Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

There is a deep admiration for Huangfu Hua and Wan Dong's heart, but this time, it is no longer because of Huangfu Hua's cultivation behavior, but because of his personality and his sincerity to the Tao! With such a sincere heart, Huangfuhua's future achievements will definitely not stop at the Holy Spirit!

"Hey, wouldn't you not plan to teach me?" Huang Fuhua shouted anxiously when he saw Wan Dong's long-term lack of sound.

Wan Dong was busy, "Of course not! I originally wanted to teach this sword technique to Hua Hua, and hope you can rely on this trick to kill the Nine Nine Yin Fire Dragon!"

"Then ... what are you waiting for?" Hearing Wan Dong's words, Huang Fuhua's face showed a hint of excitement.

Wan Dong chuckled and said, "It's just that I really don't dare to accept Lord Hua as a disciple. So, I will act as my master and accept you as a disciple."

"Then you are my brother?"

There was a chill in Wandong's heart. Brother Shi was already the Holy Soul Sutra, and Brother Shi had only Xuanshen Realm. It seemed that he had to ascend quickly. Otherwise, once he preached it, this person would have to be thrown into grandma's house.

Wan Dong was really embarrassed to agree. He only smiled vaguely, and his throat murmured, so he agreed.

Huang Fuhua didn't think so much, but the joyful sound urged Wan Dong to quickly teach him blood and blood.

At the level of blood slaughtering thousands of miles, the move is the second, the key is its meaning, and the laws of heaven and earth contained in it.

Wan Dong nodded his head, and was about to explain the sword tactics of Thousand Miles of Blood and his insights to the Huangfu Huahua, except that the Nine Nether Yinlong Dragon clearly refused to give them any more opportunities. With a roar, a fireball spouted wildly in the mouth, and a hula laura shot at Wandong and Huangfu Huajin.

Huang Fuhua's brow furrowed, and his expression was full of anger, and he slashed out a sword fiercely, with a splendid sword awn of tens of feet, straight out the fireball spewed out by the Nine Nine Yin Fire Dragon, all wiped out. In the end is the strong man of the Holy Soul Realm, it really is an extraordinary bull fork!

But Huang Fuhua could only sweep the fire ball, but he was helpless with Jiuyue Yinlong, watching his tossing and rolling, the power was not diminished, and Huang Fuhua's brows were straight. It is almost impossible to practice blood slaying thousands of miles under such circumstances.

Wan Dong seems to have expected such a situation, but he is not disturbed. To the emperor, he said, "Thousands of miles of blood is slaughtered, and its meaning is important, not its shape. It only needs enlightenment! I pass the sword tactics to you. You realize it carefully, and I will entangle the Nine Nether Fire Dragon."

"What? What do you do, you will die!"

A little mysterious realm tried to entangle the Nine Nether Fire Dragon, which is a fantasy in Huangfuhua. But Wan Dong's expression was serious, and there was no point of joking, which made Huang Fuhua's heart secretly sigh, his little brother, his courage is really amazing!

"I'm not dead, it depends on whether your perception is high enough! Listen, the swordsmanship of the blood slaughtered thousands of miles is ..."

Wan Dong's words hadn't landed yet, Jiu You Yin Fire Dragon rushed up again. Wan Dong stabbed a sword, attracted the attention of the Nine Nether Fire Dragon to himself, and then started a true march, like a phantom, swept a few feet away.

Huang Fuhua's eyes lit up, apparently unexpectedly, Wan Dong's body still has such a mysterious body, which can't help but be surprised.

Leading the Nine Nether Yin Fire Dragon to the side, Wan Dong did not dare to delay, and immediately revealed the sword tactics of the blood slaughtered thousands of miles. Huang Fuhua's heart was awkward, and he no longer distracted to control Wandong and Jiuyou Yinlong, immediately sat down cross-legged, raised his ears, raised all the spirits, and did not dare to be distracted.

Huang Fuhua's understanding is extremely high, and his cultivation base is as high as the Holy Soul Realm. Speaking of Kendo is above Wandong, and the three are unified. It should not be difficult to grasp this blood. The only thing Wan Dong is worried about now is how long it will take Huangfu Hua to comprehend.

You have to know that in the face of the Nine Nether Yin Fire Dragon, Wan Dong can't hold on for long even if there is a true wind walking beside him. The only thing that let Wan Dongsong breathe is that Jiuyue Yinlong is also injured after all. Although his temper is more irritable, the degree of fierceness is obviously weakened a little bit than in the common world.

"Roar Roar"

The Nine Nine Yin Fire Dragon seemed to hate Wandong. He kept roaring in his mouth, spitting fireballs, and sweeping the dragon's tail. He would never break Wandong's bones and never give up.

At this time, Wan Dong was simply dancing on the Jianjian'er, and if one was not careful, he would return to Huang Quan.

"Fire Dragon, Fire Dragon, don't you have to wait for Lao Tzu to hang up, are you willing to show power?"

Wan Dong glanced at the white fire dragon curled up in the Yuan Mansion, and he immediately lost his breath.

Under the high pressure of the Nine Nether Fire Dragon, Wan Dong's qi was consumed at an alarming rate. Slowly, even after showing his true style, Wan Dong began to feel that his legs became heavier and heavier.

The Nine Nether Yin Fire Dragon seemed to feel that Wan Dong was almost on the verge of collapse, and his body was fierce, and the offensive was three points more fierce than before. Wandong couldn't help it, and the huge dragon tail swept almost past Wandong's clothes.

