Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 998: Supreme Sword!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"Supreme Swordsmanship? Just the trick?" Wan Dong frowned. Romance Crossing Book Update debut, you only come +

To say that the sword that Huang Fuhua just stabbed the Nine Nether Yin Fire Dragon was indeed overbearing, do n’t forget, Huang Fuhua itself is a super power of the Holy Soul Realm, even if it is the most common sword show, it is absolutely It's overbearing beyond imagination.

To be honest, in the eyes of Wan Dong, the skill of Fangcai Huangfuhua's swordsmanship is subtle, but it is definitely not "superior". Not to mention that the smoke has disappeared, even the "Blood Slaughter" must be smarter.

"Good! Although I searched for it in my ancestor Feisheng's secret room, there were only half strokes, and the remaining half strokes were completed by my own insights. How is it, great?" Looking at Wan Dong, Huang Fuhua His face is full of pride.

Wan Dong tried hard to hold back, so he didn't open his mouth against Huang Fuhua. It now appears that his half-stroke swordsmanship in the ancestral room of Huangfu's ancestors was probably the supreme swordsmanship, but unfortunately he was continued by his dog's tail, and it was not so supreme.

But looking at Huang Fuhua's smug look is obviously a swordsman, and his perception is quite amazing. Although it is a dog-tailed sable, it may be possible to evolve the half-stroke sword technique to such a situation.

Wan Dong's heart moved abruptly, if the blood was slaughtered thousands of miles or the smoke disappeared and was exhibited by Huangfu Huashi, I don't know the power.

Together with this thought, Wan Dong's heart suddenly excited. The power of the Holy Soul Realm, coupled with the blood slaying thousands of miles, may really be able to kill the Nine Nether Yin Fire Dragon. But, did Huangfu Huaken learn from him seriously?

This may be a little dangling. A strong man in the Holy Soul Realm turned his head to learn swordsmanship from a monk Xuan mark. Even if Huang Fuhua thought about it, even Wan Dong felt a little weird and unacceptable.

But now, besides that, there seems to be no other good plan. Wan Dong carefully looked up at the Nine Nether Yin Fire Dragon and saw that he was gradually recovering from the rage.

Wan Dongmeng gritted his teeth and rushed to Huangfu to say, "Huaye, you must be teasing me! The sword you just made is indeed amazing, but that is because you cultivate yourself high, and the morale is so strong. Trick, I think it's average at best, but it's slightly better than the dragon snake swordsmanship of our Huangfu family. "

"What did you kid say?" Sure enough, Wan Dong's words just fell, and Huang Fuhua's eyes glared.

Even the violent Jiuyue Yinlong was ignored, and Teng stood up with a loud sound. Wan Dong couldn't help but feel guilty, if Huang Fuhua was not happy to hear it, he gave him a slap, lest he would not even have a place to complain about.

"You ... did your kid see something from my sword?"

Wan Dong's thoughts were swiftly flashing in his heart, and he was pondering the wording. Although he wanted to irritate Huang Fuhua, he must absolutely control his position, and never let him slap his hands in anger. Unexpectedly, Huang Fuhua would ask this question, and the hard and angry tone before was obviously calmed down, which surprised Wan Dong's heart.

It seems that Huangfu Hua is not only a swordsman, but also a swordsman with a very good character. Looking at Wan Dong's gaze, he was a little less angry, but a little more serious. It was a little shameless to ask, which made Wan Dong's heart agitated.

If Huang Fuhua had such an attitude, then it was not for the purpose of slaughtering the Nine Nether Fire Dragon, Wan Dong would also teach him the blood slaughter. Not for anything else, just to praise his kendo heart!

"Huaye, forgive your courage! The sword that you just had could have been simpler, but it was deliberately complicated, so that when you practiced the sword, the sword procrastinated, the attack was slow, and the sword energy did not hit the enemy. Dissipated by a third first, barely counted as the best among the swords, but the swordsmanship is not superior! "

Wan Dong also stood up, letting the fierce flames of the Nine Nether Yin Fire Dragon roared aside, but he didn't even frown, but only looked at Huang Fuhua and said slowly, that temperament made Huang Fuhua's heart helpless Yi Zhen, what he said, went straight to his heart.

"Hahaha ... I didn't expect that this generation of my Huangfu's family actually gave you such a talent! Okay! Okay!"

After a moment of silence, Huangfu Hua suddenly burst out laughing. The laughter was so high and bright that it could reach the sky!

"Boy, come and pierce me with a sword, let me see, how is your sword!"

Huangfu Hua went there one stop boldly, and Chong Wandong said loudly.

Wan Dong waited for this sentence from Huang Fuhua. Without any fuss, he shook his wrist and took out a purple soldier from the storage ring. As for the Excalibur in Yuan Fu, Wan Dong didn't dare to be tempted. Who knew that Huang Fuhua would recognize that Excalibur? Coming to Daomen World, Wan Dong must be careful step by step, especially in the face of a superpower like Huang Fuhua.

"Huaye, how dare you disrespect you? How about targeting this worm!"

"What? Boy, are you crazy? You only have the realm of Xuanhen Peak, and the Nine Nether Fire Dragon is a sub-beast comparable to the peak of the Holy Soul. Do you dare to shoot it?"

