Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 436 Chapter 249: Shelved Transaction

Chapter 436 Chapter 249: Shelved Transaction

The only good thing is that although it takes a little longer than fire forging, it is smooth and gentle.

After all, if it was forged by fire, he should have been banging for about a day or two.

Well, this refers to the first time forging. If you are proficient in the Rank Six forging technique, forging a one-star Law Weapon should be shortened to a few hours.

And his wood and earth forging should be shortened to half a day. After all, even if he is proficient in the technique, he still has to master it!

Moreover, fire forging still needs to be mastered. In terms of hand-to-hand training, this kind of ground forging can help him avoid this trouble.

While thinking, the altar at Zhang Deming's feet had stopped.

Zhang Deming found that he was now in a tower-shaped space formed by light balls, surrounded by light balls, rotating around him.

And his location is on the first floor of the tower-shaped light ball, and many people around him are taking assessments.

Most of them were holding a magic book to comprehend. Occasionally, some people were trying something, with spiritual light surging in their hands.

After three days, it was obvious that many people had begun to realize the truth.

After all, there are countless bosses this time, and it would be relatively easy for many people to comprehend Rank One spells, if they are still comprehending the Rank One spells of their own path.

What surprised Zhang Deming was that after entering the light ball tower, the light shield on the altar disappeared. He even saw a few people exchanging enlightenment.

Does this count as lowering the difficulty? Or is it normal?

"It is detected that the assessor's talent assessment has been completed. Please continue the talent assessment!"

While Zhang Deming was thinking, a row of information emerged, and a bunch of drawing choices appeared in front of him again.

Zhang Deming frowned slightly. The one-star Law Weapon drawings in front of him were still the one-star Law Weapon drawings. However, the ones he was given before were the strongest ones that could forge one-star Low Grade Law Weapons. Now he was given the Supreme Grade, High Grade, and Middle Grade drawings. All drawings.

Normally, this is a reasonable step.

After all, the Rank One weapon refining technique is an apprentice-level technique, and the limit is to forge a one-star Low Grade Law Weapon, and more importantly, it is to forge a Law Weapon used in the apprenticeship period that does not reach a star.

Rank Two weapon refining skills are for forging one-star Law Weapons, and Rank Three are for one- to two-star Law Weapons.

Rank Four magic spells forge Law Weapons below three stars. Therefore, there is a big leap between three-star Law Weapons and one or two stars.

As for the Law Treasure with four stars or above, the weapon refining technique of Rank Five is also a bit difficult, and most of them need Rank Six to be initially forged.

Therefore, speaking normally, it is a normal option to give one-star forging blueprints for the second level assessment of Rank Two Artifact Refining Technique.

But Zhang Deming looked at the sky, and in the huge light ball tower above his head, the tallest person had already reached the third floor.

And this broken tower has five floors in total, and if you count the top of the tower, it is only six floors.

The countdown time for the assessment has also been reduced to only two years. In the past three days, the longest time limit for the assessment has been overwhelmed by the results of these monstrous students by one year.

"Can I choose to forge other star Law Weapons?"

While Zhang Deming was in a state of mind, he touched the badge of the order talisman, and the order talisman flickered slightly.

"Because the talent assessment of the inheritors has already been completed, and the particularity of the refining technique, the refining assessment does not need to be carried out step by step."

Is this... a good answer? Or are there still earth spirits in this secret realm?

As Zhang Deming's thoughts flickered, the light screen in front of him had changed. It was no longer just a one-star drawing, but from a one-star Law Weapon to a four-star Law Weapon, just like stars.

Why only four-star Law Weapon?

After three years of zero-basic entry, I jumped to the Law Treasure refiner and still can't pass the level. Which one do you want?

Zhang Deming gently stretched out his hand and clicked on the four-star Law Treasure option. The blueprints were still like a sea. It was as if there was no difference between the Law Treasure blueprints and the Law Weapon blueprints. They were both low-level mainland products.

So what will he practice next?

By the way, he seems to have an unfinished deal!

