This high-level meeting of the Dragon Kingdom lasted for two hours.

Qi Changqing left the capital in a hurry just after the meeting.

Longguo's senior officials spoke highly of Qi Changqing's hurried return to grassroots work and his pragmatic and hard-working style.

As for the content of this meeting, it was not announced to the public.

No one knows what was discussed at the meeting except those who attended it.

However, just after the meeting, Longguo officials issued an announcement.

"The 'Blue Star Power Arena' is a grand sporting event. The Dragon Kingdom has always supported this friendly competitive activity that can promote friendship between countries. However, because the time was too short, we were not fully prepared and we can only regret it. I have chosen to withdraw from this event, and I hope that when the 'Second Blue Star Power Arena' is held, we will have the opportunity to participate."

“Finally, I wish the first ‘Blue Star Power Arena Tournament’ a complete success!”

The official announcement of Dragon Kingdom had just been made, and the top officials of the United States were dumbfounded.

In this competition, their main goal is actually the Dragon Kingdom.

The reason is also very simple.

They know the least about the power of immortal cultivators!

Gamers from other countries know more or less about it.

But it is difficult to estimate how strong the cultivators are.

They couldn't even accurately translate those strange realms, all kinds of weird terms, such as the out-of-body distraction and integration of the Cave Mahayana, and the ascension of Yuanying's spiritual energy.

I originally thought this was a conspiracy. The senior leaders of the Dragon Kingdom must also want to know the strength of their side, and they should participate!

But unexpectedly, the other party didn't accept the move at all!

Now they have no choice.

Invitations have been sent out, and other countries are also ready.

Some countries have even sent player teams to the United States!

This "Blue Star Power Arena Tournament" can only be held bravely.

Jianghai City.

In Lin Yu's villa.

When the first ray of sunlight in the morning shone into the bedroom, Lin Yu slowly opened his eyes.

After becoming an immortal, Lin Yu seemed to feel that there was not much difference from usual times.

In other words, I am just an immortal in terms of cultivation and body.

But in my heart, I haven't adapted to all this yet.

After all, the time to become an immortal is too short, and there was no preparation for this at all.

Lin Yu still wanted to sleep and eat on time.

Although these are completely useless to Lin Yu now.

Lin Yu got up and came to the restaurant.

Xiaoguang is already having breakfast.

When he came back last night, Lin Yu had already greeted Xiaoguang, so Xiaoguang already knew Lin Yu's situation.

Seeing Lin Yu walking into the restaurant, Xiaoguang smiled and said, "Brother, do you still need to eat now?"

Lin Yu rolled his eyes at him and said, "Aren't you eating too?"

Hearing Lin Yu's words, Xiaoguang smiled and said, "That's right. Eating is just a hobby. It has nothing to do with being hungry!"

Lin Yu ignored Xiaoguang, smiled at Aunt Wang who had just served his breakfast, and then started eating.


After taking a few bites, Lin Yu realized something was wrong.

It seems like my body is rejecting these foods.

It seems that these foods are useless to me, and may even affect the purity of my body!

For your body, these ordinary foods are almost equal to impurities.

However, in just one breath, the food in Lin Yu's stomach disappeared.

Everything turned into impurities and was exhaled out of the body by Lin Yu in one breath.


Lin Yu took a breath.

Doesn't this mean that he has become a loser?

Take one mouthful of food and exhale and it will be digested?

If you go to the buffet, wouldn't you be sure to make money without losing money?

Although the food is of no use to your body, the taste is still there.

There’s nothing wrong with satisfying your taste buds!

After eating, Lin Yu returned to his bedroom again.

Picked up the phone and opened the official game forum.

At this time, the mobile game "Piaomiao Immortal Path" is under maintenance, and there is no way to log in to the game. You can only check it out on the official forum.

After the game maintenance, the number of players on the official forum has obviously increased a lot.

The number of posts surged.

Every minute, there seem to be several or even dozens of posts appearing.

After reading a post and exiting, the post will be pushed to the back of several pages.

Lin Yu casually browsed the forum.

"When will the game be launched? If I clear the dungeon dozens of times today, my cultivation level will be raised to the Golden Core stage!"

"I've been grinding dungeons for the past two days, and I almost vomited!"

"Yeah, I can't recharge. I feel like there are only copies left to play in this game!"

