Although as each game begins to receive feedback, Blue Star's landscape is undergoing tremendous changes.

But it has to be said that Blue Star's most powerful force is still the United States.

Under the leadership of the United States, invitations to the "Blue Star Power Arena" were quickly sent to senior officials from various countries.

Many countries immediately accepted this proposal.

In particular, some of the original followers of the United States issued official announcements as soon as possible.

Eagle Country: This is really a wonderful proposal, which is extremely conducive to the unity of the people of the world.

Country F: The players and warriors of our country are already ready to participate in this grand competition!

Country D: The proposal is good, we agree.

Island Country: A very good proposal. We will ask the leader of the Ninja Alliance for instructions. I believe he will definitely agree to participate in this great event!

The island nation acted quickly.

But they are different from other countries.

Most of the official hands of other countries have the power of some gamers, but an extremely powerful organization has emerged in the island country.

This organization is called the Ninja Alliance!

The entire island country and all ninjas have joined this alliance!

And the leader of this alliance can almost be called the king of the entire underground world of the island country!

Without his consent, even if the island country officials wanted to respond to the master's call and participate in this competition, there would be no contestants to send...

The officials of the island country flattered him all night long, gave him big gifts, and then got the opportunity to meet the leader of the Ninja Alliance.

late at night.

Three middle-aged men in suits with nervous faces and sweat on their foreheads, led by a ninja, bowed their heads and arrived at the presidential suite on the top floor of the metropolitan building where the leader of the Ninja Alliance was located.

Facing the king of the entire underground world of the island country, even if they represent the official power of the island country, they do not dare to be careless in the slightest.

at this time.

In the presidential suite, in addition to Goldman Sachs, there were five female ninjas wearing "ninja suits."

It seemed that because of the arrival of a stranger, they all sat quietly on the bed, looking gentle and quiet.

Seeing the arrival of the official envoy, Goldman Sachs stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with his bare feet in a white bathrobe, holding a glass of red wine in his hand, and slowly turned around.

"My time is very tight, you only have half a minute to explain your purpose!"

After hearing the words of the leader of the Ninja Alliance, the middle-aged man at the head hurriedly wiped the sweat from his forehead and respectfully said what he had prepared for a long time.

"Dear Leader, we have officially received an invitation from the United States to participate in a competition called the 'Blue Star Power Arena'. The contestants are all the most powerful gamers on Blue Star, so we are here to ask for your instructions. , is it possible for our country’s ninjas to participate in this competition and show off our country’s prestige..."

Hearing these words, Goldman Sachs narrowed his eyes slightly and glanced at the other party.

The three people immediately lowered their heads in fear.

Facing the leader of the Ninja Alliance, they felt as small as ants.

Goldman Sachs took a sip of red wine and said as if talking to himself: "Well, it's good to show off our country's prestige..."

After hearing what Goldman Sachs said, the faces of the three official envoys suddenly became a little more excited.

It seems that the leader is also from Love Island!

This is easy to handle!


They lowered their heads and did not see the strange smile on Goldman Sachs' lips.

Goldman Sachs paused slightly.

Then, he looked at the five female ninjas on the bed.

He slowly said: "Is it enough to give you five ninjas?"

After hearing Goldman Sachs' words, the three middle-aged men frowned slightly.

Five is really not that many.

For such a world-class large-scale competition, the more participants, the better.

The greater the number of participants, the greater the chance of achieving good results, and the greater the country's influence will be enhanced.

But facing the leader of the Ninja Alliance, the king of the island nation's underground world, they didn't dare to make too many demands.

The leader of the envoy wiped his sweat again, and said nervously and awkwardly: "Five... will do too!"

After hearing what the messenger said, Goldman Sachs nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, the leader of the envoy suppressed the fear in his heart and said again: "Leader, can you arrange for the five ninjas to go back with us now? The schedule for this event is quite urgent, and we may start tomorrow... …”

Upon hearing this request, Goldman Sachs showed a clear look of dissatisfaction on his face.