As mentioned before, it has been three and a half years now. For a monk, this is not a short period of time. If Tong Hou hadn't turned into a milk baby, he would have urged him long ago!

Thinking of this, Zhang Deming no longer hesitated, and directly chose the option to hide the Law Treasure.

"Please select a subdivision: change, invisibility, disguise, avatar, avatar change..."

Zhang Deming hesitated for a moment, and chose the substitute change option.

"Please note: Stand transformation forging is a stealth type of high-difficulty forging. Although there are bonus points for this, it is quite difficult. Please choose carefully. In addition, the replacement memory materials need to be provided by yourself!"

"Are you sure to select this forging blueprint?"

The one who chooses is you. If it weren't for you, I would choose a drawing from the ordinary Heavenly Spirit Sect. At this stage, others are taking assessments and getting rewards, so wouldn't I only be taking assessments?


"Select and confirm, I wish you good luck in your assessment!"

After the information was completed, the altar in front of Zhang Deming rolled over again, and a ball of material was spit out.

Looking at the three complete four-star materials, Zhang Deming couldn't help laughing, this is a huge profit!

A four-star material costs thousands of spirit stones, and the three sets here each cost at least several thousand to ten thousand spirit stones. In one test, the outer block will pick up thirty thousand spirit stones for free.

It is almost equal to all the income he earned from killing insects in the Rank Two stage. For a poor man, this is a very good stage.

‘ I stupid?

Why do we need to skip the assessment?

After working all the way, can't we collect a lot more materials?

No matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are not meat! '

After reacting, Zhang Deming was in a bad mood!

He looked at the one-star Low Grade spirit sword in his hand and put it away speechlessly. Looking at the materials on the ground, he felt a little distressed.

‘Forget it, if you pass the Rank One assessment, if someone gets there first, you’ll lose more than you gain if you get first place! '

Zhang Deming comforted himself and raised his hand, and a strange spiritual seed flew into the "flower pot" forging furnace in front of him again.

In the blink of an eye, a strange seedling was born, and dozens of blood-red vines sprouted from around it. Under Zhang Deming's control, he grabbed a piece of material and rooted it into the soil again.

After doing this, Zhang Deming sat down cross-legged. The forging had begun, but he did not enter meditation.

In addition to physical materials, there is also a virtual material that needs to be added to the hidden Law Treasure of the avatar transformation type, and that is memory.

The so-called substitute transformation is to use this Law Treasure to become another person. The Law Treasure will also provide corresponding memory information to help the invisible person perform perfectly.

It is considered a relatively advanced concealment method, but it is also more difficult to forge and therefore more expensive.

Zhang Deming waved to the pile of materials, and a transparent spiritual bead flew out of the pile.

Well, this is the Infant Spirit Bead?

Huo, it’s so grand!

If the Cod Beast Core that Zhang Deming obtained before is very suitable for carrying memories and as a material for forging, this Infant Spirit Bead is the best choice for this type of Law Treasure.

Among the many materials that carry memories, the Infant Spirit Bead is definitely not the best, even among the four-star materials.

But after carrying the memory, if it is used to forge a substitute-type Law Treasure, then it is the best and most suitable, bar none.

Looking at the two such materials next to him, Zhang Deming couldn't help but smile.

Holding the Infant Spirit Bead, Zhang Deming was thinking about how to fill up this memory. Now he has three ready-made templates. Li Zhengkun and Ice Bear King have complete memories, while Qu Wenbai only has half of the memory.

All three have completed identities, but... Li Zhengkun and Zhang Deming are now in use, and King Xiong... is given to Tong Hou?

This is too inappropriate. Even if someone reluctantly takes it in the end, it is easy to get bargained for and not be able to sell it at a good price.

As for Qu Wenbai, not only is it incomplete, but it is also not suitable for use as material. Some things involve too much, so do you want to weave a memory by yourself using Shinto techniques?

But isn't the advantage of a substitute transformation being that it has a real identity? If you make a fake one, there is no need to stuff memories into it. What kind of memories should be stuffed into the fake identity? Why not just forge it into a disguise transformation or disguise Law Treasure?