Wan Dong's words really shocked Huangfu Hua, and his face was full of incredible.

Wan Dong smiled and said, "How about a sword in your hand, and enemies against the sky? My sword can break through the sky, would I still be afraid of a worm?"

Although Wan Dong's voice is not big, but what he says is big, it can break through the sky!

Huang Fuhua's body couldn't help but be shocked, his eyes erupted in shock, marveled and appreciated, just like a volcanic eruption surging in his heart! The two sentences of Wandong District caused an uproar in his heart, which was never imagined by Huangfuhua!

"That's right! My Huangfu family has children like you, don't worry about prospering for another five hundred years!"

"Huaye, you are good!"

The heart sank down, the sword tactics of the blood slaughtered thousands of miles, immediately gleaming with bright golden light, bursting out in his mind. There is no need to mobilize at all. Wandong only needs to change his mind slightly, and the Zijin Divine Soldier has been swimming slowly between heaven and earth, drawing a path of profound mystery.

As soon as the expert shoots, he will know whether there is!

Wandong had just moved, Huang Fuhua's eyes seemed to have taken root in Wandong's body, and could no longer be moved. Wherever Wan Dong's sword pointed, Huang Fuhua's gaze moved to where there was no slight deviation.

A **** color diffused in the air and became a ‘blood cloud’ freely spreading around Wandong ’s body. With the spread of the sword, Wandong ’s whole person ’s momentum changed dramatically. Huang Fuhua's heart never jumped so fast.


At the same time, the Nine Nether Fire Dragon also smelled a dangerous smell and locked the violent dragon head to Wandong.

"Blood slaughter!"

Just like the four-character mantra, the blood cloud spreading out of Wandong's mouth suddenly gathered around it, and suddenly turned into a blood dragon, tumbling and roaring in the sky.

At this moment, Huang Fuhua's heart seemed to jump out of his throat, trembling violently. In a pair of eyes, there was even a shimmering light, and there was an unshakable awe between the eyebrows.

Only Huang Fuhua, a person who is deeply obsessed with kendo and has a deep understanding of it, can feel the laws of heaven and way contained in the blood and blood. Only the swordsmanship that contains the laws of heaven can be called the supreme swordsmanship.

The semi-sword technique that Huangfu Hua found in the ancestral chamber of Huangfu's ancestor Fei Sheng was only because he had a rule of heavenly law. But the swordsmanship is only half a stroke, and the law of heaven is not complete. Huang Fuhua can complete his moves, but he cannot complete the other half of the laws of heaven and earth that he lacks.

But the blood slaughter is thousands of miles different. The laws of heaven and Taoism are complete and traceable, and Huang Fuhua's breath is held.

The **** dragon-like sword spirit, with the domineering momentum of killing thousands of souls, slammed into the Nine Nether Fire Dragon.

This time, the Nine Nether Fire Dragon didn't choose to fight hard, but took a defensive position. The Nine Nether Yin Fire that enveloped the whole body suddenly broke out, actually generating a thick Nine Nether Yin Fire Wall, blocking the blood dragon sword qi.

With Wan Dong ’s cultivation practice, even if he is bleeding and killing thousands of miles, it is absolutely impossible for Jiu You Yin Fire Dragon. Blood Dragon Sword Qi is only entangled with Jiu You Yin Fire Dragon for a moment, and then it disintegrates, but Jiu You Yin Fire Dragon is nothing. Lossless.

But anyway, as long as Huang Fuhua can understand the fierceness of blood slaughter, it will be enough! Looking back, Huang Fuhua, who was almost stupid, Wan Dong knew that his goal was achieved.

"How about Lord Hua, how about my sword?" Wan Dong asked with a smirk.

"You are not a member of my Huangfu family at all. This sword move is not my Huangfu's sword move. Who are you?"


Wandong couldn't help but look at Huangfu's sharp, knife-like eyes.

Whether it is a sword fool, a knife fool, or any fool, most of them have a heartbreaking problem. Once Huang Fuhua struggled with this issue, it would be bad.

Just when Wandong was worried, Huang Fuhua's gaze suddenly changed, and Ling Li was replaced by cunning, before Wandong reacted, he knelt in front of Wandong with a thud, stunned. With three loud heads, the action is like thunder, and Wandong has no time to stop it.

"Master is on, please pray to the apprentice!"

"Apprentice ?!" Wan Dong couldn't help shivering, his face full of ashamed.

How can he be an apprentice to the strong man of the Holy Soul Realm? If this is closed, haven't you been thundered?

"Huaye, what are you doing? You can't do it, you can't do it!"

Wan Dong panicked Shen'er, and kept aside, and said repeatedly.

"What's wrong with this? You have something to teach me, that's my master! As for the rest, it's all floating clouds!"

Speaking of which, Huang Fuhua's free and easy showed that Wan Dong's heart was shaken.

As the ancients say, three people must have my teacher! The words are good, but in reality, how many people can really ask without shame?

Most of them are blinded by prejudices, bad habits, and inferiority in the secular world, and they set up many obstacles for the road of seeking the road out of thin air. No wonder, those masters, one by one, chose to avoid the world and conceal themselves. Isn't it just to get rid of these mundane and common sense?


The author's off-topic: The third is more! --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402492->

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