Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 555 Entering The Valley

Chapter 555 Entering the Valley

The demon dog on the left has light green hair, the one on the right is snow white, and the one Mo Bin is riding in the middle is still black as before.

The headless Zhang Deming burst into silk, and after the winding failed, the thread dissipated in the air.

"Poison, ice, clone? Just feel it clearly. I always feel that you are a little weirdly tight. I really don't want to get close to you until I feel it clearly! So much so that I have left you with the feeling that you are not as good as a dog when you are close to me. Misunderstanding, it’s really not polite.”

A whisper suddenly came from the void. Mo Bin and the remaining black dogs froze. Lightning rushed forward. Countless filaments were woven on the back of where he was before. Zhang Deming emerged with a sword and stabbed forward. Empty.

After stabbing into the air, Zhang Deming didn't care. A pair of gorgeous wings appeared on his back. He looked at Mo Bin and said, "Don't you want to fight up close? You are so ignorant, I will open your eyes!"

While speaking, Zhang Deming flapped his wings lightly, and disappeared in place again. Mo Bin, who had just avoided the attack, gave another warning all over his body, and the demon dog under his crotch flickered away to the side again.

And two monster dogs of the same size, one green and one white, which split apart, also rushed towards this side immediately.

Zhang Deming, who stabbed again, didn't care anymore, his wings fluttered behind him, and he disappeared in place again. Beside the demon dog who had just finished dodging, a ray of breeze emerged, and Zhang Deming's figure flashed out again.

In this way, Zhang Deming kept flashing, Mo Bin rode a black dog to dodge, and the two dogs at the side were exhausted in rescuing the scene.

In the small canyon, on the ground, and between the cliffs, the figures of the two kept flickering, and Mo Bin always had a sense of danger.

After many attempts to dodge to no avail, Mo Bin's eyes flickered as he became more and more dangerous. The green demon dog suddenly expanded and exploded into a poisonous mist that filled the sky, covering half of the canyon.

The spiritual shield on Zhang Deming's body was instantly activated.

"Have you finally opened up your defenses?" As he spoke, Mo Bin's aura suddenly became weird. He was obviously still the same person, but he still felt that something was extremely wrong.

"This breath..." Zhang Deming was a little surprised.

Without waiting for him to do anything, Mo Bin's aura changed, and he got together with the demon dog Integrated Union under him, turning into a monster with the body of a dog and the head of a man.

The monster stood up, with muscles all over its body, a human face between the eyebrows, and a dark eye suddenly opened, looking at Zhang Deming's shield with a strange look.


With a soft sound, the classic-level spiritual power shield was easily pierced under this inexplicable divine light.

At this moment, the remaining white demon dog also exploded suddenly. Before the poisonous fog ball could completely spread, it was frozen by the sudden burst of frost, forming a deformed green ice ball in the canyon.

In the ice hockey, as the two dogs disappeared, Mo Bin stood up with the head of a human and the body of a dog. Two weird dog heads suddenly appeared on his neck and shoulders, but they were only the size of fists and looked a bit deformed.

After the three heads emerged, he regained the ability to move in the solid ice puck, strolling towards Zhang Deming in the image of a monster.

The speed was not fast, but the moment Zhang Deming was breached, eroded by the poisonous mist, and imprisoned by the ice, he seemed to have lost the ability to resist.

When he walked closer to Zhang Deming, he stretched out his hand and the sphere formed by the poisonous fog and frost in the sky seemed to come alive and integrated into Zhang Deming's body.

"So what if the bloodline has returned to the ancestors? It's still under some kind of curse, but that's all!"

Looking at Zhang Deming, who was already sluggish due to the frost and poisonous mist entering his body, Mo Bin whispered disdainfully. As the ice and poisonous mist blended into Zhang Deming's body, a strange tattoo appeared on Zhang Deming's neck.

It looks a bit like a circle of tooth marks, but they are not human teeth marks, but dog marks. The upper half of the circle is light green and the lower half is silvery white.

As soon as the tooth marks were solidified, the deformed monster with the body of a dog and the head of a human tried to reach out and restrain Zhang Deming.

But at this moment, a pair of emerald-colored human hands suddenly appeared under the opponent's feet. After the hands grabbed the opponent's pair of dog legs, the emerald color turned into black and white.

Mo Bin, who had turned into a monster, had no time to move. As the man's hand turned into black and white, he froze in place with a face full of surprise. Only the strange eye between the eyebrows kept flashing, making Tu Li's black and white hands shake a little.