Although Wandong was not really hit, the huge force carried on the dragon's tail still stumbled Wandong to the earthquake, and he continued to show a very smooth true wind pace, which was immediately chaotic.

"Oops!" Wan Dong was startled and subconsciously roared.

At this moment, Nine Nether Yin Fire Dragon fiercely opened its mouth with five or six groups of black fireballs, blasting towards Wandong like a cannon.

Wan Dong's heart suddenly became cold. Under this imbalance, he couldn't escape the blow anyway.


At a time of despair in Wandong's heart, something unexpected happened to him. He had been huddled in his Yuan mansion, and the white fire dragon, who was still unmovingly dead, uttered a roar and rushed out of his Yuan mansion.

The body of more than ten feet twisted and twisted, protecting Wandong tightly in the center, and at the same time opened the dragon mouth and sucked fiercely, the five or six fireballs formed by the condensing fire of the Nine Nether Fire were actually sucked into it directly. In the mouth, disappeared instantly.

"Did you finally shoot?" Wan Dong chuckled lightly, and the white fire dragon did not disappoint him after all.

But having said that, the white fire dragon is entrenched in his Yuan Mansion, and the two can be regarded as the same spirit, both glorious and harmless! At the critical moment of life and death, the white fire dragon saves Wandong, which is equivalent to saving itself.

Upon seeing the white fire dragon, the eyes of the Nine Nether Fire Dragon flashed an unusual fierce flame when they stood neutral. It felt like a very hungry wolf locked the prey that best fits his appetite, and seemed very excited.

For a time, the Nine Nether Yin Fire Dragon seems to have forgotten the existence of Wan Dong, a pair of eyes, just locked the white fire dragon.

The white fire dragon seemed to be a different person at this time, and there was no more fear, the high head held the dragon, and there was a continuous roar of screams, like a high-pitched horn on the battlefield, full of heat Like a fire.

"Did they have two rivals?" Looking at one black and one white, and two fire dragons, a feeling suddenly emerged in Wan Dong's heart.

In this case, it is clear that the enemy meets!

Don't let Wandong think about it, the Nine Nether Yin Fire Dragon can't wait to launch an offensive against the White Fire Dragon. The body of more than a hundred feet clearly showed that he was bullying the small, and he rolled directly towards the white fire dragon.

The white fire dragon was not to be outdone, Zhangkoulian spouted dozens of white fireballs, and his brain slammed toward the nine-yin fire dragon.

The body of the Nine Nether Fire Dragon is all over the Nine Nether Fire, even the sword energy of ordinary monks can hardly be broken, but the white fire ball spewed out by the white fire dragon seems to be naturally restrained. There are dozens of white fire balls, but nothing The barrier directly passed through the Nine Nether Fire Fire, and directly hit the Nine Nether Fire Dragon.

The white fireball and the body, the nine-yellow fire dragon burst into a roar of pain, but the fireball spewed out by the white fire dragon was a little smaller, and fell on the huge body of the nine-hundred-yin fire dragon that was more than one hundred feet. Like a two-meter strong man, being burnt by a cigarette **** does not cause substantial damage to the Nine Nether Fire Dragon.

But hearing the screams of the Nine Nether Fire Dragon, Wan Dong is almost certain that the White Fire Dragon, no matter what it is, must be inferior to the Nine Nine Fire Dragon, and even surpass its powerful existence.

Perhaps, the white fire dragon is actually a kind of beast! The only problem now is that it is still in the growth stage and its combat power is far from reaching its peak.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the Nine Nether Yin Fire Dragon slammed into it. The White Fire Dragon pushed Wandong away at the last moment, but it was hit in the face. The powerful force directly shocked the white fire dragon hundreds of feet away.

Wan Dong even clearly saw that the blazing flames burning on the white fire dragon were obviously dim and weakened a lot at that moment. And when the white fire dragon struggled to rise again, Wan Dong was heartbroken to discover that the body of the white fire dragon, which was originally more than ten feet, was actually shortened by nearly one third. The colorful dragon scales that had just condensed at the tail were dimmed.

No wonder the white fire dragon had been huddled in Wandong Yuanfu before, and refused to come out to fight against the Nine Nether Fire Dragon. At this time, it was not an opponent of the Nine Nether Fire Dragon.

"Stinky bug, little man is here!"

Wandong took time to regain some strength. Seeing that the white fire dragon was hit hard by this, he couldn't hold back anymore, and screamed out.

To Wandong's surprise, Jiu You Yin Fire Dragon ignored his existence directly, without even looking at him, and slammed into the white Fire Dragon again with a loud roar.

From the beginning to the present, Wan Dong is still very good at attracting the hatred of Jiu You Yin Fire Dragon, but now it seems that Jiu You Yin Fire Dragon obviously prefers white fire dragon.

Seeing that the Nine Nether Fire Dragon continued to hit the White Fire Dragon regardless of it, Wan Dong was in a hurry, his body suddenly rushed, and a thousand strokes of blood slaughtered thousands of miles.

Wan Dong thought that Jiu You Yin Fire Dragon would at least turn around to deal with him, but in the end it ignored it, let Wan Dong's sword gas fall on himself. Watching the sword energy he released, the smoke disappeared in the dark flames. In addition to the powerlessness in Wan Dong's heart, it was regret. Perhaps, he should not let the white fire dragon come out at all ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402493->

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