"My four teammates and I have been clearing the Blackwater Demon Cave for three days in a row, but we haven't succeeded yet..."

"Master upstairs, if you dare to enter the Blackwater Demon Cave, it already shows that your cultivation level is very strong! I envy the master players!"

"What a great god, we have never even seen the face of the final BOSS, the Blackwater Demon Lord. Every time we are destroyed by his subordinates..."

"Did a lot of people say yesterday that the wall in their home was cracked? Damn it, my wall was cracked today too. It's so scary!"

"The classrooms in our school are also cracked. The school is closed for three days, oh yeah!"

"Why isn't the wall in our school cracked? What a pity!"

"I envy the school that is broken!"

"Envy +1!"

"Envy +10086!"

"Have you noticed that Blue Star seems to have become bigger recently? The cracks in the house may be caused by the movement of the earth's crust!"

"Yeah, I found it too!"

"Is the spiritual energy about to revive? I think the blue stars in those spiritual energy recovery novels will become bigger!"

"Damn it, I'm a sports student. I used to run 100 meters in less than 11.5 seconds every time, and this morning it was 11.6 seconds every time! I measured the track on the school playground, and it's so much longer than before. Ten centimeters!”

By reading the posts on the forum every day, you can basically learn a lot of new news.

There are really a lot of players in the mobile game "Piaomiao Xiantu", and there are all kinds of news.

At this time, a post suddenly caught Lin Yu's attention.

"Recently, those Buddhist cultivators in Asan Kingdom have gone too far. It seems that many Buddhist cultivators have come to the border of our Dragon Kingdom to preach. I really want to fight them all back!"

"Those Buddhist cultivators in Asan Kingdom seem to need the faith of believers to increase their strength. That's how it is in their games anyway. I guess they are planning to cultivate followers in advance before the techniques are fed back!"

"We people from the Dragon Kingdom naturally believe in Taoism, how can we believe in Asan!"

"It's hard to say this. There's no way to force faith into something like this!"

"It's probably because Asan Kingdom is full of Buddhist cultivators, and the competition for believers is too fierce, so they came to us."

Although Lin Yu often reads posts on official forums, he rarely replies.

However, after seeing this post, Lin Yu suddenly replied below the post.

Lin Yu didn't have a good impression of the Buddhist cultivators in Asan Kingdom.

The official game forum and the game account are related, so the names used by players on the official forum are all the names in the game.

When Lin Yu replied to the post, the ID of Chengfeng Zhenren was naturally displayed.

Master Chengfeng: "If the Buddha doesn't offend me, I won't offend the Buddha. If the Buddha offends me, I will destroy him!"

It was originally a very ordinary post.

It's not very popular in the official forum.

It is estimated that it will sink to the bottom before long and will never be seen again.

But when Chengfeng Zhenren replied to this post, the popularity of the post instantly increased significantly, directly reaching the top of the post popularity rankings that day!

Players who pass by will sigh at the bottom of Chengfeng’s post!

"Holy shit, shit, Chengfeng Zhenren has appeared, boss, I worship you, boss!"

"Don't use the exclamation word "f*ck" in front of Chengfeng's name upstairs. Brother, hurry up and change it!"

"Worship the boss!"

"Worship the boss, the boss is mighty!"

"By the way, this is the first time Master Chengfeng has posted a post, please worship him!"

"Master Chengfeng Zhenren, have you survived the tribulation?"

"Chengfeng Zhenren is mighty!"


Laha City.

It is here that Qi Changqing serves as the director of the Laha City Branch of the Maintenance and Management Institute.

Qi Changqing, who had just returned here not long ago, was also browsing the posts on the official forum.

Then, I saw the speech of Master Chengfeng.

"If the Buddha doesn't offend me, I won't offend the Buddha. If the Buddha offends me, I will destroy him!"

Seeing this, Qi Changqing's eyes suddenly lit up!

Master Chengfeng Zhenren, it turns out he hates Asan’s Buddhist practice!

He hurriedly asked one of his men: "I remember you said yesterday that there were a few bald heads from Asan Kingdom suddenly appearing here?"

The subordinate nodded hurriedly and said: "Yes, he suddenly appeared in the past two days. I don't know why he came to us. Do you need me to investigate?"

Hearing what his men said, Qi Changqing slammed the table and stood up with excitement on his face.

"Fuck! What a waste of investigation! Fuck him! Copy the guy!"

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