At this time, a strange transparent spike appeared in the air, and struck the dark vertical eye between the frozen monster's brows. The vertical pupil was shattered by the illusory spike, which seemed to be insubstantial.

A dark eyeball shattered into several pieces like crystal and fell to the ground.

With this change, the monster's figure blurred for a while, and turned into a three-headed hellhound again. However, there was a blood hole between Mo Bin's eyebrows on his back, and there was blood.

Even so, his request still did not break free from the confinement of the black and white hands. Instead, as the vertical pupils were destroyed, the two demon dogs retreated and were caught. Both it and Mo Bin on its back stopped in place, completely losing resistance. force.

"It's really a conscious evil, but... let's just say you don't have any knowledge. When fighting a summoning monk, you were busy showing your trump cards and unleashing your special moves before you even figured out the real body and the prosthetic body... ···You can win!

You exposed your weird aura from the very beginning, and you foolishly wanted to get closer. How stupid am I to not use a substitute to fight you? Then wouldn’t my summoning be in vain?

Moreover, I can’t even compete with you in a head-to-head fight with my classical-level spells, and I haven’t found any problems... It’s really scary to be ignorant! "

As the words of the void came out, a cloud of gray mist dissipated, countless threads were woven in the air, and Zhang Deming's true body emerged.

At the same time, countless blood-colored chains appeared in the void around the demon dog and Mo Bin, entangling one person and one dog, forming a lock on their chests. The locks circulated, completely imprisoning the two.

Out of caution, the chain was pulled, separating the man and the dog. The aura of the man and the dog suddenly dropped by five points.

Being imprisoned by classic-level, professional chess puzzle combination techniques, with Mo Bin's weird cultivation level, he obviously has little chance. Without the dog, he would really be worse than a dog!

Zhang Deming strolled forward, with the vines wandering around, and picked up the black crystal that shattered into three points on the ground. Although he didn't understand what it was, Zhang Deming shouldn't be too familiar with the weird atmosphere. It was obviously a Shinto relic.

"Why do do they feel like real eyes?" Zhang Deming asked in surprise as he looked at the three fragments in front of him while the vines were swaying. After carefully piecing them together, he asked.

The editing panel was shaking slightly at this time. Zhang Deming hesitated for a moment, then carefully reached out and touched the black crystal.

At the moment of contact, Zhang Deming felt a cold, crazy, and strange aura rushing into his body, and the editing panel shook for a moment. It was as if some power was suddenly extracted from the dark broken crystal, and it turned into an ordinary object in the blink of an eye.

After the crystallization disappeared, Zhang Deming took a look and saw that it was really an eyeball!

And after the power was taken away by the panel, the treachery and madness in the eyeballs lost something to maintain, and the eyeballs began to squirm, as if they were about to deform.

But without the slightest support, the squirming eyeballs jumped a few times, and then burst open, like a balloon filled with water, being poked and burst.

This change made Zhang Deming slightly stunned.

At this time, he was restrained and found that in the spirit-nurturing space, next to the inexplicable light point obtained by the crystal bone before, there was another illusory shadow, which seemed to be like an eyeball, but the same power was too little, so he could not get any information.

After looking around, Zhang Deming backed out.

First, he stretched out his hand and tapped the cursed sluggish incarnation. As the avatar squirmed, it transformed into a strange spiritual species. The strange tooth marks were still left on the spiritual species.

"Such a difficult curse? You can keep it for study." In a whisper, Zhang Deming did not disintegrate the spiritual seed, but turned his hand to put it away, quite like a poor man picking up rags.

After doing this, Zhang Deming looked back at the trapped Mo Bin and Yao Quan, and said: "Look, this is what you will end up without knowing. As a conscious evil, his methods should be very strong, but if you come back to me, you will really I haven't even touched it!"

As he spoke, part of the chains on the demon dog's body turned into blood-red vines, and countless roots were born like hair. Considering that the demon dog is a Great Monster of the Five Elements, its fur is very defensive and very valuable.

Zhang Deming didn't break through the defense in vain, but manipulated the silky blood-colored roots to infiltrate from the demon dog's mouth, eyes, and ears.

As a vine grew out of the demon dog's back, the imprisoned demon dog shook slightly. But when the three blood sacs condensed out, it gradually lost its sound.

After the demon dog was completely dead, Zhang Deming removed the blood sac. After skinning, removing the bones, and cramping the demon dog, he allowed the bloodthirsty vine to grow and turn into spiritual light and dissipate invisible.