Where can I get this bad identity?

Wait, identity!

Thinking of this, Zhang Deming quickly restrained his mind, came to the spiritual cultivation space, and looked at the light spots all over the sky.

Seems feasible?

He had known for a long time that these light spots were also a major resource, and they were the most potential resources, but they were just not cultivated enough to use them. seems that it can be used in disguised form!

While thinking, Zhang Deming waved his hand, and the Book of Living Beings and the Monitoring Elf appeared.

"Select those who are enlightened!"

"Please enter the filtering conditions."

"For the monks who are dead, it is best to exterminate the family. The network of connections should not be too large, and it is best to have few. By the way, we should prioritize those who died in the military disaster. There should be many such targets."

"Conditional generation, filtering..."

"The screening is completed, and a total of 121 qualified Enlightenment Light Point members, 65 Independent Cultivators, 34 Small Sects, and 22 Heavenly Spirit Sect disciples have been selected."

Following the blinking reply of the monitoring elf, the book of living beings kept turning. Page after page was filled with the information of these people, but they were all gray, indicating that they were dead.

Zhang Deming quickly browsed the basic information of these people and found a target in a moment.

Name: Huo Zhongbin

Cultivation: Advanced Apprentice

Belongs to: Independent Cultivator

Address: Independent Cultivator, Luanzhou, Yuxiangcheng, Xiaolingtanfang City.

"It's him, show this person's details!"

"This person is a monk who died in the martial arts disaster and is one of the enlightened ones in the alliance.

However, as a reserve member, although he has certain information, he is a reserve member who died during the surveillance version 2.0 period.

In view of the limited host conditions at the beginning, the alliance database only had some basic information, and the biographical information was not detailed. After calculation, this is the worst choice among the three options. "

"Oh? Have you reached the stage of intelligence now where you can proactively provide big data screening? Tell me about other options."

"Okay mastermind!"

"Option 1, the mastermind has already provided it."

“Option 2: The monitoring elf suggested that the mastermind slightly modify the selection conditions and target those who died after the seventh chapter of the Exchange Meeting between Two Realms.

The goal of this Rank One segment was to improve the basic database of alliance members and reserve members according to the instructions of the mastermind after the Monitoring Elf was promoted to 3.0.

The alliance has quite complete biographical information, making it easier to meet your current needs, the mastermind. "

"Option three: The mastermind provides more detailed screening information, selects among the living reserve members, and then issues alliance tasks to kill the target and even conduct soul searches.

This can enrich the database as much as possible and provide a complete memory, with almost no need for the master brain to weave the memory by itself. It can perfectly replace the target and achieve theoretically perfect substitute changes. "

"Comprehensive calculation of the three options, the best option is option three, and the worst option is option one."

Zhang Deming frowned slightly when he heard this. He can only make rational calculations but not emotional judgments. This is still in the stage of strong artificial intelligence. Hasn't autonomous consciousness been born?

That's not right. The integration of rune life makes it an intelligent life level. Well, an intelligent life without emotions?

As his magic spirit, without having to worry about being betrayed, Zhang Deming hoped that the opponent would evolve faster.

It seems that you need advanced classics on formations to develop complete emotional consciousness!

"Then choose the second one and change the limited scope. It does not limit the period of military disasters. Let's change it to seven theories."

"Okay mastermind!"

"After modifying the search conditions to the seventh session of the Conference on Exchanges between Two Worlds, the search is in progress..."

"The search is completed! We obtained twenty-seven people who met the target, one Independent Cultivator, seventeen small sects, and nine Heavenly Spirit Sects."

As the book of living beings was flipped again, Zhang Deming selected among the twenty-seven people.

It is obvious that these people are different from the previous ones. Most of them were widowed and died. Now, among the twenty-seven dead people, there are still eleven who have certain connections.

All nine members of the Heavenly Spirit Sect were classified as missing by the sect. They were all members whose bodies were not left during the disaster of the Heavenly Spirit Sect tournament.

