test. Rank Six attained enlightenment in three years? It’s impossible for the Ancient Beast to be like this!

While thinking, Zhang Deming directly clicked on the forging option of Caiqing.

The light curtain instantly enlarged and disappeared, and many virtual artifacts appeared in front of Zhang Deming, floating in front of Zhang Deming.

Looking at the artifact, Zhang Deming frowned slightly, touched the command talisman with his mind, and said: "Sword!"

Immediately afterwards, the various virtual artifacts turned into a pile of swords. Zhang Deming looked at the many swords, carefully selected one, and then tapped the sword.

"Are you sure to select the Qingfeng Sword blueprint?"


With Zhang Deming's choice, the talisman and the altar shined at the same time, and there was a forging blueprint in Zhang Deming's mind.

At the same time, three materials, basic materials, appeared in the fluctuation of the aura of the altar.

What made Zhang Deming frown was that half of the three materials exuded a strange smell and were obviously contaminated by blood and water.

‘The core of the entire secret realm is inheritance, and this Rank Three section is already half-assessment and half-inheritance.

The previous low-level Taoist light balls and today's low-level materials have all shown signs of erosion. It seems that the core of the secret realm is already being eroded! '

Seeing that there were only two and a half pieces of materials left, Zhang Deming shook his head slightly. The blacksmithing technique was already Rank Six, so it didn't matter much.

With his mind moving slightly, Zhang Deming came to a huge flowerpot without legs that looked like a furnace for refining. Gently raising his hand, a vine swayed out of the flowerpot. As the vine swayed, it turned into a vine.

Different from the strange dark blue forging vine in the records, there is an emerald-like seedling swaying in the center of the vine in the flowerpot, and several ruby ​​vines rolling around it.

Blood-red vines grew quickly, rolled up a piece of material, and then plunged into the soil of the flowerpot with the materials one by one.

The spiritual material was curled and turned into spiritual light wrapped in blood-red vines. Then the spiritual light followed the blood-red vines and flowed into the emerald seedling in the center.

The seedlings swayed and grew, and slowly grew into an extremely beautiful vine like emerald and sapphire.

After the vine grew to a height of three meters, a blue flower began to bloom at the top, and the flower swayed and withered.

What is different from ordinary forging vines is that as the flowers wither, what is produced turns out to be a fruit, not a small sword. The fruit is born and grows from scratch.

It doesn't seem mature until the Fruit actually grows to the size of a fist. Then suddenly it exploded and turned into countless threads that were invisible to the naked eye.

The silk threads were quickly woven, and a three-foot Qingfeng was woven out of nothing.

This is not a temporary magic sword that Zhang Deming weaved using magic, but a real Law Weapon. Although it is only a one-star Low Grade Law Weapon, it does exist physically.

As the long sword completely completed weaving, the emerald-like vines seemed to have exhausted their nutrients and withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, eventually turning into auras that filled the sky, leaving only a pit in place.

Throughout the process, Zhang Deming's mind seemed to be gestating with Fujiki. When he returned to his spiritual state, it was already the time when the long sword was ready.

At this time, the altar shook slightly, leading him to fly toward the photosphere in the sky.

In the process of flying upward, Zhang Deming discovered that it had been three days since he forged, and he was a little tired. Although it was not serious, it did consume a lot of money.

‘No wonder this weapon forging technique has been lost. Although it is strange and the quality of the things produced can easily exceed that of fire forging, but... it consumes too much energy. '

If it is updated at five o'clock, then it is anti-theft. Please check again after five thirty.

I tried to repeat the chapters before, but found that the pirated version had timed corrections, which was of no use. Now I try to reverse the paragraphs. If you are following, please understand, the main reason is that the tracking data is really bad!

(end of this chapter)

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