Cultivation Of Immortals For All: Hundred Times Rewards

Chapter 14 Meet the Ghosts Again (4/6)

Xu Yi turned his head and looked into the distance.

Sensing that subtle energy fluctuations appeared, there was no turbulence in my heart.

He has long known that when these epic powerhouses are exposed, it will cause everyone to be shocked.

However, compared to the treasures that he might get from the labyrinth.

Such shock is nothing.

Although he has just been promoted to Nascent Soul, he has been practicing in the flame world for six or seven years.

For the Kingdom of God, it is like nearly a thousand years have passed.

After so much time, his layout in the kingdom of God has long been completed.

Today, there are hundreds of millions of people of all races and strong people living in the vast land of the kingdom of God.

The kingdom of God for ordinary Western spiritual practitioners is actually quite barren.

Therefore, it is difficult for them to support the strong double-digit same rank.

However, in terms of abundance, Xu Yi's Divine Kingdom, let alone the Divine Kingdom of the same rank viscount.

Even in the high-ranking Marquis Divine Kingdom, it can be considered to be in the forefront.

If it weren't for the restriction of the level of the kingdom of God, it would be easy to support even a higher-level powerhouse.

Overall, the number of strong people in Xu Yi's kingdom of God is far more than the same rank.

Thousands of epic levels in the district are not all the top powers in the kingdom of God.

But even so, the strength displayed at this time is already shocking enough.

However, Xu Yi's mind just turned, and it was already taken back.

And released the spiritual sense to the huge space fluctuation in front.

Because he sensed, from there, an extremely powerful force came.

Moreover, in this kind of power, it is filled with a strong death energy that they hate.

"Damn ghost clan, they are here again." Long Kong's face was rather ugly, "They are sure that there is a treasure in this place.

Everyone was silent, but they also understood that Long Kong's inference was correct.

The Void Clan has controlled this treasure land for hundreds of years, although they have always been cautious.

But this secret can't be kept secret forever.

The spatial fluctuations in the distance became stronger and stronger, and suddenly a huge indescribable super-space hole exploded in the void.

Then, an endless gray fog permeated out of it.

"Gene ghosts."

"No, this breath... This is the fifth-order genetic ghost race, kill them quickly, they can't be formed into fifth-order.

Shu Xingdao shouted sharply, and with a flick of his body, he turned into a sword, and the endless light of the sword burst out.

Wherever the light of the sword passed, it was a piece of ghost clan wreckage.

Kongwu Saint Son's figure flashed, and the entire body turned into a vague phantom, floating into the countless genetic ghosts.

Then, with him as the center, the genetic ghosts in that area began to fluctuate violently.

When the fluctuations in this space stopped, the genetic ghosts in this place had no living creatures.

Long Kong opened his mouth and spit out his breath mercilessly.

If this breath is used to attack the same rank powerhouse, it may be blocked or evaded.

However, for those Gene Ghost Races who just appeared and had no time to condense together, it was a big hole.

I don't know how many genetic ghosts are really under this breath.

Sword Ray suddenly soared, and the magic sword was thrown out by Xu Yi. The fierceness of Sword Ray was not limited to Shu Xing Dao.

As for Xu Yi himself, he swayed slightly and rushed towards the center of the countless genetic ghosts.

As soon as these countless genetic ghosts appeared, everyone felt a strong sense of fear.

The power of the genetic ghosts is not determined by individuals, but by their numbers.

This time, judging from the endless number of genetic ghosts, if they were to be merged, then there would definitely be a fifth-order super powerhouse.

Although the people here are not ordinary fourth-order.

Even if they really gathered the fifth-order ghost clan, Xu Yi and Kongwu Shengzi would not be afraid.

However, if you can easily destroy the opponent, who would like to waste their energy in vain.

Therefore, they shot together, and they were vicious, going all out, and showing no mercy.

However, there are too many genetic ghosts.

0.....・Flowers 0

Although the four of them tried their best to fight, how could they kill so many at one time.

As a result, the countless genetic ghosts in the center began to fuse.

Their speed is extremely fast, and a super genetic ghost powerhouse that is rapidly growing with the power of countless cognates appears quickly.

The breath on its body became more and more terrifying, and it continued to climb towards the fifth order.

Holy Son Kongwu sighed secretly, he knew that he couldn't stop it.

The breath on his body was surging, and he was ready to fight against the fifth-order powerhouse.

However, at this moment, something strange happened suddenly.

The super genetic ghost clan, which was growing in size, suddenly stopped.

Starting from the core area, countless ice flowers suddenly appeared, freezing the core area of ​​this super gene ghost clan.

The gene ghosts at this moment looked extremely funny.

It was like a bug that froze its main torso, no matter how its limbs waved, it could never get rid of it.

Immediately afterwards, a huge explosion sounded.

The main torso exploded with a bang.

This powerful fifth-order genetic ghost was actually detonated by this power one second before it was about to complete the fusion.

"Xu Yi." Holy Son Kongwu smiled slightly.

Xu Yi was the only one who could do this kind of ice and rain.


The crowd's actions accelerated more and more.

Although the number of these genetic ghosts is large, as long as they cannot be gathered together, they will not pose the slightest threat to everyone.

The gene ghosts changed places and tried to merge for the second time.

However, when it was half-fused, it was frozen by Xu Yi and burst.

The breath of the many genetic ghosts became weaker and weaker, and finally fell to the Realm, and could no longer gather into the fifth-order powerhouse.

At this moment, a strange voice sounded.

Many genetic ghosts immediately gave up their attacks and spread out in all directions.

There are too many of them, even if everyone has been annihilated with all their strength, they still cannot do it.

After a while, after eliminating most of the ghost clan, there were still a lot of fish that slipped through the net.

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