Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1078: First arrived at the Lin family!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

The Lin family is not far away from the ancient wilderness. Wan Dong and his colleagues walked for about three days and arrived at the Lin family.

Unlike the Dou Mountain where the Ping family lives, and the Wanling Valley where the Xiao family lives, the Lin headquarters is actually a city of considerable size. There are even dozens of feet tall, as if to be inserted directly into the city walls of the clouds. It looks magnificent and magnificent!

This is the Lin Family Headquarters-Linyang City, named after Lin Yang, the first generation ancestor of the Lin Family. In the Daomen World, it can be said that everyone knows!

This Linyang city, after dozens of generations of the Lin family and thousands of years of relay building, is now very huge. If there is a high enough mountain near Linyang City to overlook the whole picture of Linyang City, then you will find that Linyang City is even more prosperous than Yunzhong City, the capital city of the Qingyun Empire.

All the Sanpin families attached to the Lin family live in this city, and they also have to bear the responsibility for the safety of the arched city. This arrangement can control the Sanpin family attached to the Lin family more firmly. Secondly, it also greatly strengthens the defense of Linyang City, making this city solid as a golden soup, unbreakable!

Lin Yang, the first ancestor of the Lin family at that time, was able to make such an arrangement, showing his ambition!

Just like the Cloud City, in the middle of Linyang City, a vast area is separately drawn. The Lin family is like a royal family, entrenched in this, that is, to control the death of the whole city in the hands, but also declares that the Lin family is unique in its uniqueness. status.

As soon as Lin Chengxu and others entered Linyang City, they were immediately surrounded by stars in the center, of which Lin Chengxu was of course a well-deserved focus! Who would dare not stop the future Lord of Linyang City?

Listening to the compliments of praise from all directions, like mountains and tsunamis, Lin Chengxu's mood finally brightened.

Lin Chengxu's mood didn't pass this way back from the ancient wilderness, especially when he saw Wan Dong and Duan Lengyan hiding behind the team, whispering, when Qing Qing and I were, he could not wait to shave two pounds of black on his face gray!

Now finally at Linyang City, Lin Chengxu turned around and looked at Wandong in his own place. I saw Wandong's eyes as if they were not enough, and his face was full of novelty. His nose was full of cold when his nose was neutral. Hum, full of disdain.

Conceited in his heart, if this guy is a little bit of a heart, he should understand how humble he is in front of himself, then he should automatically withdraw from the competition with him, no longer entangle Duan Lengyan. Otherwise, he would not mind killing it!

"Yao Ting, look at that, it is not an ordinary drugstore. The panacea sold there is something that we have never heard of before. It will be of great benefit to you. I will take you to buy it in the future!"

When Lin Chengxu was yy's righteous, Duan Lengyan suddenly took Wan Dong's hand and pointed to a shop beside the road with an excited face, his voice was crisp and sweet, like a yellow warbler crying.

Lin Chengxu's mood just turned up, and he was suddenly destroyed, and his face suddenly turned black, only to feel that the overwhelming praises around him also became less pleasant. How can these boring people have a thousand words, which can withstand Duan Lengyan's look back?

With a big hand, Lin Chengxu said angrily, "It's not too late, two elders, let's go back home and go back to life!"

After speaking, without waiting for Lin Tai, Lu Cheng responded. Lin Chengxu turned black and arrogantly lined up the crowd and strode forward.

Wan Dong didn't care about Lin Chengxu's mood. The big city in this door really opened his eyes. The prosperity level is not inferior to the Yunzhong City. More importantly, the things sold in the shops around here are also varied. Its strangeness and many things have never been heard by Wandong. But one thing, if everything falls into the world, it will cause an earthquake-like sensation.

There is such a strong heaven and earth aura between heaven and earth, and there are so many magical treasures to choose from. The monks of the Daomen Great World, this life is really not good!

Of course, in addition to these things, there are many things that are the same as the world. For example, rouge gouache for women, cloth shop cloth pawnshops, **** shops, after all, in the world of Daomen, not everyone cultivates Taoism, everyone seeks immortality.

Duan Lengyan is already quite familiar with Linyang City. On this way, he walked and introduced Wan Dong to it with great dedication. Wan Dong is naturally satisfied, but Lin Chengxu's face is getting darker and darker. Whether intentional or unintentional, Wan Dong was considered to have offended Lin Chengxu this time.

"Master, two elders, you are back!"

As soon as a group of people approached Lin Fu, Fuzhong had received news. The gate opened, and a young man in his thirties, with a few handyman-like subordinates, greeted with smiles on both sides.

Lin Chengxu didn't look at the man, and stepped past him in one step. The young man was stunned for a while, only to find that Lin Chengxu's face was not ugly. I didn't dare to say anything, and then bowed and followed.

Lin Mansion is nominally a mansion, but it occupies an extremely large area, which is several times larger than the imperial city in the cloud. Like the Ping family and the Xiao family, the classification of the Lin family is also extremely strict. Each level has its own living space, and arbitrariness is never allowed.

