However, Du Yanhui did not persuade Xu Fei to make this decision.

And his Sihai Gourd is still waiting for Xu Fei's help to refine it.

Naturally, he won't talk too much.

As the Sihai Gourd begins to be refined.

Gradually other peak masters found out and came to watch.

And it was even more lively than the last time when I was refining the Ming Ling Divine Light.

After all, although the Four Seas Gourd is a common magical weapon, it uses the rare ten thousand year old gourd as its main material.

This situation has been rare for many years.

Of course, everyone has to join in the excitement.

Many other peak masters were quite friendly when they looked at Xu Fei.

Xu Fei could not compete with an elder from Tianqi Peak before. Although he was very talented, he was only an elder from Tianqi Peak.

But now it's different.

Xu Fei has become a disciple of Beilu and has the qualifications to take over as the leader.

Who can say for sure what will happen in the future? Although the other party is young, is it really impossible for him to become the leader?

So Xu Fei vaguely became "my generation" with these top peak masters of the Linglong Immortal Sect.

It can be regarded as completing Xu Fei's previous 'delusion'.

In addition to returning the gift, Xu Fei earnestly assisted You in refining the Four Seas Gourd for the Patriarch.

As the floor in the Red Hall shrinks, it falls into the Heavenly Weapon Peak and enters the refining room of Patriarch Youwei.

This time the refining of Sihai Gourd has officially begun.

It's just that this time it's not using 'Blood Flame' to refine the weapon.

Patriarch Yu Wei opened another set of formations in the weapon refining room.

A transparent water mass about ten feet in diameter was released.

Xu Fei looked at the location where the transparent water mass was released, and then at the location where the hematitis was released.

Based on the distribution of these positions, we can roughly speculate.

In the ancestor's refining room, there were obviously more than two types of refining materials: water and fire.

Basically, there are three arrangements for refining magic weapons: Yunjin, Moisturizing Wood, and Thick Earth.

In particular, the transparent water mass is not ordinary.

After Xu Fei observed it for a while, he determined that the water mass was all the "Tian Shui Yuan Jing"!

This made Xu Fei quite envious.

After all, the value of this mass of Tianshui Yuanjing is almost half of his current worth.

Not to mention the subsequent maintenance and upkeep costs.

At this time the ground regenerates and changes.

A big cauldron grew out and caught the Tianshui Yuanjing.

After falling into the big cauldron, Tianshui Yuanjing had almost half a cauldron.

At this time, Xu Fei did not need to greet Patriarch Youwei, but came directly to Patriarch Youwei.

Use magic power to roll out pieces of refined spiritual materials from the storage bag.

Place them in categories.

Seeing this, Patriarch Youwei nodded with satisfaction.

This disciple has good talent and a good eye.

With its help, he can save three points of effort in refining the magic weapon.

Thinking of this, Patriarch Youwei did not hesitate and took out the tempered Wannian gourd.

The jade gourd that was previously yellow with green in it has now turned light blue in color.

And then when all the spiritual materials refined by Xu Fei are integrated into it, the Sihai Gourd made with the Wannian Gourd as the main material is completed.

Patriarch Yu Wei raised his hand and threw the blue gourd into the Tianshui Yuanjing inside the cauldron.

The gourd sank slowly.

Falling into the center of Yuan Jing, he stopped moving.

Seeing this, Patriarch Wei sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes and calmed his mind.

After a moment, he opened his eyes, his eyes shining brightly as he activated his magic power.

The Tianshui Yuanjing in the cauldron began to rotate slowly.

The ten thousand year gourd in the center naturally rotates accordingly.

Tianshui Yuanjing is actually the essence of water that is full of energy and pure.

But water is the easiest to be contaminated by other things.

So this thing is extremely rare.

What's more, it also has the wonderful effect of purifying mana and purifying the monk's body from poisonous drugs.

So every drop is very expensive.

Because the Patriarch was able to find a ball worth ten feet, he used it to refine weapons.

It’s hard not to marvel at the luxury.

With the tempering and oppression of Tianshui Yuanjing, the nature of the Wannian Gourd has undergone certain changes.

Because the Sihai Gourd to be refined is a water magic weapon, it is best not to use fire or earth items or spiritual materials when refining it.

Seeing this, Xu Fei wisely handed over the first spiritual material.

After getting permission from Patriarch Youwei, he slowly put it into the cauldron.

After the spiritual material fell into the Tianshui Yuanjing, it was quickly ground up by the Yuanjing and squeezed into the ten thousand year gourd.

After one spiritual material was integrated into the gourd and properly disposed of, Xu Fei handed over the second spiritual material.

As each piece of spiritual material is integrated into the ten thousand year gourd.

The light blue color of the Wannian Gourd's body is gradually deepening.

Give birth to bursts of mystery.

Half a year has passed in the blink of an eye.

The process of refining the Four Seas Gourd this time is much more troublesome than refining the Ming Ling Divine Light before.

After half a year has passed, there are still ninety-one kinds of spiritual materials that have not been integrated into the Wannian Gourd.

But the Wannian Gourd's size has tripled.

And there is a faint feeling of reaching the limit.

If we just stop here, let alone the Four Seas Gourd, even the precious spiritual material of the Ten Thousand Years Gourd will be destroyed.

So I still have to continue.

However, since the Patriarch's skill in refining weapons is superb and his magic power is quite profound, it is inevitable for him to be more cautious at this moment.


Patriarch Youwei couldn't help but be surprised when he saw Xu Fei asking for his opinion on whether to put the spiritual materials in the cauldron.

In the past six months, the spiritual materials Xu Fei has invested are quite suitable for the current situation, so he does not need to worry too much.

Why did you bring this kind of spiritual material now?

But when Patriarch Youwei was about to correct Xu Fei, something moved in his heart.

It seems like... the effect of this spiritual material is more suitable than the spiritual material he wants to invest in?

This made Patriarch Youwei couldn't help but look at Xu Fei.

"Ancestor, is there anything inappropriate?" Xu Fei said.

Master Du Laofeng sent a high-ranking figure from the Du family to go to Miaohua Gate with him to seek justice for his son Xu Daoxiu.

Xu Fei always kept this feeling in his heart.

At this moment, the Wannian Gourd has almost reached its limit. If it is not adjusted in time, subsequent refining will be a bit risky.

So after thinking about it, Xu Fei took action.

And it’s just a choice of investing in a spiritual material.

Xu Fei felt that Patriarch Yuwei might not notice that he had hidden clumsiness.

"That's right, just throw it into the cauldron." Patriarch Youwei chuckled.

"Yes." Xu Fei was worried when he heard this.

After all, although there is nothing wrong with hiding one's clumsiness, it would always be a bit bad if the Patriarch noticed it.

After putting the spiritual material into the cauldron, as the spiritual material was integrated into the ten thousand year gourd, the gourd that had reached its limit before gained some relief.

Although there is no guarantee that the Sihai Gourd will be successfully refined in the end, it is still better than the previous situation.

And then another year passed in the blink of an eye.

The last ninety-one spiritual materials were finally integrated into the Wannian Gourd.

Next is the most important step.

Enlighten the gourd.

If the properties of all spiritual materials are penetrated and integrated into one, then spiritual enlightenment can be successful, and this weapon refining will be successful.

Of course, even if not all the properties of the spiritual material have been penetrated, but some of the main properties have been penetrated, then even if the power is somewhat compromised, it can still be considered a success.

I'm afraid that the properties of some of the main spiritual materials are not compatible, and the consequences will be serious.

The weapon refining failed! (End of chapter)

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