He snorted coldly and said: "Hmph, you are not qualified to make demands. Besides, those five ninjas still have very important tasks to do tonight!"

Hearing this cold snort, the three envoys trembled with fright and hurriedly said: "Don't dare, don't dare, please calm down, leader..."

Goldman Sachs is naturally lifeless.

He is in a good mood now.

Not wanting to scare these messengers anymore, he said slowly: "You give the address of the competition to my men. Before the competition starts, I will send the 'powerful' ninja you need to the competition site on time!"

After Goldman Sachs finished speaking, the three envoys finally breathed a long sigh of relief.

Since the leader of the Ninja Alliance said so, there should be no problem.

The three people hurriedly excused themselves and left.

From beginning to end, they didn't dare to look at the rest of the room.

They were so nervous that they didn't even notice the five quiet "female ninjas" on the bed.

After the three people left, Goldman Sachs gently put down the goblet in his hand, looked at the five "female ninjas" on the bed, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

He said to himself: "My mother taught me when I was a child that you can't enjoy beautiful things alone, you have to know how to share them!"

"I hope the people of Blue Star like this gift I shared! Hahahahaha!"

In addition to some guys from the United States, there are also some other countries that have said they will participate on time.

This "Blue Star Power Arena" is not only an opportunity for the United States to understand the strength of players from other countries, but also an opportunity for other countries.

Only by playing against gamers from other countries in person can we better understand the strength of our own strength and have greater confidence in future competitions.

After receiving the invitation, Long Guo also attached great importance to it.

Early the next morning.

Longguo's senior officials immediately held a meeting to study this matter.

For this reason, Jiang Yun's father also called back Qi Changqing, who had gone to the Northwest.

Although Qi Changqing is very young, he is currently the most powerful being in the entire Cultivation Institute, and he also knows the most about the power of immortal cultivators.

Although Qi Changqing was somewhat reluctant, he finally agreed after hearing that Jiang Yun would not attend this meeting.

There were not many people attending the meeting, only seven or eight in total.

The only people who participated in the repair and management office were Jiang Yun's father and Qi Changqing. The others were all real senior officials of the Dragon Kingdom.

The meeting quickly got to the point.

There is only one most critical factor in whether to participate in this "Blue Star Power Arena".

That is, how does the power of immortal cultivators compare with the power of game players from other countries.

If the difference is not big, or it is impossible to judge, it is best to participate.

Test your own strength and learn about the strength of other countries.

But if you know that your side is the strongest, then there is no need to participate. Participating will only expose your strength and waste time.

"Mr. Qi, with the power of our Immortal Cultivator Management Office, can we steadily defeat players from other countries?" An old man asked slowly.

The senior officials of the Dragon Kingdom obviously have a preliminary understanding of the strength of the immortal cultivators.

Not only are expectations high, but Qi Changqing, a powerful immortal cultivator, is also respected.

He didn't call him by his name, but addressed him as sir!

Hearing this question, Qi Changqing nodded slowly and replied: "We don't know how many types of player power there are in the entire Blue Star, but I can guarantee that the power of our repair and management office is definitely not as good as that of any country. The player is weak!"

After hearing Qi Changqing's affirmative speech, several senior officials of the Dragon Kingdom nodded slightly.

They have already roughly understood this through investigations.

However, the power of the Cultivation Center does not represent the power of the entire Dragon Kingdom's cultivators.

Because the most powerful immortal cultivator in the Cultivation and Management Institute can only rank tenth on the "Piaomiao Immortal Path" cultivation ranking list!

At this time, another old man also asked: "Mr. Qi, if all the immortal cultivators in our country are added up, and the players from other countries are added up, what is the strength comparison?"

Upon hearing this question, Qi Changqing was slightly stunned at first.

Then he suddenly asked: "You mean, all the players of "Piaomiao Immortal Path"? Even the big guy who ranks first in the cultivation rankings is included?"

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