Cultivation Of Immortality: My Branching And Spreading System

Chapter 367, Demonic Cultivator of Deception

This is all moving too fast.

When Xu Fei came over, he was besieged by demonic cultivators. The cultivators, who were already in a precarious situation, couldn't care much about it.

After all, Xu Fei's cultivation level is only about "more than six thousand pots".

It is undoubtedly a drop in the bucket in terms of the war situation.

But who could have imagined that such light and fluttering flames would fly next to the demon cultivator and suddenly exert such violent power.

In an instant, the sound and light of the explosion dissipated.

Out of more than ten demon cultivators, there are actually three left.

This made Xu Fei raise his eyebrows, which was surprising.

The strength is pretty good.

After blocking the explosion, the remaining three demon cultivators dispersed and fled without even a moment's hesitation.

He didn't dare to fight Xu Fei at all.

At this moment, they didn't know that the monk in front of them had restrained his magic power and deceived their perception.

It’s really insidious!

When Xu Fei saw the demon cultivators escaping, he naturally wouldn't let them go and raised his left hand.

Three golden rings with a diameter of about a foot made of golden light were condensed by him.

Then he waved his hands and spread out.

The spell used by Xu Fei is the Golden Ring Method of Jin Xing Spell. The sharpness of Jin Xing Spell is one of the more restrained magic among the Jin Xing Spell.

However, ordinary monks cannot do it so easily.

The diameter of the three golden rings is about a foot, and the golden light that makes up the golden rings is about the thickness of a little finger.

It looks like the rolling hoops we played in childhood.

But after it flew out, its speed was extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, he caught up with the fastest demon cultivator who had flown dozens of miles away.

When the demonic cultivator looked back, he found the golden ring and wanted to activate the demonic energy to resist.

But it was simply too late.

After being approached, the golden ring that suddenly enlarged was trapped.

But before it could struggle, the golden ring began to shrink.

In the blink of an eye, it was cut into two pieces.

Even when this demonic cultivator wanted to activate the demonic power such as borrowing objects to regenerate, he was defeated by the golden energy emitted by the golden ring.

So even though this small golden ring looks inconspicuous, it can not only strangle the demonic cultivators, but also have a certain effect of imprisoning and sealing the demonic cultivators' evil energy.

This makes it difficult for the magic cultivator to use strange magic skills to escape.

The treatment of the other two demon cultivators was similar to them.

They all died under the golden ring that Xu Fei gathered casually.

At this time, the twenty or so monks who had been besieged by the demon cultivators and felt that they had no luck suddenly realized that they had escaped.

I can't help but feel like I'm in another world.

However, one of them, a middle-aged man in his thirties, quickly came to Xu Fei more than ten feet away.

"I'm Zhai Ping of Wuxumen, please ask senior to save our Wuxumen!" The man cupped his fists and saluted with an eager expression.

In other words, Xu Fei killed these demon cultivators in an understatement, so he must be extremely powerful.

Otherwise, the man would not dare to make such a request.

"What happened?" Xu Fei said.

"Our Wuxumen was suddenly besieged by demonic cultivators yesterday. My fellow juniors and I went out to seek help, but were unexpectedly blocked by the demonic cultivators. Fortunately, we were rescued by our seniors," Wuxumen Zhai Ping said.

Hearing that Wu Xumen was besieged by demon cultivators, Xu Fei raised his eyebrows and couldn't hide his surprise.

Isn't the demon cultivator too arrogant?

Do you dare to gather a group and besiege the sect?

Unlike the Linglong Immortal Sect, which only has various cultivating families, there are other immortal cultivating sects under the rule of the Lingwai Sect.

Of course, their strength is definitely not as good as that of the Lingwai Sect, it can even be said to be far inferior.

But after all, it is located in the territory of Lingwaimen.

And because demonic cultivation is an auxiliary practice of swallowing flesh, mana, soul, etc.

Naturally opposed to monks.

If the demonic cultivators are not killed, once it causes a demonic disaster, it can be said to be a disaster for all living beings.

Therefore, whether it is for oneself or for all sentient beings, it is the duty to kill the demon cultivator.

