Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 556 What Is A Daughter Of The Mo Family! [Additional Update On The 43Rd, Please Subscribe, P

Chapter 556 What is a daughter of the Mo family! [Additional update on the 43rd, please subscribe, please vote monthly]

In doubt, Zhang Deming waved his hand and dismantled the only early warning formation here that had been carefully arranged before floating into the room.

The study room is a bit crude. There are not many books on the wooden bookshelf, and there are still three types of books mixed in: paper, animal skin, and bark. The smell of self-construction is clearly visible.

Zhang Deming reached out and took out a copy, and found that it was actually a handwritten copy, with many corrections in many places, as if it had been memorized silently. Because I was not sure, or my memory was not clear, I revised it many times.

After casually checking a few books, Zhang Deming was completely sure that this place was built by the Zhang family. Because I read several story books in a row, although there are some subtle differences, it is indeed a book by the Zhang family.

Those subtle differences seem to have been filled in by oneself when the memory was unclear when writing silently, but the general plot remains unchanged.

Why is the canyon built by the Zhang family guarded by the Mo family?

And judging from Zhang Zeli's previous reactions, it seemed that they didn't know that people of their own clan had ever lived here!

With some doubts, Zhang Deming looked through all the books and found that they were all story books and the Zhang family's messy miscellaneous books. There was nothing strange.

He turned around and entered the last room, which was a bedroom. Well, there is also the meaning of half an item storage room. I don't know what his habit is, but the other party seems to have piled a lot of commonly used items in the bedroom.

The room was divided into two parts, with the bed on one side and a lot of materials scattered on the other side, making it look like a craft room.

What surprised Zhang Deming was that he found a lot of spell-casting materials here, all of which were old-fashioned, and most of them were cursed things.

The kind of bones that Zhang Deming was concerned about before are also in the pile of materials. It seems that there are still five or six sections left.

The bones are gray in color, as if they have experienced a lot of wind, frost and weathering, and appear a bit mottled.

Zhang Deming checked it over and found no problems, then reached out and picked up a few broken bones. As he breathed out his spiritual power, the broken bones turned into crystals. In the radiant light, it seemed that something was about to wake up.

But just like before, before he could move, his power was absorbed and turned into a pile of ashes, flowing from Zhang Deming's fingertips to the ground.

Even with the addition of these broken bones, the shadows in the space were still very few and could not constitute the lowest part at all, making it impossible for Zhang Deming to obtain enough information.

In addition, Zhang Deming also found a lot of altered lines on the ground, as if the original owner had tried something here.

After checking the room, Zhang Deming's doubts were not relieved, but even more. With some doubts, he floated out of the room and towards the bottom of the crescent-shaped valley.

The entire valley seems to have been cultivated by people in the past, but now it is deserted. It is all covered with withered grass that is half a person tall, but you can still vaguely see what it once looked like.

There is also a small intestine trail, which seems to be frequently walked by people, so it is not deserted. Zhang Deming followed the trail to the waist of the valley and had a thorough look at the bottom.

If the front part of the valley is a weedy field where the former farmland was abandoned, then the lower half is a place where gardens and fruit trees were abandoned.

Although many trees have been neglected for a long time, the traces of human planting are still clearly visible.

Similarly, because of the poisonous mist that filled the air before, it was all half withered, falling into a situation of dying but not yet dead. It is often in this situation that it becomes even more desolate.

Zhang Deming slightly raised his height and had a panoramic view of the entire lower half of the canyon.

Then he glanced around and found that there seemed to be a platform in the lower half of the canyon. There seemed to be a person lying on it at the moment?

With a slight movement of mind and a little caution, Zhang Deming drifted through the woods and arrived at the bottom of the canyon.

"Are you here? I didn't expect to see people of the same bloodline appear in the clan in my lifetime, so I can feel more at ease!" The old man said as he looked at the pair of dog ears on Zhang Deming's head.

Judging from his appearance, it seemed that he had anticipated Zhang Deming's arrival and was waiting for Zhang Deming. And there was a little regret, a little regret, and a little inexplicable tone in his words.

Zhang Deming was stunned for a moment and realized that this man was actually a monk. Although he only had the cultivation level of Liangyi, he was actually an orthodox monk with cultivation level.

However, something was wrong with the old man at the moment. He was completely exhausted. Apart from his own reasons, the culprit was a tooth mark on his neck.