After synthesizing the information from twenty-seven people, Zhang Deming once again selected a target.

Name: Ming Jiantao

Cultivation: Advanced Apprentice

Belongs to: Heavenly Spirit Sect

Address: Disciple of Baiyan Peak, the inner sect of Heavenly Spirit Sect.

Personal life: A person from the surrounding towns of Heavenly Spirit Sect. He started the spiritual root test at the age of seven. He was promoted to a senior apprentice at the age of twenty-nine. After completing two spells, he was able to pass the examination and enter the inner door miscellaneous department...

Among the many identities, this identity should be the most valuable, so it can be sold for a higher price.

After Zhang Deming selected the target, the list of living beings began to scroll, and Ming Jiantao's information was constantly displayed.

Zhang Deming looked at the information and began to constantly revise and make slight adjustments to add to his experience of missing for more than three years.

It took a long time to complete the information, and finally raised his hand, and a dreamy light group appeared, which contained some important memories of Ming Jiantao.

Zhang Deming took it out of the spirit-nurturing space. After returning to his senses, he looked at the dreamy light ball with countless flashing lights in his hand, and threw it into the infant spirit bead without hesitation.


As countless memories were thrown in, a baby's cry sounded from the bead, and the transparent Infant Spirit Bead in his hand also turned turbid. It was obvious that the memories were carried by the Infant Spirit Bead.

Zhang Deming paused slightly, crying due to the changes in the characteristics of the Infant Spirit Bead, which attracted the attention of those around him.

Zhang Deming felt the gazes from around him. Because there was no light curtain to block him, his cry attracted the attention of many people around him.

Then everyone looked at the flower pots in front of Zhang Deming and the vines that had begun to bloom, with probing eyes, but no one was looking.

Zhang Deming frowned slightly, looked around, hesitated, and did nothing to stop him.

Looking at the flowerpot in front of him, when he was making and fine-tuning Ming Jiantao's memory data, the flowers and trees were already blooming. After all, massive data processing and three and a half years of perfecting the details took a long time.

But this time the vine did not bear fruit immediately after blooming. The flowers kept hanging and stopped at the Rank One stage.

Seeing this, Zhang Deming threw the turbid infant spirit bead in his hand into the core of the strange flower on the vine, and entered into the deep forging of meditation.

The moment the infant spirit bead touched the flower, the flower immediately wrapped the infant spirit bead. Immediately after the flowers change, a tiny fruit is born, and then slowly grows.

When the fruit grows to a certain extent and is about to ripen and fall off the stem, the fruit flashes with light and explodes again into countless threads that are invisible to the naked eye.

The threads weave slowly, and a strange mask is woven on the vines.

Finally, when the mask was completely woven, Fujiki shuddered and the mask fell down.

The difference from before was that although the vine withered this time, it did not collapse and disappear. It turned into a withered vine and remained in the flower pot.

Zhang Deming opened his eyes, looked at this scene, and frowned slightly.

Raise your hand, and the mask appears in your hand, take a closer look.

‘Sure enough, it’s just a three-star peak Law Weapon and a half-step Law Treasure! '

If you just talk about this thing, it is actually pretty good, but Zhang Deming used all Supreme Grade four-star materials this time, and used Rank Six forging techniques to forge it with all his strength. If you look at it this way, it is considered a forging failure.

‘It seems that even farming and forging has a certain degree of manual influence! ’ Zhang Deming frowned and thought.

Before he could do anything, the entire altar suddenly shook and emitted a little golden light. No, not a little, it was a very dazzling light.

This sudden change attracted the attention of everyone inside and outside the light ball tower.

Immediately afterwards, under the astonished eyes of everyone, Zhang Deming soared into the sky, flying directly from the first floor of the Light Ball Tower to the fourth floor where there was still no trace of a person, and almost entered the last floor.

And the countdown that had been decreasing suddenly suddenly jumped from the remaining two years to half a year.

In other words, with Zhang Deming's current results, if no one reaches the top within half a year, he can get the first place with his current results!