Lin Chengxu took a few steps in front, suddenly fixed his body, and suddenly turned back, just to see Wan Dong and Duan Lengyan, and followed with a smile. Lin Chengxu's eyebrows were immediately raised, and Shen said, "Sister, the inner door is the inner door again. Will this kid follow?"

Duan Lengyan was stunned. She raised her eyebrows immediately. Of course she wanted to bring Wandong into the inner door, but the Lin family was well-formed. The disciples of the outer door entered the inner door. It will be very troublesome.

"Leng Yan, you go to you, I'm fine." Wan Dong didn't want Duan Lengyan to be too embarrassed and chuckled.

Duan Lengyan thought for a moment, then looked up at the young man who was behind Lin Chengxu, and said, "Deacon Liu, then trouble you to help me settle him down and take good care of it. I will be grateful."

Although Duan Lengyan just entered the Lin family not long ago, because of Lin Yingyang's favorite, he already has a considerable position in the Lin family. Liu An is just an outside deacon. The third-line disciples of the Lin family are not as good. Where dare to offend?

Upon hearing it, he nodded his answer, but unexpectedly Lin Chengxu beside him suddenly gave a cold grunt, and immediately surprised Liu An. Looking back hurriedly, Lin Chengxu stared at his pair to shoot out the knife.

Liuan, a little outside deacon, why did he experience such a battle? Standing there at this moment, trembling all over, his mind blank, completely ignorant of what to do.

Seeing such a situation, Duan Lengyan was irritated, but she was helpless. Even if Lin Yingyang trusted her again, her importance to the Lin family could not be better than Lin Chengxu. This made Duan Lengyan suddenly regret, perhaps should not bring Wan Dong into the Lin family.

This is entirely Lin Chengxu's site. If Lin Chengxu wants to be against him, it is really too easy.

"Cough ... Liu'an, this little brother is a good friend of Duan Shimei. You must listen to her and take good care of it."

Wu Jiaojiao smiled and patted Liu An on the shoulder, adding a word of ‘good’ to his voice.

Liu'an was so clever, and he knew everything when he was ready. Lin Chengxu is interested in Duan Lengyan, which is almost an open secret at the Lin family.

"Wu Jiao, what do you mean?" Duan Lengyan sternly reprimanded the most unfamiliar with Wu Jiao's shady appearance.

"Oh, sister Duan, I have a good intention. What are you doing?"

Wu Jiao's innocent appearance made Duan Lengyan's appetite even worse.

"Leng Yan, you don't have to worry about me, I will be fine." Wan Dongchong Duan Lengyan blinked and smiled.

Looking at the relaxed appearance of Wan Dong's faction, Duan Lengyan's mood not only did not relax, but tightened even more. I just thought that Wandong didn't know the depth, and I didn't understand that this is no longer a small world. With Wan Dong's cultivation of the peak of the yellow seed today, even among the outside disciples of the Lin family, he can't pull the tip.

"Sister, don't be stunned, Grandpa they should be in a hurry! Liu An, take him to the outside door to settle down!" Lin Chengxu waved impatiently at Liu Liuan.

Now that the matter is over, Duan Lengyan has no choice but to say to Wan Dongdao, "Yao Ting, you go first. I will see you after I see Master!"

Duan Lengyan thought that even if Lin Chengxu wanted to embarrass Wandong, as long as she was always with Wandong, he would not dare to come. But people are not as good as days, Duan Lengyan is farewell from Wan Dong this time, goodbye is actually a month later. This month, a lot has happened!

"What's your name?" After sending away Lin Chengxu and others, Liu An turned his head and looked at Wan Dong, frowning slightly.

"Xu Yaoting, met Deacon Liu!"

A disciple with a surname like Liu An must live in Lin's family. It must be a little smoother, just a means of self-preservation, so Wan Dong doesn't feel bad about him. Slightly owed his body, replied.

Liu An snorted and said, "It looks clever to you, how can you be so confused? How can you remember that section of sister?"

Wan Dong smiled, undecided.

Liu An sighed and said, "You haven't done well yet, but my head hurts first. You talk about this, Sister Duan on this side and Grand Master on one side, how do you let me treat you?"

"Deacon Liu doesn't have to be embarrassed! Whatever it is, as long as the eldest son is happy. As for Sister Duan, I will say that she will never be blamed on you!"

"Huh?" Liu An apparently did not expect Wan Dong to say that, and was surprised. But at the same time, it clearly showed some good feelings for Wan Dong.

After pondering for a moment, Liu Andao said, "You said so. If I embarrass you again, it would seem that I am not interesting. So, I will neither embarrass you nor take care of you. I will treat you as you treat others. how is it?"

Wan Dong smiled and clenched his fist, "Let the Deacon Liu ’s arrangement!" --By: dad856 | 55634 | 14486196->

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