The teeth marks on the dog's mouth, with the upper half dark green and the lower half silvery white, are constantly squirming at this moment, devouring the old man's little vitality. Apparently because of Mo Bin's death, the curse mark started to break out.

What worries Zhang Deming is that in addition to his normal appearance, the old man also has a dark dog tail sticking out from behind his butt.

Moreover, there was also a strange dog lying next to the old man. It looks like the Zhang family's dog, but judging from the marks on its shoulders, it originally had two heads, but one of them seemed to have been chopped off, leaving only a scar.

The dog is also a man of two arts, and his life is dependent on the old man. At this moment, through the connection with the beast, he is using his little life force to support the old man and hang on the old man's life. This prevents the old man from dying when the curse seal breaks out.

Of course, even so, it is only a slight delay, and may even cost a dog's life. The old man didn't seem to stop his dog from doing this. After all, if he died, his dog probably wouldn't survive alone.

Zhang Deming turned his head and looked at the entire round platform. It seemed to be an altar. After looking at it carefully for a long time and searching a lot of information, Zhang Deming was shocked to find that this turned out to be a real altar! ! !


In the ancient magic era, many magic spells had extremely long casting forward angles, which were so far forward that they could not be used normally in combat.

Such spells are often weird and powerful, and a typical representative of them is the cursed Taoist spell, such as the 'Nailhead Seven Arrows Book' that is still resounding in Hongmeng.

This kind of thing is extremely weird and hard to guard against. It's just that the swing before casting is so long that it makes people desperate. Some people have to practice it for several days. It feels like they are using their time and life to hold back the ultimate move.

If Zhang Deming hadn't sensed anything wrong with the altar in front of him, it would have been a cursed altar. It was an ancient magic altar that was so old that it lost teeth. It was the legendary art of hating victory.


Zhang Deming was surprised and felt a little higher. He didn't want to get involved in this kind of crap.

If you give it enough time to arrange it and make it secret enough, it is not impossible to curse it beyond the limit. Of course, the price may be a bit high.

When the old man saw Zhang Deming's actions, he was a little stunned when he was lying on the ground with all his oil and lamps exhausted: "It seems that you are a young man who has not much knowledge. The clan was cursed by me and fell, but you can still cultivate it." For a kid like you, I can finally rest in peace!"

There was a bit of relief in his words, a little free and easy, like a kind elder. Zhang Deming, however, remained unmoved and did not come closer.

"Are you... from the Zhang family?" Zhang Deming said in surprise.

"Haha... Zhang family? I'm Zhang Mo!" The old man showed a wry smile.

"Zhang Mo? The bow is Zhang Zhang, black soil ink?" Zhang Deming said with incomprehensible semantics. This name would not be chosen by any of the normal Zhang and Mo families.

The two words here represent blood feuds, like a sea of ​​blood feuds, which generations of people have piled up with their young lives and cannot be washed away.

Just putting them together makes the two tribes angry, let alone being named after them.

As he spoke, Zhang Deming looked around the surroundings, looked at the two-headed dog next to the old man, thought of a possibility, looked at the old man in astonishment and said, "Could it be that you..."

He paused at this point and did not continue his speculation.

The old man smiled and seemed to understand what Zhang Deming was thinking. He said, "Yes, I was born here!"

"Third Grand Duke? Why is it you?" As the two were talking, a surprised voice sounded. The old man raised his head weakly. Zhang Deming turned his head and saw that Zhang Zeli, Zhang Junti and Zhang Xiuqing appeared at the edge of the orchard.

At this moment, Zhang Zeli was looking at the old man named Zhang Mo with surprise and confusion on his face.


Guangzi senior?

A generation higher than his status as a preacher?

So this old man is only a hundred years old. The Liangyi monks have a short life span of 500 years and a long life of 800 years. But he is already like this at the age of 100?

"It's Ze Li, I've suffered a lot for you these years!" The old man struggled to hold up half of his body, and said so, with some kindness in his words.

Zhang Zeli was slightly excited and said with tears in his eyes: "My grandson should not suffer. This is what Zeli should do."

As he spoke, he was about to step forward to check the condition of the old man on the altar, but was stopped by a vine emerging from the ground.

Zhang Zheli paused, looked up at the floating Zhang Deming, and said with a little excitement: "Uncle, you may not know this, this is the Third Grand Duke Zhang Guangwei, just like you, uncle. It was he who sacrificed his life to fight for two years with many ancestors. The clan elder of the clan channel!”

"Uncle? Are you from the cloth family? Why don't I remember you?"

