Cultivation Of Immortals For All: Hundred Times Rewards

Chapter 13 Exploring the Labyrinth of Thousands of Epics (3/6)

At this moment, the magic sword was already in chaos in the wind.

What is an epic powerhouse?

In the West, the epic powerhouse is equivalent to the Nascent Soul in the East.

That is to say, in this short period of time, a thousand fourth-order powerhouses have come out of Xu Yi's kingdom of gods.

Although Huanjian knew that the powerhouses cultivated by the Divine Kingdom system must be lame.

If its combat power is compared with the normal fourth-order among the four major forces, it will definitely be much worse.

However, the fourth order is the fourth order.

No matter how bad the fourth rank is, it is still the fourth rank powerhouse.

These epic pig-headed people, sphinxes, tiger-headed people, thunder titans and half-dragons.

No matter which one is, it is a fourth-order powerhouse who can enter the inner circle of the maze to search for treasures.

After Xu Yi released a thousand epic powerhouses of various races, he was not satisfied, but continued to release.

A moment later, another thousand strong men of various races from the peak of the legend appeared.

After they bowed and saluted in the same way, they entered the labyrinth.

In an instant, a full 2,000 creatures of various races entered the maze.

Although the last thousand legendary pinnacles, can only wander around the maze for treasure.

But the number 497 is definitely daunting.

"Om. 35

The magic sword screamed, and the trembling voice was full of incredible feeling.

Xu Yi smiled slightly and said, "It's nothing, my kingdom of God is a bit big, so the number of family members produced is a bit large.

The magic sword was silent for a moment, then suddenly turned around and flew into the labyrinth.

It has the breath of Xu Yi on its body, and the powerhouses of all ethnic groups have also seen the magic sword.

Therefore, they are unlikely to have any conflict.

Xu Yi naturally wouldn't worry about that.

He turned around, no longer nostalgic for this place, but continued to look for his own opportunity.

To this day, they are all strong-willed people.

Magic Sword thought that this labyrinth was its chance, so it would stay.

And Xu Yi left immediately after responding accordingly.

However, in the next ten days, Xu Yi traveled to countless places.

But there are no places like energy rivers, giant trees and labyrinths to be found again.

Although for more than ten days, he also discovered a lot of good things (agae).

And it also added some treasures and heritage to the kingdom of God.

But these gains are no longer comparable to those at the beginning.

During this half month, Xu Yi did not go to the flame world again.

Because if you want to go to the flame world, you must accumulate enough energy in the middle Dantian.

While Xu Yi was walking in the treasure land, he did not find a second super energy gathering place like an energy river.

Therefore, he had to temporarily put this matter aside.

Isn't it just half a month's time, he's wasting it...

In the void, a strange force surged.

Xu Yi did not resist, because he knew that it was time to stay in the treasure land.

This way of sending people away is not unusual, he has tried countless times.

Sure enough, The next moment Xu Yi's body disappeared in place and appeared in a huge void.

Appearing with Xu Yi, except for old friends such as Kongwu Shengzi.

There are also two thousand strong people of various ethnic groups.


Long Kong's huge roar suddenly sounded, and it stared at the copper bell-like eyes and glanced around.

what happened?

What did Ben Long see?

How can there be so many people here at the same time...

Holy Son Kongwu and Shu Xingdao were also on guard. Although they didn't lose their composure like Long Kong, they were still a little shocked.

"Om. 35

The magic sword screamed and flew back to Xu Yi's back.

Xu Yi also did not dare to neglect, and quickly opened the Divine Kingdom space.

A huge space gate appeared, releasing a strong light, shrouding the two thousand strong people of all ethnic groups.

When the light disappeared, these people suddenly disappeared.

Shu Xingdao's eyelids jumped slightly and said, "Fellow Xu daoist, are you... the kingdom of God? 35

Xu Yi's movements were naturally hidden from the crowd, and they knew it at a glance.

Xu Yi nodded with a smile, and said, "It is the kingdom of God."

"They are all your relatives?" Shu Xingdao asked in disbelief.

Although he knew that since so many powerhouses could be taken away by Xu Yi without any resistance, there is a high probability that they were all Xu Yi's relatives.

However, the strength of these family members is too strong.

Xu Yi still smiled and nodded.

Shu Xingdao took a deep breath, and even Kong Wu Shengzi looked at him with a dash of weirdness.

Long Kong shouted: "Xu Yi, why are there so many fourth-order powerhouses in your kingdom of God?

The kingdom of God has its limits.

In the West, what kind of strength does a cultivator possess in order to have a level of the kingdom of God commensurate with his strength.

Due to the lack of various materials, there are many places where the level of the kingdom of God is lower than its own Cultivation Base.

However, if the level of the Kingdom of God is higher than that of the Cultivation Base itself, it is impossible.

Therefore, at most, cultivators can only cultivate relatives of the same level as their own.

Moreover, the number of relatives of the same level as oneself is extremely rare.

Generally speaking, being able to have five or six is ​​already the limit.

Noah, the genius of the generation of Western cultivators, has cultivated twelve powerful men of the same rank in the kingdom of God.

Known as the Knights of the Twelve Round Table.

This amount is already the limit of the kingdom of God.

However, the number of Divine Kingdom powerhouses that Xu Yi took away... should be more than a thousand.

Although there are many third-orders, it seems that the number of fourth-orders has reached about half.

In other words, in Xu Yi's kingdom, the number of fourth-order powerhouses that can match them.

Already in the hundreds?

This number can definitely scare people to death.

Magic Sword silently looked at the expressions of everyone.

Inexplicably, it has a feeling of coursing.

Witnessing a thousand epic powerhouses coming out of the same Divine Country... This special feeling should indeed be enjoyed by more people.

Xu Yi touched his nose and said with a laugh, "Long Kong fellow daoist, my kingdom of God is a bit big, so I can accommodate more powerhouses of the same rank."

The Kongwu Holy Son looked at each other, and they stopped talking.

However, in the depths of their eyes, there is a shock that cannot be concealed.

Suddenly, everyone's expressions moved slightly, and they turned their heads together and looked into the distance.

There, the space suddenly began to fluctuate.

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