Of course, some monks feel that other monks can resist evil disasters, and they only need to hide carefully to avoid disasters.

However, a sect like Lingwai Sect, which is similar in size to Linglong Immortal Sect, will definitely not be so slack.

So it happened suddenly? Or is the Lingwai Sect already so decadent?

Xu Fei's eyes moved slightly, but after thinking about it, he decided to go to Wuxumen first to take a look.

As a monk, it is his duty to kill demonic cultivators.

Seeing that Xu Fei agreed to rescue his sect, Zhai Ping of Wuxu Sect looked full of surprise.

Quickly lead the way.

The place where we met Zhai Ping and others was almost a thousand miles away from Wuxumen.

Because the matter was urgent, Xu Fei did not suppress the speed of Shopee Boat's escape.

However, the high-speed escape in a short period of time did not have much impact on Yingwei.

After arriving at Wu Xumen, Xu Fei couldn't help but frown.


Wuxumen is quite large, covering an area of ​​about a hundred miles.

The monks and lay people lived together, and based on the buildings built, there may have been more than a million people.

It must be quite lively at ordinary times.

But now, desiccated corpses, both monks and mortals, lay dead on the streets.

And this is the misery after being devoured by demon cultivators of flesh, blood, essence, mana, soul, etc.

Seeing such a scene, Xu Fei was a little touched, let alone Zhai Ping and others.

Their faces were filled with sadness.

Some even cried quietly.

Zhai Ping didn't know whether the senior he brought back could save Wu Xumen.

But last night they were ordered to go out to seek help, but they were stopped by that group of demon cultivators.

A lot of time has been wasted. If we can't invite rescue, I'm afraid the sect will be destroyed.

When Yingwei saw the tragedy in front of her, her face turned pale and she shrank into Xu Fei's arms, not daring to look any further.

Judging from the way she still couldn't stop trembling, you could tell that Yingwei was probably going to have a nightmare for a while.


A loud noise came from the Wu Xumen Inner Sect built on the mountain in the distance.

A bloody figure rose from it and slowly gathered into a human form.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Xu Fei couldn't help but be surprised.

A deceitful demon cultivator?

There are some tricks here.

When a monk or a mortal encounters a sudden death, if the soul remains, there is a chance that it will turn into a strange body.

To be able to practice cultivation again is to cultivate in a mysterious way.

And Guixiu is divided into two channels: Yin and Yang.

The Yin Vein absorbs the Yin Qi of heaven and earth to maintain the energy of the body and enhance the power.

The Yang Vein transforms into the inspiration of heaven and earth, hoping to reshape the Dharma body and turn death into life.

There is no difference between the two veins.

However, the demon cultivator in front of him was clearly a Yin-vein cultivator who had practiced demonic skills.

Generally called 'demon'.

Its strange and sinister features are far superior to those of ordinary treacherous and demonic cultivators.

Xu Fei didn't expect that he would encounter such a 'big prize' when he accompanied his wife back to her parents' home.

Has the peaceful life of more than seven hundred years finally come to an end...

Xu Fei looked thoughtful, but his movements were not slow.

He clapped his hands and took out the green sword hidden in the palm of his right hand.

When some special spiritual materials are added to the magic weapon, its shape can change from reality to reality.

After being refined by monks, it can even be hidden in the body of monks.

Keep warm at all times.

Increase its power.

Over the past few hundred years, Xu Fei has studied various Taoism, spells, etc., and of course he will not forget about self-defense weapons.

Although the color of this flying sword is still cyan, the spiritual materials in it have been replaced several times.

The number of spiritual stones that Xu Fei had smashed on Qingjian over the years was roughly estimated to be in the tens of millions.

After taking out the green sword, Xu Fei held the sword in his right hand and touched the sword with his left hand.

The wood spell with greatly increased power activated by the green sword was activated in the blink of an eye!

Within the Wuxu Gate, a tree of more than thirty feet grows every one or two miles away.

The branches and leaves are swaying.

When the evil cultivator opposite saw Xu Fei activating the spell, his expression was not wary, but more curious.

This spell is quite powerful, so what kind of atmosphere can it produce after it is activated? (End of chapter)

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