The old man, who didn't know whether his name was Zhang Mo or Zhang Guangwei, seemed to be looking at Zhang Deming floating in the air in surprise, and his words were still kind.

"This is Zhang Bodao, Uncle Zhang, who came from the Yang family through the passage between the two clans. He only returned to the clan two years ago." Zhang Zeli explained.

The old man Zhang Mo looked at Zhang Deming and frowned: "Are you Guanghe or Guangyu's child? If I remember correctly, only Guanghe and Guangyu were trapped in the Yang family land."

Zhang Deming did not answer the conversation. At this moment, this old guy's credibility was stronger than his own because of Zhang Zeli. Once he accidentally stepped into his trap, he would be disadvantaged.

He was still thinking about taking over Zhangjiacun, but he couldn't destroy Zhang Poutao's character. Moreover, if a person who practices the art of hating victory is professionally qualified and suitable for Dao Integration, then...this character, haha...

"The martyr who broke into the passage between the two races? So, if I remember correctly, you are the only Zhang Guangwei who came out and caused the Zhang family to go crazy?

Haha, plus the altar here and what you just said, if I understand correctly, the Zhang family was exterminated back then, it was probably because of you! ” Zhang Deming said.

When the old man heard this, his expression became a little lonely.

"Uncle, what are you talking about? There was no possibility that Taigong Guangwei could spread the disease back then. He was locked up voluntarily when he returned to the clan. There was no chance of spreading any crazy disease!" Zhang Zeli said. He was the one who experienced it firsthand back then. , quite familiar with this.

"Haha, there is no need to contact the Altar of Wean Sheng. In addition, I felt the aura of the mutated curse in the ancestral temple before...

Then when you first entered the passage, you probably weren't trying to break into some kind of passage between two races to become a martyr.

Instead, go get the best curse materials, and use the overflowing and diluted crazy fog as a guide to open the altar. It really complements each other and gets twice the result with half the effort!

Wait... So the Yang family's dog plague didn't come from you, right? "Zhang Deming looked at the old man and said.

Everyone was a little dazed after hearing this. Zhang Xiuqing and Zhang Junti looked at the old man with twinkling eyes, with a hint of ferocity. Zhang Zeli looked dull and expectant, as if expecting the old man to explain.

"Oh, the misfortune of the Yang family has nothing to do with me, it was caused by Mo Bin's treachery and enlightenment!" The old man replied with a sigh, his words seemed to be filled with calmness and remorse, without any cover-up.

This sentence made Zhang Zeli feel as if he had been struck by lightning, while Zhang Xiuqing and Zhang Junti's eyes were full of fierce light, but Zhang Deming was slightly relieved, just admit it in disguise!

In this way, his identity is definitely higher than the old man's credibility!

"Zhang Mo? This valley was originally...?" Zhang Deming asked the previous question again after suppressing the credibility of the old man's words in front of the Zhang family.

The old man Zhang Mo was silent for a moment, as if he was recalling something, and then he said after a long time: "My father is Zhang Nianlin, and my mother is Mo Yu."

Zhang Xiuqing was confused, Zhang Jun was at a loss, and Zhang Zeli was stunned. The three of them looked at this legendary clan elder in surprise, who once had a very high status in the clan.

"Impossible! Impossible. Ancestor Nianlin married Nianjiao. Ancestor Nianlin was as handsome as Uncle Evangelist. There are many people in the clan who are pursuing him. Why did he find the Mo family?" !" Zhang Zeli said a little lost.

The old man looked at the three of them, and continued: "Back then, my father discovered another gap in the mist passage when he was on the edge of the Mo family, but he was bumped into by the Mo family and captured back to the family.

Because of some reasons in the passage, he was not killed, but was detained instead, so he got to know his mother. He was secretly hidden by his mother and brought here.

At first the father was imprisoned, but unfortunately it was of no use. The Mo family, regardless of gender, is very strong, and you all know it if you think about it. Later, when I got older and had me, my life became more stable. "

This means...

The corners of Zhang Deming's mouth twitched when he heard it, what is this?

Stockholm Syndrome?

Or should it be called Rijiu Shengqing?

Or milk baby healing?

Did he understand it correctly?

This Mo family woman is really awesome! The beauty hidden in the golden house is of a high level!


I wish you all a happy Dragon Boat Festival, everything goes smoothly, and harmony!

In addition, it's the holidays, and Wei Wei still works so hard, so give Wei Du some holiday gifts, monthly tickets are all available!

(end of this chapter)

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