At this moment, some of the monks in the sky were stunned, some were surprised, and some were surprised.

"Is this... an epiphany?"

"A weapon refiner? A talent assessor?"

"What kind of weapon refining technique is this? This weapon refining furnace looks so weird?"

"It looks like a huge flower pot!"

"Qimen forging? It's really rare. There aren't many people doing traditional fire forging nowadays!"

"Such an exaggerated level jump, does it mean that a weapon can be rated multiple times with just one forging?"

"It seems that talent assessment has more advantages than talent!"

"Which family is this from?"

"Well, this kid can also refine weapons? Which lineage is he from?"


The monks all over the sky had different expressions, and in the lava pool, their thoughts flickered, and there were even many people in the tower, either new acquaintances or acquaintances, communicating in a vague manner.


Zhang Deming was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses. He came to the altar and looked down, and found that he had reached the fourth floor and was just one step away from reaching the top.

On the third floor below, there are now only five people, three men and two women.

One of the men he actually knew was Du Xuanda, a member of Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion whom he had met in Heavenly Spirit Sect!

Huo, this guy is really fierce!

When the two looked at each other, they were both stunned, but Du Xuanda frowned.

‘This person’s aura is obviously very strange, why do you feel so close to me? Well, no, it’s not closeness, it’s similarity! ’;

As his thoughts flickered, his eyes flashed with light, and golden copper coins appeared in his pupils, ready to make a hexagram.


Suddenly, the altar beneath his feet shook, and Du Xuanda snorted.

Zhang Deming, who looked at him, was slightly startled, then said with a smile: "Little guy, no one in this tower uses magic to hide, why do you think it is?

Haven't the elders in your family told you that you should be cautious when making predictions? The prerequisite for fortune-telling is not to mislead yourself. This is the first rule of fortune-telling. "

The voice was not quiet, and many people heard it. Du Xuanda was slightly startled, but he saluted Zhang Deming, selectively ignored Zhang Deming's title, and said, "Fellow Daoist knows Du?"

Zhang Deming shook his head with a smile, did not answer the other party, and returned to the center of the altar, ignoring the people below.

Looking at the mask in front of me, as a three-star Law Weapon, it is passable, and there is even hope of being promoted to the ranks of Law Treasure, after all, the foundation is there.

But if he wants to be promoted, the effort spent is not worth it. Apart from slowly grinding it down as a low-level monk, at his level, it is better to forge one from scratch.

In other words, his forging was originally a failure.

But...because he was on the first level before and now he has forged the three-star peak Law Weapon. Compared with the assessment, he was successful. He successfully passed the assessment on the second and third levels and entered the fourth level.

And another surprise is that the materials he previously selected on the first level have now been promoted to the fourth level. Can he continue to select materials?

"It has been detected that the assessor's talent assessment has been completed. Please continue the talent assessment! Because the assessor has applied for the fourth-level assessment materials in advance, materials and drawings will no longer be distributed."

Ha, is it really impossible for such an obvious bug to appear? After all, if you really want to do that, if you choose the blacksmithing talent assessment, wouldn't it be possible to choose high-level materials in the low-level stage to complete the low-level assessment?

Isn't there a huge loophole in this? This is not a loophole after a sudden change. If it is really like this, it is completely a loophole in the design!

Sure enough, the material I missed before was really missed.

My spiritual stone feels wrong, what should I do?

After feeling distressed for a moment, Zhang Deming calmed down, put away his mask, and looked at the two remaining materials again.

The weapon refining technique of Rank Six can theoretically forge a Supreme Grade four-star Law Treasure. Even if someone like him masters the blacksmithing technique, it is possible to forge a five-star Law Treasure.

Normally speaking, it is a piece of cake to forge a four-star Law Treasure with the Rank Six weapon refining technique. This still refers to traditional fire refining, but it is even more so with the time-consuming refining wood and earth forging like Zhang Deming.

However, because Zhang Deming had too little weapon refining experience, training him into a three-star Law Weapon was a complete failure.

(end of this chapter)

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