Because Yingwei was with him, Xu Fei wasn't so irritable when he was flying away on the shrimp boat.

Traveling at a speed of about 10,000 miles an hour.

The Lingwai Gate is in the east of the Linglong Immortal Gate, with the Tiande Gate in between.

Including the Linglong Immortal Sect, the distance inside the Lingwai Sect is almost more than 220,000 miles.

So at this speed, it would basically take two days to travel all day.

"Lang Jun, you can speed up a bit." Yingwei, who was sitting next to her, said.

If it weren't for worrying about her, it wouldn't take half a day to go to Tiande Gate with Xu Feixiu.

Xu Fei chuckled lightly and took Yingwei's little hand.

His new wife is very beautiful.

After all, if she wasn't beautiful, she wouldn't be married to him.

And now he seems to be quite obedient and well-behaved.

So Xu Fei naturally loves him very much.

"It's okay, just use more time." Xu Fei chuckled.

Yingwei blushed slightly when she saw her husband caring so much for her.

Chatting about trivial matters while rushing on the road helped the two people who got married in a hurry understand each other a little better.

Soon it was evening.

Xu Fei looked at the direction and found a place to rest.

Although there is nothing wrong with rushing in the dark, but now I am just going back to my parents' house, so what is there to do in a hurry?

This post is a post in the Orange Territory under the rule of Linglong Immortal Sect.

It’s not too far away from Huangyu.

Rest overnight and hit the road the next day.

In the afternoon, we entered the Tiandemen area.

There are no strict precautions between the major sects.

Of course, it is mainly difficult to prevent.

After all, the monks are flying into the sky and escaping from the earth. If they really want to run back and forth, they can't be prevented by taking precautions.

This is actually the original intention of the Yifang system.

The territories under the rule were divided and managed one by one.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

On the evening of the third day, Xu Fei and Yingwei finally entered the territory of Lingwaimen.

Looking at the mountains and rivers at Lingwaimen in the distance, Yingwei looked a little touched.

This trip was originally just to accompany the master to attend the treasure gathering party of Master Du Laofeng of the Linglong Immortal Sect, but he did not expect that when he came back, she would already be married.

But fortunately, Lang Jun cherishes her very much.

Even when he was on the road, he traveled at a speed that she could safely accept, and he was not willing to let her suffer hardship.

Thinking of this, Yingwei's face was filled with smiles.

"What's wrong?" When Xu Fei turned around and saw Yingwei's face full of smiles, he chuckled.

"It's nothing." Yingwei was too embarrassed to express her thoughts.

But just when the couple was sweet, Xu Fei suddenly moved his eyes and looked into the distance.

There was a fight almost seventy miles away!

And one of them is not a good choice!

"Lang Jun..." Yingwei noticed that Xu Fei seemed to have discovered something and asked softly.

Xu Fei looked at Yingwei. If it was an ordinary matter, then he and his wife would not cause trouble.

But this time he didn't feel right, so he still needed to take a look.

"Be careful, don't leave my side." After Xu Fei confessed, he turned the boat's direction and rushed to the location where the fight was discovered.

More than seventy miles, but only a blink of an eye.

As he got closer, Xu Fei also saw clearly both sides of the fight.

On one side, there are five elements of magic, various magic weapons, mixed with talismans, formations, etc., while on the other side, black smoke is billowing!

It's annoying to look at.

Demonic cultivator!

Xu Fei's eyes narrowed after seeing it.

The demon cultivators here are extremely crazy.

Most of the magic skills practiced are to absorb the essence of other people's flesh, blood, magic power, spiritual soul, etc., to help one's own practice.

In other words, as long as there are enough lives piled up.

Then the magic cultivator's cultivation level can be improved extremely quickly.

Of course, this is not without risks.

After all, even Taoism, no matter how upright and peaceful it is, has certain dangers, let alone such evil magic power that devours others to boost one's own cultivation.

Practice the whole explosion.

Practice and practice to become possessed and become a monster with dementia.

Commonly seen.

However, even if it is so dangerous, there are still people who are greedy for the speed of improvement in magic skills and take risks to practice.

And this group of guys with billowing black smoke are demon cultivators!

Xu Fei didn't hesitate when he saw this. He flipped his left hand and condensed a large amount of flames.

Fingers pinch together and then separate.

The flames suddenly dispersed into hundreds and thousands of flames, and suddenly rushed towards the demon cultivators.

Xu Fei has already been discovered among the demon cultivators.

But he didn't pay much attention to it.

After all, in their perception, Xu Fei's cultivation level was no more than six thousand pots.

If you dare to come here, you are throwing yourself into a trap. Why should you care if you have one more blood to eat?

Even if Xu Fei had cast his fire spell, not many demon cultivators would have cared.

Several of the demon cultivators gathered the black smoke demonic energy and blocked it.

Just looking at its power, it not only wanted to block Xu Fei's fire spell, but also wanted to swallow Xu Fei together.

But in the next moment, a little flame penetrated the demonic energy and rushed directly in the direction of a group of demonic cultivators.

Only then did the demonic cultivators realize that the new cultivators were quite powerful.

The fire technique is wonderful.

"Lao Wu, you're a loser! You can't even block a rubbish spell!" One of them, a skinny man with a dark face, mocked his companion when he saw this.

The person being mocked was a slightly fat man.

It was also he who used the demonic energy to attack Xu Fei.

Seeing that his demonic energy was broken by Xu Fei's fire technique, his face didn't look good.

Especially being laughed at by his companions made him even more annoyed.

Immediately, the demonic energy in his body was stimulated, and a skull made of black smoke appeared behind him.

Regardless of Xu Fei's fire technique, the black smoke skull rushed straight at Xu Fei in an instant.

These monks cherished their lives. Faced with their fierce attack, they would definitely fall back on defense.

So why should he protect himself?

Xu Fei couldn't help but be surprised when he saw this.

Good guy?

Are you going to risk your life?

But this level alone is not enough.

Xu Fei waved his left hand again lightly.

A ball of magical water condensed, directly rolling up black smoke-like demonic energy.

The demonic energy erodes the magic water, and the magic water cancels out the demonic energy.

In the blink of an eye, only half a wisp of Dharma water was left.

And just when the magical water and the demonic energy were canceling out, hundreds of flames triggered by Xu Fei had already flown to more than a dozen demonic cultivators.

After the flames approached the demon cultivator for a certain distance, they no longer came close.

This made all the protection prepared by the magic cultivators useless.

However, the expressions of several demon cultivators changed immediately.

But before they could make any move, hundreds of flames surrounding them exploded simultaneously!


There was a loud noise, and the sound and light spread dozens of miles away.

The forest below was directly shaken out of an open space of about several miles.

a mess.

Although the power of the flames is hidden, it does not mean that they are not powerful.

This fire technique that Xu Fei urged was more powerful than when he fought against Zhan Qineng.

Fortunately, Xu Fei restrained some of his power in the direction of the monks who were fighting against the demonic cultivators.

Otherwise, these people may be implicated.

But despite this, among the more than 20 monks on the side, there were more than ten people whose ears were bleeding, and they had obviously been injured by the shock.

Such a powerful spell also stunned the more than twenty monks.

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