After all this was done, Zhang Deming looked at Mo Bin in front of him, but he didn't do anything immediately to finish him off. There was a lot of noise in the battle before, and he was afraid that if it dragged on for a long time, if the people in the valley found out, they should run away.

As the vines swayed, Mo Bin was sealed away and thrown into the spirit cultivation space. He ignored the three people he threw out and walked carefully towards the canyon.


In the distance, the three people who were suddenly thrown out noticed that a battle had broken out in the valley.

The three of them were not fools. They did not run back again, but watched from a distance. When the poisonous mist dissipated and the battle ended in an instant, the three of them saw the transformed Mo Bin clearly. The three of them were all surprised. Zhang Xiuqing said in surprise: "Weird?"

"It's not like that. There is no strange thing like a dog, and there is no iron shell on the body." Zhang Junti shook his head.

"Then what the hell is this? The Mo family is getting more and more deformed! In the past, they were just ugly dogs, but now people are so ugly!" Zhang Xiuqing frowned.

Zhang Zeli also frowned and shook his head: "I don't know, I haven't seen it, and I haven't heard of it before."

While the three were communicating, they watched Zhang Deming enter the canyon alone from a distance, and the three of them were silent at the same time.

Zhang Xiuqing looked back at Zhang Junti and Zhang Zeli and said, "Uncle, seventh uncle, what should we do? Should we follow or wait?"

Zhang Zeli pondered for a moment and said, "Follow us from a distance. If something happens, we will be able to take care of you. If something happens, we can run away in time."

The three of them looked at each other without saying a word. They all agreed with this choice, so they followed silently.


Zhang Deming came to the mouth of the valley and was surprised to find that there were actually formations in the entire canyon!

Although it is a very low-level and very old arrangement method, judging from its traces, it should be a hidden formation created by a novice-level and extremely unprofessional formation cultivator.

Anyone with a little bit of cultivation can find problems, but even so, he is still a formation!

The formation represents the monk, not the special dog-controlling monk with a mortal body and a monk's mind, but a monk with real cultivation!

So this is why Mo Bin is not so surprised?

With some curiosity, Zhang Deming carefully passed through the poor concealment array covering the mouth of the valley and came to the canyon.

This is a valley basin, shaped like a crescent moon. The entrance is at the sharp corner of the crescent moon. You can only see half of the canyon, and you can't see it from the halfway point.

The place is not bad, but the scenery is not very beautiful, and weeds half the height of a person are everywhere. Coupled with the previous poisonous mist, the weeds looked yellow and withered, making the canyon look dilapidated, desolate and deserted.

There seems to be no human beings in the valley. The overall situation is in stark contrast to the heavy guards outside. It is also seriously inconsistent. It does not look like a place of precious treasures.

Not far from the entrance, you can clearly see a thatched house. The house is a bit dilapidated, as if it has been around for a long time. At least it has experienced decades of wind and frost, and now it is just barely holding on, and it feels like it may collapse at any time.

Zhang Deming floated forward and found that although the thatched cottage courtyard was a bit messy, it was still somewhat popular and seemed to have always been inhabited.

With his spiritual eyes flashing, Zhang Deming didn't find any human traces, but found several newly placed early warning restrictions in the yard.

Judging from its appearance, it seems that it was only decorated in recent years, and the layout is also very random. It is probably due to lack of practice in formations, and when it was arranged, it was not thought that anyone would be able to discover these things.

As Zhang Deming waved his hand, spiritual light surged, and he easily dismantled the early warning formation and floated into the small courtyard.

The courtyard is very rustic, with vaguely visible traces inferring that it once seemed to have some elegance, but now it is only deserted and dilapidated.

What puzzles Zhang Deming is that, in terms of style and layout, Zhang Deming vaguely feels like the Zhang Family Land in the Valley. It seems... This place looks like it was built by the Zhang family?

With a slight frown, Zhang Deming entered the room and saw many furnishings. Although they were all shabby, Zhang Deming's feeling was more certain.

Especially when he came to the only room next to the bedroom that was still well maintained, Zhang Deming was almost certain that the Zhang family had built it.

Although the 'study' in front of you is simple and simple, you can see the influence of the Zhang family in its furnishings, layout, style, and even many habits.

Regardless of other factors, Zhang Deming is at least certain to a certain extent that the person who originally built this place was most likely a Zhang family member, or the Zhang family who had a relatively low status in the Zhangjia Valley clan land.

(end of this chapter)

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