Cultivation Of Immortality: My Branching And Spreading System

Chapter 360, Gourd from all over the world

And if the weapon refining fails this time, in addition to the loss of the reputation of the founder, Xu Fei may not be able to receive the other half of the reward that he has not yet received.

So Xu Fei was still quite concerned.

"Please help me, brothers, sisters, and sisters!" Patriarch Youwei said.

The sixty-one peak masters of the Linglong Immortal Sect are not monks of the same era.

Ruyou is the founder and has been practicing for more than 10,000 years.

And Master Du Laofeng has been practicing for more than 40,000 years.

The gap between generations is huge.

However, as long as you are not a close disciple, as long as you become a peak master, you can basically talk to other peak masters of your generation.

Therefore, there is no problem in calling other peak leaders senior brothers, senior sisters, junior brothers and junior sisters.

Some of the peak masters who were watching had already left, but there were still eleven who persisted until now.

At least the three peak masters of the Du family, Du Yanhui, the master of Amaterasu Peak, Du Xilian, the master of Tianmen Peak, and Du Mingzhen, the master of Tiantao Peak, are all here.

After hearing that Patriarch Youwei asked for help, all the peak masters were not stingy.

Directly mobilize the mana to gather.

You are the peak master using formations to attract the mana of other peak masters, and at the same time, you are using your own mana as a guide.

It was poured into the ten-thousand-year-old gourd that was tempered to a semi-finished product and was now almost half a person tall.


The magic power swept down, making a sound like a tidal wave.

The thousand-year gourd that had been floating peacefully in the Tianshui Yuanjing suddenly began to tremble.

Many Tianshui Yuanjing were even ejected from the cauldron containing them due to the shaking of the gourd.

It was about to land and be contaminated.

But because he was the Patriarch and devoted himself to the spiritual enlightenment of Wannian Gourd, he couldn't take it into consideration.

Seeing this, Xu Fei quickly activated his magic power to lead these essence spirits back into the cauldron.

However, when manipulating the magic power, special attention must be paid to not affecting the founder's spiritual enlightenment for the Ten Thousand Years Gourd.

Otherwise, it is better to waste some Tianshui Yuanjing.

As time passes by.

Under the infusion of mana from the peak masters, the Ten Thousand Years Gourd finally exudes magical meaning!


Although many peak masters cannot interfere with the refining of magical weapons, they can still know whether the magical weapons are successfully refined.

Immediately, several peak masters congratulated Du Yanhui at the same time.

"Congratulations, Senior Brother Du, for obtaining the treasure." This was something that had never happened before when refining the Divine Light of Ming Ling.

After all, Ming Ling Divine Light may be difficult to obtain for younger generation monks like Xu Fei, but it is not uncommon for the sixty-one peak masters of the Linglong Immortal Sect.

In other words, it is just a commonly used self-defense weapon.

But this Sihai Gourd is different.

Its main material is the ten thousand year spiritual gourd, which is already magical.

At this moment, it must be even more extraordinary if it is refined by Master Youwei of Heavenly Weapon Peak.

After successfully refining the Sihai Gourd, Patriarch Youwei also showed joy on his face.

He waved to take out the Four Seas Gourd, and after a brief inspection, he solemnly handed it to Du Yanhui, the master of Amaterasu Peak.

Du Yanhui looks like an old man in his seventies with white hair and beard.

Now the Sihai Gourd has been successfully refined, and everyone is smiling.

His appearance actually seemed to be several years younger.

"Hahaha, thank you all junior brothers and sisters, thank you very much, junior brother." Du Yanhui said happily.

The success of refining the Four Seas Gourd this time will increase his strength a lot.

And if this universal gourd can still get some magic, it will be even better for him.

"Senior brother, look at the magic of this gourd?" A peak master said with some envy.

The main material is the Wannianling gourd, so the magical weapon refined will naturally not be the same as the ordinary magical weapon.

It is possible to have some special abilities that ordinary magic weapons do not have.

Du Yanhui nodded when he heard the words, closed his eyes slightly, gathered his magic power and poured it into the Four Seas Gourd.

The dark blue Sihai gourd that was half a person tall was filled with mana by Du Yanhui, and its aura began to restrain itself.

After a while, Du Yanhui opened his eyes, looking quite surprised.

"Gather water! This gourd has the effect of gathering water! Hahahaha!" Du Yanhui said with great joy.

What he said about gathering water is actually nothing. It is the spontaneous gathering of inspiration and creation of Dharma water.

Generally speaking, it's not of much use.

But this gourd is made from the main material of the ten thousand year spiritual gourd, and there is something else inside.

There is a space that is almost a hundred times larger than the appearance.

This is still without cultivation. If subsequent cultivation is appropriate, this space can continue to increase.

It will not be a problem to reach three or five times the current scale.

Such a large space, coupled with the water gathering effect, means that with this universal gourd, Du Yanhui can carry hundreds of methods of water with him in the future!

It sounds quite ordinary. After all, Dharma water condenses easily, so what's so strange about it?

But after years of tempering, the magic water you carry with you will have special power.

When Ru Fei was fighting with Zhan Qineng before, the opponent had released a ball of magical water with a strong corrosive effect.

That is the portable Dharma water after tempering.

In particular, the water-gathering effect is also helpful for tempering the magic water with you, which can greatly speed up the progress of the magic water tempering.

If Zhan Qi had such a universal gourd in hand that day, Xu Fei wouldn't have won so easily.

It can be said that with such a universal gourd, if used properly, the combat power can be greatly improved for those who practice water courses intensively.

And Master Du Laofeng is practicing the water method intensively.

This makes him unhappy and excited.

Even if he has been practicing for tens of thousands of years, he is still smiling from ear to ear.

"Congratulations to Senior Brother Du." Many peak masters congratulated again.

"Hahaha, we are all happy together. I plan to hold a treasure hunting party in a few days. Junior brothers and sisters remember to appreciate it." Du Yanhui said again.

Although the quality of this Four Seas Gourd is not yet at the top level, even if it is carefully tempered later, it is impossible to reach the top level.

But it is already the top grade among the best magic weapons.

So it’s time to hold a treasure party to celebrate.

After another round of laughter, everyone finally dispersed.

However, Du Yanhui stayed a step forward and found Xu Fei, looking a little embarrassed.

"What's wrong with Master Du Lao?" Xu Fei said.

"Elder Xiao Xu, I plan to hold a treasure gathering in the next few days, but I don't have enough money at the moment. I wonder if I can postpone paying the remaining reward?" Du Yanhui said.

Although he was very happy to get the treasure and wanted to hold a treasure gathering to make it lively, Du Yanhui spent a lot of money to refine the Sihai Gourd.

Even Du Yanhui, who had been the master of Xianmen Peak for a long time, had to embezzle the reward he originally wanted to pay to Xu Fei to meet the expenses of the Debao Club.

"It's all right." Xu Fei chuckled and nodded.

For one thing, he is not worried about Master Du Laofeng defaulting on his debts. Although the other party has some calculations, there are no rumors of defaulting on his reputation. In addition, he also has the help of the Du family's outstanding achievements.

Xu Fei would certainly not disagree with just suspending the payment of remuneration.

"Thank you very much. I wonder if Elder Xu needs any compensation?" Du Yanhui said again.

If the successful refining was just an ordinary Sihai gourd, although Du Yanhui would be happy, he would never be so generous.

But now it is a universal gourd with water gathering effect!

What's more, he only talked about the effect of gathering water, not that the good treasure in his hand only had the effect of gathering water. (